Shipping and making money

Guanshi Zhang came and left, and he left with joy in his heart.

But they didn’t know that after he left, the backyard of Yang’s family was almost shaken by an earthquake.

When there were no outsiders in the house, Wang’s face changed instantly.

Master Yang naturally saw it too, it was originally made for him to see.

Master Yang was not surprised, he said slowly, “Why, you asked me to separate my son, and I will.”

“You ask me to give less and I will listen to you. There are only two hundred acres of land and a few small villages on the top of the hill.”

“You collected this year’s rent in advance and emptied the warehouse. I don’t blame you for this.”

“Now it’s just harvesting some vegetables grown in his village.”

“You’re not even happy about this? Could it be that you’re only satisfied with forcing that child to death?”

Although he spoke slowly, his tone gradually became stricter.

Obviously, Mrs. Wang also knew that the little tricks she had done could not be concealed, and the anger she was about to get angry immediately couldn’t be vented.

Now it’s not whether she’s angry or not, it’s whether Master Yang will get angry or not.

Thinking of this, Wang’s face changed, and she wanted to cry, “Master, is this how you look at me?”

“Yes, I admit that I treated him a little harshly, but I didn’t do it for myself, didn’t I do it for my son?”

Seeing her like this, Master Yang really didn’t want to scold her anymore. After all, it was all for his own children.

After all, isn’t Wang’s son his son, and he is also the eldest son.

Although his family is just an ordinary family of officials and officials, the dispute between the heir and concubine is not as fierce as those among the rich and powerful families.

But there are still some fights that should be had.

He would follow Wang’s idea to separate Yang Guang, also to avoid this situation.

It sounds somewhat unfair to Yang Guang, but there is nothing absolutely fair in this world.

Compared with children from other ordinary families, Yang Guang’s starting point is already considered high, at least he doesn’t have to run around for a living.

“Okay, okay, don’t cry, I didn’t say anything to you, it’s just that the matter of picking up the vegetables is settled.”

“Actually, you don’t know anything about the outside world. There are few vegetables grown these days. Such a variety of vegetables with such flavors will actually make our restaurant business better.”

“Nowadays the restaurant competition is very fierce, and the share of Yang’s restaurant has been almost squeezed out. This is nothing more than a living horse doctor.”

“If we can extend our lives because of this, we will take advantage of Guang’er. Are you still unwilling?”

Seeing that the matter was over now, Mrs. Wang really didn’t cry anymore.

Hearing that this dish actually has so many benefits, the thought of taking these vegetables as my own came into my mind again.

Of course, she definitely can’t say these words now, let’s see again.


“Master, I’m back. Today I went to talk to the master about the business of the vegetables we grow…”

After Guanshi Zhang returned to Xiaoyangzhuang, he went to see Yang Guang immediately.

In any case, Yang Guang is his main family, especially now that he has separated from the previous Yang family.

When he went to the former master’s house in the center of Shenjing City, he must have made things clear.

After listening to Zhang Guanshi’s words, Yang Guang didn’t feel any fluctuations in his heart.

From his point of view, food is very easy to sell, and there is no need to have anything to do with it, but I am willing to accept all the cheap ones and save him a lot of work.

He doesn’t care who has the greater interest among them. Anyway, most of the things grown by his farmers are from him.

You don’t need to plant it yourself, the farmers have to buy the seeds from themselves, and after the harvest is over, you will get more than half of the harvest, and the farmers will also have a part of the profits from the sales.

No matter what, I am not the one who suffers. The farmers also sold the vegetables they grew and exchanged them for money.

With money, you can buy what you want. By the way, you can also open a small shop on Zhuangzi, and earn all the money into your own pocket.

Anyway, I have a processing workshop, so I can make anything. In this way, it’s perfect!

As my farmers, I can let them have everything they want without leaving home, and all their labor has been maximized.

I am really a benevolent landlord!

“Master, master, are you listening to me?” Steward Zhang called his master.

Looking at the young master who was giggling in front of him, he always felt that he was thinking about something improper.

And after I said so much, the young master didn’t react at all, it’s not normal.

“Oh oh oh, I heard that, in fact, there is no need to worry about the sales of vegetables, but since the old man is willing, let him keep them, and save trouble.”

“Go and tell the farmer yourself, just find out the price and so on. If you’re right, the next batch of vegetable seeds won’t be free. After all, it’s quite difficult to get.”

Yang Guang said his request, and Manager Zhang nodded after listening.

It should be so. If the high-quality seeds are provided for free all the time, and the dividends are still the same as before, then it is actually a loss for the owner.

The master humiliated his ministers to death. It is impossible for him, as a manager, to allow this to happen.

Steward Zhang has already thought about it. The double price is the price reached by the young master and the master. The price between the young master and the farmer must not be set according to this.

Just 1.5 times, the remaining 0.5 is of courseThe young master talked with the master about the profit of the business.

Yang Guang obviously didn’t know that under Zhang Guanshi’s operation, the double price became 1.5, and another layer of oil was scraped.

When the time came the next day, a convoy came out of Shenjing City and arrived in Xiaoyangzhuang.

As the owner of the villa, Yang Guang just came out to take a look. It was just a formality.

The rest were all handed over by Zhang Guan, but Liu Zhuang, as the number one entourage of the villa owner, stayed behind.

Guanshi Zhang deliberately asked Liu Zhuang to be his assistant. After all, he was sent by Master Yang. Although he was loyal, he was too old.

Now that the young master has his own entourage, he can become the young master’s right-hand man after training.

Liu Zhuang was actually not very willing.

But Guan Zhang forced him, but he couldn’t do anything about it.

I can only learn how to manage the big and small affairs of the farm, which is very painful.

Wu Yi wanted to learn, but Manager Zhang didn’t seem to like him very much.

After a transaction, the manager of the restaurant who thought that there were not many vegetables was almost taken aback by the amount of vegetables in Xiaoyangzhuang.

Thanks to Yang Guang’s enforcement, half of the arable land, that is, 140 mu, is planted with vegetables, and there are many types.

It’s just that some are immature, and what they get now are some with a short growth cycle.

A convoy took away tens of thousands of catties of vegetables.

In one transaction, Yang Guang got 200,000 yuan, which is 1,000 taels of silver.

Not to mention the income of the farmers, even Zhang Guanshi, who had seen the scene like this, was stunned.

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