Chapter 576 Injury

After a month of recuperation, the girl's injury finally stabilized, but it is not so simple to recover. I originally wanted to wait for Ye Han to return, so I would say goodbye to him and find a way to heal my injury. Who knows but saw this scene.

Shocked by Ye Han's injury, her reaction was half a beat. When she heard the insults from the two, the girl had already endured to the limit, but she never imagined that there is no most hateful thing in this world, only more hateful.

Brother Ye has been hit hard, but instead of showing the slightest sympathy, these two are so vicious, scolding and beating.

Seeing this, Qinglin couldn't bear it any longer.

The aura of the Seven Star Dou Zong completely exploded, and the two ordinary people were just scared to pieces, and they knelt on the ground.

"Damn you." The girl said, her voice was incomparably cold, as if the cold wind from Jiuyou blew through the hearts of the two in front of them, causing the two of them to tremble fiercely and get goosebumps all over.

The two people were sweating coldly on their temples, but they couldn't even bother to wipe them.

"Sir, forgive me, I, we didn't do it on purpose, please raise your hand and forgive us!" The two of them kowtowed and pleaded with trembling voices.

"Forgive you, you are both ordinary people, and you are engaged in the profession that others look down on the most. You don't want to support each other, but instead take pleasure in trampling on the same people around you. People like you don't deserve to live." These few people were talking nonsense, and a powerful grudge blasted out from their hands between the waves, directly blasting the two out of the door.

The two smashed through the door like a broken sack and flew out. After landing, they didn't even hum, and they lost their vitality.

"Who dares to make trouble in my blood evil mercenary group?" With a call of harmony, the two figures sensed the murderous aura here, and quickly cut through the void, rushing towards here. That's what it means.

"Beginner level Dou Zong, dare to be arrogant." The girl shouted angrily, and the aura of Seven Star Dou Zong was fully opened, which directly caused the two to change color.

The girl who was originally timid, with the improvement of her strength, her personality has already changed in the past few years in Tian Snake Mansion, and she has learned to be ruthless when dealing with wicked people.

"Who is your fellow Daoist? It seems that my blood evil mercenary group has never met fellow Taoist, let alone offended him. Why did fellow daoist do this?" The head and deputy head of the blood evil mercenary group fell from the sky and saw the two at a glance. The already cold servant's expression changed slightly, and he said sternly and restrainedly.

"You really didn't offend me, but you offended my friends." The girl said.

"I don't know who your friend is. If there is any offense, I will definitely apologize."

"If that's the case, then it's fine for each of you to leave an arm, and this matter will be revealed." The girl said coldly.

After speaking, she slowly turned around, hugged the unconscious figure's head, and lifted the mask on his face little by little, revealing the ugly face of others, but looking at this face, the girl did not The slightest disgust and fear, but full of sadness.

He took out a healing elixir from the storage space and put it directly into the man's mouth.

In this situation, it is self-evident who the girl's friend is.

"There must be some misunderstandings among fellow Daoists, but A Chou was rescued by us! He is doing errands with us, and we will give him a bite to eat..." The deputy head said, but was interrupted by the girl's life.

"He's not called A Chou, he's called Ye Han, just because of this, every one of you and one arm are light." The girl said.

After these days of getting along with Ye Han, how could the girl not know what kind of virtue this mercenary group is.

It's right to say that they are mercenaries, but they are also bandits in their spare time. If they were really good people, Ye Han wouldn't have brought the girl back secretly at the beginning, just like a thief, he didn't dare to let others see.

It can be said that in this mercenary group, there are not many good people up and down.

Usually they are mercenary groups that obey the rules and take tasks, but as long as there is time and opportunity, they will also become bandits and bullies who block the road and rob.

"Fellow Daoist, do you really want to offend our two Dou Zongs for being a waste?"

The two have been licking blood for so many years, and naturally they will not be killed because of the girl's words.

"It seems that you don't want to, then go to die!" The girl said, slowly putting Ye Han down, and stood up. At this moment, that petite and exquisite body seemed to fill the universe with the **** of war, exuding an unspeakable Domineering.

At the same time, two other green pupils appeared in her pupils.

Those are the three-flowered eyes of the green snake, which have the characteristics of controlling snake monsters. Although there is no way to control humans or other types of monsters, if the strength is not as strong as the person who has the three-flowered blue snake, the soul will be imprisoned by the other party and change. Become a walking dead, controlled by the other side.

At this moment, the three flower cones of the green snake appeared, directly imprisoning the souls of the two people in front of them, and controlling the other's body.

"Cut yourselves off, you guys!" the girl opened her mouth and ordered like a queen.

The souls of the two floated between the girl and the two sentences of walking dead, and their faces showed an unconcealed color of fear, but they could only watch their bodies raise their palms, and then suddenly patted their foreheads.

Boom! ~

With two muffled noises, the two tall bodies fell to the ground as soft as noodles, and blood gurgled from their foreheads.

Then the two lost their bodies, and their souls like rootless duckweed no longer had the slightest resistance. They were directly pulled into the space formed by the three flowers of the blue snake by a strange force. The three snakes were refined and absorbed, and became the nourishment for the girl to improve her strength.

After everything was done, the girl turned back and picked up the ground. The man whose face was covered with strange traces rose into the sky and quickly disappeared into the vast darkness.

"This is?"

In a cave, the girl looked at the man lying on a flattened stone with disbelief in her eyes.

There is an obvious sword mark on the man's chest, running through the front and back, but his vitality is still unabated, still tenacious.

Of course, these are not what surprised the girl the most. What surprised her the most was that the man's heart had already been frozen through. If this kind of injury was placed on an ordinary person, it would have already cooled down. How could there be a pulse still beating? ?

The girl checked it carefully, and found that the man was indeed an ordinary person, with no vindictive fluctuations on his body, and even his dantian was empty.

However, his physical vitality was still the same, in a way that even girls could not understand, bursting with vitality one after another, maintaining his vitality.

After taking another pill for him, the girl bandaged his wound, and could only temporarily suppress the doubts in his heart, waiting for him to wake up as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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