The "deep sea" on the other side shrank back to the back, and he knew very well who the waste in the mouth of the "motherlandmen" was talking about.

It turned out that there were still people who were scolded together, but now the "locomotive" is dead ....

He now misses the idiot who only eats calories all day.

"I'm in the toilet... Well, no, I overheard some news that another new member seemed to have been recruited by the board. The

"invisible man" said, revealing his original appearance, a greasy middle-aged man with hairspray on his head, because he can control carbon skin to achieve complete optical invisibility, so he often hides in some corner to eavesdrop on intelligence.

Fortunately, he also has a superhuman-level physique, and he has not been bothered by any diseases when walking birds all year round.

Another newcomer is said to have "locomotive" level speed, and the use of a pair of high-tech pistols capable of releasing electricity as a weapon is also one of his selling points. Hearing

that the new members also had exclusive high-tech equipment, Deep Sea's expression was a little displeased.

"The technical department has never mentioned that there is such equipment, and I think I can use a similar weapon. "

Leaving aside those advantages that are only available in the water, his combat effectiveness is arguably the worst of the seven.

Although the dead ghost "Locomotive" is also not good at fighting, once it runs, the destructive power is still enough.

In the United States, the vast majority of crimes tend to occur on land.

This makes "Deep Sea" look like a trash fish with soy sauce every time he participates in a team to participate in heroic activities.

Even his physical strength is strong enough to carry machine gun bullets.

"If you want to electrocute yourself in the sea, you can apply for one."

The Invisible Man scoffed.

Seeing that the "deep sea" did not speak, he then turned to the "people of the motherland".

"Boss, that's all I know.

"Looking for a replacement for the locomotive? Saying

this, Azu still had some doubts in his heart.

Among the speedsters, in addition to the perennial number one "locomotive", the most competitive is "Shockwave", a white hero who can also reach the speed of sound at extreme speed.

As far as he knows, "Shockwave" has not said anything at all recently, and if his character is selected for the seven-man group instead of "Locomotive", it has long been known to everyone.

Maybe you can go to Madeleine and ask....

Azu's Adam's apple subconsciously moved, and his mind was full of the warm milky embrace of Madeleine like a mother when she sought comfort yesterday.

Forget it, this kind of trifle will not bother her.

Anyway, when the official conference comes out tomorrow, we will be able to see the difference.

"Okay, let's move on to the next agenda. The

"motherlandman" made a decision, immediately stood up, supported the table with his hands, leaned forward slightly, and looked at his team members with great aggression.

The death of the "locomotive" means that his share of dividends is temporarily vacated, and of course, the share of the "lamplighter".

"While the newcomers haven't joined yet, you can just bring up anything you want to say."

"If it's a suitable proposal, I'll consider adopting it."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of all the heroes present lit up, including "Xuan Se" and sat up a little.

Except for a hot man, there is no one who does not love money.

Superheroes are certainly no exception.

A discussion about the division of interests soon began, and the atmosphere in the hall gradually became fiery.

At this time, only the long chestnut hair "Queen Maeve" showed a little bit of disinterest.

After simply expressing his opinion, he looked bored at the sky outside the window.

It was as if the quarrels of this group of people at the meeting table had nothing to do with her.

Once upon a time, Maeve also joined the Group of Seven with a heroic dream in her heart.

Until now, heroic dreams of what shit have been worn out by the reality of copper smell.

Superheroes are just a group of ordinary people who have accidentally mastered superpowers, and even have a personality worse than ordinary people.

She has long seen through such a fact and is inevitably assimilated by it.

Superheroes are just a decent job for her.

To put it bluntly, it is rotten.

Clocking in and out, the income is not bad, that's all.


A curly-blonde haired "Starlight" dressed in a white-gold battle suit stepped down from a limousine sent by the Walt Group with his mother Donna.

Standing with your feet on the pre-laid red carpet, the towering Tower of Seven is close in front of you.

For "Starlight", who has worked hard to enter here since he was a child, now all this seems like a dream.

It had just been raining lightly, but that didn't dampen the enthusiasm of the fans.

As the lucky one who stood out in the audition, "Starlight" reaped a large number of fans with the sweet appearance and strong personal strength of the girl next door.

Even if she has not officially joined the "Super Seven", the support rate on the official website has long exceeded that of the "Locomotive" who has just died.

You must know that the combat effectiveness of LSP and strength fans has always been obvious to everyone in the rice circle.

The screams and flashes did not stop from the moment she appeared, which plunged the girl from the central city into a great surprise and unreality.

"Are they all here to greet me?" heard

Starlight's incredulous question, and the long-awaited Ashley had a greasy smile on her face.

"Of course, sweetheart, don't underestimate your charm!" For

the sparkling cash cow sapling in front of her, Ashley naturally offered it in a good voice.

In fact, in addition to serving Vice President Madeleine, she is also an agent and assistant shared by the seven-person group.

Being able to let her leave her work and wait here for half a day is enough to show that Walt Group attaches great importance to newcomers.

"Starlight" was a little embarrassed by her, turned around and hugged her mother, waved in response to the enthusiasm of the fans, and followed Ashley quickly towards the passage.

"Miss Ashley, I heard that there are two new heroes going to join the group of seven today, what about the other one, has he already arrived?" said Ashley

apologetically, speaking quickly as she walked.

"No, my dear, you are the only new hero attending the launch today.

"But don't worry, Vice President Madeleine will pad for you before you appear, and the group has sent a card pulling hero to help you canvass."

"So there's nothing to worry about, you just have to put on your makeup and smile at them."

"Is that all right?" "

Starlight" faintly felt that this was not the same as the hero appearance he imagined, but as a newcomer, what could he refute?

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