But now, Huanwu found that the recovery speed of his physical body was slowing down, and even some of the parts that were attacked could no longer be recovered.

Huanlong shouted angrily: "What have you done to my perfect body?"

Pei Guang: "I don't know, maybe you are too good at it?"

Huanhu was completely angry. When Nanook gave her power, she still thought about keeping this body, destroying the fairy boat, and killing this hateful player.

But now Huanhuang understands that he has no time to delay at all. The player's strength is too weird. When he is weak, he will be weak and when he is strong, he will be strong. The strength is completely unknown, and all the preparations he has made are completely in vain.

Since there was no chance of delay, Huanwu decided to use this body to bring destruction to Xianzhou.

Huanhu: "Damn ant, can you take this move?"

Huanhu gathers the power of destruction. Pei Guang's power is too weird. Is it strong? Not strong at all. It's not a joke, but as long as Pei Guang doesn't use the block that can withstand physical attacks as long as it is used successfully, she can shake up Pei Guang's brain with a bang.

Without the flames on Shenjun, she could use the power of destruction given to her by Nanook to destroy the fairy boat in an instant. However, this flame is not a simple three-flavored true fire. The power of destiny hidden in the flame is the culprit of the destruction of the food.

However, no matter how powerful her physical attack was, even if it was a slap that could shatter a planet, Pei Guang's shield could easily block it, or even be unaffected.

The destructive power she spread was completely burned by the flames of the God King, but the destruction of the power was only related to Pei Guang's borrowed fire.

And these are actually secondary conditions. For a player, there is only one reason why Huanhu is restrained, because Pei Guang is a player.

This world is a real world, but players are also real players. As for traditional skills in many games, no matter how strong you are or how invincible you are, as long as you encounter restrained props and equipment, your strength will always be fake.

These settings and features are all compromises made for the player's gaming experience.

In the real world of absolute freedom, everything the player does is based on his own choice, but Pei Guang's principles also allowed him to gain the power to suppress Huanhu in the final boss battle.

These choices may be made on a whim, or they may be a flash of inspiration, no matter what the reason for making the choice, but at this moment, the results of these choices all burst out on Huanhuang.

As for the power of destiny, Pei Guang currently cannot accurately perceive it. He only knows that the current Shenjun is completely capable of defeating Huanwu. As for the principle? Which player in the game would delve into the principles of this skill? Since it's a story kill and a premium account, now it's time to have fun and damage the fantasy as hard as possible.

What? Killed? According to Pei Guang's estimation, after this plot kill, he and his companions should use their own strength and weakness to fight.

However, Pei Guang also noticed that Huanwu's body had changed at this time. Originally, Huanwu wanted to capture Shenjun and inject the power of destruction into his body. But now, cracks appeared in Huan Huan's body, and at the same time, the originally fused power of fertility and destruction in her body reacted, as if she herself was about to explode at any time.

Huan Wu, who had been given strength by destruction, decided to sacrifice most of his body and launch a powerful attack. As long as this attack was successfully released, no one under the Star God could stop it.

But it was obvious that when Pei Guang saw this scene, he would not let Huan Wu self-destruct. Even though Pei Guang had been controlling Shenjun to fight Huan Wu, he never stopped communicating internally.

When it is determined that the friendly forces have been strengthened, whether it is a frontal battle with oneself or a frontal assault by Xing, not only to severely injure or even kill Huanwu, but also to attract Huanwu's attention, because in the rear, Bai Lu and Dan Heng, Have been waiting for a long time.

At this time, the time was right, and Huan Wu wanted to launch a blow that would destroy the world. At this moment, Dan Heng and Bai Lu had completed their preparations, and saw two water dragons, one pink and one black and brown, flying to Huan Wu's side.

At this time, Dan Heng and Bai Lu were temporarily blessed with powerful power under the blessing of the battle BGM. At the moment when they received the blessing of power, the two people did not rush to attack, but accumulated strength.

Danheng controlled his power and used his immortal power to create a pink water dragon. Bai Lu used Pei Guang's coffee, combined with her years of understanding of pharmacology, and added a large amount of medicine into it.

What the two dragons want to do this time is not just to cause damage...

I saw two water dragons rushing towards Huanwu, one on the left and one on the right. Huanwu was gathering strength to prepare for a big shot, when he saw the two water dragons directly covering Huanwu's huge body completely.

The water dragons controlled by Dan Heng and Bai Lu merged with each other at the moment they controlled Huan Hu, and the two forces, plus the medicine prepared by Bai Lu, came into play. The power that comes from building wood and the power that destroys fate is weakening.

The coffee controlled by Bai Lu was already the last few barrels of coffee prepared by Pei Guang during the journey to the fairy boat. The power from the coffee and the power of immortality merged to stop the explosion on Huan Lu's body.

If there were only these two, the water dragon released by the two of them could control the enhanced version of Huanhu for up to ten seconds, but there were more than just the two of them present, there was also Shenjun controlled by Pei Guang.

At the last minute when he could use Shenjun, Pei Guang dipped the spoon into the water and started stirring. Hunting, nothingness, immortality, joy and the player's power are activated at the same time, stirring the body of fertility and destruction in the water.

If it is any one or two of the above, it may not cause effective control and damage to Huanhu, but Huanhu experiences a five-in-one attack.

At the same time, beneath the water, flames rose.

The water is originally colorless and tasteless, but after adding coffee, it becomes bitter and slightly mellow. When the three flavors of real fire rise, it is already a bit delicious, and the body bursts out with a sweet taste. , this sweet taste is combined with the bitter taste of coffee.

I saw the Shenjun controlled by Pei Guang, stirring the water with a spoon, and the pink and dark brown liquids merged, while the phantom body was slightly weak under the influence of coffee. In the weak state, the three flavors were real The fire continues to burn its body, making this pot of fantasy soup even more delicious.

If this body is a body that Huanhu has been trained for thousands of times, then at this moment, Huanhu can forcefully break free from the drugged control skills released by the two enhanced versions of Dragon Master.

But unfortunately, Huan Huan's body is not his own, and even the time when this body was created was extremely short. Although Huanhui changed her form three times during the battle and Nanook's blessing, under the influence of the dual power of immortality and nothingness, her spirit gradually separated from her physical body.

Huanhu found that his body had begun to lose control. At the same time, under the stirring of Shenjun's spoon, the blow he had originally prepared to explode gradually disappeared, and even his body, which he had worked so hard to prepare, was collapsing.

The power of abundance is unstoppable, but Pei Guang's flames reduce the upper limit of his health. Before the arrival of the God King, Pei Guang was skilled in using flames in constant battles. Through the God King and the inexplicable flame bonus, Pei Guang became even more powerful. A large amount of Huan Hu's blood limit has been cut off.

As he watched Huan Huan's body gradually fall into a deep sleep, Pei Guang started to taunt the god while controlling the mixing.

"Lord of Extermination, I will turn you into light!"

When Pei Guang said these words, March Qi beside him pinched his waist and explained: "This is a joke from A Guang's hometown. If you want to become light, you have to boil big bones into soup. Huanhu! Today we will I’m going to stew you into soup!”

Huanwu's body is rapidly collapsing. Huanwu can feel that his body is no longer under control. At the same time, the strength of this body is getting weaker. From the original body that even the gods may not be able to directly destroy, it is getting weaker and weaker.

But just when her body was weakening, an accident happened.

To be precise, what happened was not an accident, but something that Pei Guang expected. The Lord God disappeared. The ten-minute Shenjun experience card ended, and the Shenjun disappeared in an instant. When the Shenjun disappeared, the fantasy soup maintained by Dan Heng and Bai Lu changed dramatically.

Huanhuang was struggling. She was unwilling to give in. She was unwilling to lose so aggrievedly after being given great power by Nanook.

It's so frustrating. Before Nanook gave him the power, he could still fight Pei Guang and the others back and forth. Why did he become the target of being toyed with after being given the power?

Not willing to give in! Very unwilling.

For this breath, when Shenjun disappeared, the stirring stopped, and the super-large-scale three-flavored true fire also disappeared, Huanwu burst out with his final power.

This power blew up the pot of soup, and the soup turned into rain and fell from the sky to the ground.

Although Huanwu broke free from the restraints, her condition was very bad at this time. The five-in-one stew had made her body close to collapse.

And looking at Huan Hu whose body collapsed and whose strength was tortured, Pei Guang, who lost the Shenjun experience card, checked his equipment and looked at his companions.

"Everyone! The plot is over, and now it's up to us to deal with this weak boss! But please be careful, even in a weak state, she is one of the bosses on the background board. If you underestimate the enemy, you will suffer a big loss! "

As soon as this sentence was uttered, the first person to react was Huanlong. She was wrong. She really knew she was wrong. If she was given a chance to choose, she would never offend the player, never make a sneak attack, and would definitely find out. Run away when something unusual happens.

But now it's too late. Not only was he defeated by the players and General Xianzhou, but after Lord Nanook gave him strength, he was toyed with by Pei Guang for ten minutes before his body collapsed.

At the same time, she also determined one thing. Nanook might not have given her power to destroy the fairy boat, but to test the upper limit of the player Pei Guang.

But the thing that left Huan Wu speechless the most was that the player Pei Guang was really strong when faced with an unknown force. He could kill himself by maintaining the same state just now, but suddenly the god king disappeared and gathered his teammates to charge against him? What weird sense of ritual is this player pursuing?

Seeing the group of people gathered together again and looking like they were going to fight her to the end, Huanlong just wanted to ask: "Have you had enough fun?"

This sentence made Pei Guang look at Xinghe Sanyueqi who was standing aside: "Did you see? After the plot kill, the boss's strength will be close to ours, everyone! The group is about to start!"

Regarding Pei Guang's words, everyone just smiled and said nothing. Pei Guang still maintained his player settings. What's even more amazing, he was able to explain his settings clearly.

But...it doesn't matter. If I can experience the iron pot stewing the messenger in my lifetime and experience such a wonderful thing, then this time I will go crazy for once.

Um! This crazy person is not talking about Pei Guang and his companions, but Jing Yuan who has changed from a main force to a theatergoer. Anyway, in all his years of living, he has never seen his envoy stewed.

With this head opened, he would not be surprised if his commander was captured and used as an energy source.

Chapter 176: Huan Wu was captured and the changes in the fairy boat

The Lord of Extinction, Huan Wu, is the most mysterious among the envoys and has destroyed thousands of civilizations. She has always been the one toying with human nature and destroying the world.

But today, she experienced the feeling of being played with.

However, Huanhu's body was not a physical entity. When she was sure that she was weak and her defeat was certain, she looked at Pei Guang and his team who were at full strength, and launched a final taunt.

"Haha, I lost this time, but this is just a body I fabricated casually. Your destruction will eventually come."

However, as soon as she said these words and was about to run away, Pei Guang's words made her angry for a moment.

Pei Guang: "Did you see it? This is the legendary tough-talking, arrogant, arrogant, contemptuous, standard female devil attribute. No, she is not small, she should be a big female devil, hiss! How scary!"

As soon as these words were spoken, Huan Wu, who had originally planned to abandon his body and run away, wanted to give Pei Guang a break before leaving. However, her physical weakness meant that she could not do too many things. Although she had a powerful destructive power without a physical body, Jing Yuan was still present at the scene, and even Pei Guang had just exploded with an attribute that was completely aimed at him, which made Huan Wu gave up the idea of ​​attacking.

However, when she was about to say another harsh word, she was greeted by the strongest blow from everyone.

With the buff from the nursery rhymes, Walter projected 21 Moonlight Thrones, and with full firepower, he blasted directly at the phantom's body.

Dan Heng summoned a pink giant, a cute pink rabbit! Judging from the current imaginary energy of Huanhu, the opponent is already at an absolute disadvantage. If Pei Guang hadn't shut down Shenjun at the last moment, Huanhu might have been stewed into soup.

However, Dan Heng misunderstood Pei Guang. Pei Guang did not close Shenjun at the last moment, but the Shenjun experience card expired. Otherwise, what Pei Guang said about stewing Huanhu into soup, let alone adding attributes or not, just talking about stewing the boss into soup, when you can do it yourself, the sense of accomplishment will be overwhelming.

The cute pink rabbit summoned by Dan Heng was made entirely of water and was affected by weapon special effects. With the addition of combat BGM and a new understanding of immortality, the cute pink rabbit controlled by Dan Heng pressed on Huan Hao's body.

As the saying goes, people cannot blame themselves for the uneven road. Today, the cute pink rabbit will let Dan Heng see what real power is!

I saw the cute pink rabbit slap Huan Hu, HP -1, HP restored to 1.

When Huanhu saw this big guy, he subconsciously counterattacked, with hp -0.

This cute pink rabbit wants strength but not power, and wants speed but not speed. But when it appears and fights with Huanwu, Huanwu feels inexplicably difficult to deal with.

At the same time, the battle scene, which was originally prohibited for minors, instantly turned into a baby bus.

Compared with Dan Heng and Walter, the classic trio of Pei Guang, Xing and March 7 highlight what a professional team is.

Pei Guang raised his shield in front, while Xing hid behind Pei Guang. When Huanhu wanted to attack, Pei Guang raised his shield and deflected it. If Huanhu didn't attack, Xing hid behind Pei Guang and stabbed him with his flame spear. .

On March 7th, he stood behind Pei Guang, wildly drawing his bow and shooting arrows. Although the damage was not high, it was extremely humiliating. The most important thing is that this combination cannot be killed at all. Physical attacks are ignored, and fate attacks are blocked by the protective power of the flame spear. March Seven's own six-phase ice defense is even more amazing. Not only can it set itself, but it can also Companion set, and also has the ability to ignore non-physical damage.

And these three people are attracting external output from the front. Behind them, Silver Wolf is using ether editing to strengthen his companions.

In this battle, Silver Wolf had a really good time. He collided head-on with the Lord of Annihilation, and created vector cannons with his companions to fight without a trace. Although she is not as good as the Star Sea Ranger who killed the Lord of Extinction back then, looking at the entire universe, her achievements are considered to be among the best.

Because of this, Silver Wolf proudly puffed up his chest at this moment.

Faced with the attack from Pei Guang and his group, Huanlong had no plans to speak harsh words again. At this moment, she had given up her body and was preparing to run away.

However, she left a part of the destructive power in her body, hoping that Pei Guang and his party would think that she had not escaped, but in fact, Huanwu had secretly left this body and was preparing to leave.

But just when her energy body was about to leave, Xi'er, who had been lurking all this time, suddenly appeared next to Huan Hu's energy body. She saw that Xi'er had a protective trash can in her hand. Before Huan Lu could run away, At that moment, he put Huan Huan into the trash can, and then quickly closed the lid of the trash can.

The moment the lid was closed, this trash can proudly stood up. As a trash can, the most successful thing the trash can did was to keep the garbage in its own bucket, and at the same time prevent the garbage from returning in any way or by any means. real world.

Trash cans, garbage is absolutely not allowed to escape from the trash can, and everything stuffed into the trash can is garbage!

And what about Huanhu? The moment she left her body and was about to run away, she was really stunned for a moment when she saw Xi'er and the trash can suddenly appearing.

But then she mocked: "Can you stop me just by relying on this?"

Huanlong, who was covered by the trash can, was taunting and preparing to use the power of destiny to escape. As a desperate monarch of the energy system, her strength may not be the strongest, but her escape ability is definitely second to none.

However, when Huanhuang's escape skills failed when she was put in the trash can, she took a breath of air.

In the same trash can, in the same world, there are actually two people taking deep breaths in the trash can. Regarding the feeling of taking deep breaths in the trash can, Huan Wu and Fu Xuan must have a lot in common.

However, it is a pity that Huanlong, as an energy body, cannot sense smell, so he cannot experience the smell and reassuring breath coming from the trash can.

In a completely closed trash can, as an energy body, she cannot open the trash can. The bucket can only be opened through physical means. Because of her energy state, all attacks are judged as non-physical attacks.

As for what kind of attack it is? You can only ask the magical Mr. Trash Can, but unfortunately, although the Trash Can has its own dignity, it cannot speak, let alone talk.

The moment she caught Huanhu's body, Xi'er shouted excitedly: "Aguang! And everyone! I've caught Huanhu!"

When Xi'er shouted these words happily, Huanhu's body had already begun to dissipate. When its body dissipated, Pei Guang accepted the ownerless body in line with the principle of not wasting it.

Pei Guang classified the body into categories and identified it. After the identification, Pei Guang only felt like a hazy body of garbage.

The body built by the Lord of Extinction Huanwu through the resurrection of the building wood or the first fruit, because the destructive power has eroded too hard, the power of fertility on the building wood has been reduced.

And because the power of destruction is too powerful, no matter which part of this body is used as a consumable, the maximum health limit will be deducted.

And because this body is just an illusory appearance, its interior is not as sound as a Fengsao Xuanlu. Apart from looking like a human being and feeling soft to the touch, it is actually just a piece of wood.

It is impossible to classify and manufacture them at all, but after some research, Pei Guang found that the physical body left by Huanhu still has some effect, that is...

Pei Guang came to Jing Yuan's side, and he said to Jing Yuan: "Jing Yuan, this is the trophy! Come! The best and the biggest trophy will be left to you!"

He saw Huanhu's big head appearing in front of Jingyuan. Looking at the Huanhu's head, Jingyuan's expression froze: "This..."

Pei Guang: "If you don't accept it, you won't give me face!"

When Jing Yuan heard these words, his heart skipped a beat: "Of course I want to accept it, I'm just a little embarrassed. It's you who contributed the most this time. Logically speaking, such a precious thing should be given to you."

Pei Guang: "Since you don't want it, just give it to Shenjun. Logically speaking, if there is an MVP list for this battle, then Shenjun will definitely be the MVP."

Just as Jing Yuan was thinking about something, he suddenly felt Shenjun's feedback, so he nodded: "Okay! In that case, I will accept it for Shenjun, but how to deal with this specifically..."

Jing Yuan now has a headache. This phantom head is neither for hanging nor for collection. At the same time, the powerful power of fate on it cannot be used as an exhibition.

When he heard Jing Yuan's worries, Pei Guang complained casually: "Of course, such good materials are used as equipment. If you don't want to use them as equipment, just use them as exhibits. Just hang them in front of the immortal boat to tell everyone that Luofu killed an immortal." Boat."

Jing Yuan wanted to refuse this suggestion because it was too... that.

However, before he said his refusal, Jing Yuan felt weak in his body. At this moment, he felt that the divine king given by Emperor Gong Siming had been tampered with. At this time, the weapon could not be returned at all. At the same time, it was given to him by Pei Guang. His phantom head also became one of the weapons of the God Lord and hung on the front of the immortal boat?

After this operation, the divine king who was originally hunting suddenly became a special existence that hunts x joys x destroys x a little bit of abundance. As the actual user of the current Divine Lord, the power of the Divine Lord suddenly increased, causing Jing Yuan's entire body to react.

His eyes darkened and he fainted. Pei Guang had just made a suggestion one second, and was stunned when he saw the fallen Jing Yuan the next second.

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