Jingyuan did a lot of things in this battle, observing Huanhu, making sudden attacks when necessary, fighting head-on with the second-stage Huanhu, and even providing support from the Divine Lord in the end. After this, Pei Guang noticed that Jing Yuan was very healthy. Why did he suddenly faint when he made a suggestion?

Although he was confused, Pei Guang still shouted to Bai Lu on the side: "Bai Lu! Bai Lu! Look, your general has fainted!"

As the battle ended, Bai Lu's body returned to its original form. Although she was a little unhappy, Bai Lu still ran over in a hurry.

She reached out to feel Jingyuan's pulse and checked his body. After checking around, Bai Lu showed a solemn expression on his face: "My body is fine, but..."

Because the power was increased before the release of the power belt, Bai Lu's vision improved a lot. She noticed that Jing Yuan fainted because the Lord Shen's power increased too much in one moment, causing Jing Yuan to faint.

And Shenjun's current state is a bit like... full? Shenjun and Jingyuan, who have been fighting together for many years, feel like you are the same as me and you are the same. When Shenjun was full, it directly turned on Jingyuan. Because he was so full, Jingyuan fainted.

This halo is not a consciousness short film in the true sense, but Jingyuan's need to adapt to the power of the god and avoid doing uncontrollable things because the power of the god suddenly becomes stronger.

Because of this, he appeared to suddenly faint.

After confirming this, Bai Lu said briefly: "The general is fine, he is just exhausted. Let the general rest for a while and he will be fine. It can be as short as a few hours, as long as a few days and a half months, and at most no more than forty days!"

Based on Jing Yuan's current physical condition, Bai Lu gave a guess. As for this time span? It's a bit long for ordinary people, but for the immortal species of Xianzhou, this kind of time is similar to the feeling of ordinary people who haven't slept for several days and suddenly fell asleep.

Pei Guang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Bai Lu's explanation. Since Jing Yuan was fine, he could do whatever he had to do next. After throwing Jing Yuan into a new trash can for safekeeping, Pei Guang turned back and continued to do what he was supposed to do.

At this moment, Xing shouted towards Pei Guang: "A Guang! Come on, our reward for clearing the level has appeared!"

Looking in the direction of the sound, I saw Xing holding a Jianmu fruit the size of his head in his hand, shouting excitedly.

According to Pei Guang's understanding, after the tree is revived, a fruit will be born, and this fruit has the effect of immortality. As a player, Pei Guang does not pursue immortality, but as the saying goes, it can be useless or not.

As long as there is enough space in the backpack, the player's favorite thing to do is to collect useful and useless things.

Just occupy this place, produce one fruit, and receive one.

What? Violating the Taboo of Xianzhou? No one knows, so there is no big taboo, and this is a reward for clearing the level yourself? What does your own clearance reward have to do with others?

As for whether Pei Guang will become a fertile evil creature? If Jing Yuan is awake, what he is worried about is not whether Pei Guang will become the evil creature of fertility. What he is worried about is whether other fertility miracles of the fairy boat will be remembered by Pei Guang. At the same time, he also has to observe 0.1 seconds of silence for the fertility people of this universe. , and by the way, let’s think about whether Pei Guang will build a fully automatic farm for the people.

According to some of what Pei Guang said on the road, Jing Yuan would have a reasonable suspicion that if Pei Guang really wanted the Fertile Miracle, he would most likely capture Fertile Medicine Master in the future and build a fully automatic Fertile Relics production line.

Most people or even ordinary Star Gods can't do it, but Pei Guang can do it.

However, Jing Yuan was completely unconscious at this time and had no chance to think about this. He was now adapting to the new power gained by Shen Jun. The weight of this power has already made Jing Yuan unconscious. At the same time, he cannot refuse this power at all. He can only accept it with tears and pass it on to the next general in the future.

At this moment, Jing Yuan, who had received the power of the Divine Lord, was already thinking about accelerating the training of the next one. He believed in the wisdom of future generations.

When Jing Yuan was in a coma and Pei Guang and his group were tampering with the Jianmu Fruit, a small change occurred at the front end of the immortal boat.

This illusory head was hung at the front of the fairy boat. On this day, the threat of the fairy boat Luofu was full to all forces in the universe and the other five fairy boats.

At the front of the Luofu Immortal Boat, the god representing the power of hunting was guarding the front of the Immortal Boat with a spoon of joy. At the same time, hanging on the Immortal Boat was a phantom head formed by the power of destruction and fertility.

And on this head, there were a few bright characters that made everyone who saw it fall silent.

"The Great Lord of Destruction, behead him!"

Civilizations that are not strong enough will only feel the greatness of the fairy boat when they see this scene. As for beings with enough strength, seeing this scene, they only have one thought. Stay away from Luofu.

Even some Fengrao people might fight with other immortal boats when they see them, but when they see Luofu, they will only feel a chill. Death doesn't matter, but this kind of death will bring embarrassment to one's life.

Especially a certain Envoy of the Envoy of Enlightenment who had invaded the Luofu Immortal Ship. At this time, he was still secretly scolding a certain bastard who just watched the excitement and personally participated in multiple forces and acted recklessly. .

As a result, when he dared not speak out, he saw the new decorations from Xianzhou, and he was thinking about one thing. Should he be more honest and avoid the limelight in these hundreds of years?

Not only did a certain fertility order envoy feel a headache, but Jing Yuan also felt a headache at this time. The changes in the divine king and the immortal boat had nothing to do with him, and he knew very clearly who had done it.

As for the heads of several powerful enemies that will hang on Luofu in the future, there is no way of knowing.

Chapter 177: Kafka’s text message after the war

The battle was over, and while Pei Guang was preparing to harvest the Jianmu fruits, Xi'er on the other side came over holding a trash can.

"Aguang, how should we deal with this guy?"

Pei Guang: "This thing is an excellent energy source. Please go to my Star Destroyer and send this thing to the power furnace. The operation is very simple, just teleport to this point, and then put the trash can here location, but the artificial intelligence inside the Star Destroyer will stuff the Phantom into it as the Star Destroyer’s power.”

March Qi on the side asked worriedly: "Is this okay?"

Pei Guang: "Don't worry, our Star Destroyer is a golden legend after all, and the artificial intelligence says that as long as I stuff it into the power furnace, no one can release it except me."

According to the information Pei Guang obtained from the Star Destroyer, Huanhu is an excellent energy body, and according to the feedback from the artificial intelligence on the Star Destroyer, as long as it is put into the power furnace, there is no need to worry about it escaping or being rescued. .

But Pei Guang also saw a loophole in the description of the equipment. What he put in couldn't come out. So if someone got bored and played in the power furnace of his Star Destroyer, wouldn't he just go in and out at will?

But then Pei Guang thought about it, no one would be so crazy as to enter their own Star Destroyer as a power source for a few days and then leave, right?

While Pei Guang was thinking, Xi'er came to Pei Guang's Star Destroyer through teleportation.

When Huanhuang was sent to the power furnace of the Star Destroyer, she sneered at Pei Guang's words. Apart from the weird trash can, was there anything else that could hinder her? A mere technological product, if it could restrain her, it would be haunted.

But when she was sent to the power furnace, she was dumbfounded because she saw five guys watching TV suddenly turned their heads to look at her. At the same time, Huanwu also saw a familiar guy who was also an extinct guy. Colleagues of the Maharaja.

At this moment, Huanwu had a bad idea and saw the appearance of new companions.

The remaining five free men applauded at the same time. They were welcoming the new companion. Although this companion had no hands or feet, he could help them pass their boring time.


The phantom pain sound spread throughout the Star Destroyer, but unfortunately, the Star Destroyer is currently in remote control mode, and there is no one on board.

While Huanhu's arrangement was clear here, Pei Guang and his party also temporarily left the Jianmu root system. Although the Jianmu fruit was great, the yield of the fruit was slightly low. Pei Guang was too lazy to stay here when there was no further production. .

Record an approximate time for yourself. When the time is up, you can harvest it here. There is no need to keep it all the time.

No, Pei Guang carried a trash can on his back, which contained Jing Yuan with his head exposed, and happily left the Jianmu Root System with his companions.

After handing Jing Yuan over to the excited, nervous and somewhat angry Yun Qijun, Pei Guang was stopped by Fu Xuan.

"General, how is he?"

Pei Guang: "Bai Lu has had a checkup. She's in good health, but she's just overeating."

Fu Xuan: "What about your war? I helped you with a divination before, but the divination was very confusing and there was no luck at all."

Fu Xuan couldn't complain about this matter anymore. Every time he made a divination, he didn't know and didn't do anything. You guessed it. If it weren't for her strong inner endurance, an ordinary diviner would either be crazy or give up.

At this time, March 7 came over: "This battle is quite exciting. If you like it, I will tell you about it."

Fu Xuan: "Okay, but you have to wait a moment. There are still remaining Yao Wang secret believers in the caves of Xianzhou. These guys are still carrying out Danshu's orders and destroying everywhere. There are also pawns of the Anti-Matter Legion. Wait until it's over. Yes, I’m coming to find you.”

March 7th gave a thumbs up: "Absolutely no problem! By the way, Fu Xuan, are there any fun places in Xianzhou?"

Fu Xuan: "Is this fun? Let me send someone..."

March 7th shook his head: "Forget sending people~ Just tell us where the fun is, hehe~ After a battle, you must have a good time and then have a good sleep."

Xing on the side also came over: "As soon as you said sleep, I feel a little sleepy now~ I always feel like this trip has been so busy, as if I have been running for two months."

Pei Guang stood on the other side and also complained: "Yeah! It's not good to have too much freedom. The plot is obviously less than two days, and it gives me the feeling that I have been doing it for two months. Now even me, There is a feeling of exhaustion.”

Silver Wolf added: "Similarly, since I met you, I have clearly felt that the length of a day is still the same, but there are so many things experienced in a day."

Silver Wolf began to count on his fingers, from getting on the Star Dome Train to arriving at the Immortal Boat, he was either fighting or killing on the way. However, it was very satisfying to experience Silver Wolf this time. Not to mention more, my experience will definitely appear in my hometown in the future.

Although not as dazzling as the former Star Sea Ranger, as a member of the Lord of Extermination's critical battle, she also played a great role along the way.

Because she had experienced so much along the way, Silver Wolf also rarely felt tired. Now she just wanted to find a good place to rest.

Fu Xuan: "In that case, eh! I'll send someone to mark some interesting places in Xianzhou for you. By the way, these caves are also open to you."

As Fu Xuan spoke, he opened the right of passage for Pei Guang and his party to some caves above the immortal boat, such as Taibu Si. Fu Xuan directly gave them the maximum permission to enter and exit Taibu Si at will. Fu Xuan even considered Come to Pei Guang’s strange hobby.

He ordered his less busy subordinates to arrange some treasure boxes and rewards in Taibusi, and put some worthless things inside, such as credits, various ingredients, and small things that some people wanted to give to Pei Guang and his party to express their gratitude. Gift.

Apart from anything else, Yun Qijun's family wanted to thank their benefactor after learning about their family's experience. It is not good for a special being like Pei Guang to be exposed to too many people.

Just let them put some gratitude items in these boxes and wait for Pei Guang and the others to open them when they are playing in Taibosi.

Fu Xuan also contacted Yu Kong. After briefly explaining some things, Yu Kong also temporarily arranged manpower and arranged it a little bit.

In addition to these, Fu Xuan also asked people to arrange the Six Directions in various caves where Pei Guang and his party were allowed to move. The so-called Six Directions were a kind of decryption toy. The arrangement of these was to repay Pei Guang and his party for their help to a certain extent.

As for who arranged the Taipus? Of course it’s our lovely Miss Qingque~ Qingque was assigned the task of arranging the treasure chest just as she was about to fish after the incident. She really couldn’t rest for a minute.

But inside Taibusi, Qingque looked at the box sent by Xingcha and almost fainted.

As for whether it’s worth setting up so much? Not to mention anything else, there is no need to say too much about the human head made by Huanhu that hangs outside Luofu.

In fact, there are not many treasure chests arranged. There are only a dozen in one cave. For the officials of Xianzhou, such arrangement is not a troublesome thing.

Such a simple arrangement can make the player Pei Guang happy, and it can also attract Pei Guang's goodwill towards Xianzhou, which is of no harm to Xianzhou.

After all, for Pei Guang, any material gratitude is superfluous. On the contrary, although this kind of thing is not valuable materially, it can make Pei Guang feel happy mentally.

To be honest, for helping Xianzhou so much in more than a day, this amount of gratitude is not too much for Xianzhou.

What? Who paid for the reward Xianzhou gave Pei Guang? General! Didn't the general say when Pei Guang and the others arrived that he would pay for their expenses? Anyway, he made a lot of money from Pei Guangfu in the past few days. With such little rewards and expenses, Jingyuan couldn't even use half of the pure profit.

Naturally, these arrangements were made secretly, with the purpose of giving Pei Guang and the others a little surprise, so Fu Xuan gave Pei Guang and the others permission to access multiple caves.

Thinking of this level at this time, Fu Xuan suggested: "If you really don't know where to go, go to Xingcha Sea first. It is the Xianzhou transportation hub, and there are many good things from all over the place. , since you want to go shopping, go over there.”

March 7: "Huh? Xingchahai? I remember the food at the Yuchen Inn was really good~ but the food there was so expensive..."

Pei Guang gave a thumbs up: "Don't worry, I remember that the man named Yu Kong said that we are distinguished guests of Tianbo Company, and the consumption will be recorded in Tianbo Company's account, so there is no big problem."

As soon as these words were spoken, the expression on Fu Xuan's face froze. She heard an unusual taste from Pei Guang's mouth, but then she thought, since it was recorded in Tianbo's account, what was she worried about? It's not recorded in the Taibo's account.

Anyway, if something really goes wrong, it won't be a big problem with Jing Yuan taking care of it.

But when he thought of Jing Yuan, Fu Xuan always felt that something was wrong. Just after he saw Jing Yuan and confirmed that Jing Yuan was safe, Fu Xuan suddenly had a strange feeling, that is, his position as general was stable, but he couldn't. Knowing why, Fu Xuan felt that there was a pitfall in his position as general.

Thinking of this, Fu Xuan wanted to ask Jing Yuan if he had left any words, but as soon as he raised his head, he saw that Pei Guang and his party had disappeared long ago.

In the lobby of Yuchen Inn, a group of people sat at the table, each holding a menu and studying what to order.

Pei Guang: "Don't worry, it's precious! All our accounts will be recorded in Tianbo Division."

March 7 was a little worried: "Isn't this bad?"

Xing: "What's wrong? It was Tingyun who said the account should be recorded in Tianbo Division."

March 7th said seriously: "Yes! But here comes the problem. Now Miss Tingyun is Huanwu, and even the real Miss Tingyun has... eh! Unexpectedly, I know that Xianzhou's guess turned out to be right. The first one The person I met was really the mastermind!”

Pei Guang: "It's not a big problem! Anyway, Tingyun said that the accounts will be kept in Tianbo Division. Since he said it, he must do it. As for Miss Tingyun's safety issue? I think? There may be no need to worry about safety issues. If she opens the game It's not Tingyun himself, which proves that Tingyun is very safe. If he was replaced in the middle, I guess Huanwu wouldn't dare to kill Tingyun directly, or the real Tingyun might be anxiously looking for him in Changletian or Huixinggang at this time. Here we are.”

Pei Guang's words gave March Qi reassurance.

March 7: "Huh! With what you said, Aguang, I believe that the real Miss Zingyun is absolutely safe and sound. When the time comes to find the real Miss Zingyun, I will show Miss Zingyun the scene of us taking care of the bad guy." !”

Pei Guang: "No problem~~~"

While chatting, everyone ordered a large table of dishes. Although some people were reimbursed, everyone ordered what they were interested in. As for how it tastes? Bai Lu has the most say.

Because all the delicacies she originally ordered at the Yuchen Inn were eaten by Bai Lu along the way, her evaluation of the food at the Yuchen Inn was very timely.

Under Bai Lu's guidance, everyone started ordering food, but while ordering, Pei Guang's cell phone suddenly rang.

Pei Guang subconsciously picked up his phone and looked at the information on it. Pei Guang showed a thoughtful expression.

"Ah Guang~ I came to Taibosi alone, and the coordinates will be sent to you later."

"Don't tell anyone~"

"Your faithful Kafka~"

Seeing the message sent from the anonymous user, Pei Guang first turned to look at Yin Lang, and saw that Yin Lang, who was playing with his mobile phone, suddenly put his phone away.

Silver Wolf: "Let's do this! Let's do that, oops!!"

At this time, Yin Lang was so embarrassed that he didn't know where to look. Feeling Pei Guang's gaze, Yin Lang didn't even know where to look.

Pei Guang looked at it for a while, then turned his attention to the phone.

Pei Guang used his mobile phone to quickly reply to the message from Kafka: "You said you are Kafka, where is the evidence?"

Kafka sent a photo and asked, “Is that enough?”

This is a photo of Kafka holding up the camera to take pictures of her breasts and upper parts.

Before Kafka could say the next words, Pei Guang quickly typed a reply: "I don't believe it, it must be synthesized by artificial intelligence, unless..."

Kafka: "Unless?"

Xing: "Two more, the better ones."

Kafka: "..."

After Kafka sent over two beautiful photos: "How is it? Is it enough?"

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