Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 174 Rhapsody of Pentos (7)

"Where is this?" Viserys got off the carriage and lifted up his red hood. The light of the setting sun was a bit dazzling. He put his hand in front of his forehead and complained to Ian, "You said you wanted to help me. Get away from Illyrio and find a place. But you took me to the street! And I was surrounded by the Unsullied of Illyrio, how on earth did you do it?"

Seeing that Viserys was about to get angry, Ian showed no expression on his face and ignored him.

"Ian? Are you listening to me?" Viserys couldn't help but feel offended by Ian's indifference.

"Oh, yes Your Majesty, we are still being watched by a group of Unsullied, but soon, you will get rid of them soon." Ian said with narrowed eyes.

"Really? What are you going to do?"

"Do you know why I brought you to this location?" Ian said in Viserys's ear.

"Why?" Viserys was a little dissatisfied with Ian's tone, but he still endured it when he thought that he would be able to possess his sister later.

"Because before I set off, I used a falcon to conduct a very detailed reconnaissance of the surrounding area, and found that Hazan and the others had deployed a total of four sentries outside Illyrio's mansion, and this one was located at the entrance to the port and the temple on the top of the mountain. at the crossroads. As long as we kill them, Hazan will lose my movement in a short time."

"What are you talking about?" Viserys looked confused.

"Look up, Your Majesty, look up. To your left, there is a small building there. Look what's on the roof of that small building?" Ian continued to whisper in Viserys's ear, and then from him leave in front of you.

Viserys was still confused, but he still raised his head and looked in the direction Ian said, and then he showed a shocked expression.

Because at the place Ian mentioned, he saw a crossbowman aiming at him, and the other person was only 10 yards away from him. Even a child would not miss at this distance. And Viserys knew the man with the crossbow. Denzel the Dornish, who was Ian's squire.

"Goodbye Your Majesty, you are free." Viserys heard Ian whisper from behind him, and then a crossbow bolt hit him in the chest.

Blood soaked Viserys's red robes, and before he could even ask why, he fell to the ground on his back.

"There are assassins!" Ian yelled immediately. He threw himself in front of Viserys, as if he wanted to use his body to block the arrows that might be fired later.

"Dovaogedys!" The Unsullied squad leader with two spikes on his head immediately shouted in Valyrian to the soldiers around him, and urged, "Aderi!"

Soon, 50 Unsullied were divided into two groups and quickly formed a shield wall around Ian and the carriage.

"What happened?" Dani heard the movement outside the carriage and raised the curtain in confusion, but unexpectedly saw her brother lying on the ground covered in blood, with Ian guarding him.

Immediately, a scream came from the carriage.

"Be careful! Your Highness Princess." Celia, who was also in the carriage, quickly reached out and lowered the curtain. "The usurper's assassins are nearby, and you are also one of those guys' targets."

"The assassin of the Usurper? How could it be?" Daenerys was obviously frightened, and tears rolled down uncontrollably. "Viserys, how is Viserys?" she asked eagerly.

"Your Majesty," Celia wanted to say something to comfort Daenerys, but she couldn't say anything.

Ian did not tell her this part of his plan in advance, so when Viserys was attacked, Celia herself was shocked, but she soon realized that all this was arranged by Ian. The only person En planned to take away was Daenerys. This moody beggar king no longer had any value to him.

In this case, is there any hope for Viserys to survive?

There is no hope, so Celia suddenly doesn't want to say the kind of words that give Daenerys hope, which is just adding to the sadness.

"No." Daenerys seemed to realize something from Celia's expression. For a moment, an extremely complicated emotion came to her heart.

Is it sadness? Or frightened? Maybe with a little joy and relief?

Even she didn't know that she was more confused, confused about losing her goal, and confused about being alone.

Celia didn't speak anymore and decided to give the girl some time to grieve alone. She looked out the window again and found that Ian had come to the carriage with Viserys' body in his arms and stuffed his body into the carriage.

"Unsullied, obey the order!" After Ian finished this, he turned and pointed to the building adjacent to the assassin's location - the stronghold of Hazan's mercenaries. "Sweep that small building! Go and get the assassin." I will kill them all! Avenge Your Majesty!"

After receiving Ian's order, the Unsullied immediately divided into two groups. One group was still on guard around Ian and others, while the other group rushed to Hazan's sentry without hesitation.

"We have to go," Ian explained to Daenerys in the carriage, then lowered the curtain and climbed onto the horse.

"Go to the port." He directly ordered the remaining people without waiting for the Unsullied to leave.

Marthe Tetrus, the eldest son of Governor Tetrus, led the family's elite cavalry and quickly broke through the unorganized resistance of the Chamber of Commerce militia and arrived outside the largest mansion in Illyrio. .

According to the plan, he will join Hazan here, and then together they will command the army to divide and annihilate Illyrio's forces.

However, what surprised him was that he had been waiting here for a long time, and had even commanded thousands of people to surround Illyrio's mansion, but he had yet to see Hazan's army.

To make matters worse, he also got bad news.

The spy who came back from the Palace of Parliament said that the Palace of Parliament had been closed. This puzzled him, because the closure of the Palace of Parliament was a sign that the Grand Council was conducting a trial. In order to prevent the parliamentary process from any outside interference during the trial, no external interference was allowed. The guards at the Palace of Parliament would take such action only after the information was passed on.

However, according to the plan his father told him in the morning, their actions today did not include launching a trial in the Parliament Palace. After all, it was impossible for them to sentence Illyrio to death by voting, and launching a trial was just a waste of time.

Therefore, this variable made Marte Tetrus very impetuous and vaguely uneasy.

Especially the statement that "the prince has formed an alliance with Illyrio" that was widely circulated throughout Pentos today made him even more uneasy.

Fortunately, Hazan did not let him wait until he lost patience. About ten minutes later, Hazan and his cavalry also arrived at the gate of Illyrio's mansion.

"Why not attack immediately?" Hazan's first sentence after arriving was to question.

"Attack immediately?" Marte Tetrus chuckled, "Who doesn't know that Illyrio's mansion has his most elite Unsullied troops deployed. If you don't come, how can I attack alone?"

"There was a little delay on the way, and my attack direction encountered a lot of resistance. Illyrio's Chamber of Commerce militia, with the cooperation of the Unsullied, built barricades to stop us," Hazan was a little unhappy, but still patient. Explaining, "I have a lot of men who haven't broken through their defenses yet."

"Really? Then why didn't I encounter any resistance in the direction of my attack?" Marthe didn't quite believe what Hazan said, but the soldiers around Hazan were indeed covered in blood, so he didn't question it anymore and turned to And asked, "By the way, the Palace of Parliament is closed. This is a signal that a trial is taking place in the Grand Council. Can you explain what is going on?"

"Trial? The Parliament Palace is closed?" Hazan frowned and shook his head, "I didn't get such news. Since entering the XC area, we have gotten into trouble with the militia of the Illyrio Chamber of Commerce. I haven’t received any new news since then.”

"In other words, that was not your arrangement?" Marthe asked immediately.

Afterwards, both Marthe and Hazan's expressions became unsightly.

Obviously, things developed beyond their control.

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