Before she knew it, Xiao Xun'er had come to the foot of a beautiful mountain.

Thinking of what was on her mind, at this moment Xiao Xun'er was already in tears, and the expression on her face was even more like crying than crying, like smiling but not smiling, which made people feel very distressed.

Dumbly looked up at the mountain in front of her, Xiao Xun'er sniffed, her expression slowly subsided.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"What's the matter, who made our little princess angry, so sad?" A gentle voice came slowly with unconcealed kindness and love.

The breeze is slowly, white clothes are flying, a black-haired woman, stepping on the thin morning mist, with a faint fragrance, like a nine-day Xuanxian, not in a hurry, but it is a step of a kilometer, and it appears in an instant. In front of Xiao Xun'er.

"Teacher, I, I can leave now, my father agreed to leave." Xiao Xun'er cried.

Facing a teacher like Xuanxian, she didn't want to be so unbearable, but she couldn't control her heart, and she couldn't help showing her weak side.

"Do you want to seek revenge on that person?" The woman in white said softly, raising her palm while speaking, and touching Xiao Xun'er's head with distress.


The more gentle the teacher, the harder Xiao Xun'er cried.

The woman in white stretched out her slender arms and gently embraced Xiao Xun'er, her young face full of kindness that did not match her age.

"You have to look forward, you can't always live in the sadness of the past. Now your father allows you to leave the ancient clan. It seems that you are going to find him, but do you really think about what to do?" The woman in white said.

The two of them looked about the same age, they were both about twenty years old, but facing the woman in white, Xiao Xun'er seemed like a little girl who was uneasy about the world.

When Xiao Xun'er heard the words of the woman in white, she sniffed involuntarily and said, "I, I want to kill him, but I'm worried, I'm afraid, I might not be his opponent."

"Teacher, you, will you help me?"

Xiao Xun'er raised her head, like a wounded kitten, with teary eyes, she looked at the woman in white pitifully, completely contrary to her past elegant image.

The usual Xiao Xun'er is elegant and inaction, giving people a sense of otherworldliness, but in front of the woman in white, she has become a perfect little girl.

The woman in white looked at Xiao Xun'er's pitiful appearance, the expression on her face became softer, the kindness in her eyes became heavier, and her love was barely concealed.

"I can't intervene in your relationship, but your father is kind to me. He helped me get rid of the pursuit of the Soul Heaven Emperor. Now you are my disciple. If you really decide to kill him, I can help me. You, but I hope you don't regret it." The woman in white said.

Regarding the relationship between Xiao Xun'er and that person, the woman in white heard Xiao Xun'er say that even her outsider, after hearing about Xiao Xun'er's experience, was angry at what that man did, for this girl feel worthless.

But as she said, emotional matters are private matters, and she can only be an audience, not suitable for expressing opinions.

The only thing that makes the woman in white feel a little curious is what kind of man, who can use two identities to make the always smart little girl want to gnash her teeth and love her unforgettable?

Unfortunately, the little girl told her everything about her experience and her relationship with that person, but she was always reluctant to mention that person's name.

"I've already thought about it, please help me, teacher." Xiao Xun'er raised her head in the arms of the woman in white, her eyes firm.

"Just think about it, I'm just worried, you can't do it yourself, so you asked me to help..." The woman in white touched the little girl's head, and there was a hint of euphemism on the beautiful face. A smile that makes all the flowers eclipsed.

Xiao Xun'er's eyes froze slightly, and she couldn't help but say, "Teacher, you look so good when you smile."

Xiao Xun'er is also an uncompromising beauty. She belongs to the best existence in the world. However, compared with the woman in white, she always feels that there is something missing.

It is the beauty that has been precipitated by the years, it is a kind of beauty that has been through the vicissitudes of the world, it is to see through everything in the world, it is elegant and indifferent like rain, the

When the woman in white heard the words, she couldn't help but stay for a while.

The two most important people in her life seemed to have said the same thing, and she smiled beautifully.

"Teacher, what are you thinking?" Xiao Xun'er asked curiously.

It was the first time she saw the teacher show such an expression, as if she was missing.

"I thought of my daughter." The woman in white came back to her senses, without any intention of hiding, she couldn't help laughing, "She once said the exact same words as you."

"Female, daughter."

I don't know why, when Xiao Xun'er heard the words of the woman in white, she suddenly felt a click in her heart, like a mirror full of cracks.

Although she is also a woman, the teacher in front of her is really outstanding.

Whether it is aptitude, strength or experience, it is rare in the world, and his appearance can only be described in one sentence.

In Xiao Xun'er's view, such a woman can only be worshipped as the Nine Heavens Xuanyue in the sky, and can only be viewed from a distance and cannot be harassed, but she actually has a daughter.

Xiao Xun'er feels that her goddess has been Haha, I'm over 100 years old, am I surprised to have a daughter? "The woman in white said with a smile.

"More than 100 years old, teacher, you are only 100 years old?" Xiao Xun'er couldn't close her mouth in surprise. She really did not expect her teacher to be so young.

The woman in white shook her head. The Douluo Continent is not the Dou Qi Continent. The people there are generally under 100 years old. Even the most powerful Title Douluo only has a lifespan of two or three hundred years. Absolutely old, but in Dou Qi Continent it is really nothing.

"Hey! The teacher's daughter must be very happy!" Xiao Xun'er said with envy when she saw the woman in white shaking her head.


The woman in white couldn't help but speak softly, and the figure of the proud and stubborn girl seemed to appear in front of her eyes.

Her life can be summed up in legends, but she owes her daughter.

She didn't take good care of her when she was a child, and she didn't fulfill the responsibility a mother should take, which made her grow up in loneliness and hatred.

And when she grew up, she actually wanted to kill her husband, and finally fell in love with that man hopelessly.


It's really absurd.

Even though she was reborn now and decided to say goodbye to the past and start over, she still felt an indescribable sense of shame in her heart when she thought of her encounter with that man.

"As my daughter, she is the greatest misfortune." The woman in white said.

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