From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 590: : time rushes

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

As the sun sets, a solitary tomb stands, and a girl travels far, creating a sad picture.

Time hurried like running water, ten days passed by in the blink of an eye, and some fresh green shoots appeared on the solitary new grave.

Blue sky and white clouds, a scorching sun hangs high in the sky, and the sound of insects and birds echoes between heaven and earth, making it seem peaceful.

At this moment, a figure in red wafted out of the tomb. If it was in white, it would be fun, but unfortunately it wasn't.

The woman looks about twenty years old, 180 cm tall, with long fiery red hair hanging down to her waist, skin like jade, wearing a red dress like the sunset on the horizon, light and ethereal, with a ribbon tied around her waist, outlining the figure of the woman. That golden ratio body curve is really alluring.

"Master, you really know how to play!" Looking at the tomb in front of her, the woman whispered to herself, and there was some teasing in her cold voice.

This woman is none other than a raging flame in the shape of heaven and earth.

After so many years, the once small flame had re-condensed its body with the help of Ye Han, and completely woke up last year.

After waking up, she got the instructions that Ye Han had left early. Until the last moment, she was not allowed to intervene in this matter. This was an experience and a perfection of her own way. It was extremely important and should not be missed.

In the past, Ye Han was too arrogant. Even in the years after his transformation, or during the period of amnesia, he was always arrogant and did not eat the sufferings of the world, and lacked some experience.

After exposing himself in the space formed by the will of heaven and earth, it took Ye Han half a year to reunite his body, and then he also realized that his xinxing was insufficient, so he gritted his teeth and did not do it endlessly, so that he could completely transform into the mortal. Forget everything into the world for the final experience.

"Is this the last step for you now? If I don't help you, I wonder if you will starve to death in it?" Li Yan smiled and touched his chin, muttering to himself.

In the dark coffin, Ye Han pushed the coffin board with both hands, his eyes were dark, and his heart was full of despair.

He remembered everything before committing suicide, but what he discovered after committing suicide could only rely on his own guesswork.

Although he guessed that Qinglin had buried himself, at this moment in his heart there was an unpleasant statement.

He committed suicide and did not die. In the end, do you want to starve to death in this coffin board?

It has been three days, and there is no suffocation at all. Ye Han doesn't know the reason, but he is hungry!

At this point I felt dizzy.

"Open it for me!" Ye Han tried hard with both hands, trying to make his last effort.

It's a pity that a mortal's strength is limited, the coffin board is thick, and there is a thick layer of soil on it, how could he push it away.


In one breath, Ye Han was completely paralyzed in the coffin.

Outside, Rie Yan looked at the solitary tomb, ignoring the soil and the coffin board in front of him, directly seeing all Ye Han's actions clearly, the delicate red lips couldn't help but lift slightly, and some couldn't help laughing. .

"Why? I'm so miserable, why do you do this to me?" Ye Han, who took a breath, couldn't help but roar, and slapped the coffin board above his head.

Seeing this, Rie Yan quickly waved his palm, and a fiery red fighting spirit shot out of her hand, flying directly to the grave in front of her.

Then there was a loud bang, the tomb exploded, and the coffin board inside was torn apart...

Ye Han's body sat up directly from the coffin, glanced around, and then looked at his palm stupidly.

"I, I actually came out."

After muttering in disbelief, he looked away from his hands and looked around again, the disbelief in his eyes was even heavier.

"This, is this what I did?" Ye Han murmured to himself as he watched the mud fly over, the coffin board shattered, and the ground was a mess.

Looking around, he seemed to see a flash of red light in the corner of his eyes, but when he searched carefully, he found nothing.

"Have you had hallucinations?" After muttering to himself, Ye Han stood up from the coffin, reached out and touched his chest, and found that the injury had actually healed.

Ye Han, who didn't know how long he had been lying in the coffin, didn't take it seriously. Now that he has a big heart, he is too lazy to think about things that he can't figure out.

After leaving his tomb and walking fifty or sixty meters, he came to his residence.

Looking at the three tile-roofed houses in front of him and the small fenced courtyard, Ye Han couldn't help but flash the petite figure in his eyes, thinking of the scenes when the two of them built this small home.

The laughter, the laughter, the happy time, unfortunately, can never go back.

From the moment he couldn't cultivate, the two were doomed to never be together, and his so-called protection was just a joke.

Shaking his head, Ye Han turned around in each room, then returned to his room.

If you are alive, then life must go on.

Taoyuan Village is a bit strange. The people here never farm, and every family rarely visits. The villagers only nod or say hello when they meet occasionally. The seemingly peaceful village is actually not that close.

However, Ye Han is an exception. Since he settled here, he has opened up several acres of fertile fields in front of his house and planted various crops.

Working at sunrise and resting at sunset, although without the green scales, life seems a lot more boring, but compared to the days in the blood evil mercenary group, life now is thousands of times better.

When the fruits and vegetables are ripe, the few children in the village come together.

Although Ye Han was not familiar with their parents, he was very familiar with these children.

Because Ye Han is a good cook, these little guys have been eating and drinking with him all these years.

Ten years later.

Endless seas, the kingdom of ten thousand demons.

Queen Medusa sat high, with a pair of phoenix eyes, looking at Di Tian and the others below, and said, "Are you sure it was their hands?"

Hearing this, Di Tian shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Since the old dragon king of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan came forward two years ago and reconciled our conflicts with those those people have restrained a lot, even if occasionally Shooting will not leave us any evidence."

"Shrink all the ethnic groups and take strict precautions. Time, we need time." Queen Medusa clenched her fists after hearing Ditian's words.

After she finished speaking, she looked at the purple-haired little girl who was sitting in the starting position, as if everything had nothing to do with her.

"Zi Yan, I will depend on you for the rest of the time." Queen Medusa took a deep breath, her face softened, and she looked at the little girl sitting there.

If it weren't for the prestige of the little girl's father's father over the years, and there was a little girl sitting in town and acting as a facade, the life of the soul beast clan would probably be more difficult, and it would not necessarily be destroyed by the clan.

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