Chapter 422 Illusion

The sky is high and the earth is wide, the sky is blue, and the white clouds are dotted on it, which is empty and beautiful.

The breeze was gentle, and the plants on the ground swayed with the wind, making them feel comfortable and leisurely.

However, in a wilderness, not only was there no grass, but it was like being burned by fire, hit by meteorites, trampled by some large beasts, and it was a mess.

However, on this desolate and broken land, a young girl with skin like snow, without an inch of strands, was lying on the ground with red fruit.

The undulating chest showed that she was still alive, not a corpse.

The pure white Bullying Frost and Sai Xue, shaded by bright red, bloom like two cold plums...

The dazzling white, the gorgeous red, and the mysterious black are intertwined into a beautiful picture. It is a pity that no one appreciates such a beautiful scenery here, and no one is lucky enough to witness it.

The long eyelashes trembled slightly, and the girl's bright eyes slowly opened.

The black and white eyes seemed to be the finishing touch, making that flawless pretty face instantly come alive.

She is so beautiful and refined, like an orchid in an empty valley, like an exiled immortal who doesn't eat the fireworks of the world, and like a mountain ghost in the mountains...

The girl raised her eyes and looked around, but did not find the person who saved her in distress, and felt a little lost in her heart.

Thanks to that person, she was able to avoid this catastrophe, but unfortunately the other person has already left, and she doesn't even know what the other person looks like.

At this moment, a breeze blows.

The cool feeling ran across the skin, so clear, so direct... It was as if I had no clothes on.

The girl looked down, her face instantly flushed red, a sharp cry cut through the sky, and then she was abruptly stopped.

Covering her mouth with one hand, her black and white eyes rolled around, looking around, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she didn't find the second creature.

The palm covering his mouth was released, revealing a bright red face, a pretty face full of shame and anger.

He got up quickly, his eyes were blurry, and he wanted to find something that could cover his body.

Unfortunately, because of her battle with the cannibals, this place has long since turned into a scorched earth, not to mention a piece of clothing, even a few intact leaves.

The girl's cheeks were blushing, and there was no one else around, so she could only sneak around like a thief, and quickly ran forward...

The charming back is very charming.

Everything on her body was swept away by Ye Han, so it could be said that she was penniless.

Fortunately, the girl was ingenious. After leaving this barren land, she made a piece of clothing for herself with some bark and leaves, barely covering her body, so as not to run away all the time.

Then, after encountering a human village, the daughter of the ancients became a thief.

For the first time in my life, I stole something, not gold and silver jewelry, nor silk and satin, but a coarse linen.

Unexpectedly, she was discovered just after getting dressed.

A small village seems to be weak, but it has hidden secrets. There are dozens of strong fighting spirits stationed in it, and there are even three fighting kings.

After the girl was discovered, she was like a frightened bird and fled in an instant.

"Come up and have a look."

A strong fighting king gives orders.

The girl's behavior was so strange that she even went to a small village to steal a sackcloth.

Of course, if she is an ordinary person, it would be fine, and it can be justified, but just by looking at her movement, you can see that she is definitely not an ordinary person. How could such an existence go to a small village to steal things? Do not arouse the vigilance of this group of people.

One person ran wildly ahead, while a group of people chased after him.

Although the girl was only a big Dou Shi, her speed was indeed extremely fast, and a group of Dou Spirits and Dou Kings couldn't catch up with her immediately.

As a result, this group of people became more curious and pursued it harder.

The more outstanding she is, the more difficult it is for these people to let her go.

The words were divided into two parts, but they said that Ye Han was here.

After taking a pill for Xiao Xun'er, he left.

There was no one inhabited for dozens of miles around, and the girl would no longer be in any danger. With his medicinal pill, she would recover very quickly, so Ye Han walked away with peace of mind.

But she forgot that all the things stored on the girl are on her body, she can be described as impermanent.

Taking off the mask, Ye Han returned to Liu Erlong with a pile of firewood, looking at the figure with his back turned to him, an inexplicable smile flashed in his eyes.

"Are you hungry? I'll make something delicious for you." Ye Han said.

After speaking, Ye Han immediately started to make a fire.

Suddenly, his eyebrows twitched slightly.

"That's not right! When has Liu Erlong been so peaceful?"

After getting along for so many days, Ye Han probably knows very well what Liu Erlong's character is.

This is definitely not a quiet master. If she doesn't say a few words to herself every day, she will feel uncomfortable. Today, she has been away for so long, such a good opportunity, how could she just let it go?

But now, she just sits there so quietly, silent like a wooden man, that's not good for Liu Erlong, right?

Just when Ye Han realized that something was wrong, suddenly, one after another, the sound of breaking through the air came.


The place where Ye Han had just stood turned into a deep pit with a radius of three or four meters, and Ye Han's tall figure had long since disappeared.


There was a dull physical collision, and a tall, strong, cannibal savage with a white pattern on his body, wearing a leather skirt around his waist, flew in response.

His body bowed into shrimp, like a cannonball slammed into the jungle in the distance.

"Illusion! Mudd, I almost hit the road."

Ye Han cursed angrily, then looked at the other two barbarians, smiled slightly, showing two rows of white teeth, and said, "Where did you take my people?"

Under the sun, the two rows of teeth exuded a dazzling brilliance, dazzling and charming, but it made people shudder.

The remaining two barbarians looked at each other with a hint of fear in their eyes, and they couldn't help but step back slightly.

Although they are stupid and uneducated, their instincts from life and death are sharper than normal people.

Ye Han's shot just now made them instantly realize that they couldn't be this person's opponent at all, so they immediately wanted to run.

It's a pity that Ye Han didn't give them a chance at all.

"Since you can't communicate, then die!" Ye Han said.

The index finger and **** of the right hand came together and pointed out, the two forces of Taiyin and Sun turned into two long swords, as if two dragons flew out in an instant, directly piercing the two people and turning them into flying ashes.

Afterwards, he flew into the distant mountains and forests, and killed the person who had just been punched by him before he gave up.

Ye Han turned his head and saw that "Liu Erlong" was slowly disappearing, slowly blending into the world.

Ye Han frowned slightly, glanced around, and finally saw a hidden arrow.

Seeing this, Ye Han finally breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his face again.

(End of this chapter)

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