From Lord to Dimensional Demon

Chapter 76 Heading deeper into the gray fog

After letting Fang Pingping go back, Shen Fei called Li Tingyu again.

"Next, you will be busy outside for a while. I will leave a space gate in the previous external base. In addition, I will also leave these coordinate stones for you. There is no need to be stingy in using them."

"Don't worry, my lord, everything will be arranged properly." Li Tingyu looked relaxed.

Although there are many things, there is really no problem for her.

Whether it's trading resources, or spreading trade and military support to the entire region, she can handle it easily.

Even after having the coordinate stone, she could still take care of the territory.

The cultivation of spiritual seeds, the refining of basic utensils such as armor and long knives, the translation of local civilization texts and the processing of book information, the construction of basic facilities in the territory such as the residences of the territorial residents, and even two spiritual beasts Feeding and care of

These are all extremely trivial things, but someone must do them.

It can be said that just from the role of sharing trivial matters, Li Tingyu is really indispensable to Shen Fei at this moment.

"Next, I plan to go to the depths of the gray fog." Shen Fei said, "You still have to recruit a second internal affairs hero to help you as soon as possible. If there is no boss at level 5, go to level 6. Otherwise, , you just don’t have time to train at all.”

Li Tingyu did not refuse this time, but nodded slightly.

In her opinion, although these matters can be easily handled at this stage, in the future, two people will definitely be in charge of internal and alliance affairs.

If she keeps running on both sides, her efficiency will also decrease.

After thinking about it, Li Tingyu said again: "There are still many unknown possibilities in the deeper parts of the gray fog, and they may not only be higher-level monsters. Your Majesty, why not use time acceleration props to upgrade all defense towers and exploration towers to level two, with materials and source crystal are enough, so that you can be more relaxed after entering deeper levels. "

Shen Fei nodded.

Although it will waste a few hours of acceleration time, you really don't need to worry too much.

Nowadays, the first-level defense tower is in a deeper layer of gray fog, and it is afraid that even the mobs cannot be eliminated.

"That's it." Shen Fei said, then opened the space door and entered the small world.

Li Tingyu is very busy, but in fact he is not too relaxed. In the early stage of rapid development, there are always many things to do.

Even the Zhutian Mall building has an extra "Trading Order", but Shen Fei has not yet considered clearly whether to leave it to the local civilization that may exist, or to randomly throw it into the Zhutian and gamble on his luck.

But at the moment, killing monsters is the most important thing.

Especially the top ten rewards for bosses, the earlier you get them, the better.

"Let's go." Shen Fei took Valerie and three other citizens and set off deeper into the gray mist.

The reason why I traveled in person was mainly because I wanted to explore the map more while on the road.

He has used time acceleration props to upgrade the exploration tower to level two.

Then reduce the exploration angle of the exploration tower to the lowest "one degree".

Explore the radius up to ten kilometers!

Now he can control the direction of the space door. Therefore, he can explore the surrounding map with a radius of ten kilometers by simply controlling the space door to turn around!

This efficiency is even several times more terrifying than at the beginning!

As they moved forward, a large area on the lord's map became clear, revealing the appearance of the forest itself, and even scanning many wild monster nests, as well as the location of the lord.

After stopping and going like this, it took about three hours for Shen Fei to reach the boundary line deeper into the gray fog marked on the map of the ruins.

It is said to be a boundary line, but there is no obvious dividing line in the concentration of gray fog. The concentration of gray fog here is already close to twice the level of the novice area. If Shen Fei's strength had not been upgraded to level three and his eyesight has been greatly improved, The visibility is probably less than five meters.

Even now, he could only vaguely see about fifteen meters away.

What really plays a big role is the map and exploration tower.

It can be clearly seen on the map that there are many red dots in front of them.

They are no longer concentrated in wild monster nests like the novice area, but more evenly distributed.

"It's not very convenient to find the boss like this." Shen Fei frowned slightly.

The map does not show where the boss is, all wild monsters are red dots.

"My Lord, if you enter rashly like this, you will easily be surrounded." Vallie said.

"Yes." Shen Fei nodded, "There are already wild monsters coming towards us. These guys seem to be very sensitive to creatures like us. I guess it has something to do with the gray fog."

Although it is possible to retreat into the space gate when surrounded, it is difficult to advance after all.

"Why don't we try to advance from mid-air?" Vallie suggested, "Master, use the exploration tower to explore from mid-air and see if you can find anything."

"I'm afraid it can't be done." Shen Fei shook his head, raised his gaze and said, "Mid-air is not very safe either."

Unlike Valerie, he could clearly feel that some threats were coming from above.

There are no flying wild monsters in the novice area, which doesn't mean there aren't any in the deeper levels either.

Speaking of which, there are so many wild monsters here, but they seem to be restricted. They have never gone to the novice area. I don’t know if there are really any restrictions, or if these wild monsters can only be found in such gray areas. You can survive under fog concentration.

Shen Fei didn't think too much and looked at the three fellow citizens who were following him.

Two men, one woman.

At this moment, they are all wearing battle armor, and their tall figures are equipped with sharp long knives, which is intimidating.

"Let's push forward like this." Shen Fei said, "No matter what, we have to fight. Just in time, let me see your true strength after you advance to the third level."

"Yes!" The three leaders responded in unison, and anyone could see their soaring fighting spirit!

So, together with the shadows, a group of six people headed directly towards the gray fog in front of them and crossed the boundary!

The map showed that there were already many red dots rushing towards them, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

Even the roar could be clearly heard.

When these monsters really came into view, Shen Fei couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Because, these turned out to be a group of goatmen with a height of two meters, bulging muscles, and holding various wooden sticks as weapons in their hands!

Yes, that's the Goatman.

It looks like two twisted long horns reversed like a demon, with a ferocious face, scarlet eyes, and a hot breath in and out of its mouth and nose. If it were not for the lack of wings and sharp claws, plus the goat features on the dark face. It was too obvious, Shen Fei might think that this was a devil!

And among the flashing electric stones, the people in charge had already rushed forward with long knives in hand.

At this moment, the long knife was shining with a faint blue spiritual energy visible to the naked eye!

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