Since his companion created fighting conditions for him, he would never let down his companion's good intentions. He feinted with a shot, forced him back behind the blade, and stopped.

If it were before, Blade's battle would definitely be about exchanging life for injury or even life for life. Anyway, you can't die, so you can do whatever you want. But this time, he didn't dare to be poked by Dan Heng. Didn't he see the camera on March 7? If you are stabbed, you may die before your body and spirit die.

Therefore, Blade Fighter was a little helpless, and was even forced back by Dan Heng.

This time when the blade was forced back, Dan Heng looked at the blade: "I said, I am not Dan Feng, let alone the so-called Vidyadhara Dragon Lord. I am Dan Heng. Since you are still stubborn, then I... Be serious, Black Tower!”

"Come here~"

After defeating Yanqing, the Black Tower Doll who was watching the show heard Dan Heng calling him and jumped out directly. As the fourth among the sisters, the Black Tower Doll has been making various preparations to deal with the blade these days.

Seeing the hammer facing his black tower doll, the sword couldn't help but laugh: "How ridiculous. The former Adyadhara Dragon Lord actually had to rely on the power of outsiders. It's really laughable. But do you think that with just one person?" Can a doll defeat me?"

Looking at the laughing blade, Dan Heng came directly behind the Black Tower Doll: "Is it funny? My companion can fight side by side, do you have it? Do you have the various consumables made by my companion for me? I have it. How many accomplices do you have who can fight together?"

This sentence made Ren think of the past, of himself and the other four people. At that time, they were indistinguishable. At that time, they were called the "Five Heroes on the Cloud" by the world, and this sentence could be said to have hit the edge hard, causing his sanity to collapse.

"you wanna die!!!"

This time the blade ignored the threat of the cute pink rabbit in Dan Heng's hand and vowed to give Dan Heng a severe blow.

This time the sword decided not to kill Dan Heng first, but to kill the puppet first. He wanted Dan Heng to experience what real pain is. However, seeing Blade's attack, the Black Tower Doll smiled.

Blade waved his sword and came to Dan Heng in an instant almost teleporting. This time Dan Heng did not dodge, let alone fight back. There was only a smile on his face, because he believed that his companion could definitely block this blow.

The companion he was thinking of was none other than the Black Tower Doll. Dan Heng kept in mind the importance of gaining favor, so he gained a lot of favor with his Black Tower Doll in these days. At the same time, fighting together in the split world added a lot of tacit understanding between the two.

Facing this blade, he did not dodge at all, because the Black Tower puppet was faster.

No, the Black Tower Doll is not as fast as Blade, but the Black Tower Doll looked at Blade's starting hand and lifted the hammer first. When Blade rushed over, the hammer was right in front of Dan Heng.

Blade swung his sharp blade and prepared to chop him with the hammer, but the moment his sword hit the hammer, the Black Tower puppet launched a rebound.

This rebound did not make the blade unbalanced, but it exposed a flaw in him. Faced with this flaw, Dan Heng instantly summoned the creation engine from the storage space and punched the blade.

This punch directly knocked Blade to the ground. After the punch, the creation engine disappeared instantly, and Dan Heng pointed the pink cute rabbit at Blade's body. This blow seriously injured Blade's body, but the power of fertility allowed his body to recover quickly, but there was still a little time before full recovery. This little time was enough for Dan Heng to take action.

"I will let you know that I am not Dan Feng, but Dan Heng. No. 4, do it!"

Out of respect for Ms. Heita, Dan Heng used to call his doll No. 4. The Black Tower Doll heard Dan Heng's instructions and grabbed one of Blade's hands. At the same time, the Black Tower Doll's wrist turned into a small shield again.

I saw the Black Tower Doll immorally attacking its own shield with its blade hand. The moment it was about to hit, it bounced back, causing the blade to become unbalanced. The unbalanced Blade's body was completely unable to move, but the Black Tower Doll's movements did not stop. She controlled Blade's body to continuously attack herself, and continued to attack even if she was out of balance.

And what about the dolls? The constant rebound caused the imbalance of the blade to be maintained.

This scene was just as Dan Heng had expected. Looking at the blade that had lost the ability to resist, Dan Heng said, "I am Dan Heng."

Blade: "You are Dan Feng!"

Dan Heng: "In that case, I will prove that I am Dan Heng and not Dan Feng. Will Dan Feng do these things to me?"

Dan Heng walked behind the blade and took out the cute pink rabbit in his hand, recalling the familiar feel. This is a feeling that he has tried countless times in his dreams. Recalling the meows of different strengths, Dan Heng turned the spear upside down and pointed the pink cute rabbit's butt at Blade's butt.

Since Ren thinks he is Dan Feng, he will do something that Dan Feng can never do.

At this moment, Dan Heng's eyes were full of determination. With this stab, not only would the blade be killed, but he himself might also be killed. But when society dies, society dies. Dan Heng wants to tell everyone that he is Dan Heng, not the reincarnation of some dragon king.


The long meow made everyone at the scene fall into silence, because everyone present saw with their own eyes that the blade's butt made a long meow the moment it was poked.

But obviously, this is just a test and search for feel. There is a slight difference between the feel in the dream and the feel in reality, but it is not a big problem. This slight difference has little impact on the overall effect.

However, Dan Heng still adjusted his strength. This time, he quickly swung his spear and stabbed Blade's butt with the butt of the spear, causing a continuous meow.

And in the continuous meowing, everyone actually heard some rhythm. This rhythm became more and more obvious, and gradually turned into a cheerful rhythm.

"Meow meow~meow meow~meow~meow meow meow~meow meow meow~"

Yes, this rhythm is exactly the rainbow cat that Pei Guang taught Dan Heng before. The black tower doll who had been controlling the blade arm to attack himself so that he could bounce back also spoke at this time.

"Learn to meow with me ~ together ~"

Blade's butt: "Meow meow meow meow~"

While Blade's butt was playing in harmony with the Black Tower doll, Dan Heng also spoke with resentment at this time: "I am Dan Heng, not Dan Feng. There are five of us, and you are the most embarrassing one! Who am I?" "

Blade: "Dan Feng!"

Dan Heng quickly poked: "Who am I?"

Blade: "Dan Feng!"

Dan Heng was very patient. He swore that whatever he said today would make him change his mind and admit that he was Dan Heng and not Dan Feng.

The bad things he did in his previous life were blamed on him, and he accepted it. It was fate, it was a fact that had happened before, and it could not be changed. But no matter what he said, he had to let Ren, who was chasing him all over the universe, recognize that he was Dan Heng. Even if he was still chasing him, he would admit it, but he had to let Ren chase Dan Heng, who had suffered for Dan Feng, and Not Danfeng.

Although Ren suffered an unspeakable social death, he firmly believed that Dan Heng was Dan Feng.

Danheng wondered why Blade still didn't change his mind. Is it true that the entire universe would be satisfied if he died?

This time he no longer thought in his own way, but borrowed Pei Guang's way of thinking. He agreed with one of Pei Guang's words, that is, don't worry about the result and give it a try first.

But it happened that Dan Heng had an idea, why did Ren Ning refuse to obey? Is it because he not only inherited the appearance of Lord Yin Yue, but also inherited his power? The same appearance, the same strength, although the personality, experience, and thoughts are different, but for those people in the past, just strength and appearance can make them think that they are the same people in the past?

His appearance has changed, and Ke Ren still thinks that he is the Dan Feng he once was, so there is only one condition left, and that is strength. The power he had sealed away was also Dan Feng's proof.

This power could not be changed before, but it can be changed now because he remembered Pei Guang's words.

I remember what Pei Guangshun said when he was buying things in Beloberg: "Whatever is yours, mine, or his, when it comes into the hands of the player, it all belongs to the player."

Thinking of this, Dan Heng stopped attacking. At the same time, the weapon in his hand was decomposing, and his body also changed at this moment.

Pink water appeared around him, and the pink water completely enveloped him, and pink water dragons flew out of his body. Yes, Dan Heng lifted his seal and decided to use the power inherited from the previous Dragon Lord.

The weapon in his hand was transformed into a 'magic bead'. Although the form of the weapon has changed, the special effects of the weapon are still retained, because this bead is actually part of the original spear. It is just that the form of the weapon has changed, and the weapon's special effects have changed. The special effects will only become unusable if the weapon is completely damaged, but will not disappear if the weapon's form changes.

The pink dragon flew out of Dan Heng's body, but it didn't make a dragon roar when it flew out, but an excited cat cry.

Wrapped in the pink light, Dan Heng's body changed. At the same time, he regained his strength and regained control of the immortal power. When his recognition of Pei Guang reached a high level, he understood the principle of weapon special effects to a certain extent. Some of the characteristics of this weapon's special effects are very similar to immortality. Using the power of immortality, combined with the weapon special effects on the weapon, Danheng can simulate the principles of the special effects of cute pink rabbits and cats, and even extend this special effect to his own above ability.

At this moment, Dan Heng reached a height that none of the previous Dragon Lords could reach. At the same time, when the previous Dragon Lords and even other Immortal Boat Dragon Lords saw the way Dan Heng was wrapped in pink water, they would all reply in unison: "He is just a pioneer. That person! Definitely not the former Dragon Lord!”

Yes, Dan Heng's mentality has changed. He used to think that this was Dan Feng's power and was a little repelled. But now Dan Heng has figured it out, whatever belongs to Dan Feng's Dragon Master is mine when it comes to me.

That's right, the standard player's idea is that whatever is yours, mine, or his, whatever comes into my hands is mine. This power, this immortality indeed belonged to the former Dan Feng, but now that it is in Dan Heng's hands, it belongs to him. At the same time, Dan Heng also made some changes to these powers based on his understanding of the weapon's special effects. And let it be completely stamped with his name.

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded. The reason why Pei Guang was dumbfounded was simple. He didn't expect Dan Heng's weapon to be able to change.

The reason why others were dumbfounded was even simpler: it was so sexy! The pink water, the pink water dragon, and the cat's meow made all the melon eaters present and the blade lying on the ground widen their eyes.

Especially Blade, when he saw this scene, he was sure of one thing, Dan Heng! It's definitely not Dan Feng, because Dan Feng really can't do this.

Not only were the people present dumbfounded, Jing Yuan, who had just landed, subconsciously rubbed his eyes when he saw the pink water dragon meowing across the sky.

Jing Yuan rubbed his eyes: "Am I... asleep?"

Then Jingyuan saw an even more disturbing scene. In front of the crowd, Dan Heng transformed into a dragon man and stood on a lotus. At this moment, he took off all the equipment that covered his face, leaving only one in his hand. A small and cute pink rabbit floating in the palm of his hand.

The only thing that is normal is Dan Heng's appearance and clothes, because Dan Heng has completely faced his past and has strengthened his belief that he is Dan Heng. He does not need a mask to cover up, let alone hide his power.

Chapter 167: Pink Dan Heng ate the Lord of Extinction?

At this moment, everyone present was silent except Pei Guang, who clapped his hands.

"Dan Heng! Okay! I didn't expect that you would be covered in special effects after your transformation? Are your pink colors originally pink, or have the weapon special effects extended to your entire body?"

Upon hearing this inquiry, Dan Heng just nodded without saying much. He was now in a very detached state, but if you look carefully at his eyes, there was light in his eyes.

Because at this moment, he could clearly feel that he was Dan Heng, and at the same time, he also felt a series of emotions such as surprise, unwillingness, and doubt from the blade.

At the same time, while taking the initiative to accept this power, Dan Heng saw some memories, which were memories passed down by the Dragon Lords from past generations.

These memories were like watching a movie for Dan Heng, allowing him to understand what the Dragon Lords of the past generations had done, what the Vidyadhara clan had done, and what the Vidyadhara Dragon Lord Dan Feng had done.

For these memories, Dan Heng has an attitude: learn useful things, write down some history to enrich the train's think tank, and then...

Dan Heng, who had a cute pink rabbit floating on his palm, looked at the Black Tower puppet after learning the power of skill control at this moment: "Let him go."

Black Tower Doll: "Are you sure? Why don't you fill him with a few buckets of coffee to calm him down?"

Dan Heng nodded: "Let go."

The Black Tower Doll released its control over Blade, and after a few seconds, Blade regained control of his body and stood up. This oppressive feeling of being manipulated reminded Blade of that woman.

However, what happened next made Blade's newly recovered body sink into silence, because when he raised his head, he saw a huge pink cute rabbit in the sky looking at him.

That's right, Dan Heng took action.

Affected by Pei Guang's power, he developed some different understandings of immortality. This was a power that even the immortal star gods had never understood before.

The pink cute rabbit floating in Dan Heng's hand burst into pink light. With a wave of Dan Heng's right hand, the huge pink cute rabbit condensed in the air hit the blade.

The pink cute rabbit hit the blade. The moment it hit the blade, the huge pink cute rabbit split instantly. Hundreds of small pink cute rabbits lurked at the blade's feet with meowing sounds.

At this time, Dan Heng raised his middle finger, and these cute pink rabbits lurking under the feet of the blade instantly impacted the body of the blade from bottom to top. At the same time, these cute pink rabbits made meowing sounds when they launched their attacks. .

Heita looked at Blade, who was drowned by the cute pink rabbit and meowing like a cat, and fell into thinking. After thinking for a tenth of a second, she showed an excited expression. She turned on the music, and the cosmic ball appeared on her head, and her body moved with the familiar music of Toji Daji.

Gangster Shake, this was the first dance that Pei Guang danced after coming to this world, and it was also the beginning of Xinghe March 7 and a large number of people who had direct intersection with Pei Guang being led astray.

Before this song, Xinghe March 7 only thought that Pei Guang was a guy with special powers, but after he started dancing to this song, Xinghe March 7 was on the road of no return.

In this situation, the Black Tower doll couldn't feel the familiar music and dance, which lacked some charm, so she started dancing happily.

What? look? Not to mention that she doesn't care about the doll, even if the real body comes, she will do whatever she wants when she encounters something that interests her, and she won't care about anyone's eyes.

At this time, Dan Heng is still doing damage to the blade. As long as the blade doesn't admit that he is Dan Heng for a second, he will not give up the damage to the blade. At the same time, unlike before where he simply used a spear to find the rhythm, this time after shaping it into a tangible object through the water of the five elements, he could better control the rhythm and even perform an ensemble.

At the same time, it felt a little lonely to watch the Black Tower Doll dance alone. Dan Heng controlled the water flow to create two pink clones, and danced behind the Black Tower Doll.

The dance of one puppet and two clones was accompanied by music and meowing sounds, which made Pei Guang feel a little itchy.

Pei Guang: "With this feeling and this scene, if I don't follow you around, I will feel a little empty and lonely!"

Xing: "Aguang is right!"

March 7: "Let's start?"

Bai Lu: "Wait! Take me one~"

Xi'er: "It's fun and you won't take me to play with you?"

Silver Wolf looked left and right. When she and Kafka looked at each other, they blinked at each other, and then Silver Wolf climbed out of the bucket happily: "Be sure to take me with you."

Walter didn't say anything, but if you look carefully, you can see that Walter is already looking for a rhythm in the crowd.

Looking at the cheering crowd, Fu Xuan, who had been watching the excitement and didn't know how to speak, fell into silence. She was struggling. It was such an interesting scene at this time. She felt that she would regret it for the rest of her life if she didn't participate. But if she did, she felt she couldn't afford to lose it. this person.

However, when she was struggling, she saw a familiar white hair in the crowd. The familiar white hair first looked at the movements of the Black Tower puppet, and then looked at where Pei Guang came from. After looking at it again, , this later Bai Mao also jumped up with the crowd.

Fu Xuan was shocked: "General, what are you doing?"

Jing Yuan: "Oh? Fu Qing? Aren't you coming to play? Relaxing before the battle will help with the subsequent command and battle."

Fu Xuan: "?"

Fu Xuan calculated everything, but he didn't expect that his general would be assimilated so quickly.

As for why Jing Yuan joined so easily? It's simple and fun. I have gone to fight Huanlong with the determination to die, so what if I do something I have never done before in my life and indulge a little before fighting to the death?

Is the Huanhu matter urgent? What's the use of being anxious? Without Dan Heng's power, Jianmu's seal cannot be lifted, and no matter how anxious he is, he can't get in. Anyway, there is someone taking the lead in the carnival, and if you follow the leader, you are not the one being laughed at.

At the same time, Jing Yuan also sympathizes with the blade, so just admit that Dan Heng is not Dan Feng, and you still don't say it, but you still talk harshly. As far as what Dan Heng has done, not to mention Dan Feng, all the outrageous things that Xianzhou Longzun has done together are not as outrageous as Dan Heng is doing now.

The Dragon Masters of the past dynasties were dedicated to murdering people, while Dan Heng was dedicated to killing people's hearts.

Others kill people and punish their hearts, but Dan Heng kills his hearts and does not kill people.

If we talk about being skinless and shameless, then naturally it is better to be the latter. After all, being skinless and shameless means that living is fine. It doesn’t matter whether you want to kill your heart or not.

But in this world, except for the believers of Aha, they are all reputable beings. The stronger they are, the greater their fame. Dan Heng's behavior is equivalent to shitting on your reputation, and it's the kind of thing that makes people lose their reputation.

If fiction is mixed in by historians and fun-lovers, well, tens of millions of years after your death, your laughing stock will be known to the entire universe.

But sympathy is sympathy. When he saw Pei Guang and the others playing around at the scene, he naturally wanted to participate. Just like what he said to Fu Xuan, appropriate indulgence would be conducive to the next action.

Seeing that all his generals were on board, Fu Xuan looked left and right, his heart crossed, and he also ran in.

He was afraid of someone taking the lead in everything. If his immediate superior took the lead, Fu Xuanzhen had nothing to fear.

Anyway, the most embarrassing thing on the scene is the star core hunter, and there is someone taking the lead here, so just treat it as a new thing that you have never experienced before.

At the same time, Fu Xuan noticed that Pei Guang, Xing, March Qi and even the leading dancer, the Black Tower Doll, were intoxicated with their eyes closed when dancing, so Fu Xuan memorized the dance steps and closed his eyes.

The moment she closed her eyes, the music and dance steps seemed to be engraved into her DNA, making her body move involuntarily. As she moved, Fu Xuan experienced the feeling of catching up with the trend for the first time.

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