No matter how magical the substance of "vibranium" is, as long as Johnson is willing, it is not a problem to use the rules of "reality" to rub a vibranium planet in the solar system for the earth as a neighbor.

Therefore, he did not go to the Wakanda people in the Marvel world to ask them to treat them as treasures and develop the "vibranium" ore that has not been developed for thousands of years.

One word.


Before leaving, Johnson left Dr. Cuseyno a huge "vibranium" cube large enough to build a large base, and cut it into small cubes suitable for forging with "heat rays".

The Wakanda people have been mining since before the founding of the state, and they are willing to reveal to the outside world how much rare metal they want in the hands of the current version of Qiao Sen.

According to the market price of more than 10,000 knives per gram of "vibranium", the inventory of this warehouse alone can buy a small half of Stark Industries.

Introduction, that is, banknote ability.

Tony Stark: ???

"Okay, Ph.D., these vibraniums should be enough for your next research.

After unloading, Master Qiao clapped his hands, patted off the non-existent floating dust, and said to Dr. Cuseyno: "It's still the same old way, when the finished armor comes out, remember to bring me a copy!"

"Okay, okay, of course that's fine... Joson you go slowly. "

Farewell to Josson, Dr. Cuseyno's head is still buzzing.

Since Genos met the current teacher and Joson, even the doctor's own three views have been rewritten a lot.

Especially Qiao Sen, every technology, theory, concept or finished scientific and technological achievements thrown out can set off hundreds of millions of earthquakes and tsunamis in today's scientific research community.

But this young man is indifferent to fame and fortune to an outrageous point, even Dr. Cusainor himself, after more than 50 years old, when he is famous


Anyway, if used on Xiaojie, you can also enjoy a wave of cultivation fun, why not?

Throwing Dr. Cuseyno a new research topic, Jossen patted his butt cheerfully and left, without taking away a cloud.

But when he left W City, he left behind a shadow doppelganger beautiful boy.

"Well, the safety of the citizens will be left to you!"


beautiful boy with a strong painting style helped the non-existent cap, and said lightly: "Oh, it's really troublesome work."

Josson: "..."

(ー' ́ー)

The corners of his eyes jumped wildly, and the Araki lines on the face of the shadow doppelganger called out this time were deeper than his own, plus Jory's angry and unusually familiar mouth fetishes....

You don't need to guess which part of yourself the character that dominates this shadow avatar comes from.

Josen Benson

! And just burst with that sense of security!

patted himself, who was the shadow doppelganger of the God of War, and Joson knew that he didn't have to say anything more.

The two bowed their heads slightly, and Josson's body disappeared with a snap of his fingers.

The God of War shadow doppelganger who remained in place also snapped his fingers, and his casual attire turned into a black high school uniform with a gold chain, and there was also an additional God of War cap.

The God of War shadow doppelganger put on a cap, and his handsome and resolute face was suddenly half-covered under the brim, at the same time, a pinch of black hair came out from behind the hat, and the seventeenth-level typhoon-like strong painting style suddenly rushed to his face!

In the "limiter breakthrough" of the Marvel world, Joson's "shadow avatar technique" did not obtain the "power of evolution".

However, thanks to the inheritance of the basic four-dimensional attributes of the ontology, the shadow avatar he is now summoning has also received epic enhancement.

The shadow avatar beauty boy with basic four-dimensional attributes reaching infinite levels, combined with various superpowers and ninja secret arts, one is enough to guard the supercontinent of human survival.

In the past, the model of a shadow avatar in charge of security in several cities has been eliminated.

Of course, the shadow doppelganger in charge of duty is not a weirdo to strike.

If there are professional heroes patrolling nearby, or there are strong heroes who have already arrived to deal with it, the shadow doppelganger beautiful boy does not interfere much, but leaves it to other professional heroes to deal with.

After all, humans need protection, not babysitters.

Only when he encounters a ghost-level or even dragon-level weirdo that ordinary heroes can't solve, he will take the first time to retreat.

For example, now....

The "Heart Network" base station was included in the link, and the God of War Shadow doppelganger stared, and suddenly raised his head to lock a direction.

A vigorous explosion sound, the God of War Shadow avatar suddenly blurred, disappeared in the blink of an eye!

...... J City, Gold Coast.

The sun is shining and the blue sky is blue.

The sea is calm without waves, and the cold water rushes up the beach, wetting the ankles of tourists, and it is a quiet and pleasant afternoon.

As a famous tourist attraction in J City, there are many tourists who come to enjoy it.

Everywhere are young ladies in bikinis boldly showing off their perfect curves, and their presence attracts a lot of attention like the beauty of the sea and sky, becoming another unique landscape on the coastline.

A beautiful blonde with enchanting posture is crouching alone on the beach, concentrating on the sandcastle.

Under the yellow wavy bikini is healthy wheat-colored skin, and under the golden wavy curls there is a delicate melon-seeded face.

A thin bikini swimsuit with a thin fabric can't cover the flat lower abdomen with a mermaid line, and the arms and thighs faintly outline the muscle lines that are only available for years of fitness.

The most fascinating thing is the pair of headlights, which are more choppy than the sea behind the two of them.

Just when the male tourists were lying or sitting under umbrellas to enjoy the beautiful scenery, the golden sand suddenly shook, and many tourists were caught off guard and sat on the ground.

The sandcastle that the blonde beauty was about to complete was also accidentally pressed out of two symmetrical deep pits under her unstable center of gravity, and when she reacted, her small mouth flattened, and she almost cried.

"Eh, is there an

earthquake?" "Help!"

"It's okay, it should be a small earthquake!?"

"..." The

tourists on the beach were talking about it, not yet aware of the danger.

However, as the tremor under their feet continued to intensify, they finally began to realize that something was wrong.

I saw a small hill ten meters high sprang up extremely quickly at the junction of the ocean and the beach, as if something incredible was about to break the ground.

Seeing such an abnormal scene, several guys who originally wanted to take the opportunity to go over to comfort the beauty had soft feet, and immediately ran backwards.

Danger! Danger! Danger! Danger!

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