Pei Guang: "After this is completed, you ask those who can find treasures to start searching the city. Search all over the city and don't miss any treasure boxes. And you! My Ai Li, I have another job to do. You, you go back to the rear and notify me after mobilizing enough manpower. I will put the looted things in the public storage space at that time, and you will take these things out in the rear and let the logistics sort them. I will give them to you when the time comes. You put some recovery items, and if you feel tired, eat some. One more thing, contact me when you are ready. I will start the violent collection mode at that time. Before that, we will fish together. Wait for you."

Alicia slapped her face and said, "You are squeezing your labor force~ Oh, I feel like I can't sleep today. Staying up late is not good for your skin!"

Pei Guang: "I know, but I'm not asking you to stay up all night today. Staying up late is bad for your health, so staying up all night won't do it~"

Alicia: "Huh? What you said makes sense. That's it. I've decided to stay up all night today~"

Alicia listened carefully and recorded Pei Guang's request. The task given to her by Pei Guang was very simple. It can be said that anyone with a normal mind can remember it. However, Alicia still heard a few of the tasks. Key points and what to pay attention to.

After Pei Guang finished sending the mission, Alicia nodded and said, "The mission is understood~ I'll repeat it, and you can see if I understand it correctly."

Alicia repeated the task that Pei Guang said with her own understanding, and also told some of the important points of the task. After Pei Guang confirmed that Alicia understood it correctly, Alicia was ready to set off. Now, during the break, she would naturally be happy to tease Pei Guang, but now that there was business, she would naturally have to do it.

Looking at Alicia's back, Pei Guang also felt very comfortable. Alicia's reliability made him want to hold Alicia and suck her hard. It's not like he was bragging. He is on this earth. You don’t have to have the lord, but having an adjutant like Alicia is so easy to do.

Although you can't complete various instructions with just one click, the various methods of skipping classes in the real world are much more flexible than in the game. At the same time, with a reliable lieutenant like Alicia, you don't have to worry about what your subordinates will do after you give the order. The listening went astray and the execution went wrong.

Alicia went back to arrange manpower. Although Pei Guangfa's mission sounded unreliable in every sense, the soldiers who followed this time had already fought an unreliable battle. The result was not only victory, but also severe torture. The soldiers were very excited when they heard about the new mission.

It was just because of the long battle that the soldiers' bodies had not yet recovered. Therefore, after taking the mission back, Alicia let the soldiers eat, drink and rest. After the rest, she took them to try to open the boxes one by one. See Let's see who can come up with something.

The first person Alicia looked for was Velvet. When Alicia took out a box and asked Velvet to open it, Velvet thought Alicia was stupid. But when she opened the box and saw the blue key to enlightenment, Velvet felt like she was stupid.

Alicia was very excited about the good start, but in the next test involving hundreds of people, only one soldier named Fu Hua shined when he opened the box.

While Alicia was busy, Pei Guang continued to explore the fishing function after Alicia left. However, while Pei Guang was fishing, Pei Guang received a message from the Black Tower Doll. .

On the mobile phone, the Black Tower doll sent a message to Pei Guang, "Hey, can you get it?"

Pei Guang: "Can't receive it."

The Black Tower Doll initiated a voice call.

Seeing this prompt, Pei Guang answered the voice directly. Before he could speak, the Black Tower puppet on the other side spoke first: "I'll tell you good news. Now that we have enough resources, we can activate time acceleration in a large area. , the current planned acceleration ratio is 1:365, one day in the earth's space, one year. If you include the time ratio between the solar system and other galaxies, if you go back to any place and stay for a few days, the technology on the earth will be able to complete a major leap. "

At this time, the tone of the Black Tower doll was happy. This wave can be said to have utilized the earth's existing resources and completed energy collection. At the same time, the Black Tower puppet felt a little emotional. For many worlds, it was a natural disaster that would destroy the world. In front of Pei Guang, there was a steady stream of resources.

It is also thanks to the fact that Pei Guang does not have the power of fertility, otherwise Pei Guang would be a living evil creature. But because he does not have the power of fertility, after all, the legion is not a human being. As long as he is not a fool, no one will sympathize with the legion.

Pei Guang: "Good guy, this is fast enough. Did I just click on the Star Destroyer a few days after returning to Xianzhou?"

Hearing this, the Black Tower puppet objected: "No, the Earth's resources are not enough to build a Star Destroyer, but it can still be done to build a large ship. Choose! We have limited time and limited resources, you choose A direction for development!”

Pei Guang: "It's okay if I choose one."

Black Tower Doll: "You know what your technology tree will look like in the future, so you just pick one at random. Other people will enter acceleration time and don't know which direction to develop. Then it will be a waste of time, and the impact will not be even a little bit." "

Pei Guang: "I know this. Even if you speed up time, leave the rest to me. I have already prepared a backup plan. If something goes wrong, we will run away~ As for the direction of development, give priority to the development of nanomachines. First Build a Gray Wind battleship."

Black Tower Doll: "Understand, wait, Gray Wind Battleship? You guy..."

The Black Tower puppet took a look at the development direction of the technology tree. Nanorobots can be developed into nanomachine battleships all the way up. Compared to other battleships, this interstellar battleship is not the most powerful, but it is definitely the most special. One batch, because the Black Tower Doll has noticed that the AI ​​setting requirement for this battleship artificial intelligence is female. Considering the unique taste of his own pioneers, Black Tower Doll believes that this is definitely the onset of Pei Guang's special habit.

But it doesn’t matter. Since Pei Guang wants to do it, let’s do it. As for the current black tower research, there is just not enough time and resources on the earth to fully develop it. When this wave solves the threat of the legion, it will be no problem to fully develop it.

But what makes the Black Tower Doll most curious are the last four options that appear after the development of each technology tree. Even if Pei Guang gave her the highest authority, she couldn't see what these four options were, but her intuition told her Black Tower Dolls, these things are definitely not simple.

But these are all things for later. The most important thing now is to accelerate the opening time of an area and allow human technology to develop rapidly.

Black Tower Doll: "Okay, I have shared this technology tree with other researchers. It is estimated that you will be able to see the completion of the ship in about thirty days from Earth. You can make preparations on the thirtyth day. After that, we will carry out a devastating attack on the virtual soldiers on the earth.”

Pei Guang: "Thirty days?"

Black Tower Doll: "Is it too fast? You can drag it back."

Pei Guang thought deeply: "You misunderstood, I just feel a little slow. It seems that I have to go back to the fairy boat or the train to spend some boring time. After all, there is not much I can do during this time." . Just in time, I’m going to go back to the Immortal Boat to see if I can catch something with greatly increased attributes in the sea in the Linyuan Realm. After all, it’s the Immortal Soup.”

Pei Guang has determined through exploration that the fish caught will be affected by the container filled with water, which means that the fish caught in the bucket are at most as big as the bucket. If you want big fish, you have to go to the sea.

Pei Guang feels that the attributes of big fish in the general sea may not be good enough, but the sea in the Scale Origin Realm is good. After all, the Mingchi Clan was born there. If he uses good bait, he can definitely catch props that greatly increase the attributes.

As long as there is enough time, one of your own people will take a wave, and your subordinates will take a wave. When the time comes, you will have greater confidence in dealing with the legion's weak soldiers.

Even with the ridiculous acceleration ratio of the acceleration space, it is still not enough in Pei Guang's view. This is a game between him and the Lord of Extinction, who is trying to eliminate the earth's resistance in his own way.

After all the fun here, Pei Guang's plan never stopped from beginning to end, and Pei Guang's plan was also simple and crude. Time is accelerated first, and scientific researchers are sent in during the acceleration time to climb the technology tree with all their strength. What about your own side? It means looting when you can, and grabbing some resources when you can. Although Pei Guang has a way to eliminate all the empty pawns, Pei Guang thinks that his power still needs the ability to win without doing anything.

We can't set up Xinghai Yitang in the future and go out to solve the problem on our own. This game is too tiring to play, so letting people on earth develop technology is Pei Guang's primary goal.

As a real-time strategy player, Pei Guang is well aware of his role as a player, determining the direction of development, choosing attack targets, choosing national policies, making people in his territory live a better life, etc.

However, the player just puts forward a goal, but there has never been a player who doesn't know how detailed it is. The player only needs to know what can be produced in a few years and the strength of these fleets, and other things are basically ignored.

Even if it is micromanaging, business outbound calls are required by simple policies such as happiness, and the rest of the time? That's just waiting time.

The Lord of Extinction also subconsciously believes that the Earth Army has only obtained part of the technology of the Immortal Boat, giving the people on Earth the power to resist. Therefore, the intensity of the invasion was not increased. However, if the Lord of Extinction discovers the time machine on the human side and even learns about Pei Guang's outrageous technology tree, then the enemies faced by the earth will not be as weak as they are now.

Even though there are a lot of virtual pawns left on the earth, these virtual pawns are basically in a standby state. A batch of them are dispatched every period of time, and the front line is pushed a little.

But if the changes on the human side are discovered, and all the virtual pawns are suppressed before the development of the earth, or even a large number of doomsday beasts are sent to attack, Pei Guang will have no choice but to lead the people and run away.

Because of this, the time in the time acceleration should not be wasted if possible. At least in this time acceleration, the people on earth should have the ability to fight and run against the doomsday beast.

Facing the single star-destroying weapon Doomsday Beast, as long as humans have interstellar navigation capabilities and use the materials Pei Guang picked up from various places to make some weapons, it will not be difficult to deal with Doomsday Beast.

After the Doomsday Beast is dealt with, Pei Guang estimates that the Lord of Extinction will definitely delay it for a few days or ten days because of the need to re-evaluate the strength of the earth. At that time, his side will continue to accelerate the development of technology, so that his side's technology and Personal strength has always exceeded the expectations of the Lord of Extinction.

What? The Lord of Extermination personally took action? Pei Guang wished that the Lord of Extinction would take action in person. As long as the Lord of Extinction dared to take action, Pei Guang would teleport to Jing Yuan, carry Jing Yuan and the Lord Shen on his shoulders and give the Lord of Extinction a slap in the face.

But Pei Guang wondered, what expression would the Lord of Extinction show when he saw that the earth would develop into interstellar technology in a few days, and that in a dozen days he would be able to drive a space battleship across the universe?

Pei Guang didn't know what expression it would show, but what expression Lord Annihilation showed at this moment was known to the four spectators in the Star Destroyer's power furnace. At this moment, the two captured kings were looking at the developments on the small TV with wide eyes in disbelief.

Even if the envoy wants to speed up time, he still needs to waste a lot of energy, but Pei Guang can solve it with just one machine? Are they the envoys or is Pei Guang the envoy?

Time technology is not a rare thing in this universe. It only locally accelerates and stops the so-called time. Many forces can do it. But when it can stop time by grabbing a few empty pawns like on Earth, Huanhui is dumbfounded.

Forget it, what else did she see? Pei Guang fished out food from the clear water in the trash can that increases lifespan and various powers? Even the fate of the earth's travelers is like wholesale?

Huanhu: "I'm so stupid, why should I offend him?"

Zai Huanhuang regrets very much and regrets what she did in Xianzhou. She feels that if she had not attacked March 7th at that time, she would not have been caught. If she had not been caught, she would not have fallen to this point. She would not have fallen to this point. At this point, he can rely on his own abilities to disguise himself and sneak in with Pei Guang. Is hanging with Pei Guang better than hanging with the Star God of Destruction?

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world, and Pei Guang will never release an enemy who has attacked his companions. Although in many plots there will be people who have no choice but to sneak attack on their teammates and regret it the most. But Pei Guang can be sure that Huanwu is definitely not this kind of existence. It is more practical to use Huanwu as a resource and as a humiliation.

As for Huan Lu's surprise, if Pei Guang had known about it, he would have said don't worry. No matter in any game, novel, or anime, it is very common for geniuses on Earth to roam all over the world. Pei Guang also thought the same way.

After all, this is the earth, and it is the template of my hometown. It is normal to have a few more geniuses. As for why this earth has been bullied like this? Isn’t this because the players haven’t come? He, a player, is here. Those who bully the earth and invade his territory are not allowed to fight back?

Chapter 223 Kevin: "Sky Fire! Unsheath!"*11

This time Pei Guang and his team came to Earth, which was a great improvement for the strength of human beings on Earth. Three of the main members of the Fire Chasing Moth gained power from Pei Guang, and an 'ordinary' soldier also unexpectedly gained power. This power.

So Pei Guang took the lead, and a group of six people began to search the city. The situation on the earth was different from that of Beloberg. Beloberg's survival crisis was not only the erosion of the star core and the world rift, but also various important supplies.

But the earth is different. Although the legion's suppression is very strong, the legion's advancement is bit by bit. Many important materials that can be transported away before the legion is about to arrive are transported away.

Although there is only one continent left on the earth where humans live now, relatively speaking, materials are not that scarce. Therefore, when searching, Pei Guang mainly focused on boxes, and other resources depended on whether they were convenient for him or not.

Therefore, Pei Guang and his party were searching while they were tired of searching and fishing, and tired of fishing and plundering.

After searching for more than three days, more than 200 treasure boxes were found in the entire city, but except for the treasure boxes opened by Kevin and Alicia at the beginning, the next 223 treasure boxes contained ten golden treasures. equipment.

But looking at the ten Heavenly Fire Holy Sabers in front of him, Pei Guang was confused. The probability of drawing a gold of more than 20 is high, but the equipment that was released gave Pei Guang a question mark on his face.

When the last lootable container in the city was looted, Pei Guang took out ten Heavenly Fire Sacred Blades and placed them on the ground.

"Ah Guang! Is our luck good or bad this time?"

Xing looked at the ten Heavenly Fire Sacred Blades on the ground, and he was in a state of confusion. Pei Guang's box had been firing out various kinds of golden lights, but why did it come here that all the weapons were firing out were the same weapon? Xing had never encountered this kind of thing before, but she was sure that Pei Guang knew the reason.

Pei Guang looked at the weapons on the ground and thought deeply: "Maybe... although this special area has a high shipment rate, only fixed weapons and equipment will appear? In RPG games, this is a common setting."

At the same time, Pei Guang also has a guess, maybe because the earth is not the main plot he wants to take, it is considered a branch plot of this game or a DLC plot. The equipment produced in each map is fixed, but because the number of containers that can be used to extract items is limited, , so the probability of shipments in designated areas is increased, ensuring that players can ship goods while leaving a few spares. After all, players are often short of traditional equipment. Good equipment may be thrown away or dismantled without noticing due to insufficient backpacks. , a few more to prevent players from overturning.

Thinking of this, Pei Guang continued to complain: "I guess! Only our main line can produce really good things. Like this DLC or the Homeland plot, just a few random toys."

March 7: "But with so many weapons, can we use them?"

While thinking, Pei Guang looked at Kevin, who was standing upright at the side: "I don't know if we can use it to come here, but I know that this young man can definitely transport it, Kevin~ Is the Heavenly Fire Holy Judge useful?"

Hearing the inquiry, Kevin nodded: "It's very useful, but the final form of this weapon can only be used once a day, and it consumes a lot of money when used..."

In the past few days, Kevin found an empty space with no one and tried the power of the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment. He didn't know the name of this move, but when he used it, the color of the world changed. Kevin didn't know this move. How strong it is, but recalling the several battles I participated in before, if I had been so capable in those battles, I wouldn't have killed so many people.

As for consumption? After using the weapon skill of the Heavenly Fire Holy Judge once, Kevin felt that his body was extremely weak. Thanks to Pei Guang giving him a lot of complete recovery items, otherwise he might not be able to move if this blow continued.

Pei Guang: "Okay! The organization has decided to give you all these Heavenly Fire Saints. The skill cooldown of this weapon is exclusive to the weapon, not a personal cooling time. There are ten Heavenly Fire Saints, including the one you got the earliest. Eleven The Heavenly Fire Saint's ultimate move has been changed from once a day to once every two hours, and can even be fired eleven times! This is golden equipment, and it can be equipped with eleven skills. How can it kill a wave of legion's empty soldiers in one second? "

Kevin: "Such a good piece of equipment, one is enough for me. If you need this weapon..."

Pei Guang shook his head: "I don't just want to persecute you, I also have other considerations. First of all, you have a very strong overall quality among all soldiers. Secondly, you are lucky."

Kevin: "Am I lucky?"

Pei Guang nodded: "Yes! You fired six of these weapons by yourself. What does this prove? It proves that you have a strong luck buff! You have also tried the effect of the weapon skill of the Skyfire Holy Judgment. This weapon has no effect on the user. It will not cause damage, but it does not turn off friendly damage, which means that if one person wants to use it, the other person has to run to a safe enough position. If you are facing a monster that requires multiple powerful attacks to kill, Such behavior will seriously affect the rhythm. It's better to let you release it in one breath. Anyway, I gave you enough medicine, so you can take it while you put it, wouldn't it be nice? "

The Skyfire Holy Judgment that appears through the player's hand is much better than the original version. No matter who it is or how much health it has, after deducting 50% of the maximum health, the weapon can use all its capabilities, and the user Since the blood has been deducted, the burst of flames will not cause damage to the body.

But here comes the problem. Although it will not cause harm to the user, it does not say that it will not cause damage to friendly forces. At the same time, considering that there may really be monsters that require multiple high injuries to kill, it is best for Kevin to use all these weapons.

Of course, all of the above are the key points. The key point is to use this skill to deduct blood. While deducting blood, powerful damage will burst out. What is this?

To outsiders, this is the Heavenly Fire Saint, but in Pei Guang's eyes, this is the high-end version of Stella. However, compared with the heroic Stella, this Heavenly Fire Saint only deducts 50% of its maximum health.

With Kevin here, once again facing a strong enemy, just throw a few 50% or even 100% recovery potions at Kevin, and then shout: "Kevin! You are full of energy!"

Kevin, Velvet and the newly joined Hua listened carefully. Velvet felt something was wrong, but after listening to it, she still felt that what Pei Guang said made sense.

But who are Xinghe March 7? A pioneer who was brought up by Pei Guang and became more and more crooked as he grew older, and the great detective Sherlock Holmes. The two of them knew from Pei Guang's first words that he didn't have good intentions.

When Pei Guang said he didn't just want to persecute him, the two men were sure that Pei Guang wanted to persecute Kevin.

But how to say it? Pei Guang's method of persecution is not persecution at all to Kevin, but trust.

In his opinion, it would only make his body weak, because when he tried it before, he just felt a little weak after deducting his blood volume. As long as he took the consumables given by Pei Guang, the short-term weakness would be restored instantly, and he would be restored to his maximum strength directly. Strong state.

Eleven consecutive explosions may seem scary to outsiders, but in Kevin's opinion, if it can destroy the enemy and only feel a little weakened, he thinks it is very profitable.

Xinghe March 7th also noticed Kevin's firm expression. Seeing this man's serious, determined and moved expression, Xinghe March 7th remembered what he had seen and heard before at Beloberg and Xianzhou.

It seems that he is trying to trick people and betray them, but every time he is tricked and sold, he just wants to say thank you to Pei Guang. From the Silver-Maned Iron Guard to the Cloud Cavalry Army, Kevin was also deceived by Pei Guang.

But how to say it? In the eyes of these two, this is not a bad thing, because after getting along for a long time, they also know that Pei Guang can sometimes suddenly become arrogant, saying I want to have sex, but his body always moves faster than his words. Sometimes I am so anxious that I skip the polite words and go straight to the action.

Kevin: "Okay, I understand. I will not disappoint your expectations and destroy all legions."

For Kevin, destroying the Legion is his and Meidu's wish. The arrival of the Legion destroyed their hometown, turned countless cities into wastelands, and captured people on the earth and transformed them into virtual pawns. He had promised her and everyone else that he would destroy the Legion no matter what the cost.

The weapons Pei Guang gave him gave him the ability to destroy the legions, and this trivial price was not a price at all in his opinion.

Seeing Kevin's momentum, Pei Guang couldn't help but applaud: "Very good! You are worthy of being an elite unit for me. Since you are so powerful, come on! I have decided to take you to eliminate the virtual pawns on the earth. We, we will take revenge on them."

March 7: "Hey, hey? Are we going to take action so soon? I thought we would have to wait."

Pei Guang: "No need to wait. We are just sending out powerful individual soldiers now. Let Kevin cause trouble for a while. Maybe this Lord of Extinction will think that our goal is to train strong enough individual soldiers. Besides, if we have powerful weapons but don't fight back, that's our character? They are coming to our house to shit. Although they can be used to generate electricity, I hope my house can be cleaner than to generate electricity. Not only the virtual soldiers on the earth should be killed, but when we have enough power, we will kill all the virtual soldiers from the Destroyer Star God to the virtual soldiers of the Legion. Just kill, kill, kill, kill." Kevin also looked at his weapon at this time. He wanted to say something, but when he was about to speak, he suddenly found that the surrounding environment had changed. He found himself standing in the universe. In front of him, a golden light attracted his attention. He held the Holy Judge of Heavenly Fire in his hand and moved forward. He didn't know how far he had walked. He saw a scene that shocked him. A huge existence like a centaur was looking at him. He had a feeling that this existence didn't want to look at him, but he had no choice but to choose him. Well, the other party didn't say anything, but he had such a feeling.

Before Kevin could react, he saw Him shoot an arrow at him, and the dazzling light instantly enveloped his body.

At this moment, Kevin regained his vision: "You guys?"

Kevin noticed that everyone was looking at him with strange eyes: "I... Is there something wrong with me?"

Pei Guang: "No, you just received the blessing from the Star God. Simply put, you changed your job."

Kevin: "Changed job?"

Pei Guang: "Yes, according to the setting, you should have been chosen by the Star God, but unfortunately I can't feel what this destiny power is. What do you see?"

Kevin: "Is it... a centaur?"

Kevin didn't know if this description was a bit disrespectful to that existence, but this was the only word he could think of.

Pei Guang: "Oh~ Patrol Star God, Patrol is pretty good, he's a pretty generous Star God. By the way, since you've changed your job, have you found anything unusual about yourself?"

Pei Guang has a very good feeling for Patrol Star God. At that time in the Immortal Boat, Patrol Star God gave it to his Lord to play with. Although it was just a plot kill, he had watched the previous plot kills, but this time he could personally participate, which made Pei Guang very fond of Patrol Star God.

Kevin: "Abnormal place? It seems..."

Kevin picked up the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgement, and at that moment he understood what the blessing from Patrol Star God was.

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