Accompanied by the inspiring music, the singer's voice struck Su Chang's heart like Clipper's hammer. She felt a chill running down her spine, not because of fear, but because she was shocked by the song.

What Pei Guang was playing was none other than Chinese Kung Fu. When she heard the lyrics and the melody, Su Chang wished she could find a fertile evil creature and punch DuangDuangDuang three times.

In her opinion, this is a serious Xianzhoufeng song. As for the content of the song? Su Shang is not very good at politics, geography, and history. She only knows that this song is nice and good, and she wants to give it a few punches, but she doesn't know anything else.

Seeing Su Shang's eyes shining, Pei Guang knew that he had made the right choice. It just so happened that Xianzhou Luofu had a national style background, and Pei Guang thought it was just right to use a national style song.

In fact, Pei Guang wanted to sing these songs in person, but when he thought about March 7th's original instructions, and then thought that his singing was indeed tone-deaf, although it was all about emotions, it was too lethal, and he sang it in a private environment. It was a good time to play, but as soon as this public environment went down, there would probably be fewer people coming to Jinren Alley.

However, this was just an appetizer. The moment the yellow man was released next, Su Shang had already picked up his weapon, clenched his hands, and wanted to fight directly.

If these just aroused Su Shang's passion, the following song "Serve the Country with Loyalty" had already made Su Shang pick up the sword and turn around to leave. Su Shang was not smart. Even the teacher called her Li Dazhen, and she could only partially read and write.

But as a member of Yaoqing Xianzhou, her inner martial virtue and the combination of these songs played by Pei Guang allowed her to find the feeling of passion again.

She felt itchy in her hands if she didn't chop down a few fertile things.

Pei Guang: "Wait! I'm playing these songs for you to make you dance...Forget it, these songs are not suitable for dancing. On the contrary, they are suitable for fighting. That's good. Dancing in the promotional video will be omitted and replaced directly. Su Shang, how about your battle video?”

Su Shang: "Ah?"

Pei Guang: "Ah, songs are about artistic conception. These songs... are not suitable for weak dances. On the contrary, they are suitable for fighting strong enemies. I will help you find some fertile evil objects or legionary soldiers, and I will record them. You cut the video!”

Hearing this suggestion, Su Shang was confused: "Is this okay? Can such a promotional video attract tourists?"

Pei Guang: "You are the stall owner and I am the stall owner? You are the consultant and I am the consultant? Do you know how to operate? Let me tell you, I have been a small businessman, a city operator, and the founder of Xinghai Yitang. What do I want to do? Never done it before? You must be right.”

Pei Guang had a good idea, but what March 7 said next made Pei Guang silent.

"Ah Guang! The secret disciples of Yao Wang on the fairy boat have either been killed or captured. You have chopped all the abundant creations into materials, and the building wood has been sealed by Bai Lu. Where can we get the abundant creations for you? "Cut it?"

Pei Guang thought: "That's right! It's a pity that all the enemies and bosses that have been challenged before can't be challenged again. It's a pity that the stitches are not complete enough!"

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional. March 7 looked at Pei Guang in shock: "Ah Guang! You don't even know this, do you? The powerful enemies we have defeated can be challenged again."


Pei Guangqian was stunned by March 7th's words. Pei Guang thought he had explored the world very well, but March 7th suddenly told him that enemies he had challenged before could challenge him again?

March 7 also looked at Pei Guang in shock: "You really don't know this? I thought you knew..."

Pei Guang: "I know the possible pattern of that kind of thing, but I haven't explored it in this world... Please tell me, how do you get into a fight with a powerful enemy that you have fought before?"

March 7th recalled: "After the space distortion phenomenon, high-frequency space energy surges will appear. This phenomenon is called [aftershock]. In the aftershock, the concept of space and time we are accustomed to will undergo drastic changes, and even copy us. A specific scene that we have experienced. This scene is fatal to ordinary people, but it is completely harmless to us. We can even experience the unforgettable battle, but the way of entering is quite special and requires us to use the power of opening up our destiny. Only then can you enter the Aftershock and re-experience the battle. You can bring other people in to re-experience the Aftershock. Although the copied enemies are weakened to a certain extent, they are fatal to ordinary people. It is best not to bring ordinary people in. But it’s not dangerous for us. If it is, we can use the power of development to escape from that space.”

March Qi became more and more excited as she talked, but she noticed that Pei Guang's face became more and more solemn.

Pei Guang held March Qi's shoulders: "Qi'er! Why didn't you say this earlier?"

March 7: "You didn't even ask. Besides, we were so busy along the way that I forgot about it."

In fact, March Qi is not to blame for this incident, because Pei Guang didn't pay attention to this thing along the way. At the same time, as long as the places he explored did not change, Pei Guang would not come back to explore again.

In addition, things were rushed along the way. Although there were a few days of rest in between, when Belloberg was resting, everyone was experiencing the characteristics of Belloberg, or preparing for a duel with the Silver Wolf, let alone chatting. After this incident, no one told Pei Guang and Xing about it, and Pei Guang and Xing didn't care.

And what about Pei Guang’s journey? It’s also the standard Who Am I? where am I? Who am I going to do!

Although the main plot and even some side plots were well guessed, and he even thought that there would be things like dungeons, Pei Guang didn't pay attention because he was running through the plot all the way. Secondly, the aftereffect space was hidden a little deep.

If it is a game, some special methods may be used to make it conspicuous so that players can find it easily. Even if players cannot find it on the map and exploration, they can still find it in various instructions in the game.

Although the player Pei Guang now has many functions, Pei Guang is not omnipotent, let alone omniscient and omnipotent. If there is no triggering thing, naturally he will not know where it is.

Pei Guang: "I see, but having said that, can the enemies challenged by this Yuxiang Space get the treasure?"

March 7th shook his head: "That's not possible, because these are just data copied from the twisted space. You can only experience the power of the enemy again. After defeating the enemy, the enemy will become data and disappear. Although the challenge can be repeated, after fighting like this It’s been a long time, and there haven’t been any good things. It’s hard to say about some ordinary enemies, but the battle between us and Huanhu should have a reverberation space. But... I remember that there seems to be a way to challenge the powerful enemies we have experienced. , but this kind of thing, um... I just know, but I don’t know why, I can’t remember..."

March 7 was trying to remember. She always felt that she knew a way for Pei Guang to challenge his former powerful enemy. Uncle Yang or others seemed to have said this, but she just couldn't remember it.

Seeing March Qi thinking, Pei Guang patted her shoulder: "Okay, there's no need to think about this kind of thing. Since this so-called Yu Xiang has a boss to challenge, let's take a look at the battle with Huan Wu before. Is there any residual sound left in the place? If there is any, let Su Shang use our BGM to fight Huan Lu and take a video to use it as our promotional video!"

March 7: "Okay! Let's set off! But this kind of thing is not inevitable. I have traveled to so many planets, and several planets have encountered this situation."

Pei Guang: "That's because I didn't come before. As a player, I'm here, so if you don't have this kind of copy, you have to have it."

March 7: "It's a pity that I don't remember any way to let you experience the feeling of truly challenging a powerful enemy again..."

Pei Guang: "This is so normal. Will you remember how many grains of rice you ate yesterday? No!"

March 7: "Well... I remember how many grains of rice I ate yesterday, and the answer is 0!"

March Qi proudly puffed up her chest, with a proud smile on her face.

Pei Guang: "Okay! You actually demolished me!"

While Pei Guang and March Qi were playing around and preparing to try to find Yuxiang, Pam was very happy on the star train. Pam didn't care about the value of the souvenirs Pei Guang brought. What really made Pam happy was that Pei Guang had him in his heart.

To be precise, it is happy to have it in every pioneer's heart. While having it, it is even happier to receive precious souvenirs from the pioneers.

As a train conductor, it naturally had to take good care of these souvenirs. However, when Pam's happy head was filled with happy symbols, it suddenly felt a chill.

It felt like there was something extra on the train.

"It's so weird!!!"

Ji Zi, who was sorting out information on the side, felt Pam's strangeness and came over curiously: "Pam? What's wrong? Why do you feel that your face is not good? Are you looking for someone to help you measure your height? I have one now It’s empty~”

Pam shook her head vigorously and said: "No! I don't know. There is something strange coming in the car, and Pam can feel it. No one is more familiar with Akivili's trains than Pam!"

Ji Zi frowned: "Something strange?"

Just when Jizi frowned, Walter seemed to sense something and returned to the train from the earth.

Seeing Walter's return, Pam looked at Walter excitedly: "You can also help us find him!"

Walter: "What happened?"

Jizi explained the situation to Walter, which made Pam feel something was wrong, which made Walter frown. Although this return was just to go back to the room to find some of his belongings, since there was a problem on Pam's side, he decided not to return to Earth yet.

After all, there are Black Tower dolls on the Earth side, so there is nothing to worry about. Pam's side is the most important thing.

While Pam, Jizi and Walter were searching, a broken mirror that could only be seen by designated people stood here in the living room.

In this broken mirror, a hooded girl nervously watched the actions of the members in the Star Dome Train. To be honest, she was extremely scared at this moment. What she was afraid of was not the members of the Star Train. There was nothing these pioneers could do to her.

She is afraid of Pei Guang! Pei Guang's wooden sword was very restrained against her, because the wooden sword was equipped with Yaliluo's star core and had the ability to kill them instantly.

If it hadn't been for the decision from above to let her come here, from decision to arrival, it would only take ten seconds, and she would always feel like she was betrayed.

Chapter 208: Huanwu Zhouben, a plan to make big money

This messenger from Liu Guang Yi Ting made people numb. She had planned to stay on the train after Xing woke up and collect some memories with Xing.

As a result, Pei Guang's appearance extended the matter indefinitely. Compared to other forces, they, the followers of the Memory Star God, knew more. But sometimes, knowing too much is not a good thing, especially for a person like Pei Guang. Who knows why there is such a thing in this world, and why such a thing attracts the attention of so many star gods.

It stands to reason that the Star God is restricted by his destiny and cannot do anything beyond his destiny, but observing Pei Guang's behavior is completely in line with his destiny. As far as the messenger knows, Fuli, whom they believe in and follow, has even been paying attention This exists.

And based on Pei Guang's performance along the way and Star God's attention, Liu Guang Yi Ting didn't dare to contact him. Even if their purpose seemed to them to be good, they didn't dare to.

Originally, the messenger was thinking about following Pei Guang secretly so as not to be discovered, but Liuguang Yiting told her to come to the train.

The only good thing is that she summarized Pei Guang's behavior along the way and knew how to communicate with Pei Guang. But the only trouble is, she feels like she scared Pam...

According to how much Pei Guang loves Pam, when Pei Guang appears, he is afraid that he will be slashed with a sword if he doesn't come up!

But it wasn't a big problem. She was sure to shout out her lines in advance before Pei Guang took action.

As for the person who said she was afraid, where was it? At this time, Pei Guang used the newly unlocked function to reach the entrance of the battle-ending sound.

Just when March 7th was explaining to Pei Guang the existence of the special space of Yuxiang, Pei Guang noticed that there were three more signs on the three maps of Black Tower Space Station, Belloberg Snowfield, and Linyuan Realm.

Pei Guang took a look at the introduction of the after-sounding battle, and it was just like what March 7 said, you can challenge the powerful enemies you have defeated in this after-sounding space. The disadvantage is that this thing has limitations. Each boss can only be challenged once in seven system days. In any case, these three exploration places are equivalent to one more teleportation point. Although it is limited, it is better than holding it every day. The number of transmissions is really high.

As for the number of people entering? The number of people in each battle is the upper limit. Take the Huanhui Yuxiang version as an example. In this copy, Pei Guang seems to have at least one person and a maximum of ten people. But looking at this introduction, Pei Guang always felt that something was wrong.

He remembered very clearly that there were only nine people including Jing Yuan during the battle against Huanhu. Could it be that Shenjun was also considered a person? But it shouldn’t be! Because from Doommon to Cocolia to Huanhui, there is one more person?

"Is it to give an extra spot so that more people can participate in the future?" Pei Guang decided to give up thinking about those messy things. As a player, you can just play how you want the game to be set.

In addition, the appearance of the lingering sound also opened up some new functions for Pei Guang.

Pei Guang can teleport to the vicinity of the entrance to the Battle Aftermath. This teleportation has no limit on the number of teleportations and can be used at any time. However, this teleportation has a disadvantage compared to the random teleportation that Pei Guang currently has. It cannot be used in combat or when affected by other forces. Each teleportation must be guided for five seconds out of combat. At the same time, each teleportation only requires It can carry three people, but not only Pei Guang can use this teleportation, but all pioneers can use it. If it carries people, each pioneer can carry three people.

Although it is not as good as the unlimited teleportation that is limited to twice a day, overall it is still a very useful function that allows Pei Guang to travel around the world faster. It's a pity that the earth currently has no reverberation space. If the earth also has reverberation space, then he can really run around the streets anytime and anywhere. But it doesn't matter. According to his estimation, the earth has its own teleportation point. It's also a matter of time.

Yuxiang, who has experienced many battles, can challenge three powerful beings, Doommon, Cocolia and Huanhui. According to the description of Pei Guang's system, there is a chance of obtaining precious treasures by challenging these powerful enemies, but Pei Guang is skeptical about whether he can withdraw gold.

These three copies are refreshed every seven system hours. Each copy can be challenged once each time it is refreshed. As long as the boss in the copy is not killed, the number of times will not be consumed.

How to describe it? Just opened a weekly book.

Regarding the unlocking of this function, Pei Guang really wanted to drag out his netizens and kick their butts! Zhennima is completely free to explore. If he doesn't know or hasn't explored it, he won't unlock it in advance for the sake of the player's gameplay, and he doesn't even have any guidance.

If it weren't for this time that he had the idea of ​​​​fighting against an enemy he had defeated, and without the reminder of March 7th, Pei Guang felt that he would never be able to discover this hidden Zhou Ben in his life.

As for Pei Guang's thoughts, netizens said that they were innocent. Who made Pei Guang have so much fun fighting and killing along the way? You can't blame him for not having the confidence to explore the world.

No, Pei Guang, who opened the Zhou Dynasty with the help of March 7, came here immediately with Su Chang. However, when he arrived at the entrance of the space with the aftermath of the battle, the entrance prompt was similar to that of March 76 Xiangbing. Pei Guang showed an interested expression.

"Qi'er, do you think this is the entrance to the Aftershock Space? Is it because you prompted me? So the entrance is made of six-phase ice? Or does your memory have something to do with these things?"

Hearing Pei Guang's complaints, March Qi came over to take a look. When March Qi approached, the original entrance to the after-sound space opened up, and a circle of pink and shiny ice crystals around the entrance made March Qi's eyes widen.

"No way? I just said some things I know, and it becomes like this?"

Pei Guang: "Have you not been to the Yuxiang Space? Was the entrance like this before?"

March 7 shook his head: "No, but no matter what, there are so many magical things in this world. I'm sure these things were created by you, Aguang. As for whether it's six-phase ice... I can't control it anyway. I can't control it." If it doesn’t work, it’s not my Liuxiang Ice, hehe~”

Pei Guang: "It's not a big problem. Let's go in and take a look, and record a promotional video of Su Shang fighting a powerful enemy. I'm sure this is the cause, and it has something to do with your amnesia."

March 7 was stunned for a moment. She looked at the pink ice crystals next to Yu Xiang's entrance, with a complicated expression on her face.

Pei Guang: "Hey, why are you thinking so much? Believe me, your memory can definitely be recovered. Look! Beloberg and I and Xing have gained new powers. Where is the fairy boat? Dan Heng has recovered it. If you activate the hidden power in the past, no! Within two maps, you will definitely find your past memories. If that doesn’t work, let’s ask Fu Xuan to help you find your past.”

I think that when they were in Taibosi, both Pei Guang and March 7th wanted to find their hometown through divination. The result was that Fu Xuan frightened Pei Guang after divination, and March 7th was delayed after going back and forth. Later, all the way I was so nervous and having so much fun that I forgot about it.

However, upon hearing that the past had been retrieved, March Qi was happy but also a little worried: "But if I retrieve my past memories, things will be different..."

Pei Guang was overjoyed: "That's great!"

March 7 wondered: "?"

Pei Guang proudly puffed up his chest and said: "Then I can play safe and don't care about your favorability, and start a multi-line strategy. Let me tell you, I now regret that I was attracted by your beauty, personality, figure, The inner attraction is to boost your favorability. Now that your favorability is high, I definitely can’t let it go! If you lose your favorability towards me by then, I will be able to carry out the multi-line strategy openly and not worry about your favorability at all~”

March 7 put her hands on her hips: "How dare you!"

Pei Guang also put his hands on his hips: "I dare!"

Xing: "I dare too!"

Bai Lu: "I dare too!"

Although Su Shang didn't understand what these people were talking about, when asked if she dared, she just said: "I dare too!"

March 7 looked at the others: "Why are you joining in the fun?"

Bai Lu said proudly: "I am not just joining in the fun. I know what you are talking about. Isn't it just that little thing? What haven't I seen in all these years?"

March 7: "Okay! You are trying to steal A Guang's favor from me. I have decided not to treat you to delicious food!"

This sentence made Bai Lu's eyes widen: "Are you a child? You actually threaten me with this?"

March 7 nodded seriously: "Okay! I understand, I won't treat you."

Bai Lu: "Sorry March! I was wrong, I didn't dare!"

Bai Lu fully demonstrated what a flexible moral bottom line is. For the sake of food, Pei Guang, so what if you give up? Anyway, they, the Vidyadhara clan, can't have babies, so there's no point in bringing them.

Looking at everyone teasing and joking with each other, Pei Guang said: "Okay, these things will be done later. Let's enter the dungeon first, record this advertisement, and let's go in~"

Pei Guang took the lead and entered the aftermath of the battle. Entering this space, Pei Guang found himself in the space where he had fought Huan Lu.

Not far away, the Great Lord of Extinction Huanhu stood in the distance with her body half buried in the ground. It was obviously not hot, but she was waving a fan to fan herself.

The moment she saw this illusion, Su Chang's eyes widened. She never thought in her life that she would have the opportunity to face the Lord of Extinction?

However, this reverberation space is not the real world after all. Although it can record the battles that have occurred in the real space, this illusion is just empty. When the group saw the illusion, they did not even feel any pressure.

Seeing such a powerful enemy, Su Chang became excited: "It's great. I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to fight such a powerful enemy. If this matter is told, those guys will be jealous to death. If they know this, It’s such a great place, they might want to come here every day.”

Su Chang was very happy. She didn't understand how this space appeared, but according to Pei Guang, the guy in front of her was the phantom of the Great Lord of Extinction. Even if it was a phantom, he was still the Lord of Extinction! If you can get through two moves with this thing, if you really return to Yao Qing one day, those guys will be envious to death.

At this time, Su Chang couldn't wait to have a few fights with this guy, but what happened next made Su Chang have doubts about life.

Pei Guang: "It looks familiar! It's a pity that it's not as strong as it was back then!"

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