Temporary solution to the trouble, the landlord’s family has no food left

Now Lai Changjin was really sober. It turned out that he was really his enemy, and the one he personally ordered to kill.

“Difficult, don’t tell me, thenOld man Lai is also you…”

“That’s right, he’s gone and disappeared, and so are you.”

Lai Changjin pointed at Yang Guang tremblingly and said.

Yang Guang readily admitted it, and Lai Changjin’s face turned ashen. He knew what was waiting for him.

It’s not like people arrest me just to scare me, and let me go?

No one would be that stupid. If he had the chance to leave, he would definitely ask someone to kill the owner of Xiaoyangzhuang.

“It’s your fault for messing with me. In fact, we had nothing to do with each other.”

Just when Yang Guang was going to ask Liu Zhuang to get rid of him, Wu Yi stepped forward.

Yang Guang looked at him and said, “Why, what do you want to say?”

Wu Yi plopped down on his knees in front of Yang Guang and said, “The villain wants to join the owner, so please take him in.”

Seeing his sincerity and fear, Yang Guang understood why after thinking about it for a while.

Because Yang Guang said before that the old man Lai has disappeared, and now Lai Changjin is the same.

Then the so-called disappearance is obviously death. The old man Lai is like this, and Lai Changjin is like this. He Wu Yi has witnessed all of this. Could he be spared?

If he didn’t want to die, he had to figure out a way for himself. After much deliberation, it seemed that he could only become Yang Guang’s subordinate.

Only in this way can we survive, otherwise why would people let themselves live?

Yang Guang looked at him quietly, and then said with a smile: “You think too much, I… rely on it?”

When Yang Guang was about to refuse, he saw Wu Yi suddenly pounced on Lai Changjin, who was holding a stone in his hand at some point.

He hit Lai Changjin hard on the head a few times, once, twice, three times…

Lai Changjin, who was still struggling at the beginning, soon stopped struggling. Everything happened too fast, and Yang Guang didn’t have time to stop it.

“I killed someone, and you saw it. Now I can’t go anywhere, and it’s impossible for the Lai family to go back. Otherwise, as long as you report on me, I will die. Please take me in, master.”

Seeing Wu Yi kneeling in front of him, Yang Guang fell silent.

After a long time, Yang Guang sighed and said, “I didn’t expect you to do this. Well, you can stay.”

“Liu Zhuang, he will follow you in the future and clean up the place. This matter ends here.”

Wu Yi and Liu Zhuang dragged Lai Changjin’s body away and took two lives when they arrived.

Yang Guang felt that he was really a bit cold-blooded, but he had no choice but to let these two people murder him.

It’s just that Wu Yi was a little bit interesting. In order to survive, he directly made a nomination certificate.

“I just want to live peacefully in this world. I hope no one will trouble me in the future.”

After sighing for a while, Yang Guang went back to bed and fell asleep. Obviously, this incident did not affect his sleeping mood.

On the contrary, it was like letting go of the big rock in my heart, and I slept very sweetly.

Early the next morning, everyone got up to work, and there were not many people in total. It was obvious that there were two more servants in the yard.

Liu Zhuang, a new follower, brought Wu Yi along and stood in the yard waiting for his master to arrive.

“Don’t even look at it. This Liu Zhuang will be the young master’s entourage from now on, and this little Wu will be the driver of the young master’s car from now on. Let’s go.”

The owner’s personal maid, the future aunt, Que’er and sister have all spoken, and the others naturally do what they should do.

It’s just two more servants, and the owner of the villa can’t afford to use them.

Guanshi Zhang at the side was quite critical. After all, he was the one who was in charge of Zhuangzi’s money and food.

If there are two more people, it will cost two more monthly payments. It’s not a small expense that will last longer.

Zhuangzi is not big, but he has to support a lot of people. It’s a bit difficult. No, he has to remind the young master that he can’t let him go his own way.

As the master appointed him to help manage Zhuangzi’s affairs, he felt obliged to remind him.

After sorting out his thoughts, Guanshi Zhang finally saw the young master who had just woken up.

“Guard Zhang is here, come, let’s sit down and eat together.”

Yang Guang, who just got up, didn’t even change his clothes. He just sat at the dining table and started eating.

The helpless Que’er beside him, the young master seems to have a lot of cheerful personality recently, but he is becoming more and more free-wheeling.

But he is the oldest in this family, and no one cares about him. Que’er only wants to please him, so of course he is allowed to do so.

“Young master, this old slave won’t eat. The old slave is here to tell the young master about our village.”

Seeing Yang Guang eating and drinking there, it would be nonsense to say that Guanshi Zhang is not greedy.

As far as the food that Yang Guang brings out, they are all good things from his own planting space.

There are quite a few things that even Guanshi Zhang has never seen before.

However, he still felt that it was more important to let the young master know about Zhuangzi’s difficulties.

“Look, young master, this is the income and expenses of Zhuangzi last year.”

Steward Zhang took out the account book and began to settle the accounts for Yang Guang.

Yang Guang was quite curious and took a look at it, and found that it was the accounting method of running accounts.

After looking at it twice, I became dizzy and threw it back.

Steward Zhang shook his head, and continued to explain: “Before, because the master had an official position, there was a tax reduction or exemption.”

“But because this year the Zhuangzi has been given to the young master, and the young master went out to support himself again, so the tax has returned to the original amount this year.”

“In addition, at the end of last year, in the name of the master, my wife collected all the rent that needs to be paid by the tenants this year.So this year the young master will not be able to receive the rent. ”

“By the way, the tax that should be paid this year is quite a bit, and the cook on your village has left, and the new one needs to pay another monthly fee.”

“The previous servants were all born in the family, and it was fine to give them a stutter, but the handlebars and entourage you newly recruited need to be paid separately.”

“All these sevens and eights have been spent this year. Young master, there is no money and food in the storeroom on the Zhuangzi.”

After hearing this, Yang Guang was shocked. He didn’t expect that what he took over was actually an empty estate, and the kind that had to pay taxes.

The most important thing is that this year’s rent has already been collected, which means that not only did he not receive it, but he also had to pay taxes.

The salary of a servant is really nothing in comparison. The most important thing is that there is no money!

Yang Guang was still shocked by the fact that he had no money, so Guanshi Zhang hit him again.

Guanshi Zhang: “By the way, what should be planted this year, as well as seeds and agricultural tools, etc., also need to be figured out by you, young master.”

As a tenant, I will plant the land for you. You have the final say on what to plant, but you have to provide the seeds and tools.

Among them, the most important thing in farming is the cattle, and the cattle are an important property. It seems that there are no such things in Zhuangzi.

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