Kafka also wanted to control her fate, but reality didn't allow it.

Blade, who was standing by, held the sword and said nothing, while Kafka looked at Blade: "How do you feel? Did the 'coffee' modified by the players help you?"

Blade: "Yes."

Blade was sure that his chaotic emotions had stabilized, but this did not prevent him from giving Dan Heng a blow today. There were actions for fate, and there were also personal grudges.

While waiting, the two noticed a star ship sailing on the sea. Kafka glanced at the time and nodded: "Affected by uncontrollable factors, it was a little early, and there were a little more people. Ah Ren~ Is it okay?"

Blade: "No problem."

One is to chop, and two are also to chop. No matter how many people come, he said he wanted to stab Dan, Xing, and March Seven today.

At first, he looked like a person, but when the last two people came down, even the knowledgeable Kafka and Blade were silent at this moment. The two of them knew that Dan Heng had received some help from the players, but this help was a bit too outrageous.

Look at Dan Heng's current outfit. In order to avoid trouble, he directly put on the black deer suit to cover perfectly. At the same time, considering that the headgear similar to the son of platinum has a high mental bonus, the black deer is put on the son of platinum to highlight a high-intensity mental attack.

Looking at the pink cute rabbit in his hand, the blade who saw this scene only felt endless insults and ridicules. A man can be killed but not humiliated, but it is obvious that this pink cute rabbit has pushed the insult to the limit just by seeing it.

Feeling the gaze of the blade, Dan Heng also looked over, as if it was fate, the two looked at each other. Blade knew Dan Heng, knew his past life, and knew what fucked up things he and Dan Heng had done in their past lives.

But Dan Heng was not like this. He didn't know what he had done in his past life, but he was willing to bear the sins of his past life. He never thought that the sins he had committed would just pass, but since he boarded the fairy boat, he also helped the fairy boat to the best of his ability.

In his opinion, Blade might have been hurt by his past life, but after being hunted for so long, even Dan Heng was a little angry.

Just like what Pei Guang said, since the flesh can't kill Ren, then this time, let him die socially. No matter if it's useful to him or not, let's have a good time first.

And looking at the star core hunters blocking the way, Fu Xuan frowned: "You..."

Kafka: "Um~ Lord Taibu already knows our purpose, and this time I'm here to help you find the key to open the lock~ Ah Ren~"

Ren took the sword and walked forward a few steps: "You are here, it's time to pay the price, do you think you can escape after becoming like this?"

At this time, Dan Heng interrupted what everyone wanted to say, and walked out holding the pink cute rabbit: "I have told you and that woman many times that I am Dan Heng, and I have nothing to do with you. If you keep pestering me, don't blame me for being rude today."

Ren laughed loudly at this time: "Hahahaha! Do you think that changing another face and changing another identity can wipe out the past sins? You! You haven't even experienced death. I want you to feel this kind of pain, Dan Heng! I want Let you know the pain of death! "When he said this, Bai Lu emerged from the trash bin:" Who was injured? Zhao? Today is a good luck, I have a good medicine that suppresses the magic body. Good luck can extend your life span for 10080 years! On the wolf's body, his attention was all on Bai Lu's body. He thought of the past, and his emotions caused his body to change more seriously. Seeing this, Dan Heng waved his hand, indicating that he could handle it. He took two steps forward, but he was about to speak.

Yan Qing, who had followed them all the way, stood in front of Dan Heng: "Hmph, you can't hurt anyone today, wanted criminal, because, you have to follow me."

Seeing Yan Qing pop up, Fu Xuan wanted to say something, but then he thought about it and gave up.

Ren looked at Yan Qing who suddenly appeared and said sarcastically: "Jing Yuan's follower, didn't Jing Yuan teach you to judge the situation? Do you know who is behind you? Let me introduce it to you!"

However, before Ren finished speaking, Pei Guang walked in front of Yan Qing and said: "Of course I know, our companion Dan Heng, but he committed the ten unforgivable crimes of Xianzhou, rebelled against Xianzhou, caused chaos, and was expelled forever!"

Did Pei Guang know? Pei Guang knew nothing, no, Pei Guang didn't know anything about Dan Heng's background. But the other party had already said this, and combined with Dan Heng's previous statement that he was expelled from Luofu, and what Ren said before, Pei Guang directly said something bad about Dan Heng's past.

Yan Qing's eyes widened at this time. He looked at Ren, then at Dan Heng: "Ah?"

Yanqing looked at Dan Heng and was stunned for a moment. Is this the last Ming-Children Dragon Lord? However, when he was in a daze, Dan Heng summoned a puppet that had been specially trained by Pei Guang: "Actually, in my previous life, I was the Vidyadhara Dragon Lord, Moon Drinking Lord, but I am just Dan Heng, not the Vidyadhara Dragon you expected. Dear. If you insist on thinking that I am not Dan Heng, then don’t blame me. You’re welcome.”

Dan Heng didn't explain too much. He did so much just to prove that he was Dan Heng and not Long Zun. Be it Long Zun or Dan Feng, that was his previous life.

Again, he was willing to bear the sins of his previous life, and he was willing to accept any punishment. But who wants to say that he is not Dan Heng...then he has to ask whether the cute pink rabbit in his hand agrees.

As if sensing Dan Heng's thoughts, the cute pink rabbit in his hand purred like an angry cat. When he held the weapon hard, it could also be judged to be in an attack state and make a sound.

Looking at Dan Heng's armed appearance, Yanqing felt that he was being held back. He was either retreating or advancing. He looked at Fu Xuan. But Fu Xuan just smiled: "Yanqing, come on, don't worry, your body will not die. No, the dragon girl holding the medicine is here, how can you die."

Yanqing didn't know what to say when he heard this. Yes, the physical body cannot die, but social death is certain.

Not only Yanqing, but also Yan hesitated with his sword when he saw Dan Heng and the black tower doll beside him. He pursues death, but he doesn’t want society to die while he is alive! Not only does society die when he is alive, he also does not want his society to die after he dies.

Just imagine, one day I really die, and when people talk about him, he is not the star core hunter blade who did evil, but the poor guy who was stabbed and meowing. Who can bear this kind of scene?

But Dan Heng didn't give them a chance to hesitate, because he and the Black Tower Doll were already on board. Dan Heng faced the blade, and the Black Tower Doll faced Yan Qing. The Black Tower Doll was also really rude and aimed at Yan Qing. Qing's face is like a hammer.

Yanqing was fine on his side, but it was really life-threatening for him because he saw a meowing pink cute rabbit stabbing him in the face.

Chapter 166: The blade that would rather die than obey, the evolution of Dan Heng!

When Yanqing saw the hammer wielded by the Black Tower doll, he subconsciously avoided it. At this moment, Yanqing felt that he was wronged! He was indeed chasing the star core hunter, and even wanted to capture the star core hunter.

When Ren exposed Dan Heng's identity, he had the idea of ​​arresting both of them together. However, after seeing that Fu Xuan did not take action and looked at Pei Guang and his party, he had no idea of ​​capturing Dan Heng for the time being.

In his opinion, the pioneers were invited by his own general. Although they were reluctant, the pioneers really brought great help to Xianzhou.

Regardless of emotion or reason, he would not take action against Dan Heng, but would instead use a sword. Now that Xianzhou's wanted order for Ren has not been lifted, it is only natural for him to capture Ren himself.

In addition, seeing the cute pink rabbit in Dan Heng's hand, I thought it would be better not to hit him.

As it turned out, the Black Tower doll was not used to it at all, and he hit both of them, one at a time, and this hammer hit him directly in the face.

While dodging the first hammer, Yanqing discovered that the Black Tower Doll had a big flaw. Out of a warrior's intuition, she attacked the flaw. Six flying swords surrounded the Black Tower Doll at the same time. In his hand His sword burst out with colored ice and stabbed at the Black Tower doll.

However, this flaw is deliberately sold by the Black Tower Doll. At the same time, the flaws sold by the Black Tower Doll are also unethical. Others sell flaws that give themselves ample opportunity to fight back. I can only barely tolerate the Black Tower Doll. The flaw in blocking.

Yanqing was sure of this and attacked boldly, because even if the attack failed, it was just blocked and he could come again.

But the Black Tower Doll taught Yanqing a good lesson this time. When Yanqing's attack was about to hit her body, she let go of the hammer, and her left arm turned into a small shield. The moment the attack arrives, he swings his shield.


Dan Heng's black tower puppet was equipped with all the skills of blocking, deflection, and knife deflection that Pei Guang understood. Facing Yanqing's physical attack, the deflection was solid.

Yanqing, who was bounced for the first time, just felt a little numb in his body, but he didn't take it seriously. When he found out that his attack was dodged, he directly changed his moves and summoned a flying sword to attack the black tower puppet.

At this time, the Black Tower puppet's arm returned to normal, he took the hammer back in his hand, and looked at the hammer and flying sword for Yan Qing to see. He said: "That's it? Your swordsmanship is weak in cutting, your thrusts are weak, your steps are loose, your reactions are slow, and none of your attacks are decent. You are the only one who still wants to compete with me? Go back and practice for another five hundred years."

Yanqing felt his head buzzing as he said this taunt. He originally wanted to use the flying sword to deal with the Black Tower Doll, but at this moment, he wanted to let the Black Tower Doll know how powerful he was.

"Hmph! You're talking arrogantly, but it seems like you don't need any real skills. You don't know how high the sky is!"

Black Tower Doll: "Oh? Tell me that the sky is high and the sky is high? Little brother, please practice hard for a few years."

This little brother sound made Yanqing have a strange reaction. He didn't say much, but just raised his hand to gather strength. With the powerful strength gathered, it seemed as if a sword appeared beside him.

Seeing this sword, the Black Tower puppet yawned and swung the hammer casually. It looked full of momentum and the powerful blow was directly blocked and completely dissipated.

Yanqing didn't hesitate when the move dissipated. He rushed over and attacked the Black Tower puppet with flying swords from multiple angles.

Faced with the attacks from these flying swords, the Black Tower Doll simply ignored them and chose to rush towards Yan Qing.

Yanqing: "Well done! Let you see how powerful I am."

The Black Tower puppet looked at the unstoppable Yanqing with a smile on his face: "Do you know who I am?"

When these words were spoken, Yanqing's attack had already reached the Black Tower. This time he had a good memory. He used himself to attract the attention of the Black Tower puppet and used his flying sword to carry out the main attack.

At the same time, the weapon he wields is just a feint attack, but if the black tower puppet does not block his own attack and focuses on the flying sword, then the feint attack becomes the main attack, highlighting a myriad of changes.

And what about the Black Tower doll? Regardless of the ever-changing situation, when he saw Yan Qing swinging his weapon to attack, he waved his hammer to counterattack without any hesitation. Yan Qing originally thought that he was just feinting, not using all his strength, focusing on dodging. When the black tower puppet's hammer hit his own weapon, , he retreated and let Feijian attack in all directions.

But the moment his weapon touched the Black Tower Doll's weapon, Yanqing felt his body go numb. At the same time, the true energy in his body was rushing around, and his breath was unstable. His whole body instantly lost his balance. He tried hard to adjust his body and try to control it. , but the body doesn’t listen at all.

At the same time, the flying swords he controlled lost all their aggressiveness at the moment he lost balance, and the Black Tower puppet took out a milk bottle, which was filled with coffee.

This was originally prepared by the Black Tower Doll for Danheng when he was sleeping, so that Danheng could have a cup of coffee to calm down when he had nightmares. However, since Danheng mastered various strange techniques, he has never had nightmares, which led to this She never used the bottle from beginning to end.

But this time after defeating Yanqing, the Black Tower puppet casually took out the bottle full of coffee and stuck it into Yanqing's mouth. Then he squeezed it hard and coffee poured into Yanqing's mouth from the pacifier.

"woo woo woo woo!"

He still wanted to struggle, but after the coffee entered his stomach, he felt that his consciousness was getting deeper and deeper. When his body returned to normal, his consciousness took his body and fell into a deep sleep.

While she was completing this operation, Pei Guang took out the trash can and bottle with ease, stuffed Yanqing into the trash can, inserted the pacifier and hung up the bottle, then Pei Guang clapped his hands.

Yanqing was not injured, let alone dead. With the help of coffee, he was able to fall into the devil's body decades or hundreds of years earlier than before. At the same time, Fu Xuan was right, Yan Qing would not be injured, and his body would not die. But whether it will kill society depends on whether his videos will appear on the Internet.

However, she didn't know if Fu Xuan appeared on the Internet, but she knew that when Yanqing said bad things to her in the future, he would definitely read what happened today again. But then again, Yanqing looks quite cute with a pacifier in his mouth.

After Pei Guang took care of Yan Qing, he looked at the Black Tower puppet: "How do you feel?"

Black Tower Doll: "It's interesting. It's been so long, and I've been let out to play. But then again, how about that guy?"

Pei Guang pointed in the direction of Dan Heng and Ren: "The fight hasn't started yet. According to the traditional plot, this is called brewing momentum. When the momentum is achieved, the fight begins."

At this time, Dan Heng and Blade hadn't started fighting yet. Dan Heng and Blade made the first move, preparing for a counterattack. And what about the blade? He just looked at the cute pink rabbit in Dan Heng's hand and felt a familiar sense of fear.

Yes, with the help of Kafka, he temporarily forgot about the nightmares he had these days, but forgetfulness was forgotten, and the body instinct brought by the nightmares reminded him to be careful.

For Dan Heng, this battle is different from the past. He will fight as Dan Heng, so that all those who think he is Dan Feng and the previous Ming Dynasty Dragon Master will understand that he is just Dan Heng and a star. An unknown passenger on the dome train is now a trusted companion for his teammates.

Not to mention anything else, just wearing a black deer suit, holding a meowing pink cute rabbit, accompanied by a black tower doll, and sufficient consumables, can Dan Feng do this? Can it be done?

Thinking of this, Dan Heng's marksmanship became more and more fierce. At the same time, as teammates, Xinghe March 7, also began to provide off-field assistance to Dan Heng.

Xing: "Ah Guang, let me make a bet. Let's take a gamble!"

As soon as this sentence was spoken, two people present had PTSD, one was Yin Lang and the other was Fu Xuan.

Fu Xuan coughed: "Ahem, what are you betting on?"

March 7 and Xing spoke in unison: "Let's decide who will win. We will win if we beat Dan Heng. If we lose, then~ we will satisfy the winner's one requirement~ Hehe~"

March 7 smiled mischievously, but Pei Guang's eyes showed a serious look. He began to analyze the battlefield: "According to my many years of gaming experience, in this case, most of the time, teammates will be stabbed and then fail. As companions, let’s save our companions and defeat the powerful enemy together! Then I will lose!”

When Pei Guang said these words, Yin Lang and Fu Xuan, who had been tricked before, looked at each other, and the two victims said at the same time: "I will suppress you, Dan Heng will win."

At this moment, the blade that was fighting with Dan Heng shivered, and he felt a malice that seemed to have become a substance pressing down on him.

However, at the moment when he was stunned, the tip of Dan Heng's spear grazed his face. The moment he came into contact with the cute pink rabbit at close range, the sword felt the scream from his soul.

A soft sound like a purring cat sounded in his ears, and at this moment, he saw ridicule. The smile from the cute pink rabbit seemed to be the biggest ridicule in the universe.

This cute pink rabbit seemed to be shouting in his ear: "Poke it~Poke it~The next one is the butt~"

At this moment, the restrictions from Kafka disappeared, and the nightmare of the previous few days appeared in front of him.

In the dream, Dan Heng kicked himself over, sang Nyan Cat with his own butt, imitated cat meowing with his own butt, and sang along with a puppet beside him.

insult! Absolute insult! He wants revenge, he wants to go completely crazy!

But when he saw Dan Heng waving the cute pink rabbit again, his heart was shaking, and his original firm will was shaken.

Against an enemy like Dan Heng, if you stab the opponent to death, the opponent will die in battle. If you are stabbed to death, it will be a humiliating death.

The painful memories of the dream came to mind, and his hand holding the sword began to tremble.

Seeing this scene, Kafka spoke: "Aren, listen to me, forget the experience in the dream!"

Kafka's Spirit Talking Technique was activated. The moment the Spirit Talking Technique was activated, Blade's eyes returned to madness again. Nightmares and fears were all suppressed by the Spirit Talking Technique.

On Pei Guang's side, when he saw Kafka assisting outside the court, March 7 put one hand on his waist and pointed at Kafka with the other hand: "You! You! Are you helping outside the court?"

As soon as these words came out, the people here were the first to be silent. To be honest, weren't they the ones who came first for off-field assistance? Apart from anything else, just dragging Pei Guang, who was bound to lose in every bet, into a gambling game, and letting A Guang win with all his strength, this was even more ruthless than Kafka's magic.

March 7th was angry, but Pei Guang was very calm. He waved his hand: "We must be civilized and moral. Dan Heng is the protagonist of this branch plot. But it is obvious that the man must win the situation, and the result is still Don’t blame me for being rude, everyone! Light the fire and start the pot!”

Pei Guang took out the pot, Xing took out the flame gun, and March 7 took Bai Lu out of the bucket.

Bai Lu, who was holding the game console in his hand, hurriedly pressed the pause button, put the game console away and looked at everyone: "Ahem, do you need me for anything?"

Pei Guang: "Of course! Come on! Give Dan Heng various medicines to enhance his attributes and restore his abilities!"

Bai Lu: "Oh? I'm good at this. I've been thinking about it all the way. Now I have some inspiration. Let me make you some medicine to assist combat~"

The inspiration is real, but the source of inspiration is a bit unorthodox. Bai Lu had been playing the game on Pei Guang's game console all the way. At the same time, through the game she was playing, she also understood how Pei Guang was able to kill Fengsuanxuanlu, dismantle its accessories, and make materials.

The game she played was none other than Monster Hunter. Of course, it didn't matter who was the subject. What was important was that this game gave Bai Lu a lot of inspiration.

Now that Pei Guang had a need, she rolled up her sleeves and prepared to show off her skills.

So Bai Lu came to the pot and started adding ingredients crazily based on her game experience and her own pharmacological experience. Failed? It doesn't matter, this magical pot is much more reliable than an alchemy furnace. When the properties of several medicinal materials are mixed together, if something can come out, it can come out, and if it doesn't, it can't come out.

Dan Heng was doing the typing in the front, Bai Lu was making the medicine in the back, and Pei Guang was on the side doing appraisals. In this way, a simple production line was set up.

Not only Bai Lu and Pei Guang were preparing, but Walter on the other side was not idle either. He came to a deserted place, quietly summoned the Creation Engine, adjusted the fighting form and stuffed it into the public storage space.

When Dan Heng also noticed the various consumables that began to appear in the public storage space and the creation engine that Walter had adjusted, he felt a warm emotion in his heart.

Even in single combat, he felt the support of his companions.

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