From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 467: : Tuoshe Gudi Mansion

Bibi Dong, a name Ye Han will never forget.

That is a woman who is both distressing and powerless.

The acquaintance with her, everything originated from a coincidence, but whether it was her or herself, it was so unforgettable.

Grievances and grievances are entangled, cutting is constant, rationality is chaotic, hatred gives rise to love, and love gives rise to pity, but good fortune makes people, because of Qian Renxue's relationship, there is always an invisible mountain in a woman's heart that can never be crossed.

Although I love him, think about him, and miss him in my heart, I can't let go of my knot and stay with him as a matter of course.

People who love each other can only turn them away again and again and push them into the distance.

Originally, Ye Han thought that he didn't know what year we met. After all, we were separated by two worlds, and Ye Han didn't know when he would be able to go back.

However, at this moment, Ye Han's heart was filled with happiness.

The moment Ye Han called out her name, Ye Han knew that the person in the distance was her, Bibi Dong.

That soft and noble queen, she actually came to this world.

Although the person in the distance was nearly 180 cm tall, with long black hair and clear eyes with clear black and white, Ye Han knew that she was her, his son.

Although her figure and appearance had undergone earth-shaking changes, how could he forget her demeanor and breath.

At this moment, the familiar feeling in my heart instantly turned into a feeling of longing and tenderness.

Ye Han let go of Hu Jia without any hesitation, the whole person rose into the sky, and flew towards the figure in the distance.

"Go away! Go find your new love."

Feeling Ye Han's rapidly flying figure, Bibi Dong burst out with a vigorous fighting spirit, and directly shook Ye Han back, then opened up a space channel between her waves, stepped into it with one step, and disappeared instantly.

Ye Han "..."

I am Nima!

Ye Han's mentality exploded.

When I came to the empty sky, I could only smell a little fragrance left by the beauty, but I didn't catch a single hair.

"Still don't want to be with me?" Ye Han said to himself, the look on his face was lonely.

On the other side, Bibi Dong stepped out of the void with a light blush on her face, looking left and right, looking for the figure of that person.

However, after searching for a long time and waiting for a long time, in the end I was lonely.

It wasn't until now that she remembered that Ye Han's strength didn't seem to have reached the point of breaking through space yet. She ran like a **** off. If he could catch up, he would be a ghost.

Knowing that she had done something stupid, Bibi Dong shook her head in annoyance, and then thought of the girl in red in Ye Han's arms, her face became slightly cold, and said, "Hmph, bastard, I won't go back to find you. Woolen cloth!"

After muttering in a low voice, Bibi Dong turned her head and glanced in the direction of Canaan Academy a little reluctantly. Like silver teeth, she was so arrogant that she made her fly directly in the other direction.

On the other hand, Ye Han didn't know what Bibi Dong was thinking at all, and thought that she still couldn't get past the level in her heart and didn't want to be with him, so she ran away after seeing her.

"But the current Bibi Dong, why did she become like this?"

Ye Han muttered to himself.

Her appearance has completely changed, she is completely different from Bibi Dong from Douluo Continent, and she cannot find the slightest resemblance. If it wasn't for her invisible aura and tone of voice, I'm afraid no one would recognize her as the female Pope of Douluo Continent back in the day. .

"Cough! Do you know that person?"

At this moment, a slight coughing sound came from the side, interrupting Ye Han's thoughts.

The figure of Mang Tianchi, the long-lost dean of Canaan College, appeared in Ye Han's eyes.

"She is my wife, why are you two fighting?" Ye Han looked at Mang Tianchi with indifference. He was not shaken by the identity and strength of the other party, but instead showed a condescending attitude.

When Mang Tianchi heard this, the expression on his face changed slightly.

Looking at Ye Han carefully, he felt that his Dou Qi cultivation was not very strong, but for some reason, there was a faint suffocating pressure on him, as if angering him would bring disaster. Same as coming.

"She destroyed the entrance to the secret realm that we have guarded for many years..." Mang Tianchi said with a bitter expression on his face.

After his remarks, Ye Han realized that Bibi Dong was actually shot from the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion guarded by Canaan College.

"If I were you, I would go to the ancient emperor's cave and have a look now, maybe there are some leftovers left." Ye Han looked at Mang Tianchi and said.

When Mang Tianchi heard Ye Han's words, his expression changed slightly, and he was obviously moved.

Immediately, he looked at Ye Han and said, "My little friend is willing to go together."

"I'm happy." Ye Han smiled and nodded.

Ye Han knew exactly what Mang Tianchi had in mind, he just wanted to keep him from running away, and Ye Han also planned to go and see what the mystery was in the place where Bibi Dong stayed, Mang Tian Chi's invitation can be said to coincide with his thoughts.

As for leaving, if Ye Han wanted to leave, no one in this Dou Qi Continent could stop him, he just had to pay a certain price.

After flying for a distance with Mang Tianchi, Ye Han suddenly remembered that he seemed to have forgotten something very important.

Turning back suddenly, the red shadow came into view.

Ye Han smiled and said to Mang Tianchi, "Dean, wait a moment, I'll come when I go."

After he finished speaking, Ye Han did not wait for Mang Tianchi to respond, and Ye Han had already stepped out and came to the figure in red.

"Why are you still crying?"

Ye Han helplessly looked at the girl with tears streaming down her face, and reached out to help her wipe the tears from her face.

"You, you already have a wife. Why do you want to provoke me when you have a family?" Hu Jia's face was filled with tears, looking at Ye Han who was in front of him and complained feebly.

"A man's mouth is a liar, do you believe me if I say that person is my wife?" Ye Han's eyes showed a look of surprise, and he reached out and touched Hu Jia's face.

"They are so powerful that I can't even catch up. I said she was my wife, just to lie to the dean's old You wouldn't really believe it, would you?" Ye Han said.

"Cough cough!"

The corner of Mang Tianchi's mouth twitched slightly, and he coughed to remind Ye Han that he was still here, not blind or deaf, and asked him to pay attention to what he said.

Ye Han didn't seem to notice this.

"Okay, don't cry anymore, let's go, I'll take you to a place to see." After speaking, Ye Han took Hu Jia's little hand, took her up into the air, and came to Mang Tianchi.

Mang Tianchi glanced at Ye Han, and couldn't help shaking his head secretly in his heart. He really couldn't see through this man who looked too young.

It seems to be unobtrusive, but in fact, is it really like that?

Mang Tianchi is an old man, his eyelashes are empty, how can he not tell the difference.

If he had nothing to do with that woman, why would the woman show such an expression when she saw him, and, after finding out that he was with Hu Jia, she was so angry that she turned around and left.

In addition, there is the vague pressure from Ye Han.

Identity background, origin and strength, mysterious and unpredictable, Mang Tianchi didn't know what to do for a while, so he could only wait for a moment with him, and then took him to a cave.

It was said to be a cave, but it was actually a huge gatehouse. On the plaque, there were five big characters, Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's Mansion.

The Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's Mansion is located at a depth of 10,000 meters under the earth. Standing outside, it is dark inside, like a bottomless abyss, like a big mouth that chooses people to devour.

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