From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 584: : Blue scales

Chapter 575

To be honest, even though Ah Chou's appearance had been secretly seen just now, but seeing it with his own eyes, he still couldn't help but make the girl nervous.

Fortunately, the girl is also very human, and she didn't show any fear or disgust because of Ah Chou's appearance.

"You, you're awake!~" The sudden voice brought A Chou back to his senses, his eyes blinked involuntarily, and then he said excitedly.

Although Ah Chou's appearance is not flattering, his eyes are very beautiful. The blue eyes are clear and translucent, like a clear sky.

Seeing A Chou's heartfelt joy and joy, the girl felt as if she had saved the whole world. She felt extremely satisfied. She couldn't help but smile, like a blooming lily, fresh and elegant, and nodded slightly.

"You, you look really good." Looking at the girl's bright and ethereal smile, Ah Chou touched his head sincerely and honestly, and said sincerely.

After he finished speaking, there was a hint of sadness in his eyes, and he thought of himself.

Compared with the girl in front of him, he was like a toad in the mud, while the other party was an elegant and noble swan.

"Does it look good?" The girl's smile narrowed slightly, a trace of sadness appeared in her eyes, she gently rolled up her sleeves, and then looked at Ah Chou and said, "Do you still think I'm good-looking now?"

As the girl's sleeves were rolled up, the two jade-like arms were exposed to Ah Chou's sight.

But what attracted Ah Chou's attention was not the crystal-like jade wrist, but the gleaming scales slightly upward.

"This is..." A Chou's eyes showed curiosity and he stretched out his palm, but he was forcibly stopped his rash move in an instant.

Looking at the glistening scales in the dark room, Ah Chou said sincerely, "It's so beautiful, like a gem."

When the girl heard the words, her expression froze slightly.

She is the offspring of snake people and human beings. She has been bullied since she was a child. No matter which clan regards him as a malpractice, she spurns her.

Ah Chou's face resonated with the girl and reminded her of who she used to be, so after seeing his expression, she thought of showing him the scales that represented her true identity, in order to balance his mentality.

But he didn't expect that the scales that ordinary people would spurn on her were still beautiful in his eyes.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's too late for others to hate this thing, how can it look good?" The girl put down her sleeves and said.

"Don't lie to me, I have seen the gems in the mercenary group, and the light they emit is not as beautiful as the scales on your body." Ah Chou said.

"All right!"

The girl glanced at Ah Chou, her eyes narrowed slightly, showing a hint of joy from her heart. This was the first time someone said that her scales were beautiful.

But her face was calm and said, "You saved me, I still don't know what your name is?"

"Me, they all call me A Chou because I'm too ugly." A Chou said.

After speaking, he sat down a little frustrated.

"They call you A Chou, so you must have another name?" The girl had a clear mind, Bing Xue was smart, and keenly sensed that there was something in A Chou's words.

"I have another name, but, you..." Ah Chou looked at the girl and hesitated.

"I want to know." The girl said directly.

"I, my name is Ye Han, but they don't call me that." Ah Chou said with a dejected expression.

"Ye Han, I'll call you Big Brother Ye from now on, okay?" the girl said.

"I, this, okay!" The expression on Ah Chou's face changed quickly, and he was a little stunned at first. He didn't expect the girl to say such words, and then hesitated, but when he saw the sincerity in the girl's eyes, he just clicked He nodded and said, "Girl, I don't know what your name is yet?"

"My name is Qinglin. Big Brother Ye will just call me by that name in the future. Don't call me a girl."

"This, okay!" After a little hesitation, facing the girl like a porcelain doll, Ah Chou couldn't help but feel a little inferior, but when he saw the seriousness in the girl's eyes, he could only nod his head in agreement, and then some more. Sadly, "I'm so useless, and now I don't even have the medicine to treat you."

"Don't be sad, if it weren't for your pills, I might never wake up in my life. You saved my life! Now that I have woken up, it's only a matter of time to recover." He smiled and comforted.

"Yeah!" Ye Han nodded gloomily and said, "You rest for a while, I'll find you something to eat..."

After he finished speaking, Ye Han turned around and walked away. He had always been obedient, and looked like a clown in the eyes of others, but at this moment he was so tall and majestic...

A month later, one night, two tall figures carried a stretcher and pushed open Ye Han's door.

"Mad, this kid's life is really tough. He didn't die even if he was pierced by a sword." Putting down the stretcher, one person wiped the sweat from his forehead and cursed.

"Who said it wasn't! It's been a hundred years since he died. Hanging like this, we're going to have to carry him back. It's estimated that it won't be long before we have to carry him out." Another person echoed.

"I don't know what the head of the regiment thinks. It's just a waste person. If he dies, he will die. He wants us to..." The previous person answered.

"Shh! Don't you want to live?" The other person was startled and hurriedly interrupted.

Because of the words of the previous person, a cold sweat broke out from fright.

Because of this person's reminder, the complaining person also woke up instantly, knowing that he had said something wrong, his face turned pale, and he glanced left and right, only to be relieved when he found that there was no one there.

How could he be arrogant about the decision of the head of the regiment?

"It's all to blame for this looks so ugly, why do you still live in the world, smearing other people's eyes and wasting air." The relieved man turned his fear into resentment and vented it all. On the figure on the single frame, he was not relieved after scolding, and directly raised his foot and kicked it.


This kick left no hand, and directly kicked the figure on the single frame over, and rolled from the single frame to the ground.

"You two bastards, **** it!"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded.

In this small dim room, a figure suddenly appeared, like a ghost, and the voice seemed to come from the ghost.

"You, who are you, who are you?" The two of them were startled by the sudden scene, and looked at the figure that appeared out of thin air with trembling lips.

Her head was full of blue silk flying, and she was dressed in white. In this dark room, she suddenly appeared like a ghost. Although she was petite, her aura was astonishing. The two of them knelt directly on the ground with a plop, and their courage was completely vented.

(End of this chapter)

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