Looking at each other face to face, Qiao Sen's eyes were calm, but Azu's expression looked a little surprised.

With his super eyesight, he could clearly see Qiao Sen's face more than ten kilometers away.

But it wasn't until now that I noticed the faint sense of oppression emanating from the body under the black and gold robes.

Azu: ?

How can it be?

I have always been the one who is best at oppressing people with power, why do I feel an unprecedented sense of oppression from this man with an Asian face?

"You were just peeping at me?"

Looking at the unfamiliar black-haired man in front of him dressed as a standard superhero, the "motherland" spoke suspiciously.

"That's not peeping, I'm greeting you openly, don't you perceive it?"

Jossen shook his finger at Azu, flatly denying his accusations.

"Otherwise you wouldn't have found this place so easily."

"Motherland" frowned slightly, the other party's tone did not have the respect that others had for themselves, even in the group of seven, this was absolutely not allowed.

However, he instinctively realized that the guy in front of him who was wearing a pitch-black lightning suit and burning with blue flames all over his body was not simple, so he didn't have the first attack.

So here's the problem.

The world's transhuman beings are in the hands of the Vought Group, and this man is undoubtedly a transhuman.

Even if it is a plan that he secretly promotes, there are not many successful cases so far.

So, this man is also his own person?

Thinking of this, Rao is Azu was also a little unsure, and couldn't help but ask: "I never seem to have seen you?" Which division are you the new superhero?

"Half right, I'm a hero indeed."

Qiao Sen's handsome and resolute face showed a sunny smile that made the "motherland" sigh to himself, and his next sentence made the atmosphere under the sky drop to freezing point in an instant.

"And you're just a super scum in the guise of a hero."

Qiao Sen's provocation succeeded in provoking Azu's anger, his eyes lit up with a blazing red light that frightened countless gangsters, and his face showed the trademark smirk that he had performed countless times: "Man, I have to say that you seem to be overconfident..."

A powerful sprint punch interrupted Azu's taunt and the "heat ray" that was accumulating in his eyes, and he only felt that a black light and shadow had appeared on his face, and the unexpected punch was thrown almost at the same time, causing him to fall back violently like a cannonball!

In the sky, Qiao Sen's fist-clenched figure appeared in Azu's original position, and the force field cloak behind him was straightened by the wind, which showed how powerful his righteous sneak attack was just now!

Hiss -

After a brief blank in his mind, the "motherlander" stopped his retreat in the air and touched the corners of his mouth in surprise.

The red gloves were stained with a trace of blood that was not easy to distinguish, and the pain at the corner of the mouth only then came.

He's actually hurt!

Although it was only a minor injury, it was an experience that Azu had never enjoyed since he became an adult!

"Very well, you managed to provoke me."

Bang bang bang -

a violent sonic boom sounded, and "Motherlander" rushed into the sky at a faster speed, his right fist smashing into Qiao Sen's face with the huge kinetic energy given by speed, obviously with the idea of retaliating with a tooth for a tooth.

However, the ideal is plump, but the reality is that Qiao Sen easily turned to one side, and let Azu's inevitable blow fail.

At the same time, while he didn't have time to close the momentum, he punched him in the abdomen with a backhand!

Azu gasped, and although he felt the pain as he was prepared, he was not hurt by it.

On the contrary, due to the closer distance, he was finally able to attack Qiao Sen, and the two superhumans suddenly beat each other in the sky.

For a while, the roar of heaviness like piling continued to sound, and two figures that broke through the speed of sound were entangled in pursuit, and in the blink of an eye, each of them received several heavy punches from the other party.

The vastness of the sky gave them plenty of room to maneuver, and the battlefield once hit the ocean from the sky over New York!


A ripple rippled between his fist and Jossen's cheek, and he was punched by Azu head-on, and his reaction was only to tilt his head back slightly.

Turning around, a ferocious headbutt once again interrupted the "heat rays" that lit up in Azu's eyes.

This blow made the blonde sunny boy concuss, a little distracted, and he was hit by Qiao Sen's Konoha whirlwind on his neck, and the whole person smashed into the sea with a "bang", and the splash once reached the level of the Philippine diving team, and even the dog had to shake his head when he saw it.

"Oh no, beating Azu in "Immortal Mode" seems a bit cruel!"

Qiao Sen in the sky looked at the sea with some concern, which had not moved for a long time.

Azu's basic value is inferior to his own under normal conditions, and now in the state of full firepower, he is even more completely inferior.

The super energy factor in his body could indeed bring tens or even hundreds of times the increase in base force speed, but Qiao Sen also had a similar super talent.

Just wanted to retract a little strength, a figure with a grim face came into view.

It was General Zode who frantically beat Dachao at the beginning, but was counter-killed at the end!

How similar is the current situation to the Kryptonian civil war!

In order to prevent the aura possession of the protagonist Azu from suddenly exploding, Qiao Sen hurriedly put aside his distracting thoughts and clenched his fists even harder.

"Then be a little more cruel!!"


At this moment, two red beams of light evaporated a large amount of seawater and shot towards Qiao Sen!

Azu surfaced with the momentum of the return of the king, and the "heat rays" in his eyes glared at Qiao Sen, forcing him to move quickly to dodge, looking very embarrassed.

"You can't run away!"

Azu had a sunny smile on his face that he hadn't seen for a long time, but the bruises on his face became more and more conspicuous under the illumination of the "heat rays", and he looked a little undignified.

"Hey, you're doing it, aren't you?"

Flying to dodge is really not as easy as moving his head and eyes, being chased and shot all the way by Azu, Qiao Sen suddenly raised his arm, and effortlessly blocked the high-temperature rays that were enough to cut through steel!


Azu, who was still laughing sunshine a second ago, looked stunned at this time.

He subconsciously stopped shooting "heat rays" from his eyes, and saw two faint red spots on Qiao Sen's wrists, and the surrounding structure of the suit was surging to fill in the past, and in the blink of an eye, the damage was repaired as new.

( ° Д °)!!

Azu was shocked at this time, he had never encountered an enemy whose strength and speed were no less than his own, and he was able to resist the "heat ray" with his bare hands!

However, the smile did not disappear, it just shifted to Jyosen's face.

's a showdown, I'm not pretending!


Two jewel-like red rays lit up from Qiao Sen's eyes, and there seemed to be hot magma tumbling in them.

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