When Bo Saixi heard this, a feigned anger rose on his face.

But the next moment was a smile.

She knew that it was Ye Han who saw his state and deliberately adjusted the atmosphere. She knew best about her figure, which time did not make the man in front of her go crazy, and this was what she was most proud of.

"From the moment you and I met until my heart was captured by you unknowingly, but now that I think about it, it's like a dream, as if it happened yesterday." Bo Saixi looked at the far sky, muttered, his eyes were a little lax .

"That's not a dream, don't talk about it, get a good night's sleep, and let's talk about everything after you recover, okay?" Ye Han gently lifted Po Saixi's cheek, smiled and said in relief.

"I'm a little scared, I'm afraid I'll never have a chance again." Bo Saixi said.

"Don't talk nonsense, you've said it all, you've been mine for the rest of your life, and I won't allow you to die, who would dare to take you away?" Ye Hanjun said with a cold face.

"I don't know how my daughters and the others are doing, I really want to see them!" Bo Saixi said, with a smile and two lines of tears on his face unconsciously.

Blood and tears blended together, meandering down, poignant and sad, like an elegy played, filled with a sense of despair.

Bo Saixi can feel how bad his condition is, and he is only one step away from death. Before, he didn't feel how terrifying death, but only now did he realize that he was only a mortal, and he was also afraid of death, full of fear of death. with awe.

"Be obedient, don't think too much, let go of your mind, and trust me, okay?" Ye Han gently stroked Bo Saixi's blood-stained face and said softly.

Bo Saixi was too badly injured. Even Ye Han couldn't make him recover immediately, but he was able to control her injury and prevent it from getting worse.

But the premise is that Bo Saixi must have no distractions, and achieve an ethereal realm where the mind and the soul are transparent.

Otherwise, once that method is used, it will not save people, but kill people.

"Well! I listen to you, if there is no other way, don't force yourself, take care of your daughter, this life, even if this is the last time, but with you by my side, I have no regrets, take care of yourself and protect Own."

Bo Saixi saw Ye Han in his eyes, and keenly noticed the anxiety in his heart, so he raised a palm and gently stroked the face of the person in front of him, his eyes fixed on his cheek, following the weak The voice sounded, as if to carve his face into his bones.

"Fool! It's really just a sleep, how could I lie to you." Ye Han said with a smile, dark desire and tenderness.

Seeing that Bo Saixi was about to speak, Ye Han immediately raised his hands and surrendered, saying, "Okay, I promise you, I will take care of your three little darlings, as well as me, your big darling, wait. When you open your eyes again, we must all gather around you, so that you can see us at first sight, is this the head office?"

"Yeah! It looks like the Ye Han I know." Bo Saixi smiled and nodded, realizing that Ye Han was really anxious, and his current state was indeed on the verge of collapse.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Ye Han deeply. She didn't know how long it would take her to close her eyes before they could see each other again. Maybe she would never see each other again.

His voice, appearance, his demeanor, his every move, bit by bit, the memories of the two of them getting along, everything, were all remembered by Bo Saixi in his heart.

"If you can't do anything, don't force yourself, life and death are up to your life, I have lived for more than two hundred years, and I have a lover by my side, leaving me with the best memories, and three lovely daughters, life is full Well, even if it disappears like this, there is not much regret, you have to relax and don't put too much pressure on yourself."

After finishing speaking, Po Saixi's gentle water-like eyes finally slowly closed.

And as her mind was emptied, wisps of faint rays of light slowly emerged from Bo Saixi's slender and beautiful body. This is the manifestation of the transformation of the Tao. Once it is truly completed, Bo Saixi will be hard to find in the world. Disappeared and turned into a speck of dust in history.

Ye Han's face changed suddenly, he didn't dare to neglect at all.

"The realm, absolute zero."

An angry shout sounded, and a terrifying cold air instantly bred between the heaven and the earth, shrouding Bo Saixi, who was empty-hearted, and the boundless cold air spread, turning it into a lifelike ice sculpture.

However, the power of transforming the Dao is still continuing, but the speed has been slowed down.

"It's not enough, it's absolutely zero." Ye Leng drank, and countless golden light bloomed on his body, illuminating the gloomy earth under the heavy dark clouds, and the light continued to shine.

However, it is still not enough.

As Bo Saixi released her mind and fell into a state of forgetting things and me, the Dao wounds she suffered completely erupted, and the almost terrifying form quickly spread. Layers of ice had stabilized her body, and her real body must have been shattered and turned into a piece of debris.

"Inextinguishable Primordial Spirit, burn it for me! Absolute zero, it's time for you to show your true power." Ye Han almost roared, a golden flame jumped out from his forehead, that was the Inextinguishable Primordial Spirit. Burning, blooming the power of immortality, releasing the most original substance ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ condenses the absolute field, freezing all things, including the power of life and time.

An ice sculpture, the red glow reflected, lifelike and beautiful, Po Saixi's scarred face was restored at this moment.

The wisps of light of transforming Dao disappeared, and absolute zero fully penetrated into Bo Saixi's body and soul. Everything was completely frozen. Bo Saixi's injury finally stabilized, but if he wanted to recover, Ye Han took the lead. The current ability cannot do it.

Pfft! ~

A mouthful of blood spit out, and the injury he had just suppressed erupted again. The time Bo Saixi bought him was still too little to recover. The reason why he lied to her just now was just to make her not worry.

Under the burning soul now, it can be said that old wounds have not healed and new ones have been added. However, everything is not important. The important thing is that Bo Saixi is finally out of danger temporarily.

However, Bo Saixi is out of danger, but the things he has to face are still going on.

Nine days of thunder, and the avenues roared.

The thick dark cloud above the head spun, forming a huge vortex, thousands of rules and forces loomed, and a huge terror was bred in it.

A suffocating pressure emanated from it, as if a peerless monster was about to be born.

Dao is ruthless, he has no selfish desires, only the instinct to follow the rules and forms, but under Ye Han's repeated provocation, there is a faint trace of other emotions.

Anger, the rage of the Dao is endless.

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