When Fu Xuan thought of the scene he saw in the Qiongguan Formation, he felt his heartbeat speeding up, especially when he saw the mosaic of himself in Pei Guang's memory at that time. Fu Xuan felt his heart pounding just by being seen.

Thinking of this, Fu Xuan found that he had gone off topic, so he hurriedly explained: "March's memory is unreliable. In order to make the Qiongguan Formation more accurate, you have to provide something related to your past experience, anything is fine. If you are ready, come to me in the Qiongguan Formation."

March Seven: "If it is something related to experience, I have it ready~"

Fu Xuan: "Then let's go to the Qiongguan Formation together."

Fu Xuan led everyone to the Qiongguan Formation. When they arrived at the Qiongguan Formation, Fu Xuan looked at March Seven: "Take out the things about the past. You should have a lot of souvenirs from your journey that can bring back memories?"

March Seven: "One I have a lot of things I brought back on the road, but I don't know what to choose. A Guang, do you have any suggestions? " Pei Guang thought: "Since A Fu just said that anything is fine, then you can take out all the things you collected along the way. " Sanyueqi: "A Guang, you are so smart. " Xing: "I can think of this kind of thing!" Xing started to complain. For some reason, she always felt that there was something wrong between Sanyueqi and Pei Guang. As a member of the gang, she couldn't just watch Sanyueqi being a little bit wrong. She decided to wait until the matter was over and investigate Sanyueqi to see if she had anything to hide. At this time, Sanyueqi didn't know that she was being watched by Xing. She first took out the ticket of the Starry Sky Train: "This is the proof that I boarded the train. The train conductor gave me the ticket personally." Pei Guang: "Wait? The train conductor gave it to you personally, why don't I have it?" Sanyueqi: "Hiss! Did the train conductor forget?" Pei Guang: "No! Although he didn't hand me the ticket personally, the Starry Sky Train hit me when I was choosing my fate." Pei Guang lifted up his clothes, and there was a ticket printed on his clothes at his waist. Fu Xuan: "The memory of the Starry Sky Train? It should be possible. Is there any more?" Sanyueqi took out a work card of the Black Tower Space Station. Pei Guang took the work card curiously and took a look. On this space station work card, Sanyueqi's personal portrait was clearly displayed, and the note below [Sanyueqi I Section Officer]. But Pei Guang remembered correctly, this level of section officer seemed to be useless except for opening the toilet. Pei Guang: "Hey? Why don't I have this ID card?"

March Seven: "You haven't walked through the door since you arrived at the space station, and considering your ability to tear down walls, the space station has given you the highest authority."

Normally, outsiders will not be given the highest authority, but Pei Guang is different. He saved so many people in the space station. Just for this reason, no one said anything when Esther gave him the highest authority. Besides, the door of the space station can't stop Pei Guang. Instead of letting Pei Guang tear down all the doors, it's better to give him the highest authority directly.

After handing the ID card to Fu Xuan, March Seven took out a few sparkling stones: "And this, this is the spoils of war in Beloberg. And, this!"

March Seven took out another cup of fairy happy tea, but when this cup of fairy happy tea was taken out, Fu Xuan was silent.

Sanyueqi looked at the silent Fu Xuan and explained: "This is my good memory of Xianzhou. This is delicious."

Fu Xuan: "I didn't say anything. Um... I still like Xingyuo Bobo."

Fu Xuan, who said something he liked, looked at Sanyueqi: "Are these the only ones? Can you take out something you had before you lost your memory?"

Sanyueqi recalled: "Before I lost my memory? I'm sorry, Sister Ji Zi said that when she found me, I was sealed in a piece of ice, like a newborn baby, without anything."

Pei Guang looked at Sanyueqi: "You said you were sealed in ice, so use ice."

Sanyueqi looked at Pei Guang: "Then what about ice in my When it was unsealed, it melted away without a trace. ”

Pei Guang pondered: "Not necessarily, can't you condense six-phase ice?"

March Seven: "Eh? Yes! You are still smart. Speaking of what I had before I lost my memory, it should be the ability to condense six-phase ice, right? This piece of ice I made casually should meet the requirements, right?"

Looking at the six-phase ice made by March Seven, Fu Xuan nodded: "No problem, I will send people to send these things to the base of the Qiongguan formation. If you are ready, stand in the center of the formation, and the deduction can start at any time. ”

March Seven: "Okay~"

March Seven agreed and went to the center of the formation, but before stepping into the center of the formation, March Seven looked at Pei Guang nervously.

"Um, can A Guang come with me?"

Fu Xuan shook his head: "Sorry, no, if you take him, the Qiongguan formation will break down."

Pei Guang: "?"

Fu Xuan looked at Pei Guang helplessly: "Your life experience is too outrageous, the Qiongguan formation can't bear your past memories. Even if your past is not so terrible, it can't take you alive, because one more person will only bring useless information."

Pei Guang looked at San Yueqi: "I can't help you this time~Come on!"

Fu Xuan looked at San Yueqi: "Please rest assured that I will read your memory while guiding you to trace back your past. If you trace back to the pass that hinders your memory, the Qiongguan formation will use the information obtained to deduce and construct your possible past. You don't have to worry, I will communicate with you at any time outside the Qiongguan formation, and can interfere with the tracing process to a limited extent."

March 7: "No problem, I will smash the barriers that prevent me from recalling the past!"

Now that she is standing here, March 7th doesn't have so many worries, not to mention that both Pei Guang and everyone on the train are supporting her to find her past.

At this moment, March Qi firmly decided to retrieve the past. Although she had a little worry, when the existence of worries supported her, March Qi felt endless motivation.

At the same time, after confirming that Fu Xuan on the other side was correct, he opened the Qongguan Formation.

When the Qiongguan Formation was activated, March Qi felt a little dizzy. Along with the dizziness, her eyes became dark. After a moment, March Qi felt that there was more light in front of her eyes.

When she regained consciousness and looked around, Fu Xuan asked her, "Are you okay?"

March 7: "Well, I feel a little dizzy."

Fu Xuan crossed his arms and replied seriously: "Don't worry, most people will feel dizzy due to the excessive information flushing due to the influence of Qionguanzhen."

March 7: "That's it."

March Qi sighed and looked around, but when she looked around, her expression gradually became complicated.

In front of her, there were two Fu Xuan standing. Just two Fu Xuan was fine. What really made her expression complicated was the surrounding scene.

She could tell that this was the medical market of Dan Dingsi, and there were many people standing around who looked familiar to her. Some people were standing there chatting, and some were thinking. The only thing that caught March Qi's attention was the middle of the avenue. Pei Guang stabbed Huan Lu into the trash can, and then used the weapon in his hand to attack the inside of the trash can crazily. .

Seeing this scene, March Qi couldn't help but smile: "I didn't expect Aguang to be here and teach that guy a lesson."

Fu Xuan: "If everything goes as expected, it should be time for us to attack the Danding Division."

March 7: "But I remember that there were cloud riders everywhere in the square at that time, and A Guang at that time..."

I don't know why, but when I saw Pei Guang stuffing Huanhu into the trash can and then stabbing it in with his sword, I felt like laughing in front of March Qi.

Huanlu also suppressed a smile and said: "Ahem, after all, it is just a deduction, and there is a possibility of distortion. But how can the disturbance be so big? This is unreasonable. The deduction experience is distorted, and we need to pick out the distorted experiences one by one. If you correct it clearly, you won’t be able to trace your past any further.”

Originally, March Qi could still understand it, but when she heard these words, March Qi felt her head was a little itchy: "It's so complicated, it makes my head spin."

Fu Xuan: "Come on, draw your bow and shoot at that Fu Xuan."

Fu Xuan, who spoke, pointed at the person next to her. She felt that it was useless to tell March Qi too many things, so it was better to let her do it directly.

March 7: "Huh? Okay!"

March Qi did not hesitate, he drew his bow and aimed at the deduced Fu Xuan. With one arrow, the deduced Fu Xuan suddenly took action. However, the deduced Fu Xuan did not attack March Qi like it did, but turned into The three cloud cavalry troops launched an attack on March 7 like a turn-based game.

These three fake Yunqi were very weak and could be easily dealt with by one person and one arrow.

But at this time, March 7th was also frightened: "I'm really scared to death. Why did we suddenly start a fight? Let's take a look. Here are Uncle Yang, Xing, Miss Tingyun, A Guang, and General Huanwu Jingyuan. I don't Are they going to fight one by one? Lord Taibu is fine, but General Jingyuan I probably can’t defeat.”

Fu Xuan: "? What do you mean, Master Taibu is okay?"

Fu Xuan realized that he was excited, so he brought the topic back: "The interference factor causing distortion here should only have one source, that is, the person who should not be present but is present at this moment."

March 7th's eyes lit up: "I understand, I want to pick one of these people to remove their interference?"

Fu Xuan nodded: "Yes, in order to prevent you from interfering with your judgment, I will temporarily remove the projection. If you can hear my voice, it means that I can protect you."

Fu Xuan's figure disappeared, and March Qi also began to think: "Who is it? He should not be there but is there?"

March 7 looked left and right, she felt that everyone present should be present.

After thinking for a long time, March 7 walked towards Walter who was closest to him: "Uncle Yang~Hello~"

Although it was a memory, March Qi still felt very happy when she saw Walter.

Hearing March 7th's words, Walter turned to look at March 7th: "Little March 7, be prepared, the next battle is very dangerous. Stay awake and don't dream, Huanhu is heading towards Jianmu. , If we don’t stop the Great Lord of Extinction, there will definitely be a catastrophe.”

Hearing this sentence, March 7 nodded very seriously. But before March 7 could speak, Walter spoke again, "~Besides, Little March, the future is the most important to us, isn't it?"

Walter's words suddenly stunned March 7th, and Walter continued: "Indulging in memories will paralyze your feelings about the present, and will also prevent your hope for the future."

At the same time, the star next to Walter also looked at March 7: "Don't remember it, it will not benefit you."

March 7: "Huh? Even if Uncle Yang says strange things, why are you saying strange things too? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Xing is starting to say strange things."

March 7 thought clearly about the distortion here, but looking at his companions, March 7 decided to investigate before taking action.

However, Sanyueqi suddenly became curious at this time, what would Pei Guang become in her memory? So she trotted to Pei Guang who was poking the trash can not far away.

But when Sanyueqi arrived, before she could speak, Pei Guang in the memory looked at Sanyueqi: "Qier, is there any task for me to do?"

Hearing the question, Sanyueqi subconsciously said: "Hehe~ No~ This time it's my task, I have to clean up the distorted memories here."

Pei Guang: "The task is over, clean up all the distorted memories here."

Sanyueqi nodded: "Yes, yes~ This is the only way for me to get my memory back~"

For some reason, Sanyueqi felt that Pei Guang in the memory was a little silly and stupid, but that feeling did not change at all.

While talking, Pei Guang in the memory took out the wooden sword in his hand. Although it was just a memory, this Pei Guang did not say much. First, he killed Huanlong in the trash can directly with a ruthless hand, and then held the sword and turned to look at Walter and Xing.

"Hey, hey? A Guang! What are you going to do?"

Pei Guang turned his head and looked at San Yueqi: "Mission, clear all enemies that prevent you from finding your memory. Memory...judgment, the enemy is the undead, weapon enchantment... Undead Killer, weapon enchantment... Light Weapon, skill activation... Soul Ingestion, skill activation... Soul Strike. Life and death, reincarnation is endless, Qi'er lives, you die."

Under San Yueqi's gaze, Pei Guang, who was obviously a memory, suddenly swelled several times, holding a wooden sword with white and black light in his hand, and walked directly to the memory Walter.

Without any hesitation, he killed the memory Walter in one second, and then aimed the sword at the memory star. The memory star didn't have time to react and was also killed by Pei Guang in one second.

Memory Pei Guang seemed to feel that the efficiency was not enough. He was holding a wooden sword and looking at all the memories around him: "Efficiency... is not enough, the start command... is invalid, change the combat plan..., young and strong don't work hard, jump back with sword energy, the first absolute was interrupted, the second awakening is fishing in the air. Ten thousand swords, return to the clan."

After the words fell, the invisible sword energy instantly killed everyone in the field except March Seven, and while killing all these memories instantly, this scene made March Seven dumbfounded. Why did Pei Guang in the memory use a skill that Pei Guang in reality had never used? This speed, this efficiency, the real Pei Guang had never used it, but the memory Pei Guang could use it directly?

Memory Pei Guang felt March Seven's doubts, and he also looked at March Seven: "Sorry, I am your obstacle now. Qi'er, go find your past."

Memory Pei Guang, who was originally a little slow in speaking, spoke fluently at this moment, and while speaking fluently, countless swords appeared around Pei Guang, and the sword energy instantly penetrated this memory

"A Guang!!!"

Seeing this scene, Sanyueqi suddenly felt very painful. If the price of regaining her memory was to let Pei Guang die, she...

However, when she was in pain, a trash can was left at the place where Pei Guang died. This trash can made Sanyueqi, who was originally a little sad, suddenly stop being sad.

"This is, Beloberg's trash can!!!"

Sanyueqi widened her eyes, and on this trash can, there was a message from Pei Guang.

"Your mission has been completed. Remember to send the mission reward. This is the entrance to the next level."

"Hey! Even here, don't you forget your mission reward? Humph! This time I'll give you a lot of goodwill."

Sanyueqi, who was about to cry, suddenly laughed. She didn't understand why Pei Guang, who was obviously a memory, had so many strange tricks. She just needed to know that this Pei Guang would call her Qi'er and... protect her.

At the same time, in the outside world, Pei Guang, who was waiting silently, suddenly received a prompt from the system: "March Seven has increased his favorability towards you by a lot." Pei Guang: "?" Pei Guang was stunned. He was waiting silently here, why did March Seven suddenly increase his favorability? Did March Seven, when recalling the past, remember that she had many tasks that did not increase her favorability? Chapter 227 The outrageous Pei Guang in March Seven's memory Fu Xuan was silent as she watched everything happen in the Qiongguan formation. She really didn't expect that in this space, Pei Guang, who was only in March Seven's memory, had such terrible power, and even directly helped March Seven to eliminate all the distorted memories. Fu Xuan: "As expected of him..."

Fu Xuan has appeared beside San Yue Qi, and at this time San Yue Qi is looking at the trash can left behind by the memory Pei Guang after he disappeared and says with a sharp gaze: "Fu Xuan, look, this is the trash can that A Guang left for me, but it's so strange, why is there a trash can here?"

Fu Xuan is thinking: "Now that the distorted memory here has been cleared, the remaining one proves that it is an important part of your experience. Its appearance is the symptom of the Qiongguan formation eliminating interference. It successfully traced back to your other memory, the other end of the memory about... the trash can. But then again, what is the origin of this bucket of yours?"

When Fu Xuan asked about the origin of the trash can, San Yue Qi was excited all of a sudden: "If you are talking about the origin, then I have to talk about it. This trash can is a specialty from Beloberg."

Fu Xuan: "Beloberg? I seem to have found this name in the star map archives. There are many similar planets on the Xianzhou trade route. Unfortunately, after the antimatter army appeared, they all disappeared."

March 7 nodded vigorously: "Belloberg is a snowy apocalyptic city. There are many such trash cans in that city, didn't you know? Belloberg uses a kind of earth-marrow mineral heater. Come and make the whole city livable. When I get to Belloberg, I will introduce it to you~ By the way, you just said that this is related to another memory. Does it mean that if I touch this trash can, I can enter another memory? A memory?"

Fu Xuan: "Yeah, knock it, see if we can jump into that experience."

March 7: "Okay~ let me try it."

March 7 happily came to the trash can and knocked left and right. When she found no response, she opened the trash can. The moment she opened the trash can, the heating facility she just mentioned appeared in front of her.

At this moment, the smile on March Qi's face was frozen.

As the saying goes, smiles never disappear, they only move. This is not the case when the trash can smiles. It knows that it is not a wish-making lamp, but when it makes a wish on March 7, it will fulfill the wishes of this lovely girl.

It's a pity that it knows that it is not the river god, otherwise it would ask March 7 loudly: "Did you drop this gold heater, this silver heater, or this ordinary heater?"


Seeing March Qi's frozen expression, Fu Xuan also laughed, but she coughed hard twice to cover up her laughter and said seriously: "Come on, knock this thing."

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