March 7 adjusted her mood: "Okay, let me give it a try. By the way... I haven't touched the heater yet. This thing looks red hot. If I put my hand on it, my thin skin and tender meat might not turn golden." Crispy, if Aguang and Xing were here, they would definitely make a plate of fried chicken with my hands, right?”

Fu Xuan said calmly: "It's okay, this is the memory space. As long as you haven't been burned by it in reality, then your memory will naturally not be hurt by it."

March 7 looked at Fu Xuan: "How about you try touching it first?"

Fu Xuan looked at the cautious March Qi and raised his eyebrows and grabbed March Qi's wrist: "Stop talking nonsense and touch it for me!"

March 7: "Oh, oh, oh! Don't hold my hand! Hot, hot, hot, hot!!!"

With March Qi's cry, the surrounding environment changed instantly. However, when the scene changed, March Qi was stunned for a moment because she vaguely saw a few words.

[March 7, don’t look back, keep moving forward]

At that moment of confusion, March Qi noticed that the surrounding environment had changed, and she realized that this time she had arrived at Fort Clipper.

Although the scene was changed, March Qi felt that the burning feeling on her hands did not disappear: "Oh my god, it burned me to death! Did you agree that things that didn't happen in reality won't burn me?"

Fu Xuan complained in turn: "I said you won't be burned, but I didn't say you won't be burned. As long as you can understand burning, the memory will automatically make up for your feelings. Huh? This is Bei Luobo Not cold at all?"

Fu Xuan looked around. The surroundings were not as snowy as she imagined. They were in a large-looking room.

March 7 nodded: "Huh? I feel so cold."

Fu Xuan: "Mostly because I have never really been to a bitter cold place. Come on, you can experience the coldness of your own experience. I can be of some help by going through the Luofu period with you. But now Beloberg, you can only rely on yourself to identify the source of the interference and let the foreign object appear. "

March Qi put her hands on her hips and looked at Pei Guang, who was hitting Cocolia on the head with a garbage bag not far away. She smiled proudly and said: "Don't worry, I already understand everything, and I already have a way to skip class. "

Hearing March 7th's words, Fu Xuan nodded, but then he thought of something and asked directly: "There is one more thing, I have to ask clearly, is it possible that you have experienced great pain. Sometimes people automatically Avoiding pain, I don’t know if you’ve noticed that, except Pei Guang, everyone you communicate with is trying to persuade you not to continue to remember.”

After pursing his lips, Fu Xuan continued: "This is like what your subconscious said to yourself. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that your memory has been interfered by external forces, and someone left hints in your brain to prevent you from thinking about it. What's up."

March 7 put her hands on her hips and thought: "I don't feel that I am that important. There are still people who go to great lengths to seal my memory..."

Seeing March Qi thinking, Fu Xuan continued: "But you don't remember anything, do you?"

March 7th thought: "Actually... Aguang had a little guess about my memory before. He guessed whether my memory was sealed by the power of the Star God or the messenger. At that time, I was thinking about this. It's impossible, but you know what? A Guang is super powerful. His guess is not 100% correct, but it is definitely on the right path. So now I think A Guang's guess is correct and has that kind of power. The existence of my memory is sealed. If this is the case, then I have to explore even more. I can’t let my memory go unpunished, right? This girl is ready. As long as I find the bad guy who sealed my memory, I will treat it to him. Special cuisine from Aguang, mixed garbage!”

After hearing what March 7 said, Fu Xuan said with interest: "Interesting, interesting, I am becoming more and more interested in this matter."

Fu Xuan's body disappeared here, because next it was up to March Qi to find abnormalities on her own, and she wouldn't give March Qi much help if she stayed here.

When Fu Xuan left, March 7th looked around. In the empty Clipper Castle, Pei Guang was taking turns with a garbage bag and knocking Cocolia's head on the ground.

Next to the bookshelf on the other side, Xi'er was reading a book seriously, while Bronya was sitting in front of a trash can, savoring the delicious smell from the trash can.

Seeing this scene, Fu Xuan couldn't help but complain: "Does this Beloberg guy have any special hobby for garbage?"

Although this is March Qi's memory, and the memory is somewhat distorted compared to reality, no matter how distorted it is, it still has a certain realistic logic. At least in March Qi's eyes, this girl has a soft spot for garbage.

March 7 scratched her head and smiled awkwardly: "Her name is Bronya. After seeing Aguang and Xing being able to find treasures in the trash can, they wanted to try to see if they could find a rescue in the trash can. Belloberg’s treasure, but she didn’t succeed even once along the way, it’s so miserable. Besides, Master Taibu, don’t you also like the trash can that Aguang gave you?”

Thinking of Bronya, a cheerful smile appeared on March 7th's face. Now carefully recalling Beloberg's experience, that experience was really interesting.

Upon hearing this, Fu Xuan immediately lost his voice and said: "I don't like it, that's just, that's just..."

March 7th said with a bad smile: "Just what?"

Fu Xuan: "Humph! It's not important. You should quickly find out what's wrong here."

Listening to Fu Xuan's words, March Qi smiled happily, but soon she couldn't be happy anymore because she couldn't tell which of these people were real, because these people had all been seen in Beloberg .

March 7: "It's so hard to choose! I have it! A Guang~~~~"

The moment March Qi shouted these words, the memory Pei Guang, who was hitting Cocolia on the head with a garbage bag, suddenly looked at March Qi.

"Qi'er~ Do you have any mission?"

After hearing Pei Guang's words and seeing Pei Guang's reaction, Fu Xuan couldn't help but complain: "As expected of him, in both memories, he only thinks about the mission."

March 7: "Oh~ Aguang is like that, um~ How should I put it? I feel like he is quite confused sometimes. He just relies on tasks to drive himself, restrain himself, and do something he thinks is right. Let me tell you , Don’t look at A Guang’s madness, he is actually quite simple at heart.”

Fu Xuan: "I know, I know, stop showing off here and get down to business first."

At this time, the memory Pei Guang has arrived in front of March Qi: "Qi'er, do you have any mission?"

Can feel the memory Pei Guang approaching, March 7 said: "Ah Guang! I am looking for my memory, but the process of my memory search is distorted. I don't know who should not appear in my memory. Can you help me?" Help me? Well! The mission reward is a lot of favor~"

Hearing March Qi's words, Pei Guang, the memory man, blinked with dull eyes: "The mission has been accepted. Eliminate the abnormal parts of March Qi's memory."

After Pei Guang said these words, March Qi noticed that Pei Guang suddenly took out the Star Destroyer certification. As the Star Destroyer certification appeared, March Qi and Fu Xuan heard the certification uploaded and made people sweat. A trembling voice.

"The induction is on, the front is clear, jump is allowed, and I wish you good luck in martial arts."

"Who called the fleet!"

"Our fleet covers the sky, no matter how many suns there are in the sky."

"Hostile target detected, Miss March Seven, support from the commander will arrive in three seconds."




A dazzling light fell from the sky, and everyone in the room except March 7 was enveloped in the light and then disappeared, including Pei Guang, who accepted the mission.

She didn't know why, even though he was not the real Pei Guang, she felt distressed when she saw him disappear.

She was questioning whether she should look for the past, but when she had this idea, she thought of Pei Guang. Pei Guang was so supportive of her. If he gave up at this moment, wouldn't he be living up to Pei Guang's expectations?

Maybe if you look back to the past, your past memories will not admit the feelings in your heart, but March 7 will never allow it, or allow a person with incomplete memory to accompany Pei Guang.

The person standing next to Pei Guang must be her in the past, present, and future. Even if she is no longer March 7th at that time, she is not afraid because she believes...

"Aguang will definitely be able to find me!"

March 7th said this with conviction, and when she said this, Fu Xuan appeared next to her and complained: "Okay, you can say this kind of thing in front of him, Don’t talk about it here. It seems that Pei Guang plays a very important role in your memory, but it’s interesting how Pei Guang’s memory can escape the influence of your memory and do such completely unreasonable things..."

Fu Xuan really didn't know how to complain. As long as Pei Guang's affairs were involved, it would become very weird.

Just like this time, Pei Guang's body is clearly outside, but he can always be seen in his memory, and the memory can do things that his body can't do. It's simply too scary, okay?

While Fu Xuan was complaining in his heart, March Qi on the other side made a new discovery. Just where the memory Pei Guang was, a monitor appeared, and a message appeared on the monitor.

"Remember the mission rewards!!!!"

Looking at the five big exclamation marks on the message, March Qi couldn't help but smile: "As expected of Ah Guang, even the memory can't forget his reward! I've given you a lot of favor."

While March 7 was complaining, Pei Guang, who was waiting outside, found that another reminder that March 7 had given him a lot of favor appeared in the system.

"No, I haven't done anything here, but you're so fond of me, I'm so panicked!"

When Xing heard Pei Guang's complaints from the side, he said directly: "Did March give you a favorable impression? Since you are panicked, why don't you go in and take a look?"

Pei Guang shook his head: "Don't worry, just wait until Qi'er comes out and ask her again. Besides, these are her memories. There are secrets in everyone's hearts in the memories, secrets that even people with the best relationship don't want to see. If you go in and see Qi'er's secret, even if she doesn't say anything, she will be unhappy. "

Xing: "You just love March, won't you love me?"

Pei Guang: "You pat your conscience and say, I don't tolerate you?"

Xing patted his chest: "Hey~ I have no conscience!"

While they were messing around outside, March Qi had already entered deeper into her memory. This time she came to the Black Tower Space Station, and looking at the birth beside her, March Qi thought of something.

"I remembered that this experience was before we met A Guang and Xing. Hehe~ Let me see what A Guang looked like back then. At that time, I was frightened by A Guang, which caused me to have a long-term relationship with him. Ah Guang is very wary. It’s a pity that he didn’t take a closer look at what A Guang looked like at the beginning. Hey~ Fu Xuan, let’s see how interesting the original A Guang was, huh? Master Taibu? symbol!!!"

March 7th called Fu Xuan, but at this moment, Fu Xuan lost his voice.

At the same time, outside the Qiong Guan Formation, Fu Xuan felt the feedback from the Qiong Guan Formation, and his whole expression twisted together. The Qongguan Formation was disturbed, disturbed by a very powerful force.

But March 7th's consciousness was still in the Qongguan Formation, and even Beloberg's dignity didn't know what was happening in the Qiongguan Formation at this moment.

"Damn it! Got it!"

Fu Xuan made a quick decision and immediately shouted to Pei Guang, who was not far away: "A Guang, come here quickly! Something has gone wrong and I need you!"

Chapter 228 Angry March 7

In the Taibo Department, Pei Guang was carefully packing his backpack when he suddenly heard Fu Xuan's call and was stunned for a moment.

"What's wrong? What happened? What accident happened? Did Qi'er encounter an accident and lose contact with you?"

Fu Xuan maintained his poor view while complaining: "You know it is quite detailed. She was cut off by an unknown force after she recalled the space station on March 7."

Pei Guang: "Stop talking and tell me what to do next."

Fu Xuan: "Come to me, and I will send your consciousness to the Qiong Guan Formation. Your existence has very little influence on the Qiong Guan Formation. If they don't even take the initiative to divine you, the Qiong Guan Formation won't even bother to pay attention to you. You It’s just right to go in. “

Pei Guang: "Understood!"

Pei Guang didn't say much, and went directly to the Qionguan Formation. Fu Xuan controlled the Qiongguan Formation and prepared to send Pei Guang's consciousness into it, but when she was operating, she saw something that shocked her.

Pei Guang directly entered the Qionguan Formation.

Fu Xuan: "What's going on?"

Xing on the side waved his hand and said: "Don't make such a fuss, okay? That's A Guang's characteristic. He can directly enter the world of the system and complete the task with us."

When Pei Guang entered the simulated universe, he entered it physically. The Black Tower later synchronized this matter with everyone, and no one felt much about it.

Xingya just said: "As expected of Aguang, he easily accomplished what we couldn't do, and then he disappeared."

It was Pei Guang who did such a thing! What's all the fuss about?

Fu Xuan: "Huh?"

Fu Xuan finally discovered it. After knowing Pei Guang for a long time, there were more and more things that puzzled her.

Fu Xuan sighed: "Forget it, no matter what the situation is, now I just hope that Aguang will not damage my Qionguan Formation. If it is damaged, it will make me feel bad."

Xing waved his hand: "Hey~ Ah Fu, you are too nervous. Who went in? Ah Guang went in. If Ah Guang really broke it for you, you should be happy."

Fu Xuan: "Should I still be happy?"

Xing said calmly and wisely: "If it's really broken, just give Aguang a task and ask him to repair your Qiongguan Formation. Believe me, he can repair it for you in a few days. It can even strengthen it for you. At the same time, you can rest assured that although A Guang has a strong desire for destruction, he also has a very good heart. From the time he met A Guang until now, A Guang has never truly broken things. Something valuable and useful to others.”

Fu Xuan: "What you said seems true. At that time, when you were searching around in Taipusi, all we had was food, drink, and damaged parts. All kinds of information and texts were destroyed. He sorted it out and handed it over to the corresponding person. But because of this, sometimes I don’t want to trouble him, and he will do his best when sending a task. This kind of behavior always feels like cheating. "

Xing: "Hey~ you worry too much, Ah Guang's heart~ It's very simple, if you are good to him, he will be good to you. If you treat him as one of his own, he will treat you as one of his own. If you treat him well, he will treat you as one of his own." If he treats you as a lover, he will treat you as a lover.”

Fu Xuan: "Wait? Is there something wrong with this?"

Xing gave a thumbs up: "There's nothing wrong at all!"

At this moment, Xing's eyes were once again filled with wisdom. Looking back on his encounter with Pei Guang, Xing felt that if it weren't for Pei Guang, he might not have said so much.

Fu Xuan: "Wait? There's something strange about the Qiongguan Formation!"

The strange thing that Qiong Guanzhen reported back made Fu Xuan alert, but when she paid attention, Fu Xuan was stunned.

Because the feedback from Qionguanzhen was that Pei Guang and Liuguang Yiting had cooperated.

Fu Xuan: "Wait? What happened? Why did you cooperate with Liu Guang Yi Ting? Wait? Can we contact you on March 7?"

It seemed that Fu Xuan and Xing had been chatting for a long time, but Fu Xuan had been paying attention to the news on March 7 during the chat. He just felt that something was wrong with what Xing said. He was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the formation. At the same time, Pei Guang went to kill Liu Guang Yi Ting? what happened?

Fu Xuan didn't know what happened specifically, but if March Qi could contact her, she directly contacted March Qi.

"March! March! Can you hear me?"

Following Fu Xuan's call, in the Qiong Guan Formation, March 7 hurriedly responded: "You can hear me! Fu Xuan, let me tell you, something terrible just happened."

Fu Xuan: "What happened?"

March 7: "I just met A Guang at the place where I met A Guang and Xing for the first time. Then..."

The time went back to a few minutes ago when March 7 could not contact Fu Xuan.

"Lord Taibu? Can you hear me? Ah Fu???"

Fu Xuan didn't respond, and March 7th sounded a little scared: "Fu Xuan is not here, and I suddenly feel a little scared."

March 7 looked around nervously. Although she was curious about what was going on, she always felt terrible when no one was with her.

After shouting for a few times but no one responded, March Qi swallowed: "There is no way, I can only rely on myself this time, hey! Aguang is here too, this time, it's solved~"

March 7 noticed that at the end of the containment room, Pei Guang and Xing in the memory were communicating.

March Qi happily walked over and greeted Pei Guang, the memory: "A Guang, it's me~your Qi'er~I need your help~"

March Qi is very happy now. Pei Guang helped her in two consecutive memories, which makes March Qi trust Pei Guang even more.

She didn't know whether this trust or dependence was good or bad, but March Qi knew that everything would be stable for Pei Guang.

However, when March Qi came over, both memory Pei Guang and Xing looked at March Qi.

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