In thought, Johnson snapped his fingers.


- the next moment, the ubiquitous collapse in the imaginary space can condense simple structural lines, and in a few seconds, a set of exquisite and quaint Chinese-style mahogany tables and chairs will be successfully revealed.

Using the omnipotent collapse energy as the material, a concrete material structure is constructed from nothing, and the existence of nothingness is projected into reality.

Strictly speaking, this touches on some of the power of the "Law of Reason".

It seems that there are still many places to be explored in the core of the lawyer, but all the generations of lawyer are thinking about destroying civilization, how can there be time like Joson to deeply develop the functionality of his own ability in order to pursue the quality of life.

Satisfied with his seat, Jossen sat down on the soft cushioned Tai Shi chair, and even the armrests that had been coated with pulp appeared.

This set of tables and chairs is similar to the furniture created by real-life craftsmen, the only fly in the ointment is that the grain on it flows dangerously lilac collapse energy.

In other words, this set of tables and chairs is currently only available to Jossen, and once ordinary people come into contact, they will be eroded and enslaved by the power of collapse in minutes.

Saitama might be able to sit on it, but Joson didn't plan to take the makeshift furniture out.

At this time, it is completely constructed for eating melons, and it is thrown away when it is used up.

A dark purple figure stood up from the seat, and when the F cub appeared, he curiously looked at the imaginary space that was completely different from reality, and then pulled a piece of armor from his skirt armor, and when he started it, he turned into a white-bordered fantasy card and placed it on the table.

Fantasy Cards -

[Melon Snack Set (N): Item cards, description omitted.

In the next second, white light flashed, and the empty table was piled with fruit, melon seeds, soda, and potato chips.

Johnson looked at him, picked up a piece of watermelon, which looked fresh, and took a bite.

The mouth is sweet, because it is still cold.

Immediately gave the F cub a thumbs up.

It is worthy of the five-star service of the housekeeping star, praise!

The practice hall was very quiet, and disciples in white practice uniforms sat neatly around the venue.

As usual, Bungu wears a black tight-fitting shirt on the top, a rock-like diamond-sharp muscle line and even the two sexy and domineering vest lines on the lower abdomen are perfectly outlined, and the lower body is a loose-style ordinary slack, which is its biggest advantage.

The handsome old man stood with his hands behind his back, his posture relaxed and casually standing in the center of the field, and the white-haired Saiyan with the same style of ground roots stood up and soared straight into the sky.

Guang Chong's hairstyle, a grandmaster temperament that is difficult to ignore, is not to be underestimated.

Opposite Bunggu, a long, muscular white-haired boy got up on the field.

The white hair with two horn-like forks pointed to the sky, although his face was green, but his eyebrows were already full of defiance, and his indifferent gaze swept over the audience, as if everyone present was not in his eyes, except for Bungu who was standing in front of him.

It's not that he respects his master much, but he knows that he can't surpass this old man who is old but still strong for the time being, so he puts away his fangs and hides his nature, like a lone wolf who finds prey ready to prey, hiding in the shadows and waiting for an opportunity.

When he got up, the hungry wolf pulled the white strap around his waist to tie it tightly, walked to the two places in front of Bangu and bowed slightly.

"Master. "

Well," Bungu swept his sharp gaze over the talented young disciple in front of him, straightened his waist, and stretched out his hand to beckon him, "Come on, attack with all your strength, let me see what progress you have made recently." "

Yes. The

hungry wolf responded casually, then stepped forward, clenched his hands back and forth into fists, and put on a textbook standard starting boxing fight.

"Flowing Water Rock Broken Fist" Vs "Flowing Water Rock Broken Fist"

! Hungry Wolf Vs Bungu!

All the disciples present held their breath, looking forward to this upcoming battle.

Although the hungry wolf is young, he has been practicing with Bangu for many years, and his strength is far from comparable to other disciples, and his status in the flowing water dojo is basically the default chief.

With Bungu's vision, it was naturally clear that this boy was almost the best heir to the mantle he could find.

It's just...


In the sound of drinking, the hungry wolf rushed over a distance of two meters with a quick step, his left shoulder swayed, the muscles of his right hand bulged, and a fast and fierce straight fist slammed into the Bangu face gate.

Bungu didn't move, just raising his palm and slap it to the hungry wolf's fist.

And the latter seemed to have been prepared, the waist and abdomen adjusted the center of gravity, the cushion cloth stepped forward and the left foot was lifted at the same time, and another blow was a python's rapid whip leg to Bungu's right ear.

As the target of the attack, Bonggu's hair was slightly blown by the wind brought by the onslaught of the hungry wolf, but he managed to make Tarzan collapse in front of him without changing his complexion, and his hands seemed to draw a circle slowly.

The clear sky blue aura of the flowing water fist drew an arc, accurately blocking the fierce kick of the hungry wolf.

However, the hungry wolf is not vegetarian to sit in the position of the chief with his strength, and he expected that the attack did not work, and the whole person did not retreat, and the fists and feet of the storm were aimed at the key points of Bungu and poured out!

In the entire practice hall, only Qiao Sen, who was eating melon seeds, saw that Bungu shook his head imperceptibly when he took the first punch of the hungry wolf.

"Old man, it's not okay to teach disciples like this!"

said Qiao Sen with relish, spitting while eating snacks.

"If you continue to teach it like this, it is no wonder that you can teach a big boss of the extinction level.

"With the strength of Banggu's grandmaster, the ambition of

the hungry wolf, can he not see it? The old man was like a mirror in his heart, and when he saw the hungry wolf with a green face but a trace of ruthlessness, it was like seeing himself when he was young.

Gifted, ruthless, obsessed and immersed in martial arts all day, growing almost every day.

For a master, it is undoubtedly a good thing to have such a dismember, but although the growth of the hungry wolf is rapid, it is also very bad.

Every move of his attack carries an undisguised killing intent, although this kind of punch has the routine frame of "flowing water rock broken fist", but the real fist intention created by flowing water fist based on protection has not touched the slightest.

In essence, it is a killing boxing method that integrates into the flowing water fist move, and the hungry wolf has followed his inner thoughts since learning martial arts and finally created his own body art!

Bungu always feels that this situation is not a big deal, probably because the hungry wolf is too young, after all

————Genius, there will always be some different performance from ordinary people.

——Not to mention that when I was young, I was not a good bird, cough ... Too much talking!

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