Ten Sui Yang can make an Ultraman transformation device, which can make the body enlarge or shrink at will, and can emit energy light waves.

If nine hundred and ninety-nine Sui Yang can be collected, it will be amazing. According to the system description, as long as its spiritual intelligence can be removed, it can even directly make a powerful existence similar to the God. However, the disadvantage is also obvious, and sufficient energy is needed to charge the God.

According to Pei Guang's understanding, if you really want to make a God, you must at least pull the support of a life force, otherwise it will be useless if you really make it.

Although the things made with Sui Yang are very powerful, there is also a disadvantage, that is, you need to provide energy for Sui Yang. Life force can be used, and pure energy can also be used, but according to the system description, the best energy to use is the energy burst out by human emotions.

If Sui Yang is used normally, then Sui Yang will only bring misfortune to people when it absorbs this energy, but after Pei Guang's hands, these Sui Yang can be like Chibi, using mysterious ways to obtain the power from human emotions, and the conversion efficiency is so high. When Sui Yang personally experiences it in the future, you will know how high it is.

As for what kind of emotional power to use, Pei Guang can set it. He can use the power of the girl's despair, or the power of a miracle full of hope. Even the energy of Qingque is not impossible. As a producer, he has the authority to set it. It's just that the energy generated by different emotions is indeed different. Considering efficiency, Pei Guang will definitely choose the more efficient one when making it.

At the same time, when making it, you can choose whether to keep Sui Yang's consciousness. For example, for the five-in-one one, you can choose to keep all five or none of them, or keep whoever you like. There is no limit. However, if Sui Yang takes the initiative to apply to be made into these things, then Pei Guang must keep his will.

Pei Guang understands this setting. It conforms to common sense to a certain extent. It is not a bad thing to sew this.

It is precisely because he saw these things unlocked by his system that Pei Guang squatted beside Xi Yan and poked it, because Pei Guang was considering how to deal with Sui Yang. Is it to make a substitute? Or save a little to make a transformation stick or a transformation device? Or save more to make an invincible god?

Chapter 273 Sneaking into Suiyuan, the judge of the Ten Kings was captured

"A Guang? Is there anything new about Sui Yang for you?" Qingque's voice interrupted Pei Guang's research.

Pei Guang came back to his senses and looked at Qingque: "What do you mean? I found that I can use this thing to make some useful things, not just to provide energy, but something more useful."

Hearing this, Fu Xuan was surprised: "What? You mean..., um! If it's you, it's possible, but what is the specific use?"

Pei Guang explained what he could make, especially when he heard Pei Guang say that Sui Yang could transform emotions into power without causing any harm to the body, Fu Xuan looked like he had seen a ghost.

In this universe, there is indeed a way to transform emotions into energy, but if Pei Guang's method is valid...

Fu Xuan excitedly grabbed Pei Guang's hand: "Please Pei Guang! Please transform Sui Yang into what you said."

Pei Guang: "I want to too! But there is only one Sui Yang."

Fu Xuan said: "The Creation Furnace is damaged, and many Sui Yang have already run to various places in Luofu. These Sui Yang were originally to be sealed. Since you are useful... we just ask you to do this... we don't have the corresponding reward..."

Pei Guang has helped Luofu too much, and she doesn't know how to repay Pei Guang's favor.

Pei Guang: "Don't know what reward to give? Then owe it first, anyway, you are not the kind of person who owes debts and doesn't pay them back, not to mention that I am actually looking forward to those transformation devices."

Pei Guang is not very interested in a substitute or a spirit behind Sui Yang. Unless he has healing abilities, Pei Guang has no interest at all.

But Pei Guang is very interested in the five-in-one or even ten-in-one. If you gather five, you can turn into a Kamen Rider or a Magical Girl. If you gather ten, you can transform into Ultraman who can grow or shrink at will. This makes Pei Guang very interested.

Fu Xuan: "No, making friends must be mutual. What's the point of owing them? I..."

Pei Guang: "It's simple! You can tell the difference, so you can help me figure out where these guys are, and use this clue as a reward."

Fu Xuan: "This... is also OK?"

Pei Guang: "Why not? If there are not enough clues, you let me search all over the world by myself. How long will it take?"

Fu Xuan thought for a moment and nodded: "I really know where Sui Yang is. After Sui Yang escaped from the Creation Furnace, most of them were concentrated in one place. That place is called Suiyuan, but..."

Fu Xuan was embarrassed. That place is now blocked by the Ten Kings Division. Liu Yu and the Ten Kings Division are not the same department at all. Liu Yu cannot interfere with the Ten Kings Division.

But then Fu Xuan slapped his head and said, "Really, your thinking is rigid, A Guang! I know where Sui Yang is, but that place is not my responsibility. You need to go there and communicate with the people there in person, but I believe you can definitely convince them. No! If those people knew your ability, they would definitely cooperate with you." Fu Xuan was sure that as long as Pei Guang went there and explained his ability, Pei Guang's actions would definitely be allowed. At the same time, Fu Xuan was also sure that the information that he and Jing Yuan could obtain through their own methods, there was no reason for the Ten Kings not to know, and if he knew, it would definitely provide some convenience for Pei Guang's actions.

Pei Guang: "No problem, just tell me the location and I'll go there in person. By the way, Fu Xuan and Qing Que, I'll make you a transformer, transformation stick or something like that when the time comes? What type do you want?"

Qingque: "Me? Can you help me play the Emperor Yuan Qiongyu card?"

Fu Xuan: "Qingque!!!"

Pei Guang waved his hand: "It's okay, it's okay~ I've written down your request~ Remember to reward~"

Qingque gave a thumbs up to Pei Guang: "No problem, I will prepare a set of limited edition Emperor Yuan Qiongyu cards for you when the time comes!"

Pei Guang also gave Qingque a thumbs up. Looking at the two people who got along so well, Fu Xuan sighed: "I really lost to you. As for me, I'll do whatever you want. I like all the gifts you give me. As for rewards, Well~ Humph! You will get Ben Taibu’s favor, a lot of favor.”

Fu Xuan couldn't think of any material rewards to give. Players are easy to pass up, so just give them favor.

But in fact, Fu Xuan also said so. In fact, Fu Xuan valued relationships very much. Just because she could see the future, she didn't dare to make friends since her master died.

Hearing Fu Xuan's reward, Pei Guang was very happy: "Then just wait and give me a good impression. No more words, I'm going!!!"

Pei Guang set out for Suiyuan, but after taking a few steps, he retreated.

"Where is Suiyuan? How should I go?" Pei Guang looked at Fu Xuan and Qingque awkwardly. He was in such a hurry just now that he forgot to ask where this location is.

Fu Xuan: "The location is..."

Fu Xuan gave the location to Pei Guang, and after taking a look at the specific direction, Pei Guang strolled towards Suiyuan.

According to the location given by Fu Xuan, Pei Guang drove the Xingcha happily to Suiyuan. When he arrived at the Xingcha ferry in Suiyuan, Pei Guang stepped off the Xingcha and put it away.

Pei Guang admired the appearance of this cave.

"Not bad! It's dark and quiet all around, with a kind of ghostly beauty. This is simply a standard scene in a horror movie. At this time, someone says, "Let's go separate ways?" It's absolutely amazing! Wait? Aren't I going alone now? ?”

Pei Guang thought about it for a moment, isn't he now a must-die character in a horror movie? You know there is danger here, but you still come?

After complaining in his heart, Pei Guang happily acted.

"Suiyang~where are you~"

"Sui Yang~ Pei Guang is here~"

"Suiyang baby~come out~"

Anyway, there is no one around, why is Pei Guang perverted? Besides, he came here to catch Suiyang. If his voice can attract a few Suiyang, wouldn't it save him trouble?

However, while Pei Guang was exploring, Pei Guang's cell phone suddenly rang. He picked it up and saw that it was a message from Xing.

Xing: "Aguang! We have defeated Jojo, and we are ready to go back. Huh? Aguang? Why are you on the new map? Is there something fun that you didn't call me for? Aguang, don't move, I'll do it Already~"

Before Pei Guang could send the message, Xing teleported directly to Pei Guang. Pei Guang was not surprised by Xing's arrival, but when he saw only one person coming from Xing, Pei Guang was silent for a moment, and then asked, "I have a question...why didn't Qi'er follow?"

Xing: "She said she was too tired today. She should go to bed early and fall asleep now. I originally planned to sleep, but I saw you in a new place, hehe~"

At this moment, a smile appeared on Xing's face, and his eyebrows were raised vigorously. Today is such a coincidence. On March 7th, she happened to be tired from playing and took a rest early. As a result, she saw that the good guy Pei Guang had gone to a new place, so she came over to take a look.

This time she was more sure of her thoughts, and looking at this gloomy place, Xing could confirm that this time she and Pei Guang would be alone! She and Pei Guang want to do something secretly that March Qi cannot know, such as... staying up late to play games together!

The thought of being able to play games with Pei Guang all night made Xingquan feel proud.

"Is that so? Then let's bring the good things to Qi'er after we're done."

Xing: "Good stuff? What good stuff?"

Pei Guang: "That's..."

Pei Guang explained the information he got. Listening to Pei Guang's words, Xing became excited.

"What? Are there still these interesting things? Then let's act quickly and try to pick all the Suiyang here in one night!"

Xing took out the bat and was eager to try it. She was super interested in what Pei Guang said, especially the fact that she could make something similar to a god. This directly made Xing excited.

She now has a bold idea to make something similar to Shen Jun, change the weapon into a toilet pusher, and then have a big battle with Shen Jun! She wanted to see which one was more powerful, the toilet scraper or the spoon.

Seeing Xing's excited look, Pei Guang spoke expectantly: "I can tell from your expression that you have some bad idea, but it's not a big problem. Let's implement it together."

Xing: "Hey! But when the time comes, we will need a special effect for the toilet pusher weapon, I don't know..."

Listening to Xing's words, Pei Guang guessed her plan at once. At this moment, he also imagined the scene of the toilet pusher fighting against the god. At this moment, Pei Guang was also excited.

"No, when you say that, I suddenly have a sense of pictures. Let's walk! Fu Xuan said, this is all Sui Yang. Let's capture all the Sui Yang here. Although there is a high probability that we will not be able to make the number of gods. , but we can get bigger and poke Jingyuan’s god with a toilet shovel.

The smile on Xing's face became even brighter at this moment: "The flame spear poked the Star God's butt, and the toilet pusher poked the Star God's envoy. As expected of A Guang, perfect!"

Pei Guang: "No, it was your intelligence that woke me up."

After the two people boasted to each other, they took action, and in the gloomy-looking Suiyuan, there was another voice that was equally scary as Pei Guang.

The two of them walked like this for a while. Xing noticed that there was no Sui Yang, so he asked in a low voice: "Ah Guang, do you think there is a possibility that these guys are afraid of us as soon as we open our mouths? How about we sneak in secretly and shout Don’t want it?”

Pei Guang: "Good guy, the way you spoke at the end was more or less like a lieutenant, but what you said makes sense. This kind of monster must be afraid of people. Since we can't shout out, let's sneak in."

Pei Guang thinks Xing is right. After all, in horror games, players with the ability to counterattack and those without the ability to counterattack are two different games. Team play and single player are two different games.

Now that he has formed a team and has the ability to counterattack, these Suiyang fears are what he should be doing.

So the two people squatted down and sneaked into the Suiyuan. After walking for a while, they saw a group of Youfu Wu Bian patrolling not far away.

Youfu Wuben is the one who follows the judge of the Ten Kings Division. Seeing this group of people, Pei Guang whispered: "I understand! I understand everything. We should have been on the periphery just now. If we want to find Suiyang, we have to enter Surrounded interior, no wonder.”

Xing: "Then how do we get in? They seem to be surrounding us very tightly..."

Pei Guang smiled: "Humph! Of course it's the old way."

While talking, Pei Guang took out a bottle of coffee. Looking at the coffee that Pei Guang took out, Xing also took out a bottle excitedly.

The two smiled at each other and moved towards different goals at the same time.

For Pei Guang and Xing, infiltrating is simply a common occurrence. From wanderers to mechs to demon Yin Shen and Youfu Wu Ben, countless people have been knocked down by these along the way.

At the same time, the two people accumulated a lot of experience in sneak attacks again and again. These two people quietly brought down a group of Youfu Wuben. Looking at the sleeping people on the ground, Pei Guang nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good! The peripheral ones are down, and then we can collect Suiyang openly. Wait? My initial plan seems not to be like this..."

Pei Guang had a great time, but while he was having fun, Pei Guang suddenly realized something. He originally planned to come in openly and communicate with the people of the Ten Kings Division, but why did he turn into a sneak attack and a sneak attack?

But looking at the happy Xing next to him, Pei Guang thought about it and found that there seemed to be no problem. Who said that sneak attacks can't be carried out when you can go through the main entrance?

Besides, since you have chosen the infiltration line, just start playing.

Xing: "It's not a big problem. With Ah Guang here, I feel invincible. Hey! Ah Guang, look, could the guy in front be Sui Yang?"

So far, Xing doesn't know what Sui Yang looks like, but according to Pei Guang's description, she thinks Sui Yang is a ghost? And in front of her, she saw a 'ghost'. She has a humanoid shape and a very good figure, but her face is unusually white, not the color of a normal person at all.

There are big dark circles on his face, as if the words "I am not a human" are written on his face. What is it if he is not a human in such a gloomy environment? It must be Suiyang!

Pei Guang looked at the person not far away and thought deeply: "It looks like I have been in contact with a Suiyang so far, but according to Fu Xuan, Suiyang will invade a person's body, and if he doesn't leave for a long time, he will even die. Let's die. If you look at her and stand there motionless, you'll know she's suffering from heat stroke. She's been invaded by Sui Yang. Let's knock her down."

Star: "Let's go, let's go!"

Pei Guang took the lead behind the Star Hall, and the two of them moved forward. However, as they were walking, a green-haired girl suddenly appeared and interrupted their movements. The green-haired girl didn't see them, but walked towards the white-haired girl named Jackdaw and said something while shaking her legs.

At this moment, Pei Guang saw the girl's tail: "Xing! Look, this girl's tail is also Suiyang. Damn it! These monsters actually eat the girl's tail? Are they cannibals after eating the tail now? Just right! There are two people here, one for you and one for me, we are all saved."

Xing: "No problem! I'll put the little one down."

Pei Guang: "I'll put down the big one!"

The two of them moved quietly, and while they were moving, the green-haired girl named Huo Huo noticed something strange on her tail: "Huh? Are I dazzled? Why do I feel like there are two people here?"

Huo Hao's tail looked in the direction of Pei Guang and Xing Zai. He seemed to see people, but he seemed not to see them. Tails, who looked a bit like Big Big Wolf, pondered for a moment and suddenly realized something was wrong.


However, his words were already too late. When he said these words, he saw a man and a woman suddenly appear behind Jackdaw and Hugo. He wanted to scare these two people away at this moment, but when his power touched Pei Guang, this power had no effect.

Tails' actions alerted Jackdaw and Huo Huo, but unfortunately, as judges of the Ten Kings, they were experienced, but as NPCs to counter the players, they had zero experience.

I saw Pei Guang and Xing each holding a bottle of coffee, and when they turned around, they poked it into each other's mouths at the same time.



At this moment, Jackdaw felt a warm, bitter but full of aftertaste liquid enter her mouth. When the liquid entered her mouth, she could clearly see the appearance of the person who was attacking.

"Pei Guang?"

This was the name Jackdaw thought of in her heart. She knew Pei Guang and had heard of Pei Guang's deeds, but she didn't understand why Pei Guang appeared here and attacked her secretly? According to the information I collected, could it be said that I am going to become a demon?

Unlike the jackdaw, Huo Huo on the other side was frightened. The moment she was force-fed by Xing, she had only one thought.

"My life is at stake!"

However, the thoughts in the two people's minds only flashed for a moment and then stopped, because after enough coffee entered their mouths, the two people fell into a baby-like sleep.

It's a pity that the two of them are not pure enough to chat with Commander Hei.

Looking at the two people who were knocked down, Hao Hao's tail became fierce at this moment. However, before he could become fierce, his whole body suddenly stood still. Because he saw a ball of fire appearing in Pei Guang's hand.

This mass may have given him an instinctive fear of death? He wasn't afraid. What really frightened him was that the fire seemed to be able to make him into food and then allow him to be eaten?

joke! If he died in battle, he could brag about it for the rest of his life, but would he be made into food and eaten? What kind of torture is this?

But he wouldn't let him go without a fight: "Who are you? How dare you sneak attack the judge of the Ten Kings Division?"

Pei Guang: "Sneak attack? Were they sneak attacked by you Suiyang? Damn it! The Suiyang in this person's body can't come out? This is not possible."

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