From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 532: : Emperor Dou is alive

The two great fighting emperors are alive and have far-reaching influence.

First of all, their clansmen have obtained different degrees of strength improvement, and the most improved among them is naturally their direct clansmen.

Xiao Xun'er was originally a god-level bloodline. At this moment, her father's promotion to the Dou Emperor realm directly caused her cultivation to skyrocket. Originally it was only the Dou Zun realm, but at this moment, like sitting on a rocket, it instantly soared to the peak of Dou Sheng. If you give them more A trace of the origin of the Dou Di is likely to be another Dou Di.

Such an increase in strength was originally almost impossible, but since the world has changed, it has directly opened the door to these people whose talents are already against the sky.

Great changes in the world, the most obvious change is that it is easier to improve the cultivation of local creatures.

The whole world of Dou Qi Continent has skyrocketed, and treasures that have disappeared frequently appear in the world. Some Dou Saints who should have died in the world actually reappeared in the world with a wisp of remnant soul or obsession.

"I, my strength..." Xiao Xun'er looked at her hands, her originally indifferent eyes instantly filled with excitement.

The girl's elegant and proud figure trembled slightly with excitement.


The beautiful little face looked in the direction of her father. She suddenly got up and left her residence, and immediately appeared in her father's retreat.


The tightly closed bronze door made an unpleasant rubbing sound, and then slowly opened, Gu Yuan's tall figure appeared in front of Xiao Xun'er.

Gu Yuan, who was originally elegant and calm, could not hide his excitement at this moment, and a deep joy appeared on his face.

Whoosh whoosh! ~

Figures came from all directions, all with excited expressions on their faces. Looking at Gu Yuan, no matter how big or small they were, all of them burst into tears with joy and bowed their thanks.

Thank you, heaven, earth, thank you that I was able to be born in this era...

There is no doubt that the birth of a Dou Di of the ancient clan will lead the ancient clan to a higher status, and it will not be a problem to continue for another thousand years, and they are the witnesses and beneficiaries of this era.

"Father, congratulations on becoming a Dou Di." Xiao Xun'er stepped forward and looked at her father's ten-year-old face with a hint of joy that could not be concealed.


Gu Yuan nodded, stretched out his hand and touched his daughter's head, then his body condensed slightly, the surprise on his face instantly overflowed his words and said, "Xun'er, you, your cultivation."

"Thanks to my father, Xun'er is now a nine-star fighting saint." Xiao Xun'er heard Gu Yuan's words, a very touching smile appeared on her face, and gently hugged Gu Yuan's arm, said.

"Alright, worthy of being my Gu Yuan's daughter." Gu Yuan's face showed a smile like a blooming chrysanthemum, which was extremely bright.

Xiao Xun'er's breakthrough made him even happier than his own breakthrough Dou Di.

But after being happy, he inevitably felt a little sour in his heart.

Thinking that I was a genius among geniuses back then, but breaking through the Nine Star Fighting Saint, I don’t know how much hardship I suffered, how many opportunities I had, and how much resources I occupied in the family, but even so, it took hundreds of years. This has only reached the peak of Dou Sheng, but what about the daughter?

After all the calculations, she is only twenty-seven or eighteen years old!

Is it really that people are more dead than people, and they have to be thrown away when they compare goods?

"Father, I have enough strength now, I want to leave the family and go out to experience." Taking advantage of Gu Yuan's happiness, Xiao Xun'er held his arm and said the ultimate purpose of coming here.


The smile on Gu Yuan's face instantly subsided, and his brows were tightly knit together.

"Father, you didn't let me out all these years because I wasn't strong enough, and I knew my own problems, so I've been working hard for it, but now, I'm already a nine-star fighting sage. Besides you, there are other people in this world. Who can be my opponent? You can rest assured?" Xiao Xun'er hugged Gu Yuan's arm coquettishly.

When Gu Yuan heard his daughter's flattery, although he was a little proud, he was more uneasy.

He was able to break through smoothly, more because of the will of God and the trace of Dou Di's origin. In the dark, he also had a premonition in his heart.

"The troubled times are coming, what should my generation be like?" At this moment, thinking of the hunch in the dark, the joy of breaking through the realm of Dou Di has weakened a lot.

"You can go out, but let your master follow you? Otherwise, the matter of leaving will not be mentioned again." Gu Yuan said.

The calamity that makes him, the Dou Emperor, feel faintly uneasy is about to come. The Nine Star Dou Sheng is really not enough to see. If she is trapped in the ancient clan, she will be fine for a while, but it will only be harmful to her in the long run.

"Moo! Thank you father." When Xiao Xun'er heard this, a smile from the heart appeared on her beautiful and refined face. She stood on tiptoe and kissed Gu Yuan's face.

"How old are you girl..."

Gu Yuan smiled and shook his head. He really did not expect that a girl who has always been calm and prudent would have such a lively and free-spirited side.

"Hehe! No matter how old she is, she is still her father's daughter!" Xiao Xun'er laughed.

Then, without waiting for Gu Yuan to speak, he let go of his arm and quickly flew into the distance.

"Then I'll go to the teacher."

While talking, the figure has disappeared into the distance.

After leaving Gu Yuan's line of sight, Xiao Xun'er's innocent and cute, lively and relaxed face gradually became cold, like the ice of Jiuyou, exuding a piercing chill~www.wuxiamtl .com~ Ye Han, I'm going to kill you. "

Many years ago, she asked her second grandfather to go out and find out Xiao Han's whereabouts, but she got a shocking news.

The so-called Xiao Han actually has another name, his name is... Ye Han.

She didn't believe the news at all, but when the second grandfather led Ye Han to the Guanghan Palace to attack Canaan College, the reputation of Canaan College fell to the ground and had to be disbanded.

There, he was exposed and his mask was taken off, and then he had several women, one of them was Liu Erlong.

One thing, one personal identity, as the second grandfather said word by word, Xiao Xun'er had to accept this fact even if she didn't believe it.

"Xiao Han is Ye Han."

Xiao Xun'er, who accepted this news, just wanted to laugh and almost collapsed.

Ye Han, the person she hated the most turned out to be the person she loves the most. Is there anything more absurd than this in the world?


Xiao Xun'er can tell everyone clearly.

There is no most absurd, only more absurd.

Not only did she fall in love with Ye Han, but she was even willing to give her life, and she was complacent about it.

She was crazy, and after a long time, Xiao Xun'er recovered herself. She forced herself not to do what he thought. She wanted revenge, so she couldn't be that cheap beast.

She was going to kill him.

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