Production, channels

“Finally, the arrangement is over, but I’m exhausted!”

After returning home, Yang Guang drank a whole pot of tea and sighed, then lay down on his recliner and planned to take a rest.

However, Guanshi Zhang next to him didn’t let him have this opportunity.

“Master, is what you said before true?”

Seeing his eagerness, Yang Guang nodded and admitted.

“Oh, young master, what do you say you are doing all this? It’s a loss, a loss.”

When Guanshi Zhang heard this, his heart ached.

If the young master had told himself before that he had prepared himself, he wouldn’t have been taken advantage of by those tenants.

Yang Guang said indifferently: “There is no such thing as a loss or a loss, and a combination of benefits. Besides, only I can get this kind of money.”

“Let them use it first this time, let them taste the sweetness first, and then arrange it this way later, isn’t it still up to me?”

“I don’t have any hands, and I don’t have much land. If we don’t rely on them, how can we grow it ourselves? We must have a structure!”

Steward Zhang sighed, but didn’t say anything else. He understood the truth, but he just felt heartbroken.

“I’ve sent people to put the fine seeds and livestock in the warehouse. You can distribute them later, as well as the vegetable seeds. The rest will be left to you.”

In a word, Yang Guang acted as a palm shaker.Cabinet, Manager Zhang ran to the warehouse diligently.

Seven cattle and a bag of grain seeds and vegetable seeds were found, all wrapped in paper, with the types of grain and how to sow them written on them.

A few days later, Guanshi Zhang brought some seeds and cattle into the spring plowing.

The spring farming in Xiaoyangzhuang is in full swing, but in the eyes of some people, it is much more confusing.


In the mansion of the Yang family in Shenjing City.

A servant stood honestly in front of Mrs. Yang’s family without daring to breathe.

The wife of the Yang family, Mrs. Wang, also looked depressed.

“Then Xiaoyang Village is really already plowing in the spring? You read that right? Where did he get the seeds and livestock?”

While talking, she patted the table and scolded. Obviously, she was unhappy.

With great difficulty, I emptied Zhuangzi’s warehouse before the master separated, without leaving any supplies for him.

Why did he still have supplies after he went there? It must be that the master at home is partial again.

Thinking of this, Wang’s handkerchief would be shredded by herself, but she couldn’t do anything about it.

“Okay, go down, keep watching that little bastard for me.” Mrs. Wang cursed, then waved the servant to leave.

Although she wished Yang Guang would die, she still pretended not to care about it on the surface.

But she knew that today was the day when the steward came back to report on his work. Presumably, the master would have a lot of explanations. She went to look at it, and she couldn’t let that little bastard take advantage of it any more.

In the east wing of Yang’s mansion, Master Yang saw Guanshi Zhang who he sent to be the housekeeper for his youngest son.

After describing the work situation during this period and Yang Guang’s situation, Steward Zhang took out a small package.

“What is this?” Master Yang asked curiously.

Manager Zhang smiled and said, “Master knew I was coming back, so he entrusted me to bring this to you. This is from Zhuangzi, and Master made it.”

After speaking, Guanshi Zhang opened the package. What was inside was a box of bean sprouts. The crystal clear bean sprouts looked extraordinarily juicy.

There are also some cabbage, a few tomatoes, leeks and other vegetables, and a few stupid eggs, a big bag full of these things.

Looking at these vegetables, Mr. Yang was at a loss. Can’t Manager Zhang bring these vegetables to him for no reason?

Guanshi Zhang: “These are all grown by the young master. I have seen some of them and some have not, but according to the young master, they are all delicious.”

“The young master wants you to taste it. If you think it’s delicious, you can hang it in our restaurant, so as to attract some business for the restaurant at home.”

When Guanshi Zhang said it, he felt a little ashamed. Yang’s Restaurant was quite famous in Shenjing City.

How could these vegetables be needed to attract business? It’s also fortunate that the young master dared to say that, he felt embarrassed.

But after hearing this, Master Yang laughed loudly and said, “Hahahaha, this kid is indeed my seed! Shameless enough, okay, let’s try it today.”

“Laifu, send these dishes to the kitchen, cook them for me properly, and serve them up. The master wants to have two drinks with Guanshi Zhang today.”

Master Yang called for someone, but the door was pushed open but it wasn’t Laifu, it was his wife Wang who came.

Wang pushed open the door and said with a smile: “I said, why is the master so happy today? It turns out that Guanshi Zhang is here. It must be from Guang’er Zhuangzi. Laifu, take it to the kitchen.”

Looking at the vegetables steward Zhang brought, Mrs. Wang smiled disdainfully, then turned around and sat beside Master Yang.

Manager Zhang was a little embarrassed, and Mr. Yang seemed unwilling to mention Yang Guang in front of Mrs. Wang, so the topic was interrupted.

Chatted with each other, and soon Laifu came up with wine and vegetables, and they were all vegetables brought by Manager Zhang.

The food came in with a tangy aroma, and the aroma immediately lifted Master Yang’s spirits.

“Come, come, try them all.” Master Yang picked up the chopsticks, put a mouthful of food into his mouth, and immediately felt much better.

Seeing his wonderful expression, Mrs. Wang on the side didn’t believe it, but picked up the chopsticks and took a bite.

Then her expression suddenly became more colorful. Although she didn’t want to admit it, the degree of deliciousness was indeed not bad.

Guanshi Zhang is also very curious. After all, this is the first batch produced, and he is reluctant to eat it. That is, his young master eats it every day.

After taking a sip, I immediately felt that my life was sublimated. What did I miss before?

No wonder those tenants looked at him like a fool when they were circling around these vegetables every day in the field but were reluctant to eat them.

And when he said that he wanted to sell all these vegetables to Shenjing City, those guys were unwilling.

Those who dare to feel that they have tasted it and know how delicious it is, that’s why they don’t want it.

That is to say, when he came back today, he wanted to bring some to the master, which can be regarded as a show of filial piety to the young master, so that the master can help find a market.

Now it seems that everything is self-indulgent. With this taste, it will not be unsalable wherever it goes.

When he sighed, more than half of the dishes on the table were gone. When he came to his senses, the last bite of leek scrambled eggs had already entered Master Yang’s stomach.

After eating the dishes, after drinking a glass of shochu, Master Yang let out a sigh of relief.

“It’s still Guang’er’s filial piety. When you go back, tell Guang’er that I will buy all the vegetables grown in this village, and the price will be twice the market price.”

Steward Zhang thanked Dade and left. Although he was being affectionate this time, the result was good.face price.

And with stable channels, Zhuangzi will naturally not be short of money.

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