Xing looked at Jackdaw: "Yes! Suiyang inside, come out quickly, otherwise we will set fire to it."

Looking at the two people calling Suiyang to Jackdaw, Taiwei said in confusion: "I said... what are you doing?"

Pei Guang: "Should I call you companion? Don't you Suiyang just like to invade people's bodies? But seeing how you look like this, you can still communicate easily after leaving the body, which is pretty good! Seeing that you are very sensible, I won't do anything to you. It's rough. By the way, why don't you call out Suiyang from her body? This will save us some trouble."

Tails: "Me? I can't do it, inside..."

Tai Wei wanted to say that there was no Suiyang in it, but Pei Guang interrupted him: "I understand, you can't affect each other, it's not a big problem. Since it doesn't want to come out, then I'll bake it." Anyway, no matter what it is, it can be cooked in ten minutes.”

Pei Guang snapped his fingers while speaking, and then the three-flavored true fire covered Jackdaw's body. The jackdaw was considered an ally, so the three-flavored true fire would not hurt her, but it would destroy the existence in her body that did not belong to her.

However, after the fire started, Pei Guang discovered something was wrong: "Hiss? What's going on? Is this Suiyang's mouth so hard? He didn't even say a word when he was burned by this fire?"

Xing said equally seriously: "That's right! Even Huanhu can't withstand your fire, but what's inside this person can actually withstand it."

Looking at the two people in front of him and the three-flavored real fire that frightened him, Taiwei was silent for a moment and then slowly said: "You two, do you think there is a possibility that there is no Suiyang in their bodies?"

Pei Guang: "Impossible!"

Star: "Absolutely impossible!"

Pei Guang: "Look at her, her body is weak, her eyes are dark, and she looks like her body has been hollowed out. She is a girl! Girls are very careful about their bodies! Who can hollow out her body except Sui Yang?" "

Xing: "That's right! How can our vision be wrong? Are you questioning us?"

Pei Guang held down the star: "Calm down! It's normal to question, but when others question it, we must firmly believe in our own judgment and our own vision!"

Xing: "Aguang, you are right!"

Tails looked at the two people and listened to their conversation, completely silent. He was really convinced that two mentally ill men broke into Suiyuan, which was surrounded by people from the Ten Kings Division.

What’s even scarier is resistance? Resistance is nothing! Didn’t you see that the three flavors are so popular? He didn't know why the jackdaw was fine when the fire burned him, but he was sure that the fire could definitely kill him.

Besides, Jackdaw and Huo Huo seemed to be fine, and at the same time, these two looked silly, but for some reason Taili always felt that these two really meant no harm, and were even really helping these two.

Because of this, Tai Tai didn't say much. If he said a few more words, he would be roasted and the gain would be greater than the gain.

Chapter 274 Huo Huo and the Toilet Ladder

"I am..."

Huo Huo woke up. While she was awake, she was still recalling what happened. She remembered clearly that she was reporting to Jackdaw, and then she heard Taili calling them.

"I seem to have drunk something very bitter but delicious, hmm~~"

While she was thinking, she was attracted by the light brought by the flames beside her. She turned around subconsciously and felt as if her heartbeat had stopped for half a beat.

She saw a blazing flame burning on Jackdaw's body, and next to Jackdaw, Xue Yi was curiously putting her hands on the fire.


This scene made Huo Huo shout subconsciously, and her body trembled unconsciously, but the sound of Tails beside her calmed her down.

"What are you yelling about? I really have never seen the world."


This familiar voice and tone made Huo Hao calm down. When she turned around and saw the familiar tail, she felt that her whole body had a backbone: "Tail! You are still alive!"

"What do you mean by this? You say it as if I am going to die? But I am indeed on the verge of death."

Xue Yi on the side heard the exchange between Huo Huo and Tai Wei, and Jackdaw, who was being cooked by the three flavors of real fire, turned his head: "Don't worry, this fire will not hurt me, but will drive away the evil spirits in my body and make me healthier. "

"Hey? Lord Jackdaw...are you okay?"

Jackdaw stood up and looked at Huo Huo: "It's okay, this flame is the flame that is enough to burn the illusion of Lord Pei Guang in the records, right? Don't worry, according to the records, this flame will only cause harm to Lord Pei Guang's enemies. "

When Jackdaw introduced, Pei Guang, who had been watching from the side, felt a little embarrassed: "Don't call me sir, I'm not used to this kind of respectful address. If possible, I would rather you call me by my name directly, or call me by my name." A resounding nickname!”

Star: "That's the Galaxy Bat Man!"

Pei Guang looked at Xing: "Is this yours?"

Pei Guang: "What's yours is mine, and what's mine is still mine. There's not a big difference."

Looking at this scene, Jackdaw asked with some confusion: "Pei Guang, I have a question, why are you using this fire..."

Pei Guang explained: "Oh! When we came here, we found that you and this little girl named Huo Huo were sneak attacked by Sui Yang, so we used our methods to prepare to deal with this Sui Yang, hiss! Who knew you The Sui Yang in my body seems to have received professional training and is so determined. I have been roasting with all my strength for such a long time, but I didn’t make a sound at all. This is admiration."

Xing nodded: "On the contrary, this tail is very sensible and has been chatting with us honestly. We think this tail can be treated leniently, but the Suiyang in your body must be severely punished!"

Pei Guang looked at Xing: "What a severe punishment? I guess it's all cooked by now and can't make any sound."

Xing was shocked: "Is it cooked? Is it cooked inside her body? What about our materials?"

Pei Guang: "Hey! Just treat it as food for her. It's not a big problem. According to Fu Xuan, there are a lot of Suiyang here. Just catch them one by one! You see her body has been destroyed by Suiyang like this. Use that Wouldn’t it be nice to have the roasted Suiyang tonic for her? But then again, you Suiyang are so strong-willed?”

Listening to the exchange between the two, Xue Yi, who had been silent for a long time, opened his mouth and finally closed it. Looking at her sister's appearance, Jackdaw realized something in an instant. She felt sure that these two people must have misunderstood something.

"Suiyang doesn't have the so-called strong will. They are energy parasites, and we are protected by talismans and will not be invaded by Suiyang. But here, I still thank you for your help. I didn't expect Huo Huo and I to be here. Enjoy the rare medicine you brought.”

When Jackdaw said this, Pei Guang and Xing's expressions froze for a moment, and the frozen tail who looked at the expressions of these two people suddenly became arrogant: "I just said, they don't have Suiyang in their bodies, you..."

However, before he could say anything, Pei Guang's wooden sword and Xing's bat were already clamped around his non-existent neck. At this moment, Tails swallowed the non-existent saliva and began to cry for help.

"Help, help!!!"

Jackdaw looked at this scene and said: "Let him go, he has not done any evil yet. Two pioneers, I don't know why you are here?"

Pei Guang: "Oh! Here's the thing, we are here this time just for Suiyang here..."

Since someone helped change the topic, Pei Guang opened the article at the speed of light.

Listening to Pei Guang's words, the four people present were stunned. Xue Yi had had contact with Dan Heng, Xi'er, and Yin Lang, but when he came into contact with them, it was generally normal.

After listening to Pei Guang's story, everyone felt bad, especially Sui Yang, who stuttered and said: "What, what did you say? Can you transform me? How is it possible..."

Pei Guang: "How is it impossible? Suiyang like you is here. I will personally transform it for you now. You will definitely believe me when the time comes!"

However, as soon as Pei Guang finished speaking, the tail flew behind Huo Huo and turned into a real tail: "I am not Suiyang! I am the tail! It is Huo Huo's tail."

Huo Huo: "Uncle Tai..."

Tails: "I'm not the uncle, I'm the tail!"

Under normal circumstances, no one can do anything against Suiyang. Because of this, Wei Wei is usually very arrogant, but he can't be arrogant when facing Pei Guang. Pei Guang's fire can really extinguish him.

Compared to being captured and synthesized by Pei Guang, he now feels that there is nothing wrong with being Huohao's tail. It's a good life to bully this cute little girl. It's better than being used as meat by this strange person. Is it stronger if roasted?

Pei Guang knelt down next to Huo Huo and looked at the tail that had turned into a tail: "Are you really a tail?"

Tails: "That's right! I am a tail! Go quickly, go quickly, catch other Suiyang, don't catch me."

Huo Huo also looked at Pei Guang: "That... Uncle Tai, um..."

Seeing Huo Huo's expression of not knowing how to speak, Pei Guang nodded: "Look, you don't want to be reformed? Then forget it, since you don't want to, I am very willing to respect other people's ideas, then I I don’t need you. Don’t worry, although my goal is Suiyang, if you get along well with humans and won’t hurt others, I won’t be rough with you. I am a very reasonable person. of."

Pei Guang could tell that both Tai Tai and Huo Huo valued each other, just like parasitic beasts. Xiaoyou and Shinichi couldn't believe it at first, but after getting along for a long time, neither one could live without the other.

But looking at this scene, Pei Guang thought of something: "Huo Huo, let me ask you a question, if someone wanted to take your tail away from you, would you be sad?"

Tails: "Her? How could it be? It's too late for her to be happy."

But Huo Huo gave Pei Guang the completely opposite answer: "Uncle Tai was snatched away...I..."

Huo Huo's tone changed. Looking at the little guy who looked like he was about to cry, Pei Guang patted her head: "Your expression has already told me the answer, so I will tell you bad news now, maybe now , or maybe in the near future, someone will definitely steal your tail.”

At this time, Xing also acted as a narrator.

"Everyone, please look! A Guang launched an invincible prophecy. When he meets a new friend, he will always see the tragedy in that person's future. Pei Guang, who doesn't want to see the tragedy, will provide help to that person and let that person survive. Overcome the difficulties and achieve a happy ending!”

Xue Yi: "Prophecy?"

Xing: "That's right! A Guang predicted the crisis in Luofu, and even predicted what would happen to my companions. Let me tell you, it's accurate! Just listen to A Guang, it's absolutely correct!"

When Xing was bragging here, Pei Guang turned to look at Xing: "How many times have I told you, don't put debuffs on me! Invincibility is a debuff! You have to put it on the enemy."

After complaining about it, Pei Guang turned his attention to Huo Huo. In Pei Guang's opinion, such a cute girl coupled with the setting of Suiyang, it would be okay if he didn't meet him as a player. If he met him as a player, he would have more opportunities in the future. Good fruit to eat?

No, that means there will definitely be no good fruit to eat, and you might even end up cutting yourself to eat.

If there is a second round, players will definitely aim to speed through it, but in the first round, Pei Guang doesn’t want to see the knife when he can guess it.

After thinking about this, Pei Guang's eyes became hot. Looking at the trembling girl who was already frightened by his gaze, Pei Guang put his hand on her shoulder.

"Huo Huo, right?"

Huo Huo: "Well... um... don't eat me, I don't taste good..."

Tails: "I think he doesn't want to eat you, he wants to eat me! Come on, stop shaking and treat me like a normal Tails."

Huo Huo: "I'm working hard..."

Huo Hao's legs began to shake. For some reason, being stared at like this made her feel like Pei Guang was a monster trying to eat people.

Looking at the scared girl, Pei Guang spoke: "You are scared, right?"

Huo Huo: “…”

Although he didn't speak, Pei Guang knew from her reaction that she was afraid, and Pei Guang crouched down and looked at her: "It's normal to be afraid. Even I will be afraid when I encounter an enemy I can't defeat..."

This sentence made Hao Hao calm down, and she also asked curiously: "Master Pei Guang, how do you control your fear?"

Pei Guang thought seriously: "Restraint? Why restraint? Fear is fear, it is part of my emotions. When I meet someone I can't beat, I will be afraid when I encounter something I'm afraid of! As for how I will face it Of course they are..."

At this moment, Huo Hao was attracted by the suspense in Pei Guang's words. She looked at Pei Guang curiously: "What should we do..."

Pei Guang: "Of course he ran away~"

Huo Huo: "Huh?"

Pei Guang said seriously: "It's reckless to attack an enemy you can't defeat."

Huo Huo was confused: "But if there are companions here, if you run away..."

Pei Guangzheng said solemnly: "Xing! What will we do if we encounter a monster that we can't defeat?"

Xing puffed up his chest and raised his head triumphantly: "Let's run together!"

Pei Guang: "That's right! If you have companions, let's run together and don't abandon them! Don't give up, just count them one by one and run away together. Running away is not shameful but also very useful. There is nothing shameful in admitting your weakness."

Huo Huo: "But..."

When Huo Huo hesitated, the tail behind her also spoke: "Hey, don't say anything yet! What he said makes sense. If you can't even kill me, your life will be in vain if you don't run away."

Huo Huo had another question at this time: "But what if the enemy catches up and cannot escape?"

Pei Guang: "Then what do you want to do?"

Huo Huo: "I..."

Huo Huo was silent, what should I do? She really thought about it, her idea was very naive, that is...

But Huo Huo knew his shortcomings. He was too weak and could not defeat those powerful enemies.

Looking at Huo Huo's expression, Pei Guang knew what the other party was thinking: "I know what you are thinking. Do you think you are weak? It doesn't matter! Since you know you are weak, just make yourself stronger. I have become stronger here. Do you want to learn the method?”

Hearing the word "become stronger", Huo Hao's heart was moved. She actually didn't have much desire to become stronger. But she hopes that she will not be a hindrance when encountering enemies.

While fear can make people flinch, it can also generate motivation in their hearts. At least now Huo Huo hopes that he can face those terrifying things.

Pei Guang: "Very good! In that case, come and complete my mission! Go ahead! Catch ten Sui Yang for me. I will use these ten Sui Yang to make a transformer for you, so that you can Transform and fight various powerful enemies. Remember, you are the only one in this process, and your tail cannot help you, otherwise the transformer I made will not be effective on you."

Huo Huo: "Ten?"

Pei Guang nodded: "That's right! As long as you can capture ten Suiyangs and come over, I can make you a transformer, so that you can make any of your attacks attack any monsters. This transformer is A symbol of light and miracle, as long as you can bring Suiyang, you can obtain this transformer and become light, destroying all darkness!"

Huo Huo: "Become the light...but I am alone, can I..."

Pei Guang nodded: "Hmm... It's not really possible. Let's do this. I'll give you a special prop. With this prop, anyone who sees it will be afraid of you. Give me your commonly used weapons and equipment."

Huo Huo obediently handed a flag to Pei Guang, and Pei Guang found a toilet pusher special effect in his backpack and hit it directly on the flag. In addition, he also installed the simplest fireworks special effect.

After finishing it, Pei Guang handed the flag to Huo Huo: "Here! I have enchanted your flag. It now has the power to scare everyone. Hold the flag and release what you have learned. Strong enemies cannot guarantee it, but here Suiyang should be fine, right?"

Zhizhi looked at the Jackdaw here and watched the flag in Huo Huo's hand turn into a toilet handle. He was silent. When Pei Guang asked this question, Jackdaw nodded silently: "Just talk about this weapon. …No one dares to come close.”

Xue Yi: "But..."

Jackdaw shook his head: "It's okay sister, Huo Huo's skills are enough to suppress Sui Yang here... With this, there will be no problem..."

Xue Yi was silent. She knew something about the special effects of weapons. If nothing else, Dan Heng's cute pink rabbit was a nightmare. But now... the people from the Ten Kings had a nightmare weapon that was no less than a cute rabbit?

Chapter 275 Huo Huo wielding the toilet pusher: "The mighty Tianlong!!!"

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