Through Saitama and Josen's chat, Genos has retrieved information about the owner of the trip's destination.

At this time, he had not yet reached the combat effectiveness of the period when he was rated as a "Devil Transformation Man", and he was not as uninterested in martial arts as Saitama.

In the original book, Saitama is not interested in martial arts because his strength level is too high.

This is also very understandable, things that can be solved with one punch really do not require so many bells and whistles of handsome move skills.

Saitama was bored, and even Genos, a senior master, was naturally not very interested in martial arts.

Limited by the strength of the body, his main firepower output at this stage is the "incineration cannon" of different powers, after all, this is how the nickname of the budget soldier came from.

As for Xiaojie's hand-to-hand combat... I can only say that I understand everything.

Whether it is a blood-sucking "mosquito girl" or a "sea king" in a humid state, these ghost-level elite monsters can tear our righteous reformer warriors into a piece of scrap iron if they have a second stage.

This time, Qiao Sen put forward an idea that might improve his combat skills, and Genos was naturally not so resistant to martial arts, and even had a trace of expectation.

Not long after, the three of them walked all the way to the gate of the flowing water dojo.

"Huh, didn't you open the door?"

Knock knock knock -

Johnson stepped forward and tapped a few times on the closed door: "Is anyone there, please open the door." Not

long after, there were footsteps, the door creaked open, and a strong man with a chin poked his head out with an unhappy face.

Really, Mr. Bungu is lecturing, and if I hadn't been on duty today, I wouldn't have come to open the door for you!

Who expected him to finish complaining unhappily, but his eyes locked on the gift box that Genos was carrying in his hand, and even his attitude was suddenly much friendlier.

"You guys came to worship the master, right?"

"I am Master Bonggu's big disciple, "Bitter Worm", just give me gifts and tuition fees!" At this time, Banggu's disciples

have not yet experienced the Hungry Wolf Rebellion, there are many disciples of various trainees, and it is impossible to see that this guy in front of him is the turn to be a big disciple.

"No, we are not here to worship the teacher. "

Since this kid has bad motives, then Joson won't be polite with him.

Step forward to squeeze away the bitter worm that he still wants to block, stretch out his hand, and the power of his mind is like a shackle imprisoning his whole body.

The bitter insect was surprised to find that his body seemed to be pulled by an invisible force, and involuntarily took a step back to get out of the way.

Only then did he realize that the tall man at the head was very familiar and seemed to be often seen on TV news.

"We are friends with Master Bungu and just came to visit.

Joson said as he pushed open the door and beckoned Saitama and Genos in.

"Since he's teaching now, let's just wait in the side hall for a while." Bitter

Worm: "Hmm..." Smoothly

sealing the mouth of the Bitter Worm with his mental power, Qiao Sen turned to the two behind him and said: "Let's go, let's go first and rest for a while."

Saitama was weak: "Okay..." Genos

behind him was full of spirit: "Yes!" The

three of them rushed into the fish like they were home, and the bitter worm who was unable to move his words was unable to cry without tears.

——As for what? Don't I just want to collect some money?

- Master! Help!!....


- ha -

the courtyard of the dojo resounded with the neat shouts of the trainees when practicing martial arts, and the sound of physical hits and collisions was heard in the indoor hall, which sounded like a real battle was being carried out.

“...... Next, hungry wolves. "

Heart Net" caught Bungu's calm voice, Joson's right ear moved slightly, and a strong curiosity surged in his heart.

The palm is pressed, the flame under the kettle soars, the heat pours into the pot, and the half-boiled hot water boils almost instantly.

Qiao Sen got up and said to the two: "Saitama, Genos, the water has boiled, you guys make tea and rest for a while, I'll go to the martial arts practice field to take a look."

Saitama waved his hand: "Okay, you go~

" Genos said positively: "Don't worry, Mr. Jossen, I will take care of the teacher!"

The normal space in the side hall appeared like ripples, and Joson stepped out and came from the real world to a dim world shrouded in a dark red sky.

This is the "imaginary space" that overlaps with the one-punch world, and the void dimension that cannot be touched by creatures, matter, and energy in reality is open unguarded in front of Jossen today.

"Void Lawyer", your lawyer core is best used!

Vinaya: "...

", "Dissipated, disappeared..." Genos

, who was making tea, contracted his electronic eyes and looked at the empty place in shock.

"Eh, don't make a fuss, Genos," Saitama helped to close the lid of the teapot, "Isn't Josen already using moves like teleportation, just this time it doesn't have the same shining blue light as before, right?"

Genos' eyes swept around, and in fact, the energy detector in his body was already running at high speed, covering the entire mountain where the Dao was located.

"Mr. Josson's life energy shines as bright as the sun in my biocomputer receiver, and now I can't retrieve any trace of his existence.

Genos couldn't help but sigh: "Sure enough, Mr. Josson's strength is the same as that of the teacher, and it is not something that I can arbitrarily speculate about now."

"Saitama-sensei, please have tea!"


In imaginary space.

The ground is like a pixelated replica of the real world, and the color blocks that make up the mountains and plains are each about one meter long and wide, which looks like the original modeling version of "Minecraft" with all the material packs removed.

Being in imaginary space, Josson did not lose touch with the real world.

Instead, he can perceive all the coordinate locations he has been to, and no matter what direction, it seems that he only needs to take a step to get where he wants to go.

"Similar to the time-space mechanism of the Flying Thunder God, it turns out that this is the secret of space teleportation in the power of the Law of Space. Qiao

Sen knew in his heart, and with one step, the person had already arrived outside the martial arts classroom where Bungu was.

As he goes, the boundary between reality and illusion becomes blurred under the authority of the lawyer, and what is real is projected into nothingness without hindrance.

At this point, the two overlapping worlds seem to merge together, and Joson can stand in imaginary space and observe the real world, which everyone in the outside world, including Bungu, does not know about.

"Something seems to be missing..."

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