"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

Ye Han grabbed Qinglin's shoulders with both hands, moved gently, carefully placed it on the bed, and was about to get up.

At this moment, the little girl who had been stupefied all the time suddenly stretched out her hands, hugged his neck, and pulled his body down.

The little girl was embarrassed and didn't want to see Ye Han leave her again.

However, due to the face-to-face relationship between the two, Ye Han's body collapsed when she was caught off guard, and then the two peeped at each other.

Time seemed to stand still. I don't know how long it took, Ye Han came back to his senses and tried to break free from the girl's control. The discomfort is not something that an ordinary person like him can contend with.

Qinglin's delicate melon seeds had tears that had never dried up on her face, and her eyes were filled with mist. She still looked at Ye Han in such a stupid way, not feeling shy at all because of the ambiguous actions of the two.

"Qinglin, what's wrong with you?" Seeing this, Ye Han could only barely raise his head, his mouth was detached from the girl's lips, and he asked worriedly.

After he finished speaking, he involuntarily licked his lips, and sighed inwardly for no reason, "Qingscale's lips are so soft, and there is a faint fragrance."

"Brother Ye, I miss you so much, if it's a dream, I'll never want to wake up, please, don't drive me away again, okay? I've been so tired and tired all these years outside! ~" The girl who had been stupid for so long finally made a move, she hooked Ye Han's neck with one hand, unwilling to keep him away from her, while the other hand gently caressed his face, her voice was mournful , with a look of exhaustion on his face.

Seeing this, Ye Han couldn't help but feel distressed.

Thinking of the scene where the girl was seriously injured twice and unconscious, he finally realized the sinister nature of the rivers and lakes.

"Okay! Brother Ye will never drive you away again." Ye Han said.

"Brother Ye, you are so kind."

Qinglin smiled, and the delicate melon-seed face burst into a bright and moving smile, like the blooming lilies in the mountains, which made the humble living room bright at this moment.


Ye Han was about to speak, but his words were interrupted by Qinglin's movements.

The girl's arm was slightly forced, and Ye Han's just raised head was pressed down again, and he was greeted by a small red lip.

"This..." Ye Han was stunned.

The mouths of the two were tightly pressed together, leaving no gaps, only the breathing was slowly becoming rapid, but it was like two puppets, and there was no follow-up action.

The faint fragrance lingered on the tip of Ye Han's nose, the girl closed her eyes quietly, and as time passed, a gap quietly leaked out of those eyes, secretly looking at Ye Han in front of her.

After a long time, Ye Han opened his mouth unexpectedly, and driven by his primitive instinct, he began to explore beautiful things.

The clumsy movements gradually became skilled, the rigid body began to regain vitality, and the two big hands also joined in the exploration of beautiful things.

After two or three minutes, Qinglin also learned, and unconsciously began to respond with selflessness...

Um! ~

The two figures twisted and twisted together like two pythons, and suddenly, the man under them let out an uncontrollable groan.

This sound, like a thunderbolt from the blue, directly brought the confused Ye Han back to his senses.

Seeing the person with blurry eyes, flushed cheeks, and shortness of breath in front of him, Ye Han quickly got up and stumbled out of the room.

When I came to the well, I quickly poured a bucket of cold water and poured it directly from my head.

Through the heart, the heart was flying, and a bucket of cold water quickly cooled the boiling blood.

"Pop! Ye Han, you bastard, she is your sister! How could you, how could you do such a thing to her?"

He slapped himself fiercely, looking at his palm, Ye Han was a little lost.

Although I know it shouldn't be, but the taste just now is really wonderful, and now I look at my palm, as if there is still a smell of Trensu left...

Qing Lin was lying on the bed, staring at Ye Han's embarrassed escaped figure with blurry eyes. After a while, the thumping heart returned to stability.

"Is it a dream just now? Or is it real?" the girl muttered to herself.

A cool breeze came from the door, and the girl seemed to feel it. Looking down, her face flushed with shame, and she quickly pulled up her open clothes.

Then her body froze slightly, and she finally realized that it seemed... not a dream.

"I'm embarrassed." The pretty face blushed, the girl pulled up the quilt and wrapped herself directly to make an ostrich.

After a while, she lifted the quilt again, turned her head and looked out the door, only to see a figure standing there dumbfounded, wondering what she was thinking?

In the end, missing overcomes the shyness in my heart.

The girl got up, sorted out the messy clothes, and walked towards the yard.

As the distance between the two narrowed, the girl's heart beat faster and faster again.

Reaching out to hold her chest, the girl blushed and took a deep breath, trying to suppress the shyness in her heart and stop recalling the scenes just now, but the closer she got, the more her thoughts were out of her control.

"Qing, Qinglin, why did you come out?" Ye Han felt someone approaching behind him, turned around and saw that it was the little girl, and immediately said, "Your body's injuries are not yet healed, so you can't walk around casually."

After finishing speaking, Ye Han walked forward directly, and couldn't help but say that a princess hugged the little girl and quickly returned to the room.

This action was completely instinctive, but after putting the little **** the bed, Ye Han couldn't help but recall the scene just now, and his eyes instantly became a little dodgy.

Looking at Ye Han, Qinglin was also a little shy, her face was red and she didn't dare to speak, and the atmosphere between the two instantly became a little charming.

"You, you rest for a while, I, I'll cook something for you." Ye Han quickly got up and said with a dry throat.

I didn't feel anything before, but after what happened just now, when Ye Han looked at Qinglin, he always felt a little uncomfortable, as if something broke away from the shackles in his heart, and he was always eager to face the girl.

After he finished speaking, Ye Han hurriedly turned around and was about to run away, but his arm was caught by a palm.

"Brother Ye, I, I miss you so much." The girl's beautiful eyes were full of affection, she looked at Ye Han quietly, her eyes met, and she slowly spit out a few words.

Charming and embarrassing, shyness and evasion disappeared at this moment, and they were instantly shattered by the words of the little girl.

Ye Han's steps of leaving instantly turned around, and he sat gently on the side of the girl's bed, stretched out his palm and gently stroked the girl's head, saying, "I miss you too, since you left, I've been worrying about you every day. I look forward to your return one day. I will clean your room every day, but your bedding is already rotten~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The flowers you picked with your own hands have already withered, and I can only replace them every once in a while... …”

"Brother Ye, don't drive me away again, okay?" The girl slowly got up from the bed, snuggled into Ye Han's arms, and said with a slender, jade-like palm gently caressing his face.

"Yeah! From now on, as long as you don't want to, no one will let you leave again." Ye Han looked at the girl's begging eyes, nodded slightly, and said with a smile on his face.

"Brother Ye, why are you being so nice to me?" Qing Lin said.

Although she had asked this question more than once before and received the same answer, this time it represented a completely different meaning.

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