Johnson originally wanted to say that with the physique of a hungry wolf, maybe it won't take long to recover on its own.

But since the masters have said it, he is naturally good as the stream.

"Yes, Master Bungu. "

Because the battle with Genos was too fierce, the hungry wolf's injury at this time has reached the point where he can't get up temporarily.

For hungry wolves who have not mastered breathing, Genos is undoubtedly a good opponent.

The mastery of "Flowing Water Rock Crushing Fist" is obviously superior to him, but Genos' body is a high-strength alloy, and he also has a strong fire output.

First of all, the same master taught the trick can't break the move, secondly, the hungry wolf's current attack power is difficult to break the defense of Genos's metal body, and finally he has to beware of a wide range of AOE flame damage.

With the combination of the three, it is not surprising that the hungry wolf eventually lost.

To everyone's surprise, even if all aspects were suppressed, the hungry wolf fought with Genos for a full two hours, until the last drop of energy in his body was squeezed dry.

The attitude of being ruthless to the enemy and being even more ruthless to oneself and the paranoid desire to win make the "atomic samurai" marvel.

At this time, the green Yingying healing Chakra entered the hungry wolf's body along the palm of his hand.

He was still glaring at Jossen viciously, but suddenly his spirit was lifted, his Adam's apple subconsciously rose and fell, and he instinctively made the action of swallowing.

This energy output is insignificant to Josson, but for the body of a hungry wolf, it is a delicacy that has never been seen before.

With the treatment of Chakra entering the body, every cell of the hungry wolf's body came to life like a wolf pack that smelled its prey, and opened its mouth with great greed, actively devouring this vibrant and lush foreign energy.

——With this level of desire to survive, it is really not an exaggeration for this body to be called a human weirdo.

In just a moment, the wounds all over the hungry wolf's body visibly scabbed and faded.

In less than a minute, he got up from the ground with some hesitation, mainly because the whole body was filled with 130 trillion cells, and he really couldn't "eat".

The activity focused on the new flesh, and the hungry wolf felt that his power was stronger than ever at this moment.

The big tree that once took half an hour to break now seems to only take half the time to do it!!

Qiao Sen, who opened the "heart net" to read the hungry wolf's thinking: "..."

- does this break through the limiter once?

The hungry wolf stood up, and still did not have a good face for the Jossen who healed himself, and stared at him coldly with indifferent eyes.

"Sure enough, it's you..."

Joson didn't mind the hungry wolf's cold tone at all, but instead showed Bungu the same smile and narrowed expression, "Yes, meet again!"

Cut. The

corner of the hungry wolf's mouth twitched, am I familiar with you?

Qiao Sen is still unimpressed, no matter what, this kid is a rare high-quality gold lord, even if the other party instinctively hates himself, it will not affect him to forcibly draw cards.

Before being suddenly called over, the hungry wolf felt that the tall Joson looked particularly familiar.

But at that time, his mind was all on the four opponents who were about to fight, the adrenaline was highly secreted, and the whole person was too excited, resulting in not paying attention to the outsiders around the master for the first time.

At this time, the final result of the battle came out, and he actually lost to the cold-faced robot kid

! The already unhappy mood saw Joson again, and he was immediately even more annoyed!

However, at this moment, his gloomy expression suddenly froze, as if he had said something similar not long ago.

"When was the end..."

the hungry wolf couldn't help muttering, but no matter how hard he tried to think about it, the memory in his mind always seemed to be missing a piece, and he couldn't remember what happened during the time he disappeared.

- Damn it, my head hurts... Seeing

the hungry wolf full of question marks, Johnson quickly hugged the puzzled Genos and ran quickly.

Ya's intuition is too keen, if this stimulates him for a while, the things that he bullied underage weirdos that day will all shake out!

As usual, Bungu stood with his hands in his hands, but his usual gentle smile disappeared on his face, and said, "Let's go, hungry wolf, I think we should have a good chat between our master and apprentice." The

hungry wolf had to lower his hand ruefully, but did not notice anything unusual, turned his head and pouted, "... Che, got it. Bungu

took the initiative to stop the hungry wolf so seriously, apparently preparing to take him to a love education.

After all, a fist full of love, that is also love.

At this time, the hungry wolf was still in the dark, and did not realize that the master was ready to solve the problem of the education

of the rebels! Well, if the problem cannot be solved, then directly solve the rebels!

Because of Bungu, Joson was able to pull Genos and run away.

The two came to the field, and Saitama also greeted him with a grin: "Genos, congratulations, the training is still very effective!"


Genos's spirit was lifted, as an exceptionally dedicated disciple, being able to get Saitama's affirmation was undoubtedly what he was looking forward to the most now.

The young man stood up in a standard posture and said earnestly and loudly: "Thank you, teacher, I will definitely continue to work hard!"

A group of swordsmen led by "Atomic Samurai".

"Well, Qiu Wu, it's just a small competition, do you need to cry so much?" The

"Atomic Samurai" frowned and looked at the three depressed disciples, the most obvious of which was undoubtedly the tearful "Qiu Wu Tai Dao".

In fact, he was the first to lose all the matches.

The remaining two are no better, civil war aside, all foreign wars are defeated, and winning the last three in this "Disciple Cup" is well deserved!

Tojosen's blessing, the injuries suffered during the battle have all been healed, but "Qiu Wu Taitao" still kept covering his tears: "Woo-woo... But, but I have disgraced you master!" "

Yes, I didn't expect that the three of us would be completely defeated in the face of that unknown disciple of Mr. Transformation and Mr. 'Silver Fangs'!" "Iwai-an" also looked frustrated, and buried his head full of self-blame, "Please be sure to punish us severely!" The

"samurai drill" holding the drill bit sword looked left and right, and quickly followed along to express his position, his face full of force, "... Speaking

of why the three looked depressed, wondering why the reason for this problem dates back to before the game began.

When I first heard about the "Disciple Cup" event, the three of them were fighting spirit and rubbing their hands.

Always meditate before going on the field and strive to keep yourself in the best shape.

A few days ago, I personally watched my master being punched by the guy with the face of the passerby, and they were also disciples who wanted to kill the guy who was passerby with all their strength, and take a good breath for the master.

But the result....

The preparations were sufficient, but I did not expect that the gap in combat power was too large.

But not

only him, the white-haired boy who looks very beaten is actually so capable of fighting

!!×3 "Atomic Samurai": "..."Okay, okay, what stupid things are you saying! (ಥ_ಥ)


"Atomic Samurai" held a new extra-long toothpick, his hands in front of his chest, and he looked like a grandmaster.

But look closely, his seemingly flat gaze is full of helplessness.

"Victory or defeat is a common thing, and losing this time just proves that you are still some way from the real S-class standard, and the transformation man kid and the guy called Hungry Wolf are temporarily stronger than you, that's all.

Saying that, the "Atomic Samurai" showed a hearty and handsome smile and said, "At this point, the master needs to continue to practice, just like you

!" "Ah, master!!" ×3

Seeing that the always proud master actually did not shy away from using his own defeat as an example, the three of "Juaian" did not hold back after all, and their noses twitched and wiped their tears.

It's just that none of the three of them looks normal, a medieval mix-and-match armor man, an uncle face who looks too anxious, and the rest of them look graceful at first glance, but look closely, but are a personal demon....

This face, can only be said to cry one more than a spicy eye.

"Eh, really, why did I cry even harder..."

The Atomic Samurai scratched his head in annoyance, puzzled as to why his persuasion backfired.

——Isn't Lao Tzu's appearance just now handsome enough?

"Forget it, it's not too early, I'll go and say goodbye to the "Silver Fangs" first

!" "All three of you, wait for me here

!" "Yes!!" (crying) ×3

Bongu, who had just brought the hungry wolf aside, saw the "atomic warrior" approaching, and the anger that was about to be suppressed suddenly converged, and it was seamlessly replaced by a faint smile.

Knowing that he was here to resign, the old man immediately nodded and said, "Is this leaving?

Saying that, he glanced at the hungry wolf with his hands in his pockets, and said, "The old man has some family affairs here, please forgive the old man for sending it not far away." "

You don't have to," the Atomic Samurai grinned, pointed at the hungry wolf, and said, "I like this kid's eyes, it's ruthless enough, Silver Fangs" You have to tweak well." Bangu

was stunned when he heard this, his eyes glanced at the hungry wolf in a complicated way, and he smiled and nodded on the surface, "It will definitely be."

The Atomic Samurai smiled, turned around and waved his hand, "See you next time, let's go!"

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