Full-time BOSS

Vol 3 Chapter 23: Waterkud’s first death

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Among the monitored screens, the battle of the Lost Temple continues. In this Raiders of 100,000 copies, most of the adventure teams have been able to easily beat the first two bosses, up to two or three times. , Can also sum up the experience of winning.

But at Ms. Boss Siwadrin on the 3rd, a large part of the team was stuck by this boss. After all, not everyone has had the experience of playing a copy of the Naga Cave. Ms. Siwadlin’s mutation control , And rebirth mutation skills, the effect can be called abnormal, destined to require repeated attempts to find a solution.

By the end of the first day of the opening of the copy, only thirty-seven teams had beaten the boss and came to the room of boss number four.

The No. 4 boss of the copy of the Lost Temple is Ariel the Mermaid Queen, a 4 skull-level boss, with a health value of 5.17 million.

This Ariel is also the Qin Shiyue of the Ocean Song Association.

This Ariel is undoubtedly the one with the highest face value in the entire copy. The mermaid is originally a very beautiful race, plus the face value of the Royal Bloodline, which makes the adventurers who first met Ariel feel amazed, even Many tribal adventurers called for a vote to let the game company change the new race Naga into an adult fish.

Ariel is strictly not a member of the King of Elements, but more like an ally, except that because the King of Elements has become a World Destroyer, the Mermaid is also forced to enter the thief ship, because she does not have this buff, so her skeleton level Not high, but her strength is surprisingly strong.

Because she has a layer of the lord template, and as a descendant of the mermaid royal family, she has the blood of the sea **** flowing on her body, and has extremely powerful magic.

As a result, all thirty-seven teams were stuck in front of the boss.

Ariel: "I am Ariel, the Mermaid Queen, the daughter of Poseidon, my kingdom is torn apart, and now only Lord Asatos can help me restore the glory of my family, adventurers, I am sorry I must fight with you, I hope to be After you die, your soul can rest in the arms of the sea. Now, face the power of the sea."

This line quickly became a nightmare for everyone, because they had to hear the line again and again, and then they went out.

The entire Ariel's boss battle is divided into five stages.

The first stage, as usual, is a free delivery. The mermaid queen will only use the two skills of summoning mermaid guard and ice blast.

In the second stage, the difficulty began to increase, and the Mermaid Queen unlocked the two skills of summoning the lobster man and freezing arrows and rain.

In the third stage, the difficulty is further increased. The Queen Mermaid unlocks the skills of summoning the dragon and turtle, and the tide rage. Since the dragon and turtle also have the aoe skill of ocean current impact, under the bombardment of triple aoe magic, most of the teams have experienced this time. The first mass extinction.

In the fourth stage, the difficulty is already terrible. The mermaid queen will use the skills of summoning sea giants, ocean storms, the continuous damage of ocean storms, and the crushing attacks of Shanghai giants, resulting in almost any adventurer team reaching this stage. Without the ability to resist, one after another, the dead are alive.

The fifth stage, this stage, is not as difficult as imagined. The mermaid queen will use the Poseidon incarnation skills to become Poseidon, with a powerful divine spell-casting ability, the lethality is amazing to explode, basically full of blood and full of adventure If you don’t open the skill of reducing injury registration, it will hang in about 15 seconds, and you can’t add blood. However, in the state of Poseidon incarnation, the mermaid queen will continue to lose life, so as long as you persist for one minute, it will not be destroyed. You can hit it.

But it was this minute that made most of the adventure team completely powerless, but in the end people still found a way to crack it, including the Glory War Soul Guild.

Ariel: "Let's face the power of Poseidon" In a scream, Ariel's body suddenly became huge, a hazy phantom overlapped with her, and the fallen Poseidon appeared again in front of everyone. .

This is the seventh time that the soul of Glory Fight has reached the p5 stage. Before each time, it was wiped out within 30 seconds, but this time they have already prepared.

War Soul King: "P5 stage, according to the plan, everyone added blood to those Paladins, and they won in 60 seconds." The War Soul King shouted, attacked by the powerful magic of the Mermaid Queen. Next, the team was quickly downsized, and only four Paladins died soon, and only twenty seconds passed.

"Open the Holy Shield Together"

The four Paladins of Holy Shield simultaneously propped up their shields and remained invincible for 15 seconds.

No matter how powerful the magic is, the four Paladins protected by Holy Shield still won't hurt.

At the moment when the effect of the holy shield disappeared, the two holy knights blessed this strongest protection skill at the same time.

Holy Sanctuary: Sacrifice your life and summon powerful light power to make it invincible within 15 seconds.

Two Paladins fell, and the other two persisted for another 15 seconds, just at the moment of time.

One of the Holy Paladins blessed this skill on another Paladin, and then he fell.

Finally, it persisted for another 10 seconds, and at this time, Ariel's blood volume was also zero.

Ariel: "No, this is impossible. The power of Poseidon is invincible. My mission has not been completed. The glory of my family has not been restored. I am not reconciled."

With a scream, the Mermaid Queen finally fell.

The Soul King and others cheered for a while, but unfortunately they were not the first team to get through the Mermaid Queen. Prior to this, four teams had passed this boss.

However, the drop is still generous. This mermaid queen drops a variety of legal equipment, including legendary equipment. Unfortunately, only the difficult mode will drop.

This time, because it was of ordinary difficulty, only six pieces of epic equipment were dropped.

After the distribution is completed, the glory of the war spirit is heading towards the next boss.

Behind the screen, Xiao Yu didn't feel much about Ariel's death, because this was her own choice, and she lost a mermaid queen. In return, she was fully invested in the Ocean Song Guild by the game company, and received an advertising endorsement. After waiting for some returns, Qin Shiyue can be said to be benevolent.

And then, the fifth boss, made him a little worried.

Sai Ren, 5 skull-level boss, 6.23 million lives.

Siren was considered his old man, and he joined him in the first batch, following him through the maelstrom to the boss of Hydera City. Now, she became the fifth boss of the Temple of Lost.

It is already the third day for players to be able to hit Cyrene.

Siren: "The glory of Lord Assatos cannot be tarnished. This is a sacred place, an intruder, and you will pay for your rudeness."

The boss of Sai Ren, like the Mermaid Queen Ariel, is also a legal system boss. Generally speaking, the legal system boss is not a simple tactic that can be beaten by the tank to pull the treatment and ps hard pumping. The legal system boss The requirements for the tank are not so high, but the requirements for the overall quality of the team are very high.

Sai Ren is divided into three stages.

In the first stage, possess the tide rage and summon the water element two skills.

The second stage, possessing the song of the ocean, summons two skills of the sea element.

In the third stage, possess two skills: ocean storm and summon deep sea element.

Sai Ren’s skill set is similar to that of Ariel. In general, it is still weaker. However, due to this buff, the skill is much stronger. However, like Ariel, the adventurer repeatedly destroys, After mastering the rules of her skills and the use of tactics, Sai Ren still could not escape.

Sai Ren: "Is this the end, so dark, so cold, this is not the end I expected, but if fate is like this, I will gladly accept, the sea will devour my soul, Asa Master Toss, please forgive my failure."

Looking at the falling figure of Sai Ren on the screen, Xiao Yu felt a bit sad in his heart, but the battle continued.

The No. 6 boss, Elemental Elder Council, is a combined boss composed of a deep sea elemental elder, a sea elemental elder, a water elemental elder, and an ice elemental elder.

This boss has further improved its strength. Although it is very common to take out a single one, it may not even be as good as that of the little fishman, but if the four are put together, it will be different.

Because the elders of the four elements all possess group attack skills, the elders of the sea element are lightning storms, the elders of the deep sea elements make the maelstrom, the great element of the water element is the blizzard, and the freezing element of the ice element makes the frost burst.

Moreover, the skills of these four bosses can also get added to each other. For example, after the snow storm of the elder water element freezes the enemy, the ice element elder uses frost burst, which can cause 200 damage, almost the rhythm of the second.

After the use of the maelstrom of the elders of the deep sea, the lightning storm of the elders of the sea can also obtain the effect of conductive enhancement.

The combination of the snowstorm of the elder water element and the maelstrom of the elder element of the deep sea will also produce a special effect, that is, the maelstrom will be turned into an ice vortex, and the adventurer will be frozen in place for a long time to die.

In order to understand the rhythm, the adventurer team died and died. Until the fifth day, they finally found a way to crack. This method is to let the four tanks pull the four element elders, and then set the fire separately. Control the blood volume of the four element elders to ensure that their skills will not be released at the same time. They must be very precise. The four element elders will only use the specific blood volume to sleep, as long as they are guaranteed not to have two Amplify the moves together, you can hold on, so that you finally hit the boss.

Until the first week passed, only five teams played the Elemental Elder Council

In the deepest part of the Lost Temple, they saw the final boss of this copy, boss number 6, water element lord Waterkud, 6 skull-level boss, and the life value of 10.45 million.

Waterkud: "You adventurers arrived here, which surprised me. It seems that everyone else has failed, but it doesn't matter. As long as I still have a breath, I will never allow you to take the lost temple. Lord Assatos gave me the task of guarding the Lost Temple. Only by stepping on my corpse can you take all of this. Now, face the power of pure water."

As the final boss of this expansion, Waterkud is undoubtedly the most powerful one in this copy. His skills are quite satisfactory, that is, the skills that the water element lord has.

However, the power of the skill is surprisingly amazing. This boss can't be beaten by some tricks. Whether it is a tank or an ordinary team member, it must have a very strong quality to beat it.

However, the five adventure teams that hit here are the most indispensable. They are the top guilds in this game. Speaking of equipment configuration and tactics, they are definitely the top in the game.

And for this copy, they have prepared a lot of ice resistance equipment, ice resistance potion and so on.

In the end, the boss of Waterkud was pushed down after only three days, and it was the tribal guild, the Iron Blood Guild that won the glory of the first kill.

Waterkud: "My life has come to an end, adventurers, you have won, but this is meaningless, Lord Azathos will rule the world, the will of the elemental king will rise, all of you Efforts will be in vain. Soon, the tide of elements will overwhelm the world. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen this day coming. The immortal will live forever and everything will last forever.”

With a scream, Waterkud, the powerful water lord, the most faithful servant of the king of elements, exploded into a splash of water.

Xiao Yu looked at the picture on the screen, and suddenly felt something in his heart suddenly broke apart, a bitter feeling filled in the corner of his mouth.

To be continued. Mobile phone users, please browse. Read for a better reading experience.

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