From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 422: : Cannibal Spring

In this barren western frontier, it is generally impossible for a Dou Zong strong person to have an accident.

Besides, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger is still two Dou Zongs. For so many days, the demon spirit has always been on her body.

Now, after seeing the arrow on the ground, Ye Han instantly understood.

The Dark Devil Evil God Tiger should be chasing those people, not something happened.

After probably understanding the whereabouts of the Dark Demon Tiger, Ye Han smiled again, and at the same time he couldn't help but let out a sigh.

After all, he was careless.

In recent days, the major forces of the Jiama Empire have been easily taken down by him, the Douhuang strongman Yun Yun was easily acquired by him, and the Douzun strongman Queen Medusa fell in love with him, and put away that in front of him. Queen Fan, a little woman who became a little bird and a person, coupled with the substantial increase in his strength, before he knew it, he swelled up and felt that he was invincible.

It wasn't until now that he remembered that he had left the Jama Empire and was about to go to Zhongzhou, where the strong gathered.

Now a group of idiots can set traps on themselves and make them almost get hit. What if it was someone else?

Fortunately, it was discovered in time, and was taught a lesson in advance.

Ye Han woke up in time, and his mentality quickly adjusted.

The mentality of the game red dust is terrible now. Now he is a weak person, and he must quickly improve his strength.

As Ye Han thought about it in his heart, he quickened his pace and rushed in the direction pointed by the arrow.

Cannibals, as the name suggests, is a cannibal race full of evil and terror.

Normally, it is impossible for such a group to exist to this day, but this is a wandering group, living in no fixed place, ghosts and ghosts, there is no way to know where their old nest is.

And these guys can't be killed no matter how they kill them. Even if they kill all of them, there might be another batch that pops up one day. People living in this land can only take precautions. When you come, you can save your own life, that's enough.

Thinking back about the cannibals, Ye Hanyao's Yaotou.

Whether it is impossible to destroy the root, or is there another hidden meaning, some people do not want to let these guys perish, this is a question worth thinking about!

However, it has nothing to do with Ye Han.

Anyone who stands in my way will be destroyed.

Ye Han had two wings on his back, and the wind of the lunar sun swirled, rising into the sky like a glimmer of light, and the speed was extremely fast, dozens of miles in an instant.

"These guys are really cunning."

Looking at the arrow on the ground, Ye Han smiled slightly, and could not help but let out a murmur in his heart.

Then, after walking more than ten miles, another arrow appeared, pointing in another direction.

"I'll wipe it! You're messing with me, right? If you have this skill, you can bring people back." Ye Han's face was full of helplessness, and he was speechless at the extravagance of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

However, Ye Han was really satisfied with this guy's attitude.

After all, who has the final say in this family, the little guy is very clear, this is worthy of praise.

With patience, it took nearly an hour for Ye Han to finally discover the arrogant little figure of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

The jet-black hair was flying, and the tight leather jacket wrapped around the bumpy Miaoman suburb. The jade-white face contrasted sharply with the black clothes, which made her skin appear more transparent and had a special temptation.

Ye Han came to her side, and without turning her head, she said directly, "Those people arrested a lot of people, most of them were girls, and many men were killed and used as food."

"This is the person who is controlled by instinct, and this is the reason why I let you control the killing." Ye Han said.

Regarding the reason why the cannibals arrested the woman, Ye Han knew very well that without him, it was just for the sake of inheriting the lineage.

If a group wants to develop, it is necessary to inherit the lineage, and cannibals are no exception.

Many captured women have already been abused on the road. If there is no accident, they will be brutally tortured for a month. If they fail to become pregnant after two or three months, there is only one result waiting for them. eaten.

If you are pregnant, you can live longer.

But after giving birth, the fate of becoming food and being eaten is inevitable.

This information is not a secret in the western frontier of the Dou Qi Continent.

At this time, the women below all looked numb, like walking corpses, fell to the ground, their eyes were empty, their faces were gray, and they were completely desperate.

Liu Erlong didn't know the behavior of cannibals, but through what she saw and heard along the way, she already vaguely understood what was waiting for her.

Death, she has no fear now.

However, she shuddered when she thought of the torture she was going to suffer before dying.

At this moment, how much she hopes that that hateful man can appear.

Since meeting Ye Han, Liu Erlong has prayed to the sky more than once, hoping that Yu Xiaogang can come to save him like a divine soldier.

But she was full of hope again and again and was shattered by reality again and again. Now, she has no hope for that ethereal thing. She just wants the man who forced her to call her husband for days to appear.

Now, he is all Liu Erlong's hope.

At this moment, the eyes of the two cannibals fell on Liu Erlong.

These guys are inconvenient and ugly, as long as they are female creatures who can inherit their lineage, they like it.

It is precisely because of this that Liu Erlong has been able to survive until now.

But, now...

Liu Erlong's pupils shrank, only to see two palms stretched out towards him...

In the past few days, she has been full every day and has sufficient energy to nourish her body, and her mobility has basically recovered.

However, in the face of two strong cannibals, how could she be a weak woman, not to mention her hands were already tied.

Ye Han sees everything in his eyes, how could he miss such an opportunity for a hero to save beauty before him.

But just when he wanted to act, his arm was suddenly pulled.

Ye Han looked looked at the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, but found that she was not looking at herself, but in another direction.

Ye Han followed his gaze, and in an instant, he understood the reason why he was holding him.

More than a dozen figures appeared in his sight, and one of them was a pretty woman who was the most eye-catching. Who else could it be if it wasn't Xiao Xun'er?

The girl's appearance is so outstanding that even if she is wearing sackcloth and linen and stands among the crowd, she can be recognized at a glance.

There is no doubt that Xiao Xun'er failed to escape and was directly caught.

But these people are not bad people, they are here for cannibals.

Xiao Xun'er told the truth and told her experience and the reason for stealing other people's clothes. With her excellent appearance, she won the understanding of everyone.

After learning the purpose of these people, Xiao Xun'er felt a little sullen when she thought of what happened to her, so she volunteered to follow these people to find the traces of the cannibals.

The spring of the cannibals is here, when they are in full bloom, and this is also the time when they leave the most clues. It took a group of people nearly an hour to finally find this stronghold for the cannibals to rest.

At the same time that Ye Han discovered this group of people, the cannibals also discovered their existence.

The howl of Ou Ou instantly resounded through the heavens and the earth, like the howling of a wolf, like the barking of a wild dog, and like the howl of a jackal, making people shudder.

In the face of a sudden enemy, the cannibals can't just abandon the prey they have, and a war is about to break out...

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