A huge mushroom cloud rose up, bursting with dazzling and dazzling light.

The huge energy fluctuation makes the whole world vibrate, and it can be deeply felt even if the distance is far away.

At this moment, not to mention that Hu Qian was shocked, even Ye Han was a little surprised.

That energy fluctuation is too powerful. If I can't bear it with my current strength alone, I'm afraid it will turn into fly ash in an instant.

Something happened, something happened.

Ye Han also had this idea in his heart.

Hu Gan appeared, and no longer cared about hiding, he went directly to Hu Jia, looking at the confused granddaughter nestled in Ye Han's arms, Hu Qian turned to look at Ye Han.

"Boy, I don't know what means you used to deceive my granddaughter, but since a man has done it, he must take the responsibility of a man and take good care of her. If she loses a hair in the future, I will use Canaan College's In the name of the dean, I swear that I will never spare you." Leaving a sentence, Hu Gan grew two vindictive wings behind him, soaring into the sky, and quickly disappeared.

Ye Han's eyes flickered, and the expression on his face was slightly cold...

"Ye Han, my grandfather didn't do it on purpose. He just cares about me and is afraid that I will be wronged. Don't you get angry with him, okay?" Hu Jia looked at Ye Han's icy face, couldn't help being timid, and said weakly. .

A woman who is in love cannot be rationalized in her emotions.

The current Hu Jia is different from the usual Hu Jia.


Ye Han nodded, then looked at Hu Jia's worried face, couldn't help but smiled, and said, "How could I be mad at him? He was able to raise my girlfriend so well, I thank him before it's too late! I Just wondering what the **** is going on there?"

Hu Jia's eyes followed Ye Han's, and her small face was instantly filled with astonishment, and it was only then that she noticed the change in the horizon.

"There is, Canaan College, the inner courtyard." Hu Jia sucked in a breath of cold air and muttered.

"Let's go over and take a look." Ye Han said.

"But..." Hu Jia opened her mouth, but she closed her mouth before she finished speaking.

Because Ye Han had already lifted her into the air with her in his arms, he came directly into the air, and flew towards the mushroom cloud in the sky like an arrow from the string.

The hurricane roared and the wind was galloping fast. The speed was even faster than Grandpa, but in an instant he caught up with Grandpa who left first.

Leaving the contempt of a king, Ye Han was even faster and carried Hu Jia away directly. On the way, there was a very coquettish drift, and Hu Gan was stunned when he saw it.

"What kind of strength does this guy have?" Hu Gan was dumbfounded, and the fighting spirit behind his back was about to break, but he could only watch Ye Han's figure disappear in front of his eyes with his granddaughter in his arms, and finally even the taillights of the car disappeared. out of sight.

Moreover, when he thought of passing by, his granddaughter seemed to wave to him, and Hu Gan felt depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

He now probably guessed why his granddaughter fell so quickly.

"I don't know which old man you are. If you dare to deceive my granddaughter's feelings, even if I give up this old life, I will not let you go." Hu Gan cursed inwardly and pursued even harder.

Unfortunately, compared to Ye Han, he is still the speed of a classic car.

The vast forest was boundless, and a violent hurricane blew from the front, causing all the boundless trees to fall in one direction.

At this moment, a figure in white was carrying a red-clothed woman against the wind to commit the crime, heading against the wind, riding the wind and waves, and flew towards the long-lasting mushroom cloud in the distance.

He walked quickly, but even so, it took more than an hour to get close to the place where the mushroom cloud erupted.

At the moment, there is only a faint shadow left in the mushroom cloud, as if it will dissipate at any time, but it is very strong and shameless, just unwilling to disappear from this world.

Ye Han stopped and stopped to watch.

In this forest and ocean, there is an antique building complex.

Unfortunately, most of the buildings at the moment have collapsed, and some people are even more disheartened, looking at the figure above the sky in embarrassment, slightly in a daze.

The white clothes are peerless, and the black hair is flying.

She was wearing a veil, tall and slender, with a white belt lightly tied around her slender willow waist. The simple attire showed her graceful curves.

"Who are you? Why did you appear in my Canaan Academy?" An old figure appeared across from her and said in a low voice.

Although his face is old, his voice is very rich, and the momentum on his body is even more unfathomable.

Some older people on the ground had already recognized who he was, and they were immediately a little excited.

Mang Tianchi, the dean of Canaan Academy, a Dou Zun-level powerhouse who was considered dead by the world, suddenly appeared at this moment. How could this not make the people of Canaan Academy excited.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you are blocking my way." The woman opened her mouth, her voice was soft, graceful and pleasant, but the faintness gave off an indescribably precious and sharp-edged domineering.

Soft beauty and domineering are perfectly blended together. Such a woman is unique in this entire Dou Qi continent.

Mang Tianchi could hear the displeasure in the woman's voice, but he did not back down.

"The sudden appearance of the girl has ruined the secret realm that my Canaan Academy has guarded for many years. Shouldn't I give an explanation?" Mang Tianchi said.

"It's just an ancient tomb. If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. I prevented the direction of energy leakage. It is a gift not to let your academy be destroyed. Get out of the way. I am in a good mood and don't want to do it." The woman said.

Mang Tianchi was silent for a moment. Indeed, as the woman said, if she hadn't changed the direction of energy release, very few of Canaan College would have survived.

But it's not possible to let her leave just like that.

Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's Cave Mansion is a secret he has guarded for many years, but he has never entered once, but this woman came out of it. How could he allow her to leave like this?

However, when he looked at the woman in front of him again, he found that her eyes were looking in other directions.

Those eyes are blurred, like joy, like melancholy, like reminiscence, extremely complicated...

Mang Tianchi followed the woman's gaze, and a tall figure in white came into view. There was also a woman in red beside him, the aura on her body seemed to be somewhat familiar.

Ye Han looked at the white-clothed woman standing in the sky in the distance, like an immortal, and her expression was also a little erratic.

The woman's body was surrounded by a faint white haze. Under the sunlight, she was like a mysterious girl from the Nine Heavens.

He couldn't see clearly, but just the feeling of looking at flowers in the fog gave people an amazing feeling.

As if there was a consonance in her heart, when Ye Han just arrived and his eyes fell on her, the woman also turned her head and looked over.

Looking at each other, Ye Han couldn't help but frown slightly.

He can guarantee that he has never seen this woman, but for some reason, there is always a sense of familiarity in his heart, as if this woman is the most important person in his life, and he has a constant connection with him.

"Beauty, do you dare to show your true face." The corner of Ye Han's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a wicked smile~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Humph! Dogs can't stop eating shit. "The woman snorted coldly, looked away from Ye Han, and glanced at Hu Jia, who was in his arms, with a flash of coldness in her eyes.

As soon as I got out of the customs, I saw my lover. It was a happy thing.

However, seeing that he was holding another woman in his arms, it was no wonder that she was in a good mood.

At this moment, the gentle aura disappeared, leaving only the coldness and nobility. This scene made Ye Han's brows wrinkle deeply, and the sense of familiarity became stronger.


With a cold snort, it was as if the might of heaven and earth was approaching, and the irreversible terrifying might of the bearer landed directly on Mang Tianchi in front of him, causing his complexion to turn white instantly, and he involuntarily spit out a mouthful of blood.

With a look of astonishment in his eyes, he looked at the woman in front of him with disbelief in his eyes.

He could feel that the realms of the two were similar, but he couldn't stop the other party's power of drinking...

Mang Tianchi staggered back, the woman glanced at Ye Han, a trace of complexity flashed in her eyes, then turned around and flew in the other direction.

"Bibi Dong!"

It was a ghost, and at the moment when the woman in white turned around, the name suddenly popped into Ye Han's mind, and he shouted loudly without thinking.

The woman who had appeared in the distance paused slightly, and the corner of her mouth under the veil could not help but outline a smile that was enough to amaze all beings.

"Unexpectedly, I have become like this, and he actually recognizes it."

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