The Arrogant Lai Changjin

It was late in the evening when Liu Zhuang came out of the city and went directly to the grove outside Xiaoyangzhuang.

He waited here to see if the boy would come.

Seeing that the sky was getting darker and darker, Liu Zhuang felt that the boy might not come.

Just as he was about to leave, he saw two figures faintly appearing in the distance.

Lai Changjin was originally drinking wine leisurely at home, and planned to go to the outhouse he raised to have fun tonight.

Unexpectedly, the boy I sent suddenly came back and reported that the old man Lai who had taken the money had escaped.

In the end, he bumped into him on the spot, and then the boy fought with old man Lai, and his hand was injured.

But this kid is quite powerful, he actually knocked old man Lai unconscious and tied him up in the grove outside the city.

After hearing the news, he immediately followed the boy to the woods outside the city.

He knows what he is doing. If it spreads, it will kill someone, and even if it doesn’t work, he will be sent to jail.

He had to kill Old Man Lai before the news spread.

Thinking of this, he secretly hated this boy in his heart, why didn’t he just beat the old man to death on the spot.

Otherwise, I don’t need to come out in the middle of the night to deal with things like now.

By the way, and this kid, it seems that he can’t stay.

“Wu Yi, have you arrived yet?”

While Lai Changjin was talking, there was a gloomy glint in his eyes. He had already made up his mind, and if old man Lai was dealt with, Xiao Wu would also be dealt with.

“My lord, it’s almost here. It’s in the woods ahead.”

Wu Yi, who finally had a name, was also thinking about how to get rid of Lai Changjin.

Naturally, he has such an idea because he knows who Lai Changjin is.

I’m fine this timeIf he does well, even without Yang Guang and others, he will be punished.

And the people Lai Changjin punished were basically incomplete, and he didn’t want to become a useless person.

The two walked into the woods with their own plans.

Liu Zhuang hid aside, waiting for them to come in, holding a wooden stick in his hand.

The two entered the woods, and after a few steps, Lai Changjin stopped when he felt something was wrong.

“Wu Yi, have you seen old man Lai?”

Turning around, he looked at Lai Changjin who had stopped and refused to leave, and Liu Zhuang who had quietly appeared behind him.

Wu Yi smiled and said, “My lord, don’t blame me, this is all caused by you.”

When Lai Changjin heard that he immediately understood that he had been cheated, he was about to turn around and run away but felt a pain in the back of his head, and then passed out directly.

Liu Zhuang held the wooden stick in his hand, and maintained the movement of swinging. He used all his strength just now.

Looking at the fallen Lai Changjin and Wu Yi who was smiling apologetically, Liu Zhuang lifted Lai Changjin under his arm and said, “Just come, come with me.”

The two arrived at Yang Guang’s house one after the other. Yang Guang praised Liu Zhuang’s execution ability and Wu Yi’s cooperation.

Then he put all his attention on Lai Changjin.

“When will this guy wake up? He won’t be unable to wake up.” Lai Changjin Yang Guang, who saw a big bump on the back of his head, asked worriedly.

It’s not that he’s afraid of this person’s death. Anyway, he has the ability to be found by anyone, but he hasn’t gotten the information he wants yet.

“No, I used to often, um, no way anyway, I’ll wake him up.”

Liu Zhuang was quite proud at first, but he hesitated halfway through the speech.

But Yang Guang heard something. Of course, people don’t want to say it, and he doesn’t want to force it.

Who doesn’t have a secret yet, as long as it doesn’t do me any harm.

I saw Liu Zhuang go to the kitchen to get a bucket of water and pour it directly on Lai Changjin’s body.

Sure enough, Lai Changjin woke up after being shocked by the cold water.

Dazedly, he saw Wu Yi and two strangers.

The irony is that although Lai Changjin asked old man Lai to poison Yang Guang to death, he had never even met Yang Guang himself.

“You guys, who are you guys? Do you know that I am an outsider in Lai’s house? If you offend me, you will offend Lai’s family. Are you willing to take offense?”

Even in the current situation, this guy is still shouting, which shows how arrogant he is usually with the brand of Lai Mansion.

“Lai Mansion? I’ve heard of Rongguo Mansion and Ningguo Mansion. Where is this Lai Mansion? Lai Da, isn’t he a slave of the Jia family? Why is he also a master?”

Yang Guang sat on the chair and said playfully.

Lai Changjin’s face turned red, and he wanted to defend himself, but what he said was the truth.

Yang Guang sneered and said, “Lai Changjin, do you know who I am?”

Lai Changjin looked around and then at Yang Guang, Liu Zhuang and others.

With a look of disdain, he said: “You and You are just a wealthy landowner, so let me go if you are sensible. Otherwise, when my master finds me, I won’t be what I am now.”

“To tell you the truth, my master is indeed a member of the Jia family, but it is precisely because of this that my Lai family can be regarded as the number one person in Shenjing City. Even the master of Chang’an County will treat him with some kindness.”

“The eldest master of my master’s family is the first-class general of the dynasty, and the second master is Wailang, a member of the Ministry of Industry.”

“The ancestor is the second Duke Ning Rong, who is the leader of the Beijing Camp Jiedushi. He has a deep relationship with the army. Even the emperor of the current dynasty relies heavily on him.”

“Beating a dog depends on the owner. If you dare to do something to me, you are disrespecting my master.”

“To disrespect my master is to disrespect the Jia family, and to disrespect the Jia family is to disrespect the royal family!”

“You, you are trying to rebel!”

The more Lai Changjin talked, the more he felt that he was awesome, and the more he talked, the more he felt that no one dared to do anything to him.

With this big hat on, Yang Guang is a good guy. If the skill of putting on the hat goes to later generations, he will look like a well-known blogger and big V.

If other people might be really scared, such as the current Liu Zhuang and Wu Yi.

But what he met was a time traveler. For a person who came from a later life and had a golden finger, it was impossible to be afraid!

Yang Guang looked at him with a smile: “Is it finished?”

Lai Changjin: “Ah, ah! Well, if you know you’re wrong, let it go… ouch!!!”

He wanted to let him go, but Yang Guang didn’t like him, so he kicked him in the face.

“It seems that you haven’t figured out the situation yet. Just to remind you, my name is Yang Guang, and this is Xiaoyangzhuang. Now, do you understand?”

Looking at Yang Guang’s flickering face against the candlelight, Lai Changjin suddenly took a deep breath.

He remembered that the old man Lai sent news that he had succeeded, but later he said no.

Now the old man Lai is gone, and he was lured here again, and saw the person who was supposed to die.

He finally realized that this was someone taking revenge on him.

Thinking of this, his face turned pale. If there were robbers and the like, he would still have something to do, the left and right would just be a waste of money.

But Qiu family, this is a dead end.

Yang Guang: “It seems that you have remembered. Is there anything else to say? If not, I will send you on your way.”

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