Because this is fate.

Chapter 205: How players make food~

Jing Yuan was silent. In fact, even if it were not Pei Guang, he would not refuse if it were anyone else and asked him to do this for a while. The premise is that he cannot be exposed that he deserves it, let alone let others find out that he deserves it.

For him, this is a very interesting thing. It sounds so cool to be able to personally help dub such an advertising slogan~

It's a pity that the people in Liuyu won't let him do this. At the same time, other people in Yinhe don't dare to let him do this, that is, Pei Guang, who can come to him because he feels familiar and interesting.

What's more, if it were anyone else, he would definitely be worried that the other party would not keep their promise, but Pei Guang...

Jing Yuan: "Okay! But listening to this advertisement, are you planning to make fried chicken?"

Hearing the word fried chicken, Bai Lu's eyes lit up: "What? Aguang, you want fried chicken?"

Jing Yuan: "Oh? You don't know?"

Bai Lu: "I don't know! I only know that Aguang wants to make snacks, and she wants me to be her ambassador. Hehe, he told me that I can eat his snacks at will in the future."

Jing Yuan: "What about me?"

Pei Guang: "No problem, eat whatever you want!"

Jing Yuan smiled and said: "In this case, I want to help you even more. How do you get it?"

Jing Yuan joined the team. It was a resting stage anyway, so it wouldn't be a bad thing to find something to do to relieve his mood. What's more, after this stage is over, the people in the alliance will probably have to ask him to report the situation, and then there will be real trouble.

Pei Guang: "It's simple. Just follow the words I say and sing them later! I guarantee that the advertising words you sing will become popular throughout the universe!"

Jing Yuan: "Okay!"

Jing Yuan is also very interested in what Pei Guang said. For Jing Yuan, as long as it does not endanger the safety of Luofu and the Xianzhou Alliance, he is actually happy to participate in many things, and even willing to do them.

Xianzhou's technological level no longer requires going to a professional room for recording. Even in the noisiest environment, using professional recording equipment can record sounds clearly and accurately. The fool-proof operation package makes it easy for users to Cut out what you want to use.

So at the same time, in Jinren Alley, Xing was already following Ming Xi, the little secretary who had finished communicating with the people from Heyun Logistics.

However, due to recent reasons, the computing power of various departments on Luofu has been prioritized for use. For example, for problems such as Heyun logistics route planning that ordinary people can solve with their own brains, there is no waste.

Route planning is also very simple. You only need to connect the starting point and the end point, calculate which route is the most resource-saving, and then plan the route, and you're done.

"Like this! Like this! Then like this! I am indeed a genius!"

When Xing's plan was completed, Pei Guang and his party also returned to Jinren Lane. When they came back, they happened to see Xing smiling proudly.

Pei Guang: "Hey, you look like you're having a lot of fun?"

Hearing Pei Guang's voice, Xing raised his head and looked at Pei Guang who was coming back: "That's right! This Heyun Logistics connection is very fun! If possible, I would like to continue the connection!"

After hearing this, Ming Xi said: "As long as we can unite more people, you will definitely be able to have a good time."

Xing: "That's great. By the way, Aguang, how is the situation over there?"

Pei Guang: "I'm very happy! That guy probably won't disturb our Jinren Lane development plan for a while. What about you? Have you obtained some key information?"

Xing nodded: "Yes! A Guang! This Jinren Alley is just like you guessed before. There is a big crisis and we need our help. Well... let the secretary tell me what happened specifically. I didn't remember it~ Hehe ~”

Mingxi explained the situation in Jinren Lane to Xinghe Sushang, but how to say it? The star goes in the left ear and out the right ear, forget it. Her current state is as if she skipped the plot. She doesn't know who she is or where she is, she just wants to connect!

Because the connection of Heyun Logistics is very interesting to her. Something of this difficulty may be a bit simple for a child, but it is just right for her.

Pei Guang: "It's not a big problem. Since the hostile force is the Interstellar Peace Company, the simple understanding is that we need to revitalize Jinren Alley so that there are still many delicious, drinkable and fun places in Jinren Alley!"

This sentence touched Bai Lu's heart. Bai Lu nodded vigorously and said, "That's right! A Guang summed it up well. Jinren Lane cannot be left without it. There are so many delicious food here. Without it, I would have nowhere to go!"

Bai Lu is obsessed with the various delicacies here. In her opinion, this place is simply paradise. If paradise is gone, it will be very difficult to find another good place.

Su Chang, who had been silent beside Xing, said at this time: "Actually, I also want to help Jin Renxiang. If he is a bad guy with good kung fu, I can survive a few tricks, but Jin Renxiang The matter in the alley cannot be solved with fists and kicks alone. I have nowhere to use my strength, so I can only ask you..."

Pei Guang: "That's a polite thing to say. Besides, who said you have nowhere to use your strength? In my eyes, everyone is useful, even the legions can use it to generate electricity!"

For players, there is never a useless card. What? Do you think this card is dog food? Can only be dismantled? yes! This is what it is used for, take it apart! Use it as dog food, or even if it doesn't work, you can use it to start a collection.

Of course, this is just an extreme situation. Pei Guang has ideas about revitalizing Jinren Lane.

Hearing Pei Guang's words, Su Chang's eyes lit up: "Me? What use can I be? As long as I can do it, just use me."

Pei Guang: "Of course it's useful. You have to remember that even scum can be used to pave the way. How could a beauty like you be useless?"

This compliment made Su Chang feel a little embarrassed: "Well, my appearance is very average."

Pei Guang: "No, no, no, you have a very good temperament. Wherever you go, you have a kind of innocence that has not yet entered society. If you come to shoot an advertisement and be a passerby, the effect will definitely be outstanding."

Su Shang: "Filming an advertisement?"

Pei Guang: "Yes, since Jinren Alley is famous for eating, drinking and having fun, I'm going to open a stall in Jinren Alley to sell some food. No, I'll ask someone to record a commercial song for our snacks. Let me see you. It’s absolutely fine to be our snack ambassador.”

March 7 looked at Pei Guang: "But we are still Jinren Lane consultants, right? Since we are consultants, we have to bring everyone together to develop, right?"

Pei Guang: "That's natural, but there is no conflict. Developing Jinren Alley is an activity, and opening a store and developing it ourselves is also an activity. An activity has a lot of tasks, and you can experience multiple play modes. This is happiness."

Bai Lu looked at Pei Guang with some curiosity at this time: "Aguang, you keep saying that you want to make snacks and fried chicken. Can you give me a taste of your snack now? I have been away for so long with you. Circle, I haven’t eaten anything, I’m hungry!”

March 7th asked curiously: "Ah Guang, the fried chicken you made, you won't use our pot, right?"

Pei Guang: "Then you're looking down on me. I make fried chicken and it's delicious without that pot! But the way I cook is the same as that pot!"

As he spoke, Pei Guang took out the pots and pans on the spot, while Xing took out the flame gun in a tacit understanding.

Pei Guang only discovered this way of cooking recently. After all, the whole group was fighting and killing along the way, and they could all eat normal food without having to cook it themselves.

After killing Huanhu this time, Pei Guang thought about it when he was alone. Now that he has been sewn, he even has a pot that can synthesize anything. It is like various open games. There is a pot and the raw materials are stuffed into it. Is it possible to sew the skills that allow you to make delicious food?

Later, I briefly tried it, and it was indeed sewn. The usage is the same as the pot I made, but it can't be used like the pot that can be used for everything. An ordinary pot can only be used for cooking.

As for the principle, Pei Guang didn't bother to delve into it. After all, it was just a game. For players, as long as it was easy to use and consistent with certain common sense, it would be fine.

You see, how logical it is to put the ingredients into the pot, light the fire, and make delicious food.

Pei Guang also personally demonstrated the player's cooking skills. Pei Guang stuffed a few raw chicken legs into the pot and poured a little oil. After closing the lid, he heard a crackling sound in the pot.

When the sound subsided and the lid of the pot was lifted, Su Shang and Ming Xi were stunned.

The two of them remembered very clearly how the chicken leg that Pei Guang stuffed inside turned into a whole chicken. Obviously only a very small amount of oil was poured in, so why did it turn into fried chicken?

Moreover, the fried chicken looked very crispy, and the rich aroma made the two women watching the show swallow their saliva involuntarily.

Both of them showed surprised expressions. After all, they had never really seen the magic of Pei Guang, a player.

On the contrary, March Qi, Xing and Bai Lu were already used to this scene. It was Pei Guang who had done it anyway, so just use it.

Bai Lu had this idea. Looking at the fried chicken coming out of the pot and smelling the fragrance in the air, Bai Lu pointed at herself: "Aguang, can I eat this fried chicken?"

Pei Guang: "Of course!"

After hearing the permission, Bai Lu stretched out her little hand and picked up the fried chicken from the pot. It was amazing. The fried chicken came out of the pot in just a few seconds, but it felt as warm as if it had just come out of the pot.

Bai Lu couldn't bear it any longer. The smell of fried chicken was so delicious! The simple aroma of oil is enough to whet anyone's appetite, and Bailu is no exception.

She opened her mouth and bit the chicken leg. With this bite, the juice from the chicken entered her mouth.

At this moment, she only had two words to evaluate the chicken: "Perfect!"

Pei Guang made a fried chicken that tasted perfect! Although Bai Lu couldn't understand how it was made, she still said that, as long as it works. What's more, according to the records of the Vidyadharas, it seems that the Vidyadharas were able to create delicious food and even change the appearance of the food.

In the past, Vidyadhara could do it. Pei Guang made a chicken out of several drumsticks. It was so scientific!

Seeing Bai Lu eating so deliciously, March Qi asked curiously: "Ah Guang! What kind of chicken are you making? It can actually make Bai Lu eat so deliciously!"

Everyone has known Bai Lu for a while and knows that Bai Lu is a very good foodie. The fried chicken that Bai Lu eats bite by bite looks delicious.

Pei Guang: "Perfect fried chicken! However, my cooking method still has disadvantages. I can only cook what I have learned, and when cooking, I must have sufficient raw materials."

Xing: "I see, it's really convenient. As expected of A Guang! He did this kind of thing easily."

Looking at the accustomed expressions of Xing and March Qi, Su Chang asked with a puzzled look: "Wait, don't you feel something is wrong? What he just put in was a chicken drumstick, and what came out was a whole chicken leg. Chicken!"

Mingxi: "What I'm looking also chicken legs?"

Sensing the confusion of the two people, Pei Guang nodded: "Yes! The meat of chicken legs is chicken, and the meat of fried chicken is also chicken. I use chicken legs to make fried chicken. Isn't this normal?"

Su Shang: "That seems to be the case! No, no, no!!!"

Su Chang felt that her head was a little messy, but the experienced March 7 held Su Chang back: "Okay~ Don't think too much. There are so many magical things in this universe. A Guang put in the chicken legs and what came out was chickens. Isn’t this normal?”

Xing: "That's right, as long as it tastes good, can be eaten, and has no side effects, Aguang, does the chicken you cook have any side effects?"

Pei Guang: "Not at all, this is perfect fried chicken! Apart from the perfect taste, it doesn't have any side effects. After eating it, I won't sing, dance, rap or play basketball, let alone yell what are you doing! That's it! It’s just an ordinary fried chicken that will make you feel full. But according to my experience, fried chicken is definitely the best when paired with carbonated drinks.”

While chatting here, Bai Lu was holding the fried chicken with a happy smile on her face: "I feel like after eating the fried chicken you made, Aguang, I won't be able to eat anyone else's fried chicken in the future. The taste is so perfect." Bar!"

Pei Guang: "Hey! You can't say that. My fried chicken is just a program and has no soul. Compared with the delicacies made by real chefs, although it tastes perfect, it lacks a trace of soul. You have to know that delicacies "The soul is the most important thing. By the way, since it is fried chicken, how can it not have a soul? Qi'er! Come on, let's put some soul into our fried chicken."

Regarding this point, the antimatter legion roasted by Sanwei Zhenhuo strongly agreed. No, in the cannery far away on earth, the antimatter legion roasted by Pei Guang has entered the assembly line and been made into cans. But even so, these dishes still have soul, and they taste different from ordinary Xuzu.

No, the Fengshou people who were deceived by someone are now feasting on the roasted and cooked celestial beings in a galaxy. They expressed their appreciation for the taste and how soulful it was. After eating it, I felt like I was in high spirits.

After all, the upper blood limit was directly deducted, and he would be a ghost if he didn't feel like a fairy.

On March 7, after hearing Pei Guang's instructions, he took out the advertisement recorded by Jing Yuan.

As Bai Lu ate, the device in March Qi's hand played a very brainwashing song: "Crazy Crazy Golden Man Alley ~ Fried chicken for nine dollars and ninety-nine ~"

The brainwashing promotional song, combined with Bai Lu's expression of delicious taste, created a strange beauty in the scene. At the same time, Jing Yuanpei's brainwashing slogan really injects soul into this fried chicken.

Su Shang and Ming Xi both felt like they wanted to try it.

And when they had the idea of ​​eating, Mingxi's expression gradually became serious. She could see that the abilities of Pei Guang and his party were definitely beyond the reach of others. But she had a feeling that if Pei Guang and the others were to go through this, Jinren Alley would still be Jinren Alley, but no one knew what it would become.

At the same time, she heard a familiar voice in the Crazy Gold Alley promotional song. The voice was very familiar, but for some reason, she just couldn't remember who this person was. It's that kind of feeling that you hear often and is very familiar, but you can't remember who it is. It's very uncomfortable.

While the two of them were doubting their lives, Pei Guang continued to make fried chicken for Su Chang to eat. Didn't Su Shang say that she couldn't do anything? It's not a big problem, let her eat a chicken, and then let March 7 record the changes in her expression.

A girl with clear eyes like this, recording her eating expression would definitely be the best promotional video.

Even Pei Guang is considering whether to make some store tour videos to promote online while still making money from the development of Jinren Alley and opening a store in both directions.

Although videos like this are all over the streets in Xianzhou, these people don't have Su Chang's clear eyes. This kind of clear eyes contains some of their own nature. Not to mention that Xianzhou is not easy to meet, even if it is placed in Pei Guang's original The place of life can only be encountered in university.

Chapter 206 Characteristics of the Fairy Boat Made by Players

This familiar but unremembered feeling made Su Shang and Ming Xi very uncomfortable.

Su Shang has always been outspoken, so she asked directly: "This voice sounds familiar? Who did you find to dub it?"

Pei Guang shook his head and rejected the two people: "This is not possible, I have accepted the confidentiality mission!"

Pei Guang has a very high opinion of Jing Yuan, and if he wants him to betray Jing Yuan, he has to pay more. You have to cultivate Pei Guang's favor until Pei Guang's favor with him exceeds that of Jing Yuan. This is only possible.

But this kind of thing is too difficult. After all, not everyone can give Pei Guang more than 300 yuan in the first meeting! Pei Guang also estimated that because the level of this dungeon boss was too high, Jing Yuan would have a good impression of him as a player, so he would give away so many things at once.

Listening to Pei Guang's rejection, Su Chang sighed: "That's a pity, but then again, the fried chicken you made smells great!"

Pei Guang: "How about it? Do you want a bite? Do you want chicken wings, chicken legs or a whole chicken?"

Su Shang: "Chicken wings!"

Pei Guang: "Do you want normal flavor or weird flavor?"

Su Shang: "What's the difference?"

Bald Pei explained matter-of-factly: "The difference is huge. The normal flavor is made by me using normal fire. The weird flavor is made by my three-flavored real fire. The dishes made with these three-flavored real fire will have three flavors." There are different flavors, sometimes they match each other perfectly, and sometimes they are just too hard to swallow.”

When Pei Guang was explaining, March Qi reminded from the side: "It is recommended not to eat strange-flavored food, because the strange-flavored food tastes really weird. If you take one bite, you will want to vomit out everything you have eaten in this life."

Xing nodded and said: "That's right! Especially Aguang, he is good at cooking and loves to play. Aguang, who always loses in bets, always says when cooking that he will make delicious food next time. The result is that everything is delicious every time. No, on the contrary, many of the consumables he made taste great and have very good effects, because there is no gambling involved when A Guang makes them.”

Listening to the two explanations, Su Chang trembled: "Then give me a normal fried chicken wing?"

Pei Guang: "Okay~"

Pei Guang took out a chicken leg and threw it into the pot. After cooking it in the same way as before, a portion of fried chicken wings appeared in the pot.

Seeing this scene again, Su Chang felt that her head was itching. She didn't know whether it was a tumor or a brain, but she accepted March Qi and Xing's previous suggestions.

Why do you care so much? It’s delicious! No problem, just eat it! "

Su Shang took the chicken wings and took a bite. After taking this bite, her whole face showed a happy expression.

The chewing action coupled with her happy expression gave everyone who saw it a feeling of appetite. While she was tasting the food, Pei Guang also took out his small pink camera and recorded the scene.

"It's delicious! It's delicious! What a perfect fried chicken! Ah Guang, you are such a genius! But although this fried chicken tastes perfect, it still feels like it's missing something..."

Hearing Su Shang's compliment, Pei Guang shook his head: "I'm not a genius. The person who came up with this mechanism is a genius. As for what's missing? My answer is! Soul! I can't cook this dish like dad and mom. , grandpa and grandma’s taste.”

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