Accepting all this gladly, "Starlight" showed a sweet smile: "Thank you, Miss Ashley, I will behave well."

Wow, sweetheart, your smile is so charming!"

Backstage in the studio, "Starlight" gradually lost itself in Ashley's unrepeatable rainbow fart.

On the stage ahead, Vice President Madeleine was drawing a pie at the shareholders' meeting and the media present.

Under her passionate description, Walt Group has become the new favorite of the times, and various opportunities to make money are endless.

Hearing the fruitful results of the Walt Group in 2019, the atmosphere at the scene quickly heated up.

In such an atmosphere, "Deep Sea", which has long been present, appears with a new attitude with the old and new members, "Starlight".

After briefly mourning the former colleagues of the dead ghost, the atmosphere at the press conference became more and more warm.

The live broadcast of the new hero launch was in full swing, and Joson, who was supposed to appear there, took the pass that had just arrived and walked unimpeded in the Tower of Seven.

It's hard to come here, of course, such a well-known attraction must be checked in and visited.

As for what kind of press conference, of course, it is pushed off.

He didn't really come here as a hero, what to waste that time for.

As his assistant, Steve confronted Ashley's questioning, and was also the first two bigger.

But when Ashley received a call from above, the people on the spot were also stupid.

The new members who were about to join the group of seven refused to attend the press conference, and this kind of outrageous thing opened the door to the outrageous, and the above actually acquiesced.

Just kidding!

How tough is the backstage of this new hero?

... At this time, Joson wore a God of War cap, a black stand-up collar trench coat, covering the "super electromagnetic hand cannon" hanging on his waist, with a T-shirt, trousers and pointy shoes, and a thick gold chain was worn on the collar as a decoration, and gold elements were also used on buttons and belts.

This kind of clothing combination looks very outrageous, but wearing it on a burly body of one meter ninety-five is unexpectedly just right.

His casual and flamboyant dress further amplified his sense of oppression, making people go into cardiac arrest at a glance, and there was an illusion that he was inexplicably punched with two hundred punches on his face.

Steve, who turned from scout to assistant, saw Joson's appearance for the first time and did not recognize it at all.

It wasn't until he held the document in his hand that he barely confirmed his identity.

The cross-dressing effect of the God of War cap is terrifying, and when it is put on, it feels like a completely different person.

The last one with this function had to be Superman's black-framed glasses.

Those who are familiar with JoJo know that Joson, who is undisciplined, is Jotaro who is 17 years old on the set next door to Cos and is afraid that the campus is not violent enough.

The suit he let the Walt Group design is indeed a replica of the classic God of War suit that sells Yuqiang.

Big Joe's name is used, and it must be no problem to borrow Sanjo's skin again, right?

(Platinum Star: Euler Warning!)

"Hey, who are you, how come I've never seen you?" A

building security guard saw a blackened Josson, nervously reaching for the holster at his waist.

"If I were you, I would never do that. "

The wind was loud, and the corridor was filled with the roar of trains passing at high speed.

The white security guard's eyes flickered, and he only squinted, and found that the man who had just spoken had teleported to his side, and an exclusive access card for the members of the seven-person group almost slapped him in the face.

It's just that the security guard of ordinary people broke out in a cold sweat, and quickly apologized: "Joe, Mr. Joestar, I'm sorry!

"And, better call me 'The Flash.'"

"Good, good!" Mr. Flash.

"Good luck then, Mr. Paul."

Without blushing, he plagiarized Flash's hero name, and a certain stitching monster patted the white security guard's shoulder and continued to walk forward.

"Good speed, I'm still thinking, if some crooked date wants to blend into the group of seven, I won't hesitate to kick him out."

"Now you seem to be okay?"

The sound of footsteps on the ground of leather boots sounded, and around the next corner, the figure of Azu turned.

After examining Johnson for a moment, he never remembered where he had seen this tall and handsome man.

Qiao Sen's eyes lit up, and he ran over and enthusiastically held Azu's hand: "Oh, "Motherland", I am your fan."

"Motherland": "..." Azu

was confused by him, and it took a while to remember to pull out his hand and frown: "Be restrained, you are not here to chase stars." "

In private, he can be cold, but outside, the great and holy character cannot be lost.

"Sorry, great "Motherlandman", I was just too excited.

While enjoying Qiao Sen's, Azu turned around arrogantly: "Without permission, next time I will cut off your hand."

"Understand, there is absolutely no next time. "


The press conference was over, and it was already late at night.

After the excitement, "Starlight", who had never experienced all this, was a little tired.

Her mother Donna has been sent back to the hotel where she stayed by the Walt Group to rest, and only she and the "deep sea" who accompanied the whole time were left in the background.

"Not ready to be a star, is it?"

quipped Deep Sea with a gentlemanly smile on his face, like a gentle senior.

"Yes," Starlight brushed his fluffy curls embarrassedly, a little embarrassed, "I thought I was ready, but it wasn't, and when those flashes came on, my head was blank!"

"No, you are born with a superhero temperament, just that faint smile, that's enough, fans and endorsers will like you."

"I can't do without your help, I mean, thank you

!" "You're welcome, we're a family now!" Encouraged

by Deep Sea, Starlight's affection for him was even greater.

After all, when she was a girl, the room was full of posters of the other party.

At that time, "Deep Sea" had already joined the seven-person group and was also a well-known fresh meat-level idol.

Being able to become a colleague with an idol, at this moment may be the happiest girl in the world, right?

"By the way, you haven't seen our office yet, have you?"

Deep Sea suddenly suggested, "We have an exclusive command hall, right in the Tower of Seven.

"You'll see you tomorrow when you officially report for duty, but would you like to go up and see it now?"

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