The thinking was indeed interrupted, but it was not Joson on the other side, but the Multiverse Guardian itself.

"Damn, isn't there a time interval between his attacks?!Goose, goose

, goose, goose, goose..." Thor knocked open a "Chidori Shuriken" wrapped in a conical electric current, and then his whole body muscles trembled by the electricity of Lei Du Chakra, and even the skeleton was electrified to light and dark.

“...... Goose, goose, goose, goose, goose

, thousand, goos, thousand, thunder, thousand, thunder, throne, thriving, thunder god thor, thunder god thor thunder thaw thunder thunder thaw thunder thunder

Heroes: "..." Staying

up late, Doctor Strange opened his hand to unfold a "dimensional portal" full of devouring power, swallowing hundreds of "Super Large Jade Spiral Pills" in a row!

Immediately, the surging energy in it was paid by him as a price to the existence of the other dimension, summoning a three-headed demon dragon with red scales all over his body and full of sulfurous aura.

Wow -

the three demon dragons rose up with the body of Dr. Strange who stayed up late as an anchor.

Probably the energy pool was cool, the three hideous dragon heads showed a humane satisfied smile, and then opened their mouths and spewed out three monstrous pillars of fire, completely submerging Qiao Sen's figure!

The ninjutsu attacks that kept falling like rain in the sky temporarily stopped, and the money panther slipped sideways on the ground to catch several clear scratches, drifting into the warehouse and stopping his figure, saying: "With this thing, why didn't he release it earlier?"

The roaring flames form a large cloud of flame, and this tumbling spot of light can be clearly seen even outside the planet.

"Ninfa, Sealing Technique, Sealing Fire Seal!" In

the blazing flame that was enough to sell steel and iron, came the calm voice of the shadow doppelganger.

The next moment, together with the three fire dragons, one of the people present was counted as they were surprised to watch the fire clouds in the sky turn upside down, forming an extremely large orange-red vortex that merged into the hands of the man in black in the sky.

"Hey, tell me, you graduated from a teacher, right?" Thor, who had recovered from the electric shock, returned to his usual cynical appearance and gestured with his hands, "What you are using is clearly a magic."

Obviously, he was referring to the move that Doctor Strange had just devoured countless "Super Large Jade Spiral Pills".


, it's completely different," Strange said helplessly, "I'm not even sure if he's using magic." "

“...... Huh?"


In the cracks of the multiverse.

In the chaotic turbulence of time and space, time has lost its concept.

The great battle between Johnson and the Interventionist Frog Tu seemed to be only for a moment, and it seemed to have fought against countless eras.

In the end, Jossen turned over his large bald head who loved to interfere in human affairs with his more skilled Euler posture, and added another defeated member under the "continuous ordinary punch".

"You win, outsider

..." The intervener Frog Tu who was pressed on the world barrier by Qiao Sen's strongman locked man gasped and said with difficulty: "If you want

to kill..." "Wait, who said I'm going to kill you?" Qiao Sen casually released the exhausted old bald Frog Tu and said, "Even if you don't say it, you should be able to guess it, right?

——Yes, yes, you have a big fist, you say everything is right!

Under Qiao Sen's initiative to show favor, Frog Tu, who knows the time as Junjie's interventionist, gives face and Qiao Sen each takes a step back.

It means that since you are a member of the righteous camp, then I will definitely perform my duties as an observer and will not interfere at will.

As the two reached an agreement, the atmosphere between the multiverses suddenly became harmonious.

Sure enough, the natives of the Marvel world are still very reasonable, and if the reason doesn't make sense, you can also talk to them about physics.

As long as one of the two makes sense.

Not long after, the two found the universe where the Multiverse Guardian was located.

As Johnson stretched out his hand, the solid world barrier was broken like paper paste, and the two took one step and came to this universe.


"Mirror dimension", above Mars.

After another round of ninjutsu washing, except for Dr. Strange who stayed up late, the rest of the heroes were smashed a little dizzy.

At this moment, the beautiful eyes of the shadow doppelganger in the sky lit up, and he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

"Oh, finally back!" A

white smoke burst open, and his figure suddenly disappeared in front of everyone.

Heroes: !!

Just when the Multiverse Guardians were on alert, a dimensional crack appeared in the sky of Mars, and a beautiful boy and a bright boy walked out hand in hand, and everyone was almost blinded by the strong light reflected on the big bald head.


Doctor Strange, who stayed up late, was surprised, and three Supreme Mage question marks appeared above his head.


other heroes were also puzzled: Didn't you pull us to stop the destroyers of the multiverse?

Thor opened his mouth incredulously and exclaimed: "What's going on!?"

"The gears of fate turned in a whole new direction, so things changed a little bit... Joson's belonging is not in this world, he will eventually leave..."

Frog Tubalabala said a bunch of plausible profound words, which can be summed up simply -

the two sides are no longer fighting, reconciled!

Only Dr. Strange, who stayed up late, nodded in relief and said, "Our purpose has never been to win, but to end the disaster of the multiverse, and now it seems that this purpose has been achieved." "


"The wizard has a point.

"That is, we don't have to fight?"

Thor and the others looked startled, and then nodded one after another, agreeing with his statement.

Only the money panther Kermungo's eyes flickered, and having seen the powerful power given to Johnson by Infinite Ultron and the "Infinity Gauntlet", his already restless and careful thoughts became more and more active.

Forget about the others, he may be the one here who least wants Johnson and Frog Tu to reconcile.

"Wait, he destroyed those universes in battle... Is that all

?" "Huh?" ×2

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