Most of the students who were practicing martial arts looked at each other, and the movements in their hands became out of shape in shocked by the amount of information in the conversation between Qiao Sen and Bungu.

Of course, not everyone is distracted.

The class committee members have a calculation one by one, and basically focus on their own practice.

Among them, a certain shemale who is peeking at a handsome guy is not excluded.

"Qiu Wu Tai Dao": It is under the Xia!


that among the remaining students, there are still two tall figures that have not wavered in the slightest.

Both men wore white martial arts uniforms and short black hair, the difference being that one wore a green-skinned watermelon helmet and the other wore square-rimmed black-framed glasses.

The two knew well what the teachings of a martial arts master meant to an ordinary hero like themselves.

Therefore, regardless of the outside world, he always maintained the posture of punching, and according to Professor Bungu's method to improve his previous wrong way of generating power, he seemed immersed in it.

Occasionally their eyes met, they only bowed their heads slightly to each other, and then returned to their respective cultivations.

This is the appreciation of perseverance that people see the same qualities in others.

The other trainees had the intention to continue their cultivation training, but Jossen's words made them really unable to calm down.

What kind of thing

? Credit

system? There is a reward at the end of the course?


how come less than half a day after the death quota system, and a new concept is thrown out!


Although no one spoke, Bungu still had a slight tremble in his ears, and for the first time he heard the originally howling and powerful wind in the venue become soft and chaotic.

"Ahem!" The

old man has recently cultivated his body, and the "silver fangs" of his personality have become more profound, and the "explosive heart flow bangu" of his personality will only appear when facing the unfilial hungry wolf.

At this time, he noticed the distraction of the trainees, holding the teacup in his hand, coughing without turning his head, and said in a deep voice: "Concentrate, focus on yourself."

"Yes!" ×

all the trainees froze in their hearts, and their eyes met and made a decision.


it up for me!

It turns out that involution is a multiverse spectacle, and it occurs where there are people.

As the honorary class teacher of the S-level training class, Qiao Sen's inspection in the martial arts class was tantamount to giving the trainees of the training class a shot of strong chicken blood.

Of course, what he wants is the effect.

After drinking tea, Qiao Sen bid farewell to Bangu and teleported out of the martial arts training hall.

When he reappeared, he was already outside the gates of a research institute nestled in a dense forest on the outskirts of W City.

Jossen put his hands in his pockets, did not raise his hands, skillfully used the "heart net" to open the access control device, and waved to the camera: "Dr. Cusseno, I am Jossen, trouble open the door."

Josson's voice sounded from the access control stereo, and Dr. Cuseyno of the watermelon-headed put down the experiment at hand, looked up and saw the tall and handsome sunny boy on the screen in the hall, and immediately got up and walked towards the door.

"It's coming, it's coming. Personally

welcoming Johnson into the door, Dr. Cuseyno asked as he walked: "Qiao Sen, why did you come in person, is there something wrong with that batch of capsule houses?"


inexplicably, Dr. Cuseyno suddenly felt that the scene in front of him seemed a little familiar.

He couldn't help but look at Jossen and asked, "You won't... Didn't you send me materials or technology again

?" Josson: !!

No, I haven't said anything, it's so purposeful

! Good guy, is this the sixth sense of scientists!

Dr. Cusseno (smiles): Sample, I don't know you kid yet?"


asked the doctor for a laptop, and Joson flew with his hands like a phantom, and he was crazy about the keyboard.

Dr. Cusaino couldn't help but blink, seeing countless characters being typed in a very short time, and one document after another was like rushing to reincarnation, and in an instant it was finished and stored in the doctor's database.

The point is that under such a high intensity of work, just ordinary plastic keyboards are not dried and smoked and fired, which greatly puzzled Dr. Cusseno.

Dr. Cuseyno

: It's not scientific! Josson: It's onions, I'm adding onions... No, it's a force field, I added "biological force field" to the keyboard!"

"Overview of the Modularity of Multifunctional Nano Warframes", "The Theory and Practice of the "Cradle of Regeneration"?", Dr

. Cuseyno watched Johnson rename the two newly created folders, and couldn't help but read out the changed file names.

The former is easy to understand, after all, nanotechnology is also one of the mechanical fields that doctors specialize in, and the latter title is a bit mysterious.

"That's right, the one I brought this time is nano-metal warframe technology, and the other is biotechnology similar to artificial stem cells. In the case of sufficient energy supply, molecular bridges can be built instantaneously, so that artificial biological tissues and human bodies can be combined without immune rejection.

Josson highlighted the technical principle of the "cradle of regeneration", and Dr. Cuseyno was shocked to hear it.

"Genos's fighting style has been solidified, if the final creature modified human body can freely have mechanical weapons, I think that kid will be very happy!"


However, he is also accustomed to Josson's style of throwing a bomb out at every turn, to know that the infinite energy source transformation technology he brought last time has not been fully realized until now!

The two discussed for a while, and the doctor couldn't help but ask: "Then what kind of material is the "vibranium" you mentioned in it, which can make the metal mechanical prosthesis and the human body perfectly coexist with nanotechnology?"

"Oh, that's an alien material that doesn't exist on Earth," Johnson glanced at the Doctor's research hall, and then said, "Doctor, where is your material warehouse, take me over, I'll rub a big one for you


!" After

mastering the infinite power, Qiao Sen's creation ability has been improved at the ordinary level.

The law can construct things that it "fully understands" with the power of collapse, and infinite power can do the same thing.

It's very reasonable.

Just like Steve in MC who turned on creative mode, what kind of material block you want, just touch it with one click.

The original Infinite Ostron could decide the life and death of the universe in a single thought, not to mention Joson, who now smelts all the "Infinity Stones" in one.

Oh, it's just "vibranium".

Wakandas: ???

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