March 7: "If this is really the Great Lord of Extermination, all of us will be responsible here."

Pei Guang: "It's not good. Obviously, if the boss in the later period is the main body, you can only wait for the plot to kill it. But unfortunately, it is not the main body. Come on! Oh! Look, I set fire to it and it didn't fall. Material, this proves that the illusion here is really fake, it is data! In other words, the illusion of this copy will be balanced according to our strength, so that we can defeat it through normal methods."

Pei Guang's three-flavored true fire arose in Huanhu's chest, but compared to the real Huanhu, Pei Guang felt much more relaxed when burning this. Unlike Huan Hao, this Pei Guang doesn't even need to eat consumables.

But would you say weak? It's not weak either. When Pei Guang set the fire, the Huanhu in the Yuxiang Space started to act. Compared with the main body, the Huanhu's attack in the Yuxiang Space was more single and stupider.

At the very least, the real phantom would not be fanning stupidly from far away, but this phantom would be fanning here stupidly in an attempt to attack Pei Guang.

Xing: "It's not a big problem. Even with the data, as long as it feels good when playing, let me try the feel!"

Xing was the most excited when he saw Huan Lu, especially when he saw Huan Lu's trembling body, a bright smile appeared on Xing's face. I saw Xing take out his bat, and then, with everyone witnessing, he did something that most people would not dare to do.

In fact, Pei Guang also wanted to do it, but unfortunately his weapon was a sword. When he fought with Huanlong, he was the main target. He also had to be careful about Huanlong opening his weapon. Pei Guang was not in the mood to play, but this Once, he was in the mood to play.

Pei Guang handed the wooden sword to Xing: "Xing, can you see if you can cut it off?"

Xing took the wooden sword and slashed it: "No, it won't disappear! But the reaction when you knock it is so real."

Xing felt regretful that she couldn't cut off the accessory. After all, she had an accessory that she had conveniently cut off in her storage space. It was a pity that she couldn't get a pair together.

As for perversion? how to say? Huan Hu's body was transformed from the Jianmu Fruit. After being chopped off, it turned into wood for hundreds of years. The fork couldn't tell the original appearance. In addition, the biggest piece of meat that Xing could cut at that time was that piece of meat. How could it be said that it was done easily? What about perverts?

At the same time, during testing, Pei Guang and his team also found that this phantom's attack mode was very simple and monotonous. The original fantasy will try to summon tree roots to attack. At the same time, the attack methods are not limited to pure physical attacks of the body, but also the power from the path of destruction.

But the only reverberations in the space were simple flicks of brains and blows of fans to blow away others, but these attacks were not difficult for Pei Guang and his party.

If they were hit by these two attacks, their heads would definitely be buzzing. The problem is that Pei Guang and the others are not stupid. At the same time, they are not playing a card game. How can they stand still and let this boss fight?

However, after testing by a group of people, although this Huanhu is very weak compared to its own body, if the group of people wants to kill it, they still need to put in some effort, but overall the effort is not much.

It would be very difficult for any one of them to do it alone, but as long as they bring Bai Lu, it is not that difficult for two people to speed through.

At the same time, after testing, it was found that this dungeon still retains Huan Hu’s explosive star move, but it only has cutscenes and does not do much damage.

In Pei Guang's opinion, this is a very interesting and slightly challenging weekly book, and the overall difficulty is not high.

So Su Shang took her own weapon, used what she had learned all her life to avoid Huan Wu's attacks, and attacked Huan Wu's chest.

March 7 held a camera to record this scene, but she remembered it very clearly. Pei Guang wanted to use this video to promote Jinren Alley and his stall. Although she felt unreliable, the process of bullying Huanlong in this way was really interesting. It would be a pity not to record such a beautiful scene.

Bailu? She was holding her own gourd with a wicked smile on her face while Naixing and Sushang were going crazy. Not to mention anything else, Xing and Sushang could fight Huanlu with just two of them plus one. , which is enough to prove that the intensity of this illusion is not high.

If nothing else, just say that the creation engine released by Pei Guang can give this Huanhu two slaps, which is enough to prove how low the strength of this Huanhu is.

While they were fighting, Pei Guang was also conducting some tests on this copy based on the battle between Xing and Su Chang. According to the current test, Huan Hao's body cannot explode treasures, and treasures may be released after clearing the level, but Pei Guang, an enemy of this strength, does not believe that he can produce anything good.

When fighting Cocolia, everything that could move on my side was moved. In the end, I gave Xing an orange equipment and changed my class. When fighting Huanhu, he used everything he could, and finally obtained the Jianmu Fruit, an extremely rare material in the entire game. Now this monster that the star can bully at will can be shipped in Pei Guang's opinion. But it's definitely not a good product. I can only say that after I become stronger, I can come here to bully this Huanlong for fun, but I can't expect anything from her.

But when Pei Guang was testing, a bold idea suddenly came to his magical mind.

As we all know, except for players, few NPCs would challenge Zhou Ben.

On the one hand, the Zhou Ben in many games is just a compromise for the player's gameplay. On the other hand, NPCs will always magically not be able to find the Zhou Ben, or they will not be able to enter due to various reasons. Even if he found it or stood at Zhou Ben's door, he still wouldn't be able to defeat him.

And what about the players? Under normal circumstances, you cannot bring NPCs in. You can only bring your own characters into the dungeon to challenge powerful enemies that you have defeated in the plot.

Regardless of whether it is the compromise of the world, the secret operation of the Star God, or the characteristics of the own players, since there is a weekly book, and it is a difficulty that can be adapted according to the challenger, is it possible to use this weekly book... to make a fortune? ?

Thinking of this possibility, Pei Guang's expression gradually became serious. In this copy, Xing was hitting Huan Lu's chest with a bat, and occasionally poking Huan Lu's head with a flame spear.

When Pei Guang thought about this level, Xing and Su Chang had already advanced Huan Hu to the third stage. Although the third stage Huan Hu looked much stronger, Bai Lu was still there, even if Su Chang was accidentally beaten hard. After a slap and a mouthful of milk, Su Chang jumped up and rushed forward again.

Seeing the boss that had entered the third stage, Pei Guang shouted to Xing who was already high, "Xing! Keep the monsters under my control! Don't kill them! I'm very useful! Let's go out first."

Hearing these words, Xing, who had already taken out his flame gun and was about to charge, stopped immediately: "What method of torture have you thought of?"

Pei Guang: "In your eyes, am I this kind of person?"

After a few simple remarks to each other, several people used the power of the pioneers and left the Aftershock Space.

After leaving the Aftershock Space, Pei Guang expressed his intention to use the Aftershock Space to make a fortune.

Pei Guang: "Everyone! You can challenge a powerful boss in this residual sound space, and this boss is the King of Extinction who brought trouble to the Immortal Boat. Although you can only challenge it once a week, if you can beat the King of Extermination, the quota will be sold. If so, how do you feel?"

March 7: "Wait? Aguang? What did you say? The challenge quota is sold? Are you going to take people sightseeing? How to deal with the King of Extinction during the sightseeing tour?"

Pei Guang: "That's right! As expected of Qi'er, it's clear in just one point. It's such a waste that only we can challenge this dungeon. The reason we come to challenge is nothing more than to experience new skills and learn about new professions. But we sell After that, not only can we earn a sum of materials, but we can also ask tourists to help us kill the boss, and we can also pick up the materials after killing the boss. In this way, we can find a group of thugs and give us money every week to help us collect materials. ? If it doesn’t work, let’s just give them some rubbish as a souvenir after they finish the fight and let them leave happily.”

When these words came out, Xing's eyes lit up: "What a great idea! As expected of A Guang, our newly opened maps and bosses can bring us an income every week, and at the same time, there will be people to help us collect equipment and Materials, you get a lot with one move! And these fools who were deceived by you, Aguang, only picked up a bit of garbage after giving us money and materials, and then they had to be grateful to us. But why, it feels like this kind of behavior. Feeling familiar?"

Pei Guang looked at Xing. At this moment, Pei Guang thought of the widely circulated game memes.

"Only idiots do this task."

"Are you the famous V?"

At the same time, Pei Guang also realized that he was very familiar with this set of operations. Many game entry dungeon tickets are not valuable on the surface, but in fact they are very valuable materials according to the game background settings. At the same time, he also reflected on one thing. Did those stupid NPCs that he played games swallow up a lot of his good stuff? Pei Guang didn't believe that these NPCs couldn't think of the operations that he and Xing could think of.

Waiting, when Pei Guang can go back one day, he will give these NPCs a good beating. As for how real people beat virtual data, this kind of thing is not within the scope of Pei Guang's consideration for the time being.

After Su Chang listened to Pei Guang and Xing's words, she thought from her own point of view: "If I can have sex with the Lord of Extermination Huan Wu, even if it is a phantom, I guess many people will be willing to pay, right? Hehe~ Anyway, there are definitely many people in the Yunqi Army who are interested in Huawaimin, and I guess they would also like to experience this kind of gameplay?”

March 7th looked at Bai Lu: "But the location of this echo space is in the Linyuan realm. This is the forbidden area of ​​the Mingchi Clan. Outsiders can't just walk in, right?"

Bai Lu: "It's okay. We can just bring people over in a hurry like we did just now. If we just bring a few people and don't wander around without being discovered, it's totally fine! Then I can surround this place and let people come here." People can’t run around!”

Pei Guang: "Actually, I think we can provide some interesting services. We can provide customers with records of fancy killing Huanhu, so that they can compare who kills Huanhu in a special way? Then we will put a close-up of the kill. When the time comes, those who want to shoot cool kills will definitely want to play in the second week.”

March 7: "As expected! Although this is just a lingering sound, if Huanhuang knew that he was being treated like this~hehe~"

March 7th has already imagined Huanlong's angry expression. Is Huanlong angry now? Of course angry!

Bai Lu: "But how should we sell this?"

Pei Guang: "I have an idea at this stage. Let's use this admission qualification as a reward for people to draw. Anyone who signs in at Jinren Lane for seven days can get a lottery ticket. We will draw one or two tickets every week. The quotas will be used as rewards! Let’s give these remaining quotas to Jingyuan. After all, Jingyuan is a general. I feel that he is definitely a professional. Let him sell it, regardless of whether it is money or materials, and let him take a cut of the rest. Even though the money we get is just vulgar money, it won’t help us improve our strength, but the money and materials will help us carry out operations and construction. "

After all, he has become the owner of the solar system. If he wants to develop the earth, he needs resources. Originally, Pei Guang was thinking about how to obtain resources quickly, but no! There are ways to source resources.

As for whether this lingering sound is attractive? It is very attractive. There is not much in the entire universe, but there are many rich people. The Aftershock Space is not rare, but what is rare is the Aftershock Space that can challenge the Lord of Extinction.

Normally, this kind of reverberation space will not be generated, and even if it is generated, it will not be so stable. However, due to the influence of the player's power, these reverberation spaces are not only stable, but also refreshed every week.

If you spend a little money to experience challenging the Lord of Extinction, even if it is just a weakened version, it will be enough for these people to brag about for a lifetime.

Bai Lu was looking forward to this very much, because Pei Guang said he would give her half of it. Even if there was no specific plan, Bai Lu could see a steady stream of money pouring into her pocket.

Of course, as a Dragon Lord, since the scale source realm was used as the venue, she would only keep a small part of the money to buy food, and she decided to use the rest to revive the Vigilante Clan.

She, Bai Lu, also has an ambition. She wants to buy hundreds of Star Destroyers, and then let them drive the Star Destroyers to ram those fertile creatures when the Vigilantes go out to fight. If you encounter a difficult enemy and you are using the money you have saved, ask Pei Guang to help.

Bai Lu is not a selfish person. The moment she can get the share, how to make the Mingdadhara clan develop efficiently has already appeared in her mind. In this galaxy, money is not everything, but with the Interstellar Peace Company, money can solve 90% of the problems.

As for the Dragon Masters not agreeing? Bai Lu had already thought about it. After she made money, she photographed the money in front of the dragon masters to see if they agreed.

Bai Lu's current understanding of immortality is different from that of the dragon masters. Some dragon masters want to keep the tradition, but Bai Lu wants to change the Vidyadhara clan.

She doesn't understand the truth. She just wants everyone in the Vidyadhara clan to be fed and clothed while they are alive, so that they can be safer when they go to fight against abundant evil creatures. When the time came to meet other Immortal Boat Clan members, they would only use standard weapons, and each of their own clan members would have a Star Destroyer. No matter what, just two people in a boat will do! What? Where did the Star Destroyers come from? She believed that the invincible Pei Guang would definitely find a way to get it for her!

In Bai Lu's view, Pei Guang is invincible!

Although Bai Lu didn't even know how much money this project could make so far, based on her knowledge of Pei Guang, if Pei Guang said it could make money, it would definitely be a lot of money.

At this moment, in the power furnace of a certain Star Destroyer, Huan Wu, the person involved, was pressed in front of the TV by two people today, watching the video from the public area that was uploaded a few minutes ago. The content in the video was none other than Xingzheng. He hit her body wildly with the bat.

She felt like she was going completely crazy, but she couldn't get away from this power furnace, let alone the power furnace. She couldn't even beat these guys, so she could only be held down by them and publicly executed.

But fortunately, some of these guys have run away. According to the information she overheard, it seems that some boss is about to attack, and they have to play. Can't they stay here anymore? What are the number of times per week, the number of people limited, etc.

No matter what it is, as long as these guys are not here!

Of course, this is just a hazy thought now. In a few days, she will regret it and regret why she chose Xianzhou to commit suicide. At the same time, she regretted why she had launched a surprise attack on March 7th in the first place. She also regretted why she didn't run away quickly and insisted on going against the players.

Because it won’t take long for her to hallucinate and bring out the majesty of the Lord of Extinction. It is estimated that even if there is a civilization on the planet that is destroyed by the Lord of Extinction in the future, people here may still say: "Fuck you to death." , I killed the Lord of Extermination Huan Wu!

However, this is not the point. The point is the location of this after-sound space. The other extermination kings dare not come here now. Not to mention anything else, just the illusive head hanging in front of Luofu and the spoon in the hands of the Lord of Gods made these Lords of Extermination dare not come easily to cause trouble in a short period of time.

This is doomed... The shame of the Lord of Extinction will be lost to the whole universe. After all, the name of the Lord of Extinction is the most attractive thing, not the illusive name.

Chapter 209: Characteristics of Xianzhou: Humiliation and Illusion

In the ward, Jingyuan, who was recovering from illness, was drinking tea and sorting out information.

Jing Yuan was very happy to do a series of dubbing for Pei Guang before. Now he is curious about the expressions of the people in Luofu when they hear this familiar voice and can't guess who it is.

Pleasure is pleasure, but Jingyuan is still secretly conducting some investigations in the name of recuperating.

The appearance of players in Star Core, Jianmu, Medicine King's Secret, King of Extermination and Emperor Bow's Revelation has indeed successfully attracted his attention. Now that the biggest threat to the Immortal Boat has been solved, then you need to know next, this star Who brought the core?

And...that woman.

Jing Yuan was sorting out the information with a serious expression. That man and that woman...

When Jing Yuan was thinking, Pei Guang's voice interrupted his thoughts again. Looking at the compiled information, Jing Yuan smiled and said, "It seems that this move was the right one."

Jing Yuan stood up, walked to the door, opened the door, looked at the five people shouting outside the door, and asked curiously: "Oh? Is there anything else you need from me?"

Hearing Jing Yuan's question, Pei Guang outside the door nodded: "Yes! Let me make a short story about the specific situation, that is..."

Pei Guang told Yuxiang Space and his thoughts. After hearing Pei Guang's suggestion, Jing Yuan's head was really overloaded this time.

There is no precedent for selling the Aftershock Space in the entire universe, but what Pei Guangzhi did was truly unique. It stands to reason that the stability of the reverberation space at the level of the Lord of Extinction is very poor. Even the order's attack needs to be balanced or memorized to be completely stable.

But this is the territory of Xianzhou, and the envoy will not do such things casually, so there is only one person who can stabilize the space, and that is Pei Guang.

It wouldn't matter if it was a normal reverberation space that was stabilized. The illusory aftereffect space of the Lord of Annihilation was actually stabilized. This was an envoy. Doing so was no less than putting pressure on the heads of this envoy and everyone in the force he belonged to. Shit on.

Pei Guang didn't care if he pooped on the head of the Order of Destruction, but he also wanted to pull Luo Fu to do it with him. He even wanted to pull Luo Fu to do it with him. He even wanted to pull everyone in the universe to do it together, and even asked Xianzhou to help sell it in Are you qualified to shit on the head of the Lord of Extermination?

This is cool!

What? Offend the Legion? The Immortal Boat Alliance is already going to war with the Legion, are they still afraid of offending?

What's more, this matter is a good thing for Luofu. Their generals cannot improve their strength by fighting the enemies in Yuxiang, but having this presence can greatly improve the morale of the Immortal Boat Alliance, especially in the confrontation. At the time of the legion, this reverberation space can greatly increase the morale of the Cloud Cavalry Army.

Probably when the war started, the Legion shouted: "We have the Lord of Extermination!"

Yunqijun: "We pooped on the head of the Lord of Extermination!"

Legion: "We have seven Lords of Extermination!"

Yunqijun: "We have all pooped on the head of the Lord of Extermination!"

Crude, but useful.

Although Pei Guang asked Jingyuan to help sell only three places, there were ten places in Yuxiang Space, two of which were reserved for the revitalization of Jinren Alley, and the remaining five were for Jingyuan to pick at will. However, if Pei Guang wants to play, then these quotas will be postponed until Pei Guang and his companions do not need to come in for target shooting and others can come in. But considering that the player's companion must bring people in, there are actually only four places in the fairy boat.

After Pei Guang told the story, Jing Yuan was shocked. As a general, he naturally saw how precious Pei Guang's reverberation space is: "Okay! I will not let down your trust, A Guang, and I will definitely sell this place." Good price. I am here, on behalf of the Xianzhou Alliance, to thank you for your help and thoughtfulness.”

Pei Guang: "Good guy, I asked you to help me make money, and you still want to thank me. You, Xianzhou, are so polite. Seeing that you are so generous, I will give you 20% of my income!"

Pei Guang was also shocked. As a player who mainly plays RPGs and plays strategic elites as a secondary player, he has so many things in his mind, and he has not thought about so many things. What is the morale of his troops? The morale and happiness of his troops should not be high. Is it always full? What? Not full? Where did the cute new baby come from? Come on and teach the cute new baby how to play games. If not, I will provide you with various strategies!

Jing Yuan couldn't stand Pei Guang's words. In his opinion, Pei Guang's cognition deviated greatly from that of normal people. At the same time, after receiving the revelation from Emperor Gong Siming, he also studied the mentality of normal players. .

how to say? With the standard player mentality, the things that are important in the eyes of players and the things that are important in the eyes of normal people may sometimes be similar, but most of the time they are really incompatible.

However, Jingyuan was also a frank person. Pei Guang was generous to Luofu. As Luofu's general, how could he treat Pei Guang badly? What's more, he has already made preparations to form an alliance with Star Train. In this case, even if Pei Guang's attitude does not matter, they, Xianzhou, must show sincerity.

Jing Yuan: "Don't worry, this matter will definitely be arranged clearly. As for 20%? No need, just keep it. For Luofu, having this opportunity is enough."

Pei Guang: "Since you are so polite, I won't be polite anymore. Then your work will be in vain~ It just so happens that the development of my planet also requires resources. When it is built in the future, I will definitely take you to play~"

Pei Guang was very happy when he heard that Jing Yuan was unwilling to take the share. What? Jing Yuan cheated himself? How is it possible? This is a good person who gave him more than three hundred cigarettes. How could such a good person trick him?

Yes, players are so easy to be satisfied and trust people. It doesn't matter if they are really cheated. It's nothing more than their favorability towards Jingyuan falling and falling again. If it drops to a certain level, they can only tearfully burst his gold coins.

Jing Yuan: "Hahaha! Thank you for thinking about me. You are here as a guest. You didn't have a good experience of Xianzhou's customs and customs in Xianzhou. Instead, you helped Xianzhou so much. That's why I want to thank you here. "

Pei Guang: "You're welcome. I know so many NPCs, but you are the only one who is so polite. By the way, remember to come to Jinren Lane after your break. I have already used the advertisement you assigned, and the effect is very good!"

Jing Yuan: "As long as the effect is good~ When I finish my work here, I will go to Jinren Alley to support you no matter what."

Jinren Alley... Jing Yuan has also been there, but the last time he went, he was a group of five people. This time, although there are still a few former friends on the immortal boat, everything has changed.

Pei Guang: "Okay, we're fine, let's continue to develop Jinren Alley! By the way, do you want to bring a few people with you to experience the strength of this copy for yourself? It's too late to start selling it next week."

Jing Yuan: "In that case, I won't be polite. I will arrange some people to enter this residual sound space..."

Pei Guang: "I'll arrange it!"

Jing Yuan: "Then I'll trouble you."

Pei Guang: "No trouble, but having said that, are you interested in going in and playing? Your god is very strong. I guess I can play with her at will after entering the echo space."

Jing Yuan: "Oh? Then I'll try it later during the break, but this time I try, won't it..."

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