"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

Ye Han was naturally unaware of the battle in the Endless Sea.

Since Qinglin left, Ye Han has completely turned into an ordinary person, with the sun rising and the sunset resting.

Although life is simple, it is also not very interesting.

Seeing the vegetables and fruits he grows, all kinds of food blossom and bear fruit, and then wither, prosper, and rise and fall, except for occasionally thinking about the little girl who left, Ye Han doesn't think life is so boring.

early morning!

Ye Han got up early as always, opened the door and stretched out, the face covered with various stripes was exposed to the air.

After living in this village for so many years, although the people in the village did not communicate very much, no one criticized his appearance. Even those children just chased and asked him curiously after discovering his appearance. In the end, it seemed that he had been told by the elders in the family, so he stopped and asked no more.

In this way, he feels a lot more comfortable, and he doesn't have to go out every day wrapped in a thick package.

His short sky-blue hair gleamed in the sun. Although his face was ugly, his figure was excellent. His shoulders were wide and his waist was narrow, and his limbs were slender. He looked like a clothes rack.

A person's temperament will affect a person's image.

In those days of the blood evil mercenary group, Ye Han acted carefully, and the originally tall figure gave people a sneaky feeling.

But after leaving the mercenary group for so many years, his timid and cautious character has long since changed.

At this moment, although he is dressed simply, and although there are still dense birthmarks all over his face, his figure is abnormally tall and straight, giving people a feeling of heroism.

Stretching a little, he looked down at his feet and was about to go out.

However, just this moment, he was stunned.

The blue eyes couldn't help blinking slightly, and some doubted whether he hadn't woken up yet.

"That's right, it's a person, and looking at this back, it feels very familiar." Ye Han said to himself.

Lying in front of him was a woman with long black hair and a white dress.

She is petite, but she is exquisite and graceful, just lying on the ground, but her slender waist, straight and round legs, and uneven curves are all exposed.

Ye Han quickly squatted down and took the woman's body into his arms.

After seeing the woman's appearance clearly, Ye Han's heart trembled fiercely.

"Qing, green scales!" Ye Han said with a trembling voice, no wonder he was so familiar when he saw this back.

At this time, Qinglin's gleaming white melon seed face was pale, with a trace of dry blood hanging from the corner of her mouth, and there was also a bloodstain on her chest.

The girl's eyes were tightly closed and her breathing was weak. Perhaps because of the pain, the pair of slender Liu Yemen were tightly mixed together, and the people watching were deeply distressed.

Ye Han shouted twice, but the girl in his arms didn't respond.

Ye Han was shocked, and quickly carried the girl into the room.

"Qinglin, don't be afraid, Brother Ye will prepare a medicinal soup for you to heal your wounds. Wait, I'll come right away, Brother Ye won't let you have an accident." Ye Han gently stroked the girl's face and helped She straightened her messy hair, then gave the girl a distressed look before leaving her room.

Ten years of Jianghu Road, thousands of bones and souls.

In the past 10 years, Qinglin has been chased and killed, and has also killed people, and has experienced adventures and dangers.

The experience far beyond ordinary people made this girl exhausted. After fighting with people again, she suddenly felt exhausted like never before.

Then she thought of the small village like a paradise, the only one who was kind to her without asking for anything in return.

In the blink of an eye, after so long, she suddenly wanted to see him, talk to him, and talk about her experiences over the years, even to the tombstone.

The girl dragged her injured body, ran for hundreds of millions of miles, and finally came to the place she had been thinking about.

It was another peach blossom season. She saw that the house built by the two of them was still there, and the familiar scene made her unable to move her footsteps.

Looking at the house, she seemed to be back at the beginning, back to the time full of laughter and laughter.

The girl approached little by little, and finally came to the door of the room.

She felt the sound of breathing in the room, and also felt the familiar breath.

Her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and her breathing suddenly became rapid...

Then because of her emotional excitement, the injury she had suppressed all the way finally broke out.

A mouthful of blood spit out, and the girl's petite body fell softly to the ground.

In a trance, she had a dream.

In the dream, Qinglin returned to the mercenary group she met with Ye Hanchu. She was placed in a bed made of weeds. Although the environment was not good, for Qinglin, it was the most important part of her life. The most comfortable, safest and most beautiful place I have ever slept in.

There, she was carefree, like a home found by a wanderer, as if no one had a harbor for duckweeds...

There, she was taken care of for the first time, and for the first time someone saw the scales on her body and praised her beauty instead of disgust...

Although that man was not good-looking, it was the first time that Qinglin felt warmth and peace of mind. The two of them were aliens in the eyes of the world. One was born of snakes and humans, and the other was a monster born with birthmarks. , Originally, the two of them were lonely and abandoned by the world, but it was these two who met, as if destined, like a born couple.

The two understood each other, tolerated each other, and spent the happiest time...

The long eyelashes blinked, the tightly closed eyes slowly opened, and the bright bedroom appeared in front of him.

His face was icy cold, and it was tears that fell from a dream.

The dream turned into a nightmare, and she was awakened by the bright trace of blood on the corner of Ye Han's mouth.

"No! Brother Ye, don't!~" With a sharp exclamation, the girl suddenly sat up from the bed.

Ye Han, who was lying beside him, heard the exclamation, his body trembled violently, he jumped up from the bed, and then he saw the figure of the girl sitting on the bed.

A look of joy flashed in his eyes, Ye Han hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Qinglin, you're awake, you slept for five days, you scared me to death, you know?"

Qinglin stared blankly at the figure that appeared in front of him~www.wuxiamtl.com~ with blank eyes, but a silly smile appeared on his face.

"What's wrong with you? Don't scare me!" Ye Han said, but Qinglin smiled slyly, staring at him tightly without saying a word.

"You, what's wrong with you? Is it because the injury has not fully recovered, so you lie down first..." Ye Han held Qinglin's shoulders with both hands, his movements were gentle, as if he was caring for a piece of exquisite china, and he looked very cautious and cautious , let the girl lie down again.

Qinglin obediently followed his movements and lay on the bed, and then the moment Ye Han put her down and was about to get up, the little girl suddenly stretched out her arms and hugged Ye Han's neck...

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