Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 175 Rhapsody of Pentos (8)

The carriage stopped at the entrance of the White Cat Inn.

Ian didn't hesitate at all, he opened the curtain directly, boarded the carriage, took down Daenerys who was tightly wrapped in red robe, and then let Case carry Viserys's body on his back.

"Stay here and don't let anyone in." Ian ordered the remaining Unsullied.

The Unsullied have no doubts about this kind of order that does not seem to harm their master Illyrio at all, and can only obey.

So, Ian left the last group of Unsullied around him and led the others into the inn.

After passing through the messy inn hall, Ian and others left through the back door of the inn.

There, 'Black Falcon' Dorian and Bronn were waiting with more than 30 people, and beside them, a carriage used by ordinary merchants was also prepared.

Seeing Ian appear, Dorian rushed to greet him.

"We have spread the news throughout the port according to your instructions. Now the ships in Pentos Port are scrambling to escape, and the entire port is in chaos." He reported the situation to Ian, and then pointed to the servants behind him. soldiers,

"These people are all trustworthy old subordinates we brought from Westeros. I have dismissed all the other people recruited in Pentos."

Ian nodded to him and then ordered: "Burn this inn too."

Afterwards, Ian put the bodies of Daenerys and Viserys on the new carriage and took everyone to the port.

Amid countless overt and covert looks, the door to the Parliament Palace finally reopened.

Under the protection of a team of guards, a eunuch climbed onto the high platform outside the Parliament Palace and announced the results of the Grand Council's resolution.

It's only two short sentences.

First, Governor Guerrero Tetrus was accused of treason, and the Grand Council announced that he would be sentenced to death and that the Tetrus family would be deprived of all property and power.

Second, Prince Tregg Mohharis was murdered by Governor Guerrero Tetrus, and the Great Council elected Hazan Mohharis as the new Prince of Pentos.

After the results were announced, a stone stirred up waves.

The bloody setting sun reflected the firelight in the port.

Thousands of sailors rushed to the port from the inns in the surrounding neighborhoods. Illyrio's harbor guards were unable to prevent such a huge chaos. They could only shrink the defense line back into the towers and let the sailors leave.

Mixed in the team of sailors, Ian and his party arrived at the dock area without attracting anyone's attention.

The din all around covered the sound of Daenerys sobbing in the carriage.

Daenerys has spent her entire life hiding from assassins for as long as she can remember, and although she has never actually seen one, she knows that it is her brother who is protecting her (at least that's what he says).

But just now, his brother died at the hands of an assassin, right in front of his eyes.

The moment the crossbow bolt hit Viserys's chest, Daenerys felt her whole world collapse.

Although Viserys later became so selfish, irritable, and cruel, Dany would remember the warmth of her childhood and forgive her brother every time she provoked the dragon's wrath.

Although he decided to marry himself to Khal Drogo.

Even though he would never be able to return home, at least he could go back, right?

He can lead brave and loyal knights like Ian to overthrow the tyranny of the usurper and save the people of Westeros.

But now? What to do now?

Daenerys doesn't know.

She only felt cold all over, maybe it was fever? She didn't know either.

She was half lying in the carriage, holding something tightly with her hands, and curled up into a ball.

Suddenly, she heard Ian's voice: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

‘There is no Your Majesty! ’ Dany shouted in her heart, ‘Viserys is dead and can’t come back! You can't go home either! I’m sorry we couldn’t help you.’

Immediately, Daenerys's sobs became louder.

"Your grace," Ian's voice continued, "my queen." Finally, he changed his name.

"Queen?" Daenerys opened her eyes in confusion. While holding back her sobs, she raised her head and looked at Ian with her violet eyes.

Only then did she realize that she was hanging on Ian's body like an octopus. The thing she was holding in her dream before was actually him.

Suddenly, her blushing face turned into a ripe apple.

But she didn't let go. Instead, she tightened her grip just like a drowning person holding on to a wooden board.

"King Viserys is dead and you are our queen." Ian explained, ignoring her embarrassment.

"Queen?" Daenerys whispered again.

"King Viserys is dead. Now you are the last Targaryen bloodline and the last true dragon. You must lead us to regain the Iron Throne and regain the lost kingdom. Now all this becomes your responsibility." Ian His tone became firmer.

"My responsibility?" Daenerys shook her head subconsciously, "But I will marry that horse king soon, I"

"You won't marry him, we are leaving Pentos soon!"

"Why?" Daenerys was still in a state of brain failure.

"For the Khal's wife must live in his cathedral, and you must lead us back to Westeros, and you must be our queen, as you have heard, and your brother has told you of his responsibilities. , now it all falls on your shoulders."

"Me? I can't do it." Dany quickly shook her head again, "I don't know anything."

"I can teach you." Ian showed a gentle smile.

This was one of the core reasons why he ultimately decided to take Daenerys away.

It is true that this girl often gives people the impression of being overly kind, idealistic, childish, stubborn and willful, but in fact the latter points were developed during her growth.

This is something that could have been avoided if she had had more qualified staff.

The pitiful thing about Daenerys is that she never learned how to be a king like a real crown prince, but she had to become the Queen of Meereen at a mere age of less than 16 years old. Dany was only 16 years old when there was no one. Rule with reliable advisors.

It is not an exaggeration to not have a reliable adviser. Gray Worm is an Unsullied officer. In his world, there is only obedience, and Jorah and Barristan, throughout her entire reign, have made almost all suggestions. Bad idea.

For example, Jorah suggested that she sell the dragon eggs and travel to the east with him, but in the end Daenerys hatched her own dragon.

For example, Barristan suggested that she treat the slave owners fairly. They abolished slavery in Slaver's Bay and wanted to reconcile with the slave owners at the same time. This series of actions led to endless rebellions and put them in deep trouble. middle.

After her advisers gave bad ideas time and time again, her persistence against all odds proved to be the right choice.

After she listened to her adviser's advice time and time again, but got bad results.

How could she not become stubborn and conceited?

Daenerys couldn't believe the half-empty people under her command, and was sometimes so embarrassed that she needed to ask the little translator Missandei for advice. But what advice could Missandei, a slave who was trained as a translator, give her?

Missandei could only say to her: 'Do what you want to do. ’ to increase her confidence in her own ideas.

Faced with any problem, Daenerys could only find a solution on her own. In the end, she even came up with the stupid idea of ​​marrying a Meereen noble. Perhaps she had not considered that after her marriage to a Meereen noble, what would happen if it turned out as she wished? After stabilizing the situation in Meereen, how could she go back to rule Westeros? How do the people of Westeros accept a queen with a foreign husband?

And if this doesn't allow her to stabilize the situation in Meereen, and the final civil war will still break out, why does she need a marriage?

No one can tell her the answers to these questions. She has no advisers and is only 16 years old.

But now, everything will be different.

Because she is still young and has not experienced the days of being a Khaleesi, she has not developed the bad habits of those in power.

She has never experienced the subsequent betrayals and betrayals, as well as the success she gained due to her stubbornness.

Daenerys is now very malleable. As Varys said, people can be shaped, and Ian has the confidence to reshape the queen according to his own will.

In other words, from this moment on, the name of the story will change from the Dragon Queen and her vengeful vassals to my cultivation line, the Loli Dragon King.

"And you must do it," Ian continued, "because you have the blood of the true dragon in you, you are the last Targaryen, and this is your birthright."

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