From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 589: : lonely grave

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

three years later.

Early in the morning, the curling smoke rises.

This is a village located in the vast mountains. There are hundreds of households, and the pink peach blossoms are in full bloom. The name of the village comes from this, called Taoyuan Village.

The morning glow is splendid, the green smoke curls, and it is peaceful and beautiful.

In the outermost part of the village, a fenced courtyard is located, and three green tile houses form a warm home.

The door of a house opened, and a figure wrapped tightly around his body sighed and walked out of the door.

Sighing in the early morning, showing the mood of this person.

After his door was opened, the door of the other tile-roofed house was also opened.

A girl dressed in white who looked seventeen or eighteen years old appeared at the door. Her figure looked petite and a little thin, but her figure was very good. The place that should be big is big, and the place where there should be meat is absolutely unambiguous. A person has a petite and delicate feeling.

The girl was bathed in the sun, and her white melon-seed face was more transparent, like a tender white jelly, which looked extremely attractive.

"Brother Ye, don't be discouraged, we can think of other ways..." The girl couldn't help but said when she looked at the man who wrapped herself into a zongzi.

Although the two were not under the same roof, the girl seemed to know the man's every move like the back of the hand.

These two are none other than Ye Han and Qinglin.

Hearing the little girl's words, Ye Han smiled slightly, but the corners of his mouth under the face towel were hard to hide.

It has been three years, from full of hope to a little bit of despair, this is an extremely painful process.

Now it is time to wake up from the dream.

"Qinglin, your injury has already healed, and now you should leave." Ye Han said.

The girl is a practitioner, and her strength is not weak. Ye Han has long known this. Originally, Ye Han still had some expectations in his heart, expecting that he could cultivate, and then he would have the capital to take care of the girl.

But he deceived himself for three years, and now he has stopped dreaming, and it is time to recognize the reality.

Girls have their own world, and they shouldn't waste a good time here with an ordinary person.

"Ye, Brother Ye, what are you talking about?" Qinglin's expression changed, and she looked at Ye Han in a panic.

In the past few years, Qinglin has already identified Ye Han as the eldest brother, and has also thought about the future of the two, and worked hard for it.

In the past few years, she has found a lot of exercises for Ye Han from around, looking forward to him being able to practice. When the time comes, the two of them will travel to the Dou Qi Continent together. However, she did not expect that she is still full of expectations for the future, but Ye Han But the first step was disheartened.

"Listen to me, Brother Ye is just an ordinary person. After decades of flicking his fingers, he was only a cup of loess, but you are different. You have great skills and strong talents, so you can't waste it for me. You still have A wider sky." Ye Han said with a smile.

"Go! With my dream, go to a wider stage. If I can have a powerful sister like you in this life, I will have no regrets even if I die."

After he finished speaking, Ye Han walked directly into his door, slammed the door shut, and shouted loudly, "Go, in order for me to practice, you have already delayed for three years. A cultivator's golden years of practice are limited, don't do it. Make me feel that I owe you even more, go!~"

"Ye, Brother Ye, did I put too much pressure on you? Don't worry, I will never urge you to practice again." Qinglin looked at the closed door, the tears in her eyes seemed to be disconnected The beads kept rolling down, and suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her heart, as if something had been dug up, and the pain made her unable to breathe.

"Between you and me, it's like people and ghosts have different paths, and the difference between immortals and mortals. It's better to separate from you and me as soon as possible. Let's go!" Ye Han said with a painful expression, but his tone was unprecedentedly serious and firm.

"Brother Ye, I'm not leaving, you are my relative, the only person in the world who treats me well without asking for anything in return, I will always be with you." The little girl looked at the closed door with a face on her face. Tears kept falling, but the voice was just as firm.

Crunch! ~

The closed door was opened again, Ye Han had just stepped out, and the petite figure of Qinglin threw himself into his arms like a milk swallow, hugged his waist tightly, and said in a trembling voice, "Brother Ye, don't do it. Can you drive me away?"

The bright eyes were full of water mist, and a small face looked at Ye Han with pear blossoms and rain, full of anticipation.

It's a pity that Ye Han has made up his mind, and he doesn't want to delay the girl.

As he said, the reality is cruel, he is just an ordinary person, and the girl has a vast sky.

To her, this small mountain village was a cage.

"Since I am the rope that restricts your soaring, then I will cut it off." Ye Han stretched out his palm and gently stroked the girl's smooth black hair, speaking softly.

As his words fell, the anticipation in the eyes of the little girl who hugged him tightly turned into panic little by little.

"Ye, Brother Ye, no, no, I, I'll listen to you, I'll go, is it okay if I go?" the girl shouted in a trembling voice.

But, it's too late.

Blood gushed out from Ye Han's mouth as if he didn't want money. The gentle expression on his face remained unchanged, but his body fell down weakly.

A dagger plunged deep into his chest, completely shattering his heart.

The little girl knelt on the ground, holding Ye Han's body and constantly pumping vindictive energy into his body, trying to maintain his vitality, but unfortunately, it was all in vain.

"Leave here, take my dream to the wider sky, and don't think about me anymore." Ye Han said, wanting to raise his palm to touch the girl's face, how can he still have the strength at this time.

"Yeah! I, I'll listen to you. Brother Ye, I'll leave when you get better, okay?" The girl wept and grabbed Ye Han's hand, which was also wrapped in cloth, and placed it on her face, begging.

Ye Han heard the words, blood flowed from his mouth, but a bright smile appeared on his face, he nodded with all his strength, and then his palm slipped, completely losing his vitality.

The girl stared blankly at all of this, and I don't know how long it took before she let out a hoarse cry.

Why is this happening?

She really regrets it. If she knew this, she would leave even if she was reluctant!

Holding Ye Han's body, the girl knelt down in front of the door. Three days passed before she came back to her senses. She remembered Ye Han's exhortation before her death, and let her live a good life with his dream. Go down and hit a wider stage.

The girl knew very well what Ye Han's dream was, and that was to gain the power to protect her, but with Ye Han's eyes closed, the dream was broken and everything was in vain.

"Brother Ye, I'm sorry, I killed you, I will listen to you and live with your dream." She kowtowed three times at the lonely grave, and the girl got up and walked away.

The girl stayed for three looking forward to a miracle, Ye Han could be as safe as the last time, even if his heart was damaged.

Unfortunately, this time he was disappointed.

Full of guilt, she left here step by step.

At dusk, a solitary tomb stands, looking so desolate...

PS: If I write the words "complete book" here, I don't know what will happen? Does anyone want to kill me?

Just kidding, this book is about to end, but I don't know how to end it best, I have a headache...

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