Joson read the dazzling idea of the transformed man boy gold, and was embarrassed to spoil it to him.

——Don't be silly, your teacher is almost bald, want to keep up with him

, it's impossible!" "Is it?" Joson couldn't help nodding, and also opened himself a cold orange soda, "It's really the first time I've seen Saitama so serious, is this the change after a man becomes a master?"


old man and a young man chatted about the topic between men, and clinked glasses comfortably.

"By the way, speaking of which, I have to remind you Master. Hearing

Qiao Sen's tone suddenly become serious, Bungu was stunned and puzzled: "Is there something wrong with my dojo

?" "Hmm," Hearing this, Qiao Sen nodded slightly, and slowly spit out a name in his mouth, "Hungry Wolf." "

Hungry wolf..." The white-haired disciple who was always silent and had something hidden in his eyes appeared in front of Bongu's eyes, but he didn't know why Qiao Sen suddenly mentioned him, "What's wrong with him?" "

Old man, you don't care at all..."

Under the guise of superpowers, Qiao Sen poured the hungry wolf's childhood and current ideals to Bungu.


old man listened to the silence for a long time, and his face gradually became solemn: "Is the ideal actually to hunt all heroes, and even aspire to become the strongest weirdo?

The so-called, "Human weirdo"? "

As his master, I did not discover the evil thoughts of my disciples in time, and it was indeed my negligence. "

It's not that serious," Qiao Sen couldn't help but comfort when he saw the unspeakable loss on Bungu's face, "There is an old saying in my hometown, the practitioner... No, it's 'it's not too late', you start paying attention to this disciple now, maybe you can still break his thoughts back?

"—It's okay if you can't break it back, the old man's "Love の Iron Fist" really doesn't work, and Saitama's "Physics Education Group Death Double"!

Of course, the last sentence Jossen only thought about it in his heart and did not say it.

Even so, Bungu regained some fighting spirit under his persuasion, and his eyes leisurely looked at the training ground.

"If you don't know, it's just that, since you know his ambition, then the old man can't sit idly by."

Bungu's eyes rarely revealed a trace of murder, the usually slightly squirmish body slowly straightened, the past with a fierce and terrifying "Explosive Heart Liberation Fist" swept the martial arts world, hitting everyone to talk about the color change, the so-called "Blood Wind" young Bungu is slowly recovering in his body.

"Since you want to be a weirdo, step over the old man's body first!!" Qiao

Sen: "..."

It's counterproductive!"

After seeing Bungu standing tall, it seemed that there was a young and tall warrior figure flashing like a stand-in, and Qiao Sen couldn't help scratching his head.

His own operation was as fierce as a tiger, and as a result, Bungu was stimulated to prepare to liberate the evil thoughts of the past, which ...

The small hammer of the merit little wooden fish knocked on the top of Qiao Sen's head, and one by one "merit-1, -1, -1..." prompts kept popping up.

He had already foreseen that the hungry wolf was about to reap the more brutal love beatings of his mentor, but if he didn't get rid of the amiable white-haired old man, things would be wrong!

Thinking of the old man's combat effectiveness, Qiao Sen couldn't help but be shocked.

If his two personalities fight, the perpetrator himself may have to go deep into the old man's spiritual world to physically persuade.

Again, martial artists are not terrible, but they are afraid that martial artists will be weird!

(Uncle Bakugan : Ah, yes, yes, yes!)


Three days later.

The "Atomic Samurai" took two days and was finally "discharged from the hospital."

Although the whole body was almost beaten apart by Saitama, the foundation of the top powerhouse in the human race is still there, and the speed of recovery is far from being comparable to ordinary people.

After learning that Saitama was no less powerful than the "super police", he finally stopped and stopped.

After all, the only strong person left in the flowing water dojo is the dojo owner "Silver Fangs", and since he came to visit, it is not appropriate to forcibly challenge again.

Seeing that the proud samurai was not discouraged by defeat in the slightest, both Qiao Sen and Bungu looked up at him.

In the eyes of the "atomic samurai", failure is nothing more than his own cultivation is not yet home, since he does not even have the foundation to dislike him, what else does he have to care about?

Then say something else.

In the past three days, Genos has also achieved academic success and gained a lot.

Fighting skills are already at the top of the ranks of transforming people, and they have successfully taken the first step towards removing the hat of "Legends of Victory".


before leaving, Bongu specially organized a "Disciple Cup" friendly competition.

The three masters present plus Johnson formed the strongest referee group, of which Joson also played the role of medical team part-time.

"Atomic Samurai": You can heal superpowers, say it earlier....

Joson: Then you didn't ask

, the little farce of the referee team ended with the "atomic samurai" eating up again, several younger brothers... No, several disciples all participated in the competition.

Perhaps with the idea of educating the hungry wolf, Bungu directly called him to the battle, plus the three major disciples under Genos and the "Atomic Samurai", and the five fought one after another, and fought for an afternoon.

In the end, Genos successfully won the championship with his newly acquired fighting skills and powerful firepower, and the hungry wolf who finished second was finally seriously injured and lost.

The battle ended and Josson stepped onto the training ground as the only medical officer on site.

"Congratulations, Genos. He patted Xiaojie's hard metal shoulder with satisfaction, and encouraged him sincerely, "Good fight, remember not to forget to pay the training fee to Master Bungu." After

all, taking Genos up the mountain to practice was his suggestion, and now that Xiaojie is so contentious, his uncle naturally has a light on his face.

"Thank you, Mr. Joson," Genos nodded equally happily, immediately taking his suggestion, "I'll remember!"


that Genos was really serious, Bungu also stepped forward two steps, smiled and waved his hand.

Immediately, the old man's gaze looked at the hungry wolf lying on the ground unwilling to breathe, and sighed in his heart, "Qiao Senjun, please treat my disciple as well." "

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