From Lord to Dimensional Demon

Chapter 75 It’s like destiny

Those who can travel here are all young people between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five.

Maybe there are other conditions.

But now it seems that they are indeed from all walks of life and are diverse.

Of course, even without Li Tingyu's reminder, Shen Fei could tell that many people were talking nonsense and just didn't want to give up this opportunity.

"Quiet." Shen Fei said, with a hint of thunder in his voice.

All of a sudden, everyone fell silent.

Shen Fei's power is evident.

But their eyes on Shen Fei were still fiery!

The current situation is already very clear.

The man they saw now would undoubtedly rule the entire area, and even already ruled it! And since the other party has expressed the idea of ​​establishing an area and establishing order, then these lords who stay near this man will undoubtedly have the advantage of being near the water and building first come first served!

If it can be trusted and reused, let alone safety, glory and prosperity are just around the corner!

"At the moment, my focus is still on world activities. All relevant issues you mentioned, I will hand over to Li Tingyu, the person next to me." Shen Fei raised his hand and introduced, "She was recruited by me A domestic hero, I fully trust her abilities.”

Everyone looked at Li Tingyu with shivers in their hearts.

Secretly stunned.

Although this person's appearance is pleasing to the eye and even lingering, his ability to easily control people's hearts is really frightening.

Maybe he also has the ability to read minds.

They can already imagine that it is basically impossible to work under this person, cheating, cheating, and other things.

No matter how smart or cunning a person is, he still has to do things honestly.

Heroic unit. I’m so envious.

"In addition." Shen Fei pointed to Li San, who was standing in front of the citizens like an iron tower not far away, and introduced, "This is General Li San. I will appoint him as the general of the alliance. All wild monsters I will leave all the handling of the lair to him. In addition to the areas that I personally cleared and the areas extracted by the combatants in the alliance, I will also set aside a part of the wild monster lair for the lords below the rare level. You If you are willing to take the path of combat development, you can try it, one person or multiple people can do it.”

Some people's eyes also brightened when they heard these words.

Especially lords with high-ranking subjects.

It is quite dangerous for them to deal with wild monsters by themselves, but it is still possible to become stronger by farming monsters.

I originally thought that with such a strong man and such an alliance that almost covers the whole area, all the wild monster resources would be occupied by them, but I didn't expect that some of them would be left for them!

Probably only a very few people could see that Shen Fei did this to enrich the promotion channels for the lower-level lords, not only to select talents, but also to stabilize people's hearts.

"I really can't tell." Among the crowd, a man who looked quite silent suddenly chuckled in a low voice, "It's like destiny."

Shen Fei glanced over without leaving any trace.

There are only three lords coming today who have subjects above the rare level.

In addition to Fang Pingping, there were also the men in suits whom I had seen before, and this man who seemed to have a dull personality.

The reason why he paid special attention was because Li Tingyu had just sent a message to him, saying that this man had the temperament of a "superior".

However, Shen Fei didn't pay too much attention.

He believed that when the order was perfected, those who were truly capable would naturally stand out.

"You can publicize what happened today on the regional channel." After leaving these last words, Shen Fei shouted again, "Fang Pingping, come with me."

Then he turned around and walked away.

Only Fang Pingping was stunned for a moment, then he was overjoyed and trotted over.

The others looked on with envy.

Who makes this fat guy with glasses an epic-level citizen? There are only nine in the whole district!

"Tingyu said, do you hope to build an alliance center and truly join the alliance?" Shen Fei said to Fang Pingping.

"Yes, Alliance Leader." Fang Pingping nodded sharply, "Thanks to Alliance Leader's help, I have raised two hundred source crystals."

"Then do you know that the lord who is the first to start production in the workshop building will be rewarded." Shen Fei said casually.

Fang Pingping was stunned for a moment.

The lord who produces first is also rewarded?

Doesn’t that mean we need to order products for production as soon as possible?

Fang Pingping was very troubled, but still gritted his teeth and said: "I can still fight wild monsters myself. Leader, I still want to join first!"

"Not bad." Shen Fei showed a smile, "A bit determined."

Fang Pingping suddenly beamed.

"It's just that you should also know that your personal ability is not outstanding among the lords." Shen Fei said again.

Fang Pingping's expression suddenly tightened.

Just looking at the expression of his emotions written all over his face, Shen Fei's evaluation of him was right.

However, Shen Fei was not here to attack him.

So he stretched out his hand, patted his shoulder, put on a serious expression and said:

"So, you have to read more, learn more, and improve yourself so that you don't deserve my rescue of you yesterday."

"Yes!" Fang Pingping shook his head and shouted loudly, his face turned red with excitement.

"Go ahead. If you don't understand, just ask. I've already asked Tingyu and Li San to teach you more. In addition, I sent your invitation to join before you set off. You can see it when you return."

"Yes! I will never let the leader down!" Fang Pingping became even more excited.

From the alliance leader, he saw the alliance leader's importance and trust in him!

What kind of character is the alliance leader? He definitely has the deepest feelings!

Just speaking to him so gently was enough to make him excited!

Fang Pingping even felt that he was suddenly full of motivation. Apart from anything else, if he failed to live up to the trust and attention of the alliance leader, he himself would not be able to forgive himself!

However, he obviously didn't notice that Shen Fei was looking at his back with a somewhat profound look.

In this world, ordinary lords can be treated indifferently, because as long as the system is perfect and the interest relationship is intact, even if some lords scold him behind his back, it will not have much impact.

However, it is obviously not possible to treat high-level lords.

Especially the epic level with only nine people.

He needs to establish certain personal relationships and strengthen his influence.

For Shen Fei, Fang Pingping, who had just entered university and was still naive, was the easiest one among the nine lords to exert influence and cultivate loyalty besides Hua Jiwen.

As for ability, it can be developed slowly.

He thought that Fang Pingping could not be said to be uncultivated.

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