Looking at Ming Xi, who was wide-eyed in disbelief, Pei Guang, who came back, stretched out his hand and waved it in front of her: "Hey~ don't look at it~ My mission here is completed. The reward promised by then will not be less."

Mingxi finally recovered and nodded: "It will be no less!"

Pei Guang: "Let's go! Next stop! I'm looking forward to it now. What can we do next?"

In response to Pei Guang's words, Xing protested: "You are the fun one, we haven't played it yet."

Pei Guang: "Huh? Indeed! We can't leave you with such fun things. Let's do this! You will do the next task. If anyone has nothing to do, I will take the rest to do something fun."

When he heard that there was something fun to do, Pei Guang took the lead. March 7th said directly: "Since A Guang said there is something fun to do, then Xing! The next task will be left to you. Hey~ I'll go and talk to A Guang." Go do other fun things.”

Xingze's eyes widened: "March! You're cheating!"

March 7th stuck out her tongue: "No way~ Yesixing, your speed is too slow!"

Xing: "Hu Ming obviously still has Bai..."

Before Xing finished speaking, he saw Bai Lu hugging him, looking at Xing with a bad smile on his face: "Hehe~ It's the most fun to follow A Guang. I'll trouble you for the next mission. I believe you." ,Certainly possible!"

At this moment, Xing felt pain! It hurts so much! My precious Aguang was snatched away by these two bad guys. How funny! She dared to say that what Pei Guang brought to play was definitely more fun than what she encountered during the mission.

This is also true. When a group of people arrive at the next stop, what they have to do is to plan the road for Heyun Logistics. The tool used for planning is very simple, just like playing a game. They only need to connect online and use the least resources to connect. Just the line.

Xing took over the task of connecting. If it was before, she would have felt that connecting was fun, but now, she only feels pain! When he saw Pei Guang, March Qi, and Bai Lu teleporting to the vicinity of the company salesman on the mini-map, Xing already felt that he must have missed a lot of interesting things.

When Xing was feeling pain, her cell phone rang, and when she saw the content on the phone, she felt even more painful.

March 7: "Don't be sad, if there are good-looking pictures, I will take them for you~~"

Chapter 204 The real business method, Jing Yuan’s Crazy Golden Man Alley

In a high-end restaurant in Changletian, the company salesman who had previously mocked Pei Guang and made a bet with him was having a party with the store managers of some Jinren Lane stores. This is a relatively important gathering, because the company wants the entire Jinren Alley to be a port, not just to obtain the port use rights from the Jinren Alley Chamber of Commerce.

At the same time, the businesses here needed to move out, and in order to show his sincerity, he invited these people for discussions.

Of course, this company salesman has no idea of ​​​​playing the wine table culture. He simply wants to build a relationship by treating guests to dinner, so that it will be much more convenient when they meet and communicate next time.

This is also one of the communication methods of Xianzhou that he learned in Xianzhou. In order to show that he values ​​these people, he orders all the expensive dishes of this restaurant.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s delicious or not, what’s important is that it’s valuable, because this is a way to show the company’s sincerity.

As long as he can win this big deal this time, promotion and salary increase are not a dream. As for the threat of Pei Guang? He really took it seriously, even though he was so arrogant on the scene, but at the same time, he was very abiding by his promises and a little cautious.

According to the level of the Jinren Lane Chamber of Commerce, unless a master comes to the table, there is no way to make a comeback. But by coincidence, Pei Guang was a master in his opinion.

While he was ordering dishes to entertain the manager of the Jinren Lane store, Pei Guang, March Qi and Bai Lu also walked into the restaurant.

In the private room next to the salesman's, March Qi and Bai Lu were lying on the wall, listening to the sounds next door. But unfortunately, I can't hear anything. As a high-end restaurant, the privacy of guests is very well protected. Each private room uses the latest technology. Private room users can isolate the sound according to their own requirements, and even Hear sounds outside, but prevent yourself from being heard outside or in the private room next door.

Pei Guang: "What are you listening to? Didn't you see the characteristics of this store when you came in?"

March 7: "Hey, I'm used to it."

Bai Lu also jumped down: "Ahem! Seeing Yue Yue's appearance, I couldn't help but follow him. Ahem! Aguang, what are you doing by bringing us here?"

Pei Guang: "Of course! I want you to experience what a real business war is!"

March 7: "Business war? Isn't that competing with each other, bidding against each other, and attracting more customers?"

Pei Guang shook his head: "You are wrong. The core purpose of business war is to kill competitors and become a monopoly or leader in this industry."

Bai Lu thought: "Kill your competitor? Isn't it bad to kill someone?"

Bai Lu deserves to be called a young Dragon Lord, and he learns quickly. In just a few days, he already has a player's mind.

Pei Guang: "Killing? What is a human being?"

Although Bai Lu learns quickly, her purity needs to be improved compared to Pei Guang.

At this moment, both March 7 and Bai Lu were silent. Bai Lu glanced at March 7, raised her feet and patted her shoulder: "Thank you for your hard work, March!"

March 7 sighed: "I'm used to it!"

Pei Guang: "What kind of riddles are you two doing here? In business competition, killing one person is not the most efficient. The most efficient is to kill everyone. In this case, I will be the only one. If you can't do this , then deal with the other party honestly and in accordance with the business rules."

March 7: "For example?"

Pei Guang: "For example, replace all the dishes he ordered with cucumbers!"

March 7: "?"

Bai Lu: "?"

Before the two of them figured out what was going on, Pei Guang activated his hacking skills and began to modify the company's salesman's menu.

The menu has everything from flying in the sky to running on the ground and swimming in the water. Faced with these special delicacies, Pei Guang calmly changed them all into cucumbers.

Looking at Pei Guang's behavior, March Qi looked at Pei Guang doubtfully: "Ah Guang! Is this a business war?"

Pei Guang: "Of course it's a business war! What's the purpose of a business war? To make it impossible for the other party to achieve its goal! He doesn't want to treat guests to dinner, he can work around the dinner table, so I'll stir up trouble for him. Isn't this business war a success? By the way, If it’s later, I’ll get a sack, and we’ll put it on him and beat him.”

Dare to be arrogant in front of players. If he hadn't been worried about losing favor with March 7, he would have found a way to make this guy disappear from the world. If someone comes to connect and evaporate, so that no one can take over, won't the Golden Man Alley be saved?

Pei Guang felt like a business genius. Thinking of this, Pei Guang smiled proudly. But after laughing for a while, Pei Guang remembered something important: "By the way, I'll wait at the door. There are so many waiters taking photos of cucumbers." He will definitely think it is a system error, and I will mislead him one more time. When his guests arrive and the food is served, it will be over!"

After saying that, Pei Guang walked out of the private room in a big way and stood outside the door of the company's salesman's private room. The salesman was waiting for the guests he invited. At the same time, because he hated the noisy sound outside, he completely blocked it. heard the sounds outside.

This resulted in him being completely unaware that his new opponent was trying to plot against him outside his door.

At the same time, the restaurant's chef looked confused as he looked at the dishes that were going to be served in the private room. After setting up such a large private room, he ended up having to shoot cucumbers? Isn't it a system error?

Thinking of this, the waiter came to the private room. However, when the waiter arrived at the door of the private room, Pei Guang had already been waiting for a long time.

Seeing the arriving waiter, Pei Guang waved his hand: "Don't look, I'm the one in this private room."


The waiter was a little confused, but Pei Guang asked calmly and calmly: "What's wrong? Are the cucumbers I asked for not made?"

Waiter: "It's not that I won't cook it... I just want to confirm whether the three hundred portions of cucumbers are what you ordered."

Pei Guang: "It must be me. Who would order these except me? You? Or other customers? Hurry up and do it! Three hundred portions of cucumbers, if you miss one, I will report you!"

Waiter: "Yes, yes! Sorry, sir, for bothering you."

Pei Guang: "Go! Also, the dishes will be served when my guests arrive. Don't ask so many questions why, just do what you should do."

At this time, March 7 also came over, looked at the two people communicating and said, "Ah? What's wrong?"

Pei Guang: "They asked if the cucumber was what we ordered."

March 7: "We ordered it, um~ If you're not worried, we can pay the money first."

Waiter: "Haha, as for the customer, we were worried about system problems and placed the wrong order for the customer. Since it was the customer who ordered it, there is no problem."

Pei Guang: "Wait a minute, you have to wait until the guests in this room have almost served the cucumbers before you serve them. Remember! They have to be served together and the presentation has to be nice, you know?"

Waiter: "Excuse me, please~"

Pei Guang: "Wait a minute. When the guests come to serve the food, don't give them a good look. Just say, this person! Just like a cucumber, he needs to be eaten! No, this is your consumption."

Seeing Pei Guang's attitude, the waiter suddenly started gossiping: "Sir, have these guests you invited offended you?"

Pei Guang: "Don't ask if there are too many, just do what you need to do! This is your consumption, just finish it for me!"

Waiter: "No problem, I'll make sure it's done for you."

Pei Guang: "Remember, when someone asks why cucumbers are served, if you say these words again, just say it was me."

The waiter accepted Pei Guang's tip with a bright smile on his face. The tip was quite large, almost half a day's salary. In this restaurant, customers don’t care about tipping when they enjoy their meal.

The waiter left, and the chef was confused after receiving the message.

Chef in the kitchen: "Weird things happen every year, especially this year. I didn't expect someone to treat guests with cucumbers? Disgusting? I don't care! I just think this is a test of my skills? Humph! Let you see me today The strength of a top-notch swordsman!”

Although it is a cucumber shoot, since it is a big restaurant, it is natural to make the cucumber shoot more gorgeous, but no matter how gorgeous it is, it is still a cucumber shoot.

At the same time, the company's salesmen were also waiting for some merchants from Jinren Lane to come over. At the designated time, the private rooms came one after another.

In the private room, just when the big merchants from Jinren Lane arrived, the hotel began to serve food.

We first served a plate of cucumbers. The cucumbers were very beautifully carved and no one felt anything unusual.

But then, the company salesman found something wrong. He didn't ask for the smacked cucumbers? And why were the cucumbers kept coming?

At this time, the merchants who came here were a little dissatisfied when they saw the smacked cucumbers one after another.

Angry merchant: "What do you mean? Just treat us to cucumbers? Implying that we are just cucumbers that you can beat at will?"

Company salesman: "No, that's not what I mean. There must be something wrong! Waiter!"

The waiter who was serving cucumbers put the cucumbers on the table and smiled: "Excuse me, sir, how can I help you?"

Company salesman: "What's wrong with you? What do you mean by putting these cucumbers?"

This waiter was not the waiter who just met with Pei Guang. She just remembered the situation of this private room and said lightly: "This is what you ordered, sir. You also said that you would use these cucumbers to entertain these guests. You also said that they are just like cucumbers~ need to be beaten!"

Originally calm merchant: "What do you mean? Do you mean we need to be beaten? You can do whatever you want?"

Company salesman: "No, I mean..."

Angry merchant: "What the hell are you talking about? I think the people in your company have looked down on us from the beginning to the end. Move away? No talk about this!"

Originally, everyone was thinking that if the company gave enough money, they would move away, but they didn't expect that this company would bully people and say that they were cucumbers that needed to be beaten? These merchants have been doing business for hundreds of years. When have they ever been treated like this?

Besides, although we earn less by following the Chamber of Commerce now, we can still earn some money. I don’t mind if your company looks down on me.

Company salesperson: “No, I…”

Angry merchant: “Stop talking. Just based on your attitude, you have no intention of communicating with us properly.”

Melon-eating merchant: “That’s right!”

The company salesperson wanted to explain, but the melon-eating merchant said first with dissatisfaction: “Since the company’s people don’t treat us as human beings, let’s continue to follow the Chamber of Commerce! The secretary is not bad, and I heard that they invited several capable people. Let’s cooperate with this capable person to make our Jinren Lane prosperous again. As for the company dog? Go to that place!”

Other merchants: “Go to hell!”

The merchants left, leaving only the company salesperson dumbfounded in the room watching the waiter serve cucumbers one plate after another.

Company salesman: "Don't do it! Don't do it! Who told you to do these!!!"

At this moment, the salesman's anger value has been maxed out. He is very angry. He is not stupid. He can see at a glance that someone is trying to make trouble for him. But it is too unethical to do this. If you want to compete, you should compete openly. What kind of hero is this trick?

For the salesman's unwillingness, Pei Guang said that he is just a player and not a hero at all.

However, for the company's salesman, this is just an appetizer. As a player, Pei Guang has seen countless real and effective business cases both in the game and in reality.

Look, Pei Guang has found a more professional person to help the salesman with a big gift package.

Traveling on a star raft? That must be a detour star raft. Once you get on the star raft, don't think about getting off.

Even Pei Guang found Yinlang and asked Yinlang to modify the company's salesman's information, causing problems with his identity information. Since the business war has started, and the other party wants to gamble with him, Pei Guang showed no mercy. In a few hours, he arranged the salesman clearly.

Sanyueqi and Bailu, who followed Pei Guang all the way, were shocked at the beginning, but now gradually accepted the reality.

Whether it is Sanyueqi or Bailu, in their impression, business war should be the kind of competition of quality, who can make money, and who can operate better. But Pei Guang's appearance taught them a lesson. The easiest way to win a business war is not to change yourself, but to change your opponent.

As for whether anyone cares about Pei Guang's doing this? If he is discovered, there must be someone to care, but the problem is that no one can find it. Pei Guang's hacking technology is the kind of open and close. Those who know it know that it was done by Pei Guang, and those who don't know it can't find it.

Even if something can be found out, where is the evidence? Pei Guang said that although he is a player, he will be furious if he is troubled by him without evidence!

Of course, in addition to these means, as a player, Pei Guang also knows serious means.

So, while Pei Guang was using conventional business means to deal with the company salesman, Pei Guang brought people to find Jing Yuan.

"General Jing Yuan! How are you?"

When he saw Jing Yuan, Pei Guang greeted him first. Looking at Pei Guang, San Yueqi and Bai Lu who came over, Jing Yuan smiled and greeted him: "I'm fine, but according to the doctor, I need to rest for a few days now. After a few days of physical examination, I should continue my busy work~"

In fact, Jing Yuan can take over the work now, but he intends to train Fu Xuan. He naturally knows why Fu Xuan wants to inherit the position of general. He also knows that Fu Xuan wants to be a general not for the so-called power, but... to face fate.

She is also trying to make herself able to take on the responsibilities of a general, and as a senior, she naturally has to train this hardworking and talented junior. What? Slacking off? How can it be called slacking off? The doctor said that he needs to rest~

Looking at Jing Yuan's healthy condition, Pei Guang nodded: "As long as everything is fine, by the way, General, I have a request this time. I have accepted a mission. The purpose of the mission is to make Jinren Lane prosperous again. At present, I have held back my opponent. He will not be able to find trouble for me for several days, and I..."

Jing Yuan said nothing because he knew that Pei Guang would not simply let him help with publicity. After all, self-promotion of this kind of thing would only be effective in the early stage and would only treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

Although the time of contact with Pei Guang was very short, one thing can be confirmed from the short time of contact with Jing Yuan. Pei Guang likes to deal directly with the root cause of things he does, which may leave hidden dangers in the things he does in the near future.

According to what Pei Guang often said, this approach is understood as: "Complete the task perfectly."

Jing Yuan was waiting for Pei Guang's next words, but Pei Guang's next words made the expression on Jing Yuan's face freeze.

Pei Guang: "While we are simulating business in Jinren Lane here, I also plan to open a snack bar to enrich the variety here. I have already thought about setting up a fried chicken restaurant. When the time comes, General Jingyuan, you can help me I'm singing a commercial. I've already thought up the lines. Come and sing with me~Crazy Crazy Golden Man Lane~Fried chicken is only nine dollars and ninety-nine~Trust me. , I have a lot of experience in this kind of business game, you only need to contribute your voice, and I will never reveal who composed the song! Also, don’t ask me why I chose you, because your voice makes me feel like one! It’s a familiar feeling! I’m sure I’m looking for you.”

At this moment, Jing Yuan's expression completely froze. The two lines that Pei Guang sang were too rhythmic and too brainwashing. At the same time, when Pei Guang sang them, Jing Yuan had a feeling that he would definitely not be able to escape. .

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