Full-time BOSS

Vol 3 Chapter 24: Really lifted!

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Xiao Yu left the boss, his heart was so depressed, as if it would explode at any time.

Although he knew that Waterkud did not really die, and the men in that copy did not actually die, this pain still occupied his heart, because he knew that the death of these men was only a matter of time. Once the difficulty of the heroes is turned on, and they have fully mastered their skills, they have no chance of winning. It is likely that they will be killed on the first day.

The so-called heroic difficulty is nothing more than a walk through, putting an end to this plot battle.

But they are just some npc, some data, why are they so angry inside, why are they so tangled? I have obviously got a lot of money, many people can't make money in life, is this not enough?

Xiao Yu asked himself, but he was still unable to find the answer. Intellectually he understood that what he did was correct. He was a professional player. Isn’t playing games just for money?

But on the other hand, there was a deep sense of guilt deep in his heart. He felt that his chest was almost exploding. The strong suffocation made him breathless and he had to find someone to resolve it.

After thinking about it, a name came out of his mind, blind eyes Cara. When he was terminally ill, he wanted to cure the disease by winning the prize money of the Demon King Championship, which was inspired by that woman. Although the woman gave him the feeling that he was not a true fortune teller, but it was quite a way to explain people, I hope her space has not been closed yet.

Thinking about it, Xiao Yu entered the URL and login password of the Temple of Destiny.

Xiao Yu had already registered an account when he came last time, so now he directly entered the account password and chose to log in.

The system prompts: During identity verification, the verification is passed, welcome to the palace of destiny, Mr. Xiao Yu. A woman's voice recalled in his ear, and the next second he found himself in a beautiful hall.

This hall seems to be slightly different from what I saw at first. This is a hall full of mystery. There is no statue of worship. There is a huge solar system in the middle of the hall. On the floor is a pattern of six-pointed star magic array, and various mysterious strokes are drawn on the wall. The sun shines through the colored glass windows and reflects the colorful light. Xiao Yu knows that all this is just a computer The virtual world constructed by the program, but still involuntarily feel the atmosphere of a mysterious idea.

His inner depression seemed to have been relieved. In the mysterious atmosphere, he felt a sense of relaxation.

There was a tent in the middle of the hall. A woman came out of the tent. She wore a gorgeous golden cloak and a hood on her head. Her curly hair dangled from her shoulders. Both hands were covered with huge The ring is still the shape of the classic female prophet.

Blind eye Kara, Xiao Yu guessed that this should be a pseudonym.

"Welcome to Mr. Xiao Yu, the palace of destiny. I haven't seen you for a long time. I never thought we would meet again. Do you have any doubts in your heart?" Carla looked at him with a smile.

"Yes," Xiao Yu sat down on the cushions in the tent and hesitated. He slowly told his experience.

Carla didn't intervene, just listening quietly. For a long time, when Xiao Yu finally finished his story, his eyes looked at her urgently, "So, my question came out, why do I feel depressed, feel depressed and painful , And I have clearly made money that was unimaginable in the past."

Kara took a sip of tea and smiled: "Actually, the answer is very simple, but before answering you, let us first determine one thing. In reality, the people of the game company use you to instruct you to treat you as a chess piece. In reality, you are just a senior worker, and in the game world, your subordinates trust you, obey you, and even are willing to die for you. You are the king of elements, are you like this?"

Xiao Yu nodded.

"Then the answer is obvious. What you are doing now is for those who use you to instigate you and sacrifice those who are loyal to you who are willing to die for you. As a betrayer, you will certainly feel depressed. Feeling painful."

Xiao Yu nodded, "I have already thought about this, the question is what should I do to give up everything in reality for the servants in the game"

Kara shook her head, "Things can't be seen this way. The question is what do you want from the game. If you just want money, then you have achieved your goal. If you want to get more money, or in reality You can just follow the current route for your fame and fortune, but from your words, I found that you obviously want more things, you want to be recognized, hope to achieve a career, and become the role of the world’s attention, And this is what you can't get in reality, yes, you are now a little famous, with a income of tens of millions a year, but this social status does not satisfy you, you are still just a migrant worker, even It’s not good to say that the dynamic angels don’t just look at the finalists, but their fame and income are actually higher than you.”

"And in the game world, you are the king of the elements, the annihilator. Such a position is far beyond your reach in reality. Obviously, you are more accustomed to the game than the identity in reality. Identity."

"But that is a game after all." Xiao Yu said his biggest doubt, "How can I give up reality for the virtual world?"

"Oh, is it really just a game?" Carla's eyes looked at Xiao Yu as if he could talk. "Tell me Mr. Xiao, how much time have you spent in reality and how much time have you spent in the past year? Spent in the game"

Xiao Yudao: "There are very few times in reality, almost all of them are spent in the game."

Kara clapped her hands: "Then it's obvious, because you have too little time in reality, for you, the achievements in reality have limited meaning, and your achievements in the game world can make you feel more Satisfaction, it can even be said to you that the game world is the real world, but the real world is unreal."

Xiao Yu nodded, "When you say this, I do sometimes feel that when I return to reality, I feel very false, as if it is the reality in the game."

Kara’s expression became serious, “It’s obvious, then you have only two options now, either put your focus back to reality, try to get rid of the game’s influence on you, and return to reality. Such a life, in theory It is healthier." Carla smiled slightly ironically.

"Of course, you can devote yourself wholeheartedly to the game, so the real world has no effect on you. If you don't care about the real world at all, then earn 10 million or 50 million, and you What's the difference? You won't change much in the virtual world anyway."

This made Xiao Yu suddenly wake up. Indeed, he still has millions of people at hand. At least his life is enough. Even if he turns his face with the game company, at most let the game company deduct his endorsement fees and the like. How much substantive harm can he have? Lao Tzu disobeyed your bowl, did not return it to you, and feared that you would not succeed.

Or just turn the corner with the game company, this thought came up in his mind, uncontrollable, his new beating violently, excited for his thoughts.

However, it is really wise to give up a lot of money in reality for some npc in the game. It is estimated that if those friends who have said about them listen, they will probably think they are crazy. Even Xiao Yu felt that he was mad, and even thought so.

In the entanglement of these two dilemmas, Xiao Yu left the Temple of Destiny. This time he generously threw 10,000 coupons to Kara. He felt that Kara’s revelation to him was definitely worth so much money.

But the decision still could not be made. Unconsciously, Xiao Yu returned to the Immortal Throne and sat on the Immortal Throne. Looking at the empty hall around him, Xiao Yu fell into contemplation.

I don't know how long I meditated. Suddenly, the sound of Sisuo Suo suddenly sounded in my ear. Xiao Yu looked up and saw an elemental creature walking through the hall.

It was Agnes. Agnes, who was made of transparent ice all over her body, seemed like a ghost. He always wandered in the promenade of the Immortal Throne. As the captain of the Guard of the King of Elements, he always followed Xiao Yu.

Despite being silent, Xiao Yu almost regarded him as his friend.

"Tell me Agnes who I am"

"You are our king, great Asatos."

"So do you believe in your king"

"Sir Assatos, no matter what the rise of glory, or death and destruction, no matter what kind of enemies they face, no matter what the ending, your men will always follow you."

"No matter what the ending is," Xiao Yu murmured to himself, and a hint of self-deprecating smile suddenly appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"If nothing happens, I'll go down first, Master Assatos." Agnes said, turning to leave.

"No, there is something you need to do."

"I am willing to serve you at any time, Master Asatos, so what do you want me to do?"

Assatos: "To call all the element lords and the four element princes, we have something to do"

Xiao Yu or Asatus, the king of the elements, suddenly stood up from the throne at this moment, the power of chaos emanated from him, unprecedentedly powerful, and his twisted voice became strangely firm at this time. .

Azatos: "I am the king of the elements, Azatos, some humble mortals have always tried to challenge the will of the king of the elements, they arrogantly arrogant, thinking that they can get everything they want by some conspiracy power, so wanton I am so arrogant, so arrogant and frivolous, now that it is time for them to pay the price, the king of elements will eventually rise, but that will be my way, the real rise" is unfinished. Mobile phone users, please browse. Read for a better reading experience.

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