The gazes of Johnson and the intervener Frog Tu came together, and the money panther Kermungo looked calm, but his heart was bald.

This feeling is like a wild deer drinking water by the river being targeted by a crocodile in the water and a cheetah in the grass at the same time!

As a disciple of Tony Stark in his universe, as a top hunter in the dark, he knows that the life level of both is far above him.

However, he himself is a person with a great desire for adventure, and his psychological quality is extremely excellent, even the most senior trial experts cannot know what is really in his heart.

If it weren't for that, Tony Stark in his universe wouldn't have regarded him as a best friend, and didn't discover his hidden true face until he died.

Thinking that he had played Tony Stark between his palms, Kermgo's mood became calmer.

This time, I still won't lose!"

Johnson and the interventionist frog looked at each other strangely.

For two beings who also possess teleportation capabilities, this undisguised ambition in the hearts of ordinary people is simply like a joke.


you coming or am I coming?"

Kermungo: Joson

and the intervener Frog Tu gave in to each other, and finally Frog Tu generously stated that he never liked interfering in other people's affairs, so he gave the stage to Jossen.

Collmango: "..."

He looked at Jossen who approached with a nuclear smile on his back, and although he was still silent on the surface, his originally steady heartbeat suddenly missed a beat.

"You guys are... "

Should I ask what you mean, my friend.

Joson came to him, looked down at the evil panther with a height of one meter ninety-five, and said, "Are you really thinking about the life of the multiverse?"

"But what you're talking about is actually done by Ultron," Joson shrugged and continued, "so you want justice for them?"

Joson asked: "What about the real thoughts?"


Hmph!" The

money panther's eyes flashed with a fierce light, snorted coldly, and said indignantly: "Of course, find an opportunity to take away the "Infinity Gauntlet", use its power to help me climb to the top of the world, tear the fig leaf of hypocrites!


speaking, he released his clenched fists at an unknown time, looked at the strange eyes of everyone around him, and said puzzled: "Hey, what's wrong with you, aren't we on the side?" Captain

Carter subconsciously raised his shield and frowned: "Do you know what you just said?

"Yes, even I can hear it," Thor crossed his hands at his waist and nodded in agreement, "I didn't expect that there was a hidden conspirator here, I think you and my brother will definitely have a good conversation, half-brother, his name is Loki, he is a frost giant..."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense," Gamora, interrupted Thor's chatter, and looked at Corngo, playing with the "Tyrant Butcher's Knife", "It seems that we are not in the same group." Money

Panther's pupils contracted, and he understood what had just happened.

Killmungo has become popular in the upper class of human society with his extraordinary intelligence and ruthlessness, and has little experience in dealing with mysterious superpowers.

This is also where his real missteps are.

"Wait, just now my mind was controlled, those are not my inner thoughts..." Seeing

that he was trying to do something to save people's hearts, Johnson ignored it, turned to look at the intervenor frog diagram not far away, and asked: "So, what should I do with him now?"

, Money Panther's ten fingers on the claw popped out, the movement quickly jumped, grabbed Josson's right hand, and pulled it off hard

! For a time, the heroes were shocked

! "Oh, Shett

!" "Not good!" "

He succeeded!?" In

the exclamation of the heroes, Kermungo did not hesitate to bring the nanometal "Infinity Gauntlet" The glove fit into his fingers in a burst of contraction and deformation, and an unprecedented sense of power flowed into his body with the colorful electricity of the jump, and a feeling of omnipotence surged into his heart.

The eyes of the money panther lit up with the seven-colored light of infinite power, and he couldn't help but shout: "Intoxicating power! Ahhh!!"

"Snap -

a terrifying air boom sounded in his ears, and Joson, who had lost his "Infinity Gauntlet", raised his hand and made a move of Azu's own twin peaks, knocking the invincible Kermungo to the ground.


At the same time, the "Infinity Gauntlet" he snatched bloomed with red brilliance and disappeared out of thin air.

Now, everything just now is just an illusion created by the "Reality Gem", otherwise Jossen does not need to do it, just the reaction of infinite power can seize all the life force in Kelmungo's body.


heroes gasped in horror, the money panther that had fallen to the ground looked miserable, setting off Jossen's tall body extremely ferocious.

"What's wrong, what's the problem," Johnson looked at everyone suspiciously, his hands not stained with the slightest bit of effort, remembering something, he added, "By the way, this guy killed Iron Man in his universe, and your interveners can testify." Frog

Diagram: "...",


In the end, Joson unleashed unlimited power to completely imprison Kermungo's mind.

Death was too cheap for him, and Joson was going to spend the rest of his life in the darkness of loneliness.

As a teammate, Doctor Strange intimately asked Johnson to use unlimited power to create a supreme single room, an egg-sized miniature universe, and the money panther who could never wake up in this life lived peacefully in it.

There is nothing else in this universe but endless time.

Quermgo can lie inside and live his dream of revenge until he goes crazy.

"It's settled, guys," Johnson watched as Dr. Strange stayed up late and put the miniature universe away, and waved his hand to everyone, "We'll see you again." "

“...... Good bye. "

Heroes & Interventionist Frog Diagram: Better Never Again!."

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