The "motherlandman" who saw this scene suddenly felt ridiculous, this feeling was like looking in the mirror, and the Joson in his eyes seemed to have become another self.

At this moment, Azu even had a premonition of what was about to happen next!

The dimensional channel connecting his eyes suddenly opened, and Qiao Sen's gaze was on the "motherland" below, revealing a smile.

"Sight Shockwave", Deadly Mode


!! Two thick beams of ruby color shot out without warning, plowing the tumbling sea surface into a ravine to the bottom of the sea!

Even after predicting Jossen's ray attack, Azu's face still changed.

Bending down to avoid the first impact, then diving to accelerate, and avoiding the sweeping cut of the crimson shockwave.

For a time, it was the turn of the "Motherlandmen" to dodge frequently, and the offensive and defensive momentum suddenly changed

! "Enough!" Azu

, who could not avoid it, found an opportunity, and his eyes also shot out hot red rays!

In the huge hum, two destructive high-energy lasers collided precisely with the eyes of the two.

In the center of the wave, a huge amount of hedging energy was brewing, and it continued to move firmly in the direction of Azu.

The "motherlanders" who saw this scene felt that they were stupid, and the confidence in their hearts that came from invincibility was completely shaken and collapsed -

this man I would be, seemed to be stronger than me?

Regardless of Azu's violent fluctuations, Johnson deliberately adjusted the position of the wave to the left of the audience in New York City.

Establishing its own undefeated status, the dimensional channel connected by both eyes expanded abruptly, and the output power of the crimson shock wave suddenly increased! The

huge energy impact instantly broke the stalemate of the situation, swallowed up the "heat ray" that was powerless to resist, and blasted Azu and the people into the ocean with the beam.

After a moment of silence in the depths of the sea, a dark red light and shadow suddenly flickered.

A dull roar came faintly, followed by the explosion shock wave that caused the sea water to enter abnormal fluctuations, and finally triggered a tsunami of nearly 100 meters!

Traveling on a yacht on a leisurely vacation in the offshore area, the rich first felt the abnormality under their feet, and the originally stable hull of the ship swayed left and right as if drunk.

The sound of the sea tide from far and near is getting louder and louder, and the rich merchants and bikini girls subconsciously hold their eyes, but find that a white line on the sea level rapidly enlarges, and countless tons of sea water form a huge wave that destroys everything, smashing head-on towards

them! As several yachts are swept away by the waves and disappear, the tourists on the beach finally perceive the doomsday scene in front of them!

However, in the next second, God really descended in front of their eyes

! The azure light and shadow flickered, a black figure appeared in front of the huge wave at an unknown time, the right hand was raised, and the five fingers were spread, as if to single-handedly suppress the rioting ocean!

For a time, the dark tide under the sea was turbulent, but the sea was forcibly calm

! "Incredible..."

"Is God really appeared!

", "Is

that person a "motherlander"?"? "It looks like, but when did the "motherlandman" launch the black suit?"

"Passed on, the "Motherlandmen" have once again saved the world!" Just

as people were ecstatic to take pictures of Qiao Sen's crazy praise, a blue and red figure appeared where the huge wave fell.

"Uh..." The

corner of Azu's mouth, which was hidden in the waves and preparing to sneak attack, twitched, and the waves suddenly fell, but he remained in the air.

Four eyes facing each other, who provokes who embarrasses whom.

"Look, that seems to

be the "motherlander"!" "How can there be two "motherlanders"? It's the new Walt heroes!" "

Are they making a new movie?" The

people on the beach were talking, and the organic ones had already taken out their mobile phones to take pictures like crazy.

Johnson glanced at the excited crowd, and a "flash" appeared behind Azu.

"Take it easy and do as I say.

Joson affectionately hugged the shoulders of the "motherlander", who instinctively tensed his muscles, and when he heard the other party's words, his face turned livid.

"Join me in smiling and waving at them, and you don't want to get beaten up and cause your public support to drop, do you?"

Azu smiled stiffly and raised his hand, waving with Johnson to the crowd on the beach.

Even reluctantly, he instinctively shows his best side to the audience.

But his mouth squeezed out a question without much confidence: "What do you want to do?"

Qiao Sen patted him on the shoulder, showing the same sunny smile as Azu on his face, and said with unclear meaning.

"Who eats the staple food as soon as he comes up..." As

he spoke, a blue light wrapped his body and disappeared in place.

In the sky, the body of the "motherlander" trembled, and the face that lost his smile showed a hint of gloom.

He didn't see that just before Johnson left, a large purple hand penetrated his body and grabbed something, and immediately disappeared into the air.

Super Vision scanned back and forth, but could not catch the black figure that suddenly disappeared.

"He also has the superpower of teleportation..." Realizing

this, Azu ignored the excited fans on the beach and accelerated away abruptly.

He needs to confirm the identity of the man with the help of the database of the headquarters, and he also needs a warm embrace to comfort his sudden loss of security.

A whistling sonic boom sounded, and the sky became empty in an instant, leaving only a curse that was silenced by a loud noise...

“...... Shett!"


Office of the Vice President.

Madeleine looked at the "locomotive" in front of her like a child who had done something wrong, and her mood was very unpleasant.

"Hell, can't you take a second look as you walk, my dear Mr. Locomotive?"


So of course you need me to come out and wipe your ass, right?"

Madeleine Stiwell cursed in her heart, and the old face that still had the charm still had a habitual encouraging smile for Azu.

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