Under the nourishment of pouring pure energy, the scarred body is recovering rapidly.

However, Ye Han still felt that it was too slow.

Bo Saixi and the rules of heaven and earth, the incarnation of the Great Dao, fought one against two, obviously it was a bit reluctant, and now only by quickly repairing himself and recovering can he be able to save the two.

"The sea is boundless!"

Po Saixi's mouth was bleeding, but he didn't show any signs of flinching.

The battle qi in the body evolved into endless seas. The woman was dressed in red, slender and tall, with undulating curves and graceful posture, but she was also domineering at the moment.

The long sea-blue hair was flying, the expression on that graceful and noble face was flat, her arms stretched, and countless thick sea tornadoes rose from the sea under her feet, carrying unparalleled enormous power, Directly bombarded the two people on the opposite side.

Clang! ~

As if gold and iron were fighting, one shot and one sword shot out directly from the hands of the two mysterious figures.

These two figures are mysterious and ruthless. There is no unnecessary emotional fluctuation at all, and they are not shaken by Bo Saixi's demeanor.

With one shot and one sword, it can break through ten thousand enemies, with unparalleled sharpness and unparalleled sharpness, like a dragon entering the sea.

The two weapons were incomparable. Although they were blocked by Bo Saixi's boundless sea, their progress was still unstoppable, approaching little by little with terrifying energy fluctuations.

"The tide is coming!"

As soon as Bo Saixi bit the tip of his tongue, his majestic fighting qi was pushed to the extreme, and the soul power far surpassed the imagination of human beings in this world.

The great river that has been rushing all the year round dried up, and the water level dropped in the endless sea area. In an instant, the endless power of water gathered around Bo Saixi, and then condensed into a three-foot green under her control. front.


With a cry of coldness, Bo Saixi walked on foot, the boundless sea was turbulent, as if her people were cheering, worshipping, and cheering for her.

The two swords were swung out, and the sword energy was like rain, silk, and fog, everywhere, water droplets pierced through stones, and softness overcame rigidity. In an instant, the spear and sword collapsed.

The red clothes are fierce, the blue hair is flying, and the three-foot green front is waving like a fairy Lingbo dancing.

When the sword light passed by, everything vanished.

Although the two mysterious figures manifested by the rules of the Heavenly Dao are extremely powerful and their means are against the sky, after Bo Saixi desperately tried, they could only end up with hatred, and it could not be said to be hatred, after all, they were not real creatures either.

So, is it all over?

No, not yet.

Everything is just the beginning.

Dao produces two, two produces three, three produces all things, evolves everything, and is endless.

The two figures died, Bo Saixi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, let out a long breath, and looked back at Ye Han, a smile flashed in his eyes.

"I'm also very strong, but in front of you, I'm willing to be a little woman." There was an unresolved love in his eyes, and his tense mind relaxed slightly...

But it was only a moment, and the thunder of Wanjun fell from the sky, directly drowning her...

Boom! ~

The deafening thunder seemed to come from an ancient war horn, terrifying and shocking.

The vast ocean that Po Saisi derived from was raging and raging, and waves of a thousand feet rose out of thin air, piercing the vastness and shattering everything.

Thick dark clouds rolled, dazzling thunder burst out, the ocean below roared and roared, and the waterspouts seemed to be sky-shattering blades, constantly bombarding them.

I don't know when, the sea water gradually changed its color, and the blue ocean rose with a ray of crimson...

Red is beautiful, red is sad, red is sad...

This battle lasted for a very long time, but after the red-clothed figure was covered by the endless thunder and lightning, it never appeared again.

Finally, Ye Han opened his eyes.

Without a word of nonsense, the peerless armor and the peerless spear appeared quickly, and his body disappeared in a flash, but he rushed into the thunder that filled the sky in an instant.

At this moment, the first shot is to go all out.

The spear is like a dragon, smashing all methods with one blow, erasing all traces of the Great Dao, and the endless thunder tribulation between the heavens and the earth collapsed in an instant. worlds.

With a bang, a figure shattered, no blood, no bones, but endless thunder exploded quickly, like a bomb exploded, and the huge destructive force spread, and Ye Han's impact was instantly destroyed. contain.

However, he has also come to Po Saisi's side.

"Have you recovered?" Bo Saixi turned her head, and she seemed to want to squeeze a warm smile on her dignified and elegant face, but her injuries were too severe, and her body was covered with dense dao marks. The whole figure is like porcelain that has been glued together, as if it will shatter with a slight touch, blood stains are all over it, dripping from her red clothes, and merging with the sea under her feet, dyeing it red. .

Ye Han's pupils shrank fiercely, and then nodded with a smile, "Okay, it's completely fine, I've returned to its peak state, I feel like I can shatter a planet with one punch now."

"Bragging again."

Bo Saixi smiled slightly, then looked at Ye Han, and said, "Am I ugly now!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Our family, Xixi, is the most beautiful, with peerless elegance and a mature style that no one can match." Ye Han said.

"Haha, cough cough!~" Bo Saixi forced a smile, but it caused physical injuries, resulting in a violent cough, and blood and visceral fragments kept spitting out of his mouth.

Ye Han hurriedly held her palm and put the power of his inextinguishable primordial spirit into her body to help stabilize her injury.

"I~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I must be ugly now, right!" After he stopped coughing, Bo Saixi was still concerned about his appearance.

"It's ugly, but you're not as ugly as when I was in the Killing Capital." Ye Han said.

"In the Slaughter City, haha, at that time you took too much Bloody Mary, and it became really ugly." Bo Saixi remembered the past and smiled, then looked at Ye Han and said, "But, even if I become an old woman , you can't leave me, this whole life, I'll depend on you, even if you die, it's your ghost."

"Fool, with me, how could you die?"

Ye Han pretended to be annoyed and looked at Po Saixi, and said with a stern face, "Don't talk nonsense, just get some sleep at most. Next time we meet, you will still be that fat, white and beautiful Po Saixi."

"Pudgy for nothing?" Bo Saixi's good-looking brows twitched slightly, looking at Ye Han, his tone became a little unkind.

"Haha, compared to other people, you do look a little fat, but don't worry, I like yours, it's more comfortable to hold in my arms." Ye Han said in a vague tone.

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