Kevin said: "It's amazing. I don't know why. I can feel that when I use this weapon to fight, killing the enemy can shorten the life of all the weapons I carry according to the enemy's strength. Cooling time."

Pei Guang: "Hey! Then your skills are quite practical. It's not a big problem. With the blessing of the Star God, you can kill the virtual pawns better. Just in time, let's find the location of the virtual pawns and test your skills. , kill some virtual pawns and let’s go!”

Kevin: "Yes!"

Pei Guang opened the small map and found the location of the nearest virtual soldiers on the earth. This time, these virtual soldiers were not in the city, but in the wilderness. These virtual soldiers were waiting for orders from their superiors.

Pei Guang directly took out a starship and came up with Kevin. Looking at the actions of Pei Guang and Kevin, March 7 hurriedly shouted: "Wait, take me with you. How can such a lively thing happen?" Miss me?"

Xing didn't speak. No one could make her talk when she didn't want to talk. She didn't want to talk now because she felt that Pei Guang was definitely trying to do something fun for her.

Weiwei and Hua looked at each other and then chose to follow them, because they vaguely felt that if they didn't go this time, they might miss out on the great excitement.

However, when boarding the Xingcha, March 7th thought of something. He looked at the Xingcha and asked doubtfully: "Ah Guang! When did you get on board such a Xingcha?"

Pei Guang: "Correction! It's not like a star ship!"

March 7: "Oh? How many ships are there?"

Pei Guang was shocked: "You shouldn't ask who gave it to you at this time?"

March 7: "I know you very well. If it was really a gift from someone else, you must have treated it as a treasure. If you dare to take it out and use it, it will be yours! Combined with your words, it must have gone well for many times." ship."

Pei Guang: "It didn't go well. It's not a big problem. Ahem, now is not the time to dwell on this problem. Let's go! Let's watch the fireworks."

When everyone gathered, Pei Guang drove the Xingcha directly to the location of the nearest Xuzu. When he reached the sky above here, Pei Guangjing stopped the Xingcha.

On the starboard, Kevin stood on the deck and looked below. The Void Soldier below had discovered the vehicle in the sky, and the Trampler had already drawn its bow and aimed its arrows here.

Looking at the virtual pawns below who were preparing to attack, Kevin took out the Skyfire Holy Inquisitor and prepared to attack. However, when Kevin was about to attack, Pei Guang held him back.

"You wait first and then zoom in, Qi'er, hurry up! Take out your camera and record a video for me."

March 7: "Okay~"

March 7 took out the camera, and Pei Guang gave Kevin a dozen 50% recovery pills and a few 100% recovery pills as insurance. March 7 also raised the camera.

March 7: "When do you need me to take pictures?"

Pei Guang: "Wait a moment. When I say start, you start recording mode."

March 7: "No problem!"

After arranging March 7th, Pei Guang looked at Kevin: "When you stand next to me and I shout, 'Come on,' you go straight up and shout out the weapon skill you think is the most powerful. Don't stay Hand, you have to keep attacking until you can't attack anymore. Let me see what the upper limit of the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment is."

Kevin: “But you didn’t tell me the ‘skill’ of this weapon.”

Pei Guang: "Make up one of your own. Look at Xing. When she uses the flame spear, she shouts the flame spear charge. It doesn't have to be too complicated. The simpler the name, the more exciting it is."

Kevin: "I remember."

Pei Guang: "Very good!"

Pei Guang looked at March Qi, who also nodded: "It's ready."

Pei Guang: "Then start!"

March 7 turned on the camera mode, and Pei Guang stood next to Xingcha, looking down at the Xu soldiers below. After a moment of silence, Pei Guang stretched out his hand and pointed at the Xu soldiers below.

Pei Guang: "Kevin, you are full of energy, come on!"

Kevin didn't understand what this sentence meant, but when he heard Pei Guang say he was about to get in, he jumped directly without any hesitation.

At the same time, the two guns in his hands turned into a flaming sword at this moment. As the sword was raised, Kevin roared angrily.

"Skyfire! Unsheath!"

At this moment, Kevin's Heavenly Fire Saint cut off 50% of his maximum health. At this moment, Kevin ate the consumables given by Pei Guang, and at the same time, a powerful burst of energy erupted from the Heavenly Fire Saint's body. strength.

Seeing that the weapon skill was activated, Pei Guang drove the Xingcha directly and ran away. While Pei Guang drove the Xingcha away, the Heavenly Fire Holy Judge who absorbed Kevin's life burst out with powerful power.

The powerful energy attacks the void pawn on the ground. The void pawn, which was originally unable to be resisted by human weapons, appears so weak in front of the powerful energy.

Although this is equipment with a high probability of being shipped in designated areas, it is ultimately a golden equipment opened by players. The golden equipment from players explodes with all its power at this moment.

After the power of one weapon was exhausted, Kevin took out a second Skyfire Sacred Blade: "Skyfire! Take it out of its sheath!"

Eleven Heavenly Fire Holy Swords and eleven explosive attacks. Such a powerful attack directly wiped out all the virtual soldiers on the ground. As for why the ground was destroyed? As for why it had not been destroyed, the trash can that had been buried in the earth silently crossed its arms.

Although it is a trash can, as long as it exists, no one can destroy the garbage it protects. With the ambition to protect, we must use all our strength to protect everything in the trash bin.

At the same time as Kevin released his weapon skills, Xing, who had already arrived in the safe area, took out the flame spear. For some reason, when Kevin called out the sky fire to unsheath, she always felt that the flame spear charge was missing, as if it was missing. Order something.

As a pioneer, I pay attention to things that are clear-cut. If you want to rush, don't restrain your desires. Xing, who was watching the excitement, took out a box of raw chicken wings: "Fire Spear! Charge!"

Although you can't charge the empty pawns of the legion, it's not bad to charge the chicken wings, but what about the stars? Her understanding of cooking gradually deepened. While launching the flame spear charge, she was cooking chicken wings.

The Kevin's grilled chicken wings are on the bottom, and the Xinghuo chicken wings are on the top. Everyone has something to grill, and everyone has a perfect life.

At the same time, the Jue Ming Lord who wants to compete with Pei Guang and is dispatching his troops does not know what is going to happen here, but he is not afraid of what will happen. He naturally knows the power of the legion, and he knows the strength of the earth even more. ’s clear as day.

Although it senses the power of patrolling the destiny, this power is too weak. It is so weak that ordinary doomsday beasts can easily solve it. As for the technology of the earth? Too weak.

Judging from the technological level reported during the previous invasion, Earth's technology is too weak now. Let the Earth develop for a hundred years or so. It is not prepared to give the earth a chance to develop. When the troops are assembled, it will use all its strength to crush it and make Pei Guang and the life on the earth experience despair.

The emotion that Pei Guang could not resist, just thinking about it makes the aesthetics of destruction that belongs to it feel extremely satisfying.

But what it doesn’t know is that normal development takes hundreds of years. However, under the influence of Pei Guang, technology attempts to start the final reincarnation and climbs up. At the same time, because the acceleration space is opened, in its eyes, dozens of A year is a few dozen days on Earth.

Chapter 224: I’ve learned nothing from the players

In the empty land, Kevin looked around expressionlessly. There used to be enough void soldiers in this area to subvert any city, but now these void soldiers have all died in the flames of the Skyfire Holy Judgment.

Eleven attacks allowed Kevin to experience for the first time what power is and what Pava is!

And these eleven weapons have not all entered the cooldown. After killing the virtual pawn, the previously used weapon skills have restored their full cooldown time with the blessing of the hunter. Kevin can continue to use these weapon skills at any time.

However, he was not attracted by this power. On the contrary, Kevin, who had such a powerful power, was thinking about whether he should work overtime to kill all the legionary soldiers on the earth who could be killed.

While he was thinking, he heard a call and subconsciously looked up. He saw a starship stopped in front of him in an instant.

After Xingcha stopped, Pei Guang greeted Kevin and said, "How do you feel? Isn't it exciting to combine professional skills with powerful weapons~"

As a player, I am happy when I become stronger, I am happy when my teammates become stronger, and I am also happy when my soldiers become invincible. For players, what is really unhappy is not giving powerful weapons to others or other NPCs, but being embarrassed when the weapons being allocated are robbed or rolled.

The rest of the time? Players are happy to watch their in-game companions and even loyal soldiers become invincible.

Listening to Pei Guang's inquiry, Kevin nodded: "It's very powerful, and the props you gave me also allow me to release these skills with all my strength, and the power from hunting makes these skills available faster..."

Pei Guang: "To put it simply, killing people brings back NPCs. It's a common setting. I didn't expect that your full-time skills are pretty good after full-time, very good, very good. Do you want to play again? If not, we will go back to the base. Take it When I get down, I’ll make random arrangements and see if there’s anything I can do. If there’s nothing I can do, I’ll skip the plot.”

The waiting time is boring, especially in this real world. Even if there are players cheating, a technological development will take several years or even decades. And because of the acceleration space, the time on earth may be dozens of days, but a few Ten days felt like a long time to Pei Guang.

If nothing happened to him, he would go back to Xianzhou or wait on the train. If not, he would go to Belloberg for a stroll. Pei Guang thought that after exploring Novice Village, he would catch up with Silver Wolf to join the group. Although this map had looted a lot stuff, but didn’t do any side quests.

At the same time, he chatted with Bronya about cooperation. He thought that Earth and Beloberg could join forces. Although the distance was a bit far, in Pei Guang's view, this was not a problem. Beloberg There was room for reverberation, and it even gained a very high degree of admiration on this map. Pei Guang thought it would be no problem to establish a teleportation point.

But Pei Guang still has to see and explore for himself to know exactly how to operate it.

In addition, Pei Guang is very interested in the history, secrets and even the plot hidden in Belloberg.

As a player, Pei Guang often asks, "Who am I?" where am I? I want to go on a killing spree! ’ But in addition to killing people, exploring the plot of an area is also what players particularly like to do.

Whether it's to explore the side lines while doing the main line or to go back and explore the side lines after finishing the main line, which one Pei Guang chooses depends entirely on whether he wants to do it and whether he is interested in it. A game is just a game. As a player, he should follow his own mood and understanding. , just do it with your own ideas.

For some reason, Kevin always had an indescribable feeling when looking at Pei Guang in front of him. This feeling was very familiar, as if he had just experienced it, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

But it doesn't matter. Kevin does have something he wants to do now. He looked at Pei Guang: "Captain Pei Guang, I have something to ask you. Can I see your strength in person?"

Pei Guang: "Ah? See my strength? I'm not bragging. It's a powerful enemy for you, but the virtual soldiers are just small monsters for me. They are things on the novice guide map. I kill them too easily. I'm afraid of hitting your self-confidence?"

Kevin: "It doesn't matter. I want to see how big the gap between you and me is. I want to know how far I need to go to protect this planet and the people I love."

Pei Guang: "Oh? Role mission? Hey~ I could have done the mission before, but I had to do it. Waiting until the first stage of the task is completed before it is released, and I have to do another thing that I have done before, which is really a headache. Xing~Qier, please~ help me, I have accepted a role task, and I need your help~"

Xing took out the flame gun and the bat: "No problem at all, but you have to share the task reward with me."

March Seven: "I don't want the reward! Just help me carry things when I go shopping."

Xing: "? I've thought about it, my reward will also be when I go shopping, A Guang, help me get food!"

Pei Guang: "No problem, no problem~ I guess there is nothing for us to do next, let's go shopping happily."

Xing: "But haven't we demonstrated our fighting method?"

Pei Guang : "Traditional skills for various tasks, tasks that you have done before will ask you to do it again, even if you do it in front of NPCs, they will treat it as if it never happened."

March Seven: "All demonstrations? After the victory~ um... dance?"

Star: "How can this be missing? Now if I don't follow the music after the victory, I feel like something is missing."

March Seven: "Hehe~ Although I didn't feel anything when I played with you, I feel a little ashamed when I think about it now."

Star: "Just say whether you will come!"

March Seven: "Of course I will come! This is part of our battle, and we must show it well."

Pei Guang: "That's right! Kevin is so positive and has such a strong will. Should we do the NPC's tasks? No matter what game it is, I especially admire those who take saving the world as their responsibility and really put it into action. Kevin, keep this will, and if you have any ideas, just say it. If you can't explain it to your companions, just follow my instructions. I'm worried that you will sacrifice yourself for your ideal in the future. I'm a player, and saving the world is what we players have to do. As an NPC, you just need to put your ideal into practice, and leave the rest to us. "

Hearing Pei Guang's praise, Kevin was a little embarrassed, but then his will became more determined, because he could hear that Pei Guang's words did not have any sarcasm, but were describing a fact he knew.

And being recognized by Pei Guang, the Lord of the Earth, and being recognized by this existence that can lead mankind to safety and prosperity, this satisfaction from the inside out cannot be described in words, and at the same time, he has strengthened his belief in saving the world.

As for why Pei Guang said this? It simply thought of how painful it would be for people with the ideal of saving the world to do after being hit by reality. In addition to doing painful things, there are also some who may do some plots that make players feel a little bit sharp for their ideals.

In such a completely free world, Pei Guang would be very upset if he was stabbed while playing well. He could help an ordinary clerk meet his lover, and he believed that he could also help such a person who had great ideals and realized them to achieve his ideals.

After all, he is a player, and he has sewn everything himself. If he can't do this, then what is the point of sewing? A game with insufficient freedom will prevent players from completing what they want to do. The higher the degree of freedom of a game, the less it can hinder the actions of players.

Pei Guang took the lead and found another gathering point for the Legion's pawns. When they arrived here, Pei Guang looked at Kevin: "Come on! Watch carefully! Learn well. Although my Heavenly Fire Holy Judge is powerful, this move is only suitable for single combat, not for team action. This time I will show you what a gang action is!"

Xing took out the bat: "I'm ready! But this time, should we sneak attack or charge directly or will you taunt me, A Guang?"

Pei Guang pondered: "There is no detailed task prompt, and I don't know what it means to complete the task. Let's do it once. If we can't complete it, we can just put a sack on him and beat him up."

March 7: " I think this is a good idea! I had this idea before, but Dan Heng and Uncle Yang would definitely not let me. It’s better for you, A Guang. We can do whatever we want. "

Xing took out a baseball bat and raised it to the sky: "Great, our pioneer team is going to attack the strong enemy again. Galaxy baseball bat man is ready."

Pei Guang: "Galaxy sword man is ready!"

March 7: "Galaxy archer man is ready!"

He Yin: "Let's go!"

Kevin: "..."

Wei Weiwei and Hua, who have always had no sense of existence, are also silent. Along the way, the two just want to watch honestly and don't want to show their presence. After all, the behavior shown by these three is too second-year and too awkward.

But Pei Guang and his friends don't care. Such behavior is a bit shameful for elementary school students, but it's just right for pioneers like Pei Guang.

Pei Guang is very optimistic about people like Kevin, but as an NPC who issues tasks, he doesn't mind beating up Kevin if he wants to cause trouble for him. You must know that Pei Guang has never found an opportunity to beat an NPC along the way. After all, the main line NPCs he encountered along the way, except for the boss Cocolia, were all very good.

Esta, Oleg, Natasha, Xi'er, Shivaro and everyone he met on the fairy boat were so friendly that Pei Guang even thought he had an innate favorability.

In a way, Pei Guang was right. As a pioneer, he is welcomed in the entire universe. In addition, Pei Guang always does things before meeting people. These things he does also make the people he meets have a negative impression of Pei Guang and the others. Very favorable.

At least before Pei Guang arrived, no one could drive from the upper area to deliver resources and family information to the lower area, and no one could reverse the demonic body and make the person who should have fallen into the demonic body die in pain. The Yunqi Army returned to normal.

Pei Guang felt that what he was doing was an ordinary thing, but for the people who were helped, it was a life-saving grace. As long as these people had the most basic humanity, they would not have any negative emotions towards Pei Guang.

Kevin was watching carefully, but then he saw a scene that made him silent. He saw Pei Guang, Xing and March 7, squatting and sneaking into the group of virtual pawns in the same way that they were brought into the city to capture the virtual pawns. , one person per person, easily killed three virtual pawns in a sneak attack.

The attacks of the three attracted the attention of more virtual pawns. Facing this attention, Pei Guang raised his middle finger and started taunting. While Pei Guang was taunting, Xing and March Qi skillfully took out garbage. The bucket got into the trash can, and the virtual pawns temporarily ignored the two because they were ridiculed, allowing the two to get into the bucket successfully.

Then there was the battle scene that Kevin and the others felt very familiar with, but compared with the capture of the virtual pawn at that time, Kevin had seen what it meant to be clean and neat.

I saw Pei Guang attracting the hatred of a group of virtual soldiers. These virtual soldiers ignored Xing and March Qi who got into the trash can and charged towards Pei Guang.

When these virtual soldiers passed by the trash can, the two people in the bucket jumped out directly. One drew his bow and shot arrows to freeze all the enemies easily, while the other used his club to knock them one by one.

The star knocking did not directly smash the enemy into pieces, but knocked off the frozen head. Seeing this scene, Weiwei and Hua were a little confused, but Kevin felt the powerful power of Pei Guang and his group.

He knew the strength of the virtual soldiers best. If it weren't for the fairy boat weapon provided by Pei Guang, ordinary soldiers would not be able to seriously injure the virtual soldiers. But March Qi could freeze the void pawns easily, and Xing was able to knock off the heads of the void pawns without affecting the void pawns that turned into ice sculptures at all. Even none of the void pawns whose heads were knocked off had their bodies broken.

One can ignore the mindless taunts of legions of empty soldiers, one can directly freeze all enemies, and the other shows perfect control of power when hitting the head.

While Kevin was thinking, what happened next interrupted his thinking, because he saw that after these people easily killed these virtual pawns, they came to these frozen heads and played music and danced. .

Looking at this scene, Kevin was silent, because what happened at the scene completely shocked his cognition.

But soon, his eyes flashed with wisdom. Kevin knew that his brain was not that smart. Since he was not smart, he should study hard. Pei Guang took his companions to show him how to fight against the legion, and he just had to learn on his own.

From the very beginning of the battle, to sneak attacks, head harvesting, placement, and dancing, Kevin remembered everything. He was afraid that he would forget, so he deliberately turned on the video mode of his equipment to record this scene.

When Pei Guang returned after showing off their unorthodox battle, Kevin applauded: "I have benefited a lot from this battle. I think I know how to fight against virtual pawns."

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